Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1031: Against the sky, Naga sword soul!

Ps: Look at the exclusive story behind "Jiuyang Juggernaut", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point public number (WeChat add friends to add public number input), and tell me quietly!

There is nothing wrong with innocent.

Although the nucleus of the Naga royal family is extremely tough, when the temperature of the singer's demon fire rises to a certain extent, it really begins to melt.

Of course, this melting did not deplete the demon of the Naga kings.

Inside, it is still like a starry sky, full of endless energy.

Yang Dingtian’s other hand also summoned a Yiling demon fire and began to burn the sword tail of the Emperor’s soul sword.

Soon, the sword tail composed of the blood of Wujin began to melt, revealing the demon nucleus of the Millennium Nightingale.

This is actually a temperature difference. At this temperature, the blood of Wujin will melt away, but the demon nucleus of the Millennium Nightingale will not be destroyed.

The melted sword tail fell a little bit, and Yangdingtian wrapped it directly with Xuanqi, and prevented it from getting out of the sword.

When the demon nucleus of the millennium night is completely outside, Yangdingtian can even see that there are countless Xuanmai fines in it.

Yangdingtian controls the melting Naga kings' demon nucleus and directly wraps the demon nucleus covering the Millennium Nightingale.

At this time, the +c, ww↗w. demon nucleus of the Naga royal family has completely turned into a liquid, and in a blink of an eye, the demon nucleus of the Millennium Nightingale is completely wrapped, completely impenetrable.

Yangdingtian continued to raise the temperature of the Yiling demon fire, and continued to burn by burning.

Suddenly, the temperature of the liquid of the Naga king's demon nucleus is getting higher and higher, getting higher and higher, and finally it has become a golden water, but there is absolutely no damage.

This is actually not very reasonable. Because any substance will be burned.

The reason why the Naga king's demon nucleus was not burned is because it is not just a matter, but an energy body.

However, the demon nucleus of the millennium night owl is obviously unable to withstand such a terrible high temperature, and suddenly blasts open, and it is directly smouldering.

The energy in the Millennium Nightmare has been spent a lot, but there are still many remaining. When the demon nucleus is destroyed. The energy inside will burst.

If it is outside, this should be equivalent to a giant missile, even more terrible power.

But at this time, the demon nucleus of the entire millennium night was wrapped in the liquid of the Naga king's demon nuclear.

So it should have been an earth-shattering explosion, but it has become like a storm in a teacup.

Yang Dingtian only felt the whole soul sword gently shocked, and then the white light flashed inside the demon nucleus.

In a flash, the golden Naga kings of the demon nucleus instantly turned into a transparent white.

Of course, only after an instant. The explosion disappeared.

The remnant energy of the demon nucleus of the millennium night, in front of the Naga kings, is really nothing, and it is easily swallowed up without a trace.

And the demon nucleus of the millennium night owl disappeared without a trace.

Throughout the process, the soul sword was not affected by even a little. As everyone knows, Xuanmai Essence must not be separated from energy for too long, even for half a second.

But this time replace the demon nucleus. It is completely seamless.

Yangdingtian stopped the Xuanhuo heating, the demon nucleus of the Naga royal family. Regained its original shape at a rapid rate, began to shrink, and finally recovered completely.

In the end, Yang Dingtian will melt the Wannian blood Wujin to completely wrap the nephew of the Naga royal family.

The whole emperor's soul sword, completely restored as before, it seems that there is no difference before.

then. Yang Dingtian carefully grasped the sword and began to use the gods and soul swords to contact.

It's a breeze, Yang Dingtian feels the sword and soul ugly! He immediately yelled and responded.

He grew up a little, but that's it, just from the newborn baby. It became a baby for a few months.

I have already tried to communicate with Yangdingtian, but I still can’t speak at all and I don’t mean what I mean.


This is not the result that Yang Dingtian wants. Yang Dingtian wants to be in contact with the spiritual power of the Naga royal family.

Yangdingtian sensed the soul of the sword over and over again, but every time it was only ugly, it responded excitedly.

The spiritual power of the Naga royal family still did not feel any trace.

It seems to have been replaced by the Naga kings, and there is no difference in it.

Yangdingtian is not reconciled, and immediately uses the gods to control the soul sword and fly!


In an instant, the speed completely scared Yang Tiantian to jump.

Also, it is too fast.

It is a golden light, and the Yangdingtian visually measures at least a dozen times the speed of sound, and the speed per second exceeds five kilometers.

Even the eyes of Yangdingtian are completely invisible, completely like a lightning bolt.

Moreover, at the time of flight, Yang Dingtian felt that the energy of the soul sword seemed completely endless.

Yangdingtian controls the soul sword to keep flying and flying. In just one minute, it has already flown a few hundred miles. After two or three minutes, it has already flown more than a thousand miles.

And the most terrifying thing is that despite more than a thousand miles, Yangdingtian can easily control the soul sword.

In other words, Yangdingtian can now do it completely, taking the first level thousands of miles away!

Yang Dingtian quickly summoned the soul sword back, re-hold it in his hand, and then turned to innocent: "There is a bad news, even though I changed the Naga king's demon nuclear. But the spiritual energy of the Naga royal family still has no peace. Any contact with me seems to be completely disregarding me."

Nothing to look at Yangding Tiandao: "How fast can you reach?"

Yangding Tiandao: "One hour, five or six thousand miles!"

Nothing to say: "I don't care about the loss of mystery. I can fly over an hour when I fly. And your soul sword has just seen the flight speed?"

Yangding nodded and said: "If you do not consider the control distance, its simple flight speed, an hour is more than 70,000 miles, or even 100,000 miles."

When this was said, everyone was suddenly stunned.

This flight speed is more than ten times that of the Holy Power.

Innocent almost holds the respiratory tract: "Can you imagine that this Naga king's demon nucleus is more than the holy level?"

Yang Dingtian nodded hard.

There is no doubt that the owner of this demon nucleus. That is, the cultivation of the Naga royal family is far more than the holy level. Even one of his demon nucleus is many times more than the sacred power.

Yang Dingtian clearly felt the shock inside, and then said: "Since, since this Naga king is so powerful, why didn't you make it into a soul sword before?"

Nothing looks like a Yang Tian Tiandao: "Do you think there are so many soul swords of the Emperor? Do you think anyone can collect more than a thousand miles of mysterious essence? I can guarantee. Except for your soul sword, any world. Soul Sword, as long as you put this Naga Kings demon nuclear, there is only one result, that is, the entire sword is instantly smouldering."

Yang Dingtian agreed to nod.

In fact, Yang Dingtian also felt that his own sword was a little trembling when he was flying at speed.

That is to say, even the sword body of the Emperor's soul sword can not withstand the powerful energy of the Naga kings. Unless the Emperor of the Soul, you can fully enjoy the demon nuclear of the Naga royal family.

Innocent continued: "And there is another reason. Even if someone else has a soul sword of the emperor, and installed the demon nucleus of this Naga king, it is absolutely impossible to control this soul sword. Do not believe, you give the soul sword Let me see."

Yang Dingtian carefully handed over.

Hold it gently and then type a little sigh.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the soul sword slammed into a stream, and flew straight out.

Without a small mouth, a stream of blood spouted.

"You. You're fine." Yang Dingtian hurryed forward and gently stroked her chest.

"The power of good hegemony." The blood of the corner of the mouth is innocent. Laughing toward Yangding Tian: "You know it is amazing now. No one in this world can steal your sword."

Yang Dingtian looked down and didn't know when the soul sword was in his hands. It flew back to Yang Diantian.

Innocent: "The spirit of the Naga royal family does not respond to you, but it defaults to the power of this demon nuclear. Otherwise, it can easily reverse the skin and crush you."

Yang Dingtian is silent for a long time: "In other words, in fact, this soul sword is not in my hands, but the Naga royal spirit acquiesced me to have it, right?"

Innocent: "Yes. Otherwise, you have seen the end of the soul of the soul of the sword with the demon nucleus, no one can control the tyrannical soul sword. If it is not the acquiescence of the Naga royal family, you can not control this demon nuclear Therefore, all of this is doomed. When the spiritual energy choice of the Naga royal family is briefly placed in your brain, it is already doomed."

Yangding Tiandao: "But, but it doesn't seem to be going to help me fight the World War?"

Nothing to say: "It is no longer necessary for it to be shot. You can win with the soul sword in your hand."

Yangdingtian did not dare to set the channel: "Just, rely on this soul sword?"

Innocent nodded: "Yes, it is with this soul sword."

Yangding Tiandao: "Even if it is far beyond the power of the Holy Class, it will not destroy the overwhelming demise of the Legion!"

Nothing to say: "Naga alone can do it, how can you not do your soul sword?"

Yangding Tiandao: "But, but Frost is a complete Naga, this is just a demon nuclear."

Nothing to say: "The solitary frost is just a Naga that has just completed its transformation, and the cultivation of this Naga royal family is completely different. So only a demon nuclear repair is more than a solitary frost, what is there? strange?"

Then, innocent and said: "Do you think that a dark dragon in the dark empire, how can human beings be cultivated to win?"

Yangding Tiandao: "At least the master level?"

Innocent shaking his head: "Unlimited master class, can really destroy a dark dragon, dark dragon ~ ~ Yangding Tiandeng tongue, then said: "But, but the frost is completely hundreds Only a few hundred spikes, even if it is strong, it is not to this level. ”

There is no such thing as saying: "Of course she is so strong, her invincible body, plus gold energy, plus almost endless gas and demon nuclear energy reserves, can instantly kill hundreds of black dragons and dragons."

Yang Dingtian once again felt a suffocation, and the gap between Naga and human beings was so great.

Nothing says: "And your soul sword is even stronger than Naga Frost!"

Innocent and stressed: "I promise!" (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends to add public number input), join now! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to the WeChat public account immediately!)

Ps: Please double the monthly ticket!

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