Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1028: Invented the black hole attack against the sky!

Ps: Look at the exclusive story behind "Jiuyang Juggernaut", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter qdread), tell me quietly! "Hey..."

Under the control of the Queen of the Sea Heart, within the void of the entire Holy Land, the swordsmanship that stunned the earth was slammed.

Every word is almost the power of the Holy Order.

The mermaid queen and the poisonous queen, quickly rushed to the front of Yang Dingtian, blocking the stunned swordsman for him.


This sword mang, slammed on the scimitar of the Mermaid Queen.

Suddenly, her body trembled fiercely and the whole face became white.

Then, another terrible sword mang, slammed down.

The Queen of Poison is desperately blocked.

Yangding Tian was shocked and immediately flew forward, and together with the poisonous sand, blocked this amazing sword.


The Queen of Poisons shouted and slammed a blood.

The body of Yangdingtian flew a few hundred meters directly, and the blood in his mouth was mad.

The Queen of the Sea has been completely transformed into a snake, entrenched in a huge pyramid, shaking a huge body.

And the pyramid of the whole life is also shaking, and it looks like a terrible horror.

On the Queen of the Sea Heart, six arms appeared.

The entire face, there is no human face, and it seems to have completely turned into the face of a viper.

Six arms hold a variety of swords. Waving wildly.

Suddenly, countless swordsmen were killed by the air.

Every way. Almost all of them will be poisoned with poisonous sand and Yangding.

"Sea heart, leaving the life of Yangdingtian, don't kill!" After the devil, Ji Ji shouted loudly.

"I'm sorry, I can only try my best, I can't guarantee it." Queen Haixin said: "And here is my plane, my territory! Anyone here, obey my will. It is easy to let Yangding They broke into my territory. They must not let them leave alive, otherwise he will die. It is mine!"

At this time, Haixin’s business has completely become hoarse, just like a snake is talking.

That's right. This holy place belongs to her territory, her plane, she controls the pyramid of tens of millions of lives, even if the holy power is here, it must crouch.


Three people in Yangdingtian, madly avoiding the horrific swordsman of the Queen of the Sea Heart, attacking the sky with energy. Use the fastest speed to flash in the void.

The Queen of the Sea, constantly twisting the huge body. Controlling the pyramids of several kilometers high, it is easy to go to the direction of Yangdingtian and launch a deadly attack on them.

After the devil, Ji Ji was shocked. In the Tongtian Emperor Jing, the Queen of the Sea Heart looks like the least outstanding one, so that everyone instinctively despise her.

Who knows that in her own plane, she seems to be so powerful.

Will be a holy level, two and a half holy level chasing kills no effort to fight back!

no way. This is the plane of the Queen of the Sea, she is not only the entire pyramid. There is also the power of the entire energy array.


The speed of three people, but still better than the energy of the sky.

In just a moment, the three men of Yangdingtian have joined forces to attack dozens of attacks.

The mermaid Queen Violet bears the most damage.

Finally, when the green light of the terrible horror was shot down.

The mermaid spurt a spurt of blood and instantly became weak.

Once the mermaid queen fell, the Queen of Poison and Yang Dingtian could not hold these shocking attacks.


Yangdingtian is holding two people, even though he has already evaded quickly to the extreme.



A tens of thousands of meters of energy wall slammed down and hit the three people.

The mermaid queen picked up all the energy, blocking the shock, and then squirting a blood.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Like the monster, the Queen of the Sea King laughed: "The holy power is really enviable. But here is my field, the energy of tens of millions of people, the energy of the entire east from the grassland. All for me to drive. Even if the Holy Power is in front of me, I can only lie! I think you can block it several times!"


Queen of the Sea Heart controls the entire energy array, one after another energy wall, crazy down!

The mermaid queen, resisted another one.

In just a few moments, I was hit hundreds of times!

"Oh..." The mermaid queen’s last blue blood spurted out and then fainted.

Before the mermaid queen fainted, he complained to Yang Dingtian: "You should have killed her long ago, otherwise there is a disaster today?"

Killing the sea? Yangdingtian has never had a chance. But if you have a chance in the future, you will definitely not let it go.

Without the protection of the mermaid queen, the Queen of Poison and the Yangdingtian, instantly became vulnerable.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Queen Haixin issued a burst of laughter: "Poison Sha, my good sister, you actually resurrected, this is why it is hard. Why do you want to live, after you live, I will Yang Dingtian has completely broken, you have made me no choice. I will not kill him today, he will kill me in Japan!"

Yang Dingtian ignored what the Queen of the Seas said, but with two women bursting wildly.

"Hey..." Yangding violently controlled the soul sword, frantically excavating the hollow dome, trying to dig a cave and then flashing out.

Near the emperor's soul sword, quickly digging, and dig into the tens of meters in a blink of an eye.


A huge energy, violently shot from the dome, directly hit the soul sword hundreds of meters away.

Suddenly, the digging of the soul sword stopped.

"Oh..." Another huge energy, slammed down.

"Hey..." The Queen of Poison, who was hit, was like a flower that was struck by lightning. Direct blood squirting, fainting past.

In the end, only Yang Dingtian is left alone. Two pregnant women who are holding poisonous and mermaid.

The face of the Queen of the Sea Heart sneered, saying: "Yangdingtian, you can now know how much tolerance I have shown to you before? You shouldn’t do it, you should never resurrect the Queen of Poison, you do, There is only one dead road! Of course. You want me to change my mind and change it very easily. I will kill my poisonous sister again!"

"Stupid." Yang Dingtian cold and cold: "Ugly monster!"

This is the case. The Queen of the Sea Heart suddenly slammed and screamed: "Yangdingtian, you are looking for death!"

Then, slamming an energy wall is about to fall.

"Hai Xin. Leave Yang Ding Tian Yi Ming." After the devil died Ji Dao: "His body, the devil is still useful!"

The Queen of the Sea Heart laughed and said: ‘Reassure, I will leave him a life, but it’s not complete, I can’t guarantee it! ”


Then, another tens of thousands of meters of energy wall, suddenly surpassed the sky.

This energy wall smashed down, and the result of Yangdingtian was only one, and it fainted in an instant. All the mysterious veins were instantly torn.

Haixin has already calculated it well, and she is able to bear the strength of Yangdingtian’s Jiuyang Xuanmai. It is very, very clear!

This fight will definitely not be spared!


This thrilling energy slammed into the top of the sky!

However, he is completely safe and sound!

Queen of the Sea Heart slammed, completely puzzled why this is!

Then she slammed a shock.狠狠砸向阳天天, this time has directly exceeded the energy of the 18th order.

It has already brought a fatal danger to Yangdingtian.

but. Yangdingtian is still safe and sound.

"Impossible, this is impossible..." Queen of the Seas stunned.

Then she violently increased the energy to the holy level, full of twenty steps.

According to normal, if Yangdingtian is hit by 20th-order energy, there is only one result, that is, the instantaneous gray smoke disappears, and the body is broken.

Unbeatable energy, after slamming down.

Yangdingtian is still safe and sound!


Because, the sky above the sky, has been completely shrouded by a dark Xuanhuo vortex!

Just now, the three people completely gave up the evasion. The mermaid queen slammed the attack of the entire **** magic squad again, but Yang Dingtian did not move.

It is because Yangdingtian wants to make a dark swirling nest, which takes time!

Finally at the last moment, the dark nest of Yangdingtian was formed.

For the dark vortex can not block this shocking attack, Yang Dingtian completely do not know. Because I have never tried it.

But at such a fatal moment, Yangdingtian has only one way to try it.

The spiritual power of the Naga royal family in the Soul Sword has no intention of saving, so Yang Dingtian can only try with the dark vortex.

As a result, he succeeded.

The dark vortex can devour all energy, and this is true. So, as long as the dark vortex is created, all the energy around it will be swallowed up.

However, Yangdingtian is worried that the energy that the dark vortex can devour will not exceed the self-cultivation of Yangdingtian.

Because of the space door he made, he could not pass through a creature more powerful than himself.

Fortunately, the things that Yangdingtian worried about did not happen.

Just like nuclear fusion on the earth, knowing that it can completely solve the earth's energy problems. But without any container, you can hold the next nuclear fusion. One direction of final thinking is to wrap nuclear fusion with a rotating magnetic array.

The magnetic force of the rotation of the area can completely surround the extremely powerful nuclear fusion.

Then, the dark vortex composed of the dark and dark fire of Yangdingtian repair can accommodate dozens of times, hundreds of times or even more energy.

Therefore, Yangdingtian once and for all, blocked the shocking attack of the Queen of the Sea.

A powerful black hole that easily devours all the energy.

Seeing this scene, the demon dying Ji is completely shocked!

Yangdingtian is as horrible as it is, and the Queen’s death knows clearly that the Queen of the Seas controls the attack energy of the entire Hellfire, and even he may not be able to stop it, but Yangdingtian can easily block it. What is this? amazing.

Then, after the demon death, Ji woke up and said: "The sea heart, immediately open the energy cover, the mermaid queen and the poisonous sand have been fainted. Now only Yang Dingtian is alone, I can rush to it!"

Although the Queen of the Sea Heart is extremely horrified and unwilling, the Queen’s death is currently the best way.

However, Shura Lingling was shocked by Yangding Tian at this time. At this time, despite his concern, he was filled with infinite hope!

The Queen of the Seas jumped from the pyramid and went to open the energy cover and rushed to hold the Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian sneered: "I want to catch me and be your spring and autumn dream!"

He slammed the dark vortex into the dome of the pilgrimage site.

Then, suddenly reverse the dark vortex.

In an instant, all the energy that is swallowed is released suddenly!


Suddenly, the mountain shakes and the earth-shattering explosion.

The dome of the entire Holy Land was violently bombed with a giant hole a few hundred meters deep.

Yangding sky flashed into this huge hole, and in a blink of an eye, the thin layer of the dome was dug, and the poisonous sand and the mermaid queen were instantly held, disappearing without a trace!

"Sea heart, unless you have been hiding in this **** magic array, otherwise you will meet me again, it is your death." Yang Dingtian sneered: "I want to thank you very much, let me in the desperate situation, and invent A near-invincible practice, how about my black hole attack?"

"Hey..." Yangdingtian was holding the poisonous sand and the mermaid, rushing out of the lake, and then flew away to the urgent mainland waters without any delay.

This embarrassment, Yang Dingtian failed to rescue the demon and the purple.

But Yangdingtian still has a huge harvest.

The black hole attack should be the most terrible attack in the world.

With this, even if you face the holy powerhouse, Yangdingtian is not without the power of a war!

Next, everything in Yangdingtian must be grasped, even including a true and innocent gestation of a child, so that Naru will come to his side, and the Bright Council will have another powerful Holy Power. .


After the demon, he saw the disappearance of Yangdingtian and muttered to himself: "Black hole attack, black hole attack, against the sky! There is no chance to seize the sun, and the devil will be resurrected immediately!"

As soon as this was said, it seemed as if the air around it was suddenly dark. (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter qdread), immediately participate! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to qdread WeChat public number!) (To be continued)


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