Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1056: Ling Dance Will! Spirit Curse!

Ximen Yanyan thought for a while: "Okay, let's go directly to the Netherland." Vertex fiction,"

If you switch to another woman, you may say that I want to stay to boost morale and express the will to fight with all the soldiers.

But the flames did not, but directly to the local promise, and even directly to the Nether Sea.

Because she does not have any political ambitions, she does not need to brush any sense of existence. And most importantly, she feels that this family is the safest.

Once, the demon road had a tacit understanding of Yang Dingtian’s family.

But now it seems that this tacit understanding has disappeared.

In the heart of the flames, nothing is more important than the safety of the family. Every child in the family is her sweetheart. Every sister in the family is her loved one.

The Netherland, probably only a few places where the Demon Road is difficult to deal with.

Where is the bottom of the sea, there are ancient giant beasts to accept the service, no matter whether it is the dark dragon dark dragon, can not pass.

Moreover, there is a strong energy field, which is the safest place.

After the decision, the flames and the family immediately acted.

At this time, the entire non-military personnel of Yunxiao City have all been evacuated.

The rest, there is only a family in Yangdingtian in the valley. Including Mrs. Simon, Shi Niang, and Yang Dingtian's wife, children.

After a little cleaning up, take a few konjac and go straight to the Nether Sea.

Before leaving, Yan Yan saw the meditation of meditation in the castle.

Since coming to Yunxiao City, Ling Dance is almost always the door, the second door is not a step, every day is repaired in the castle.

"Ling sister, we are going to the Netherland, you go with us." Ximen Yanyan Road.

Ling Wu looked at the flames for a while.

She used to hate this woman. Because at that time, Yangdingtian had never been to the fire island to pick her up, but always at the side of the flame.

But at this time, she felt that her hatred was really ridiculous. This girl is almost the most lovely and kind girl in the world.

Ling Wu smiled and said: "You called me like this, and invited me to the Nether Sea, is it for your family Yangding Tiannai I entered the door?"

Suddenly. The flames were smacked by the jokes of the lingering dance, and some of them were blushing, and then some stuttered: "I, of course, I am willing, but this kind of thing can only be decided by the husband himself."

This is also the flame, the mouth is stupid and can't talk.

If you change to Wu Mozhi, you can guarantee that you will be ashamed and arrogant. She would say, want to enter our house, how big the bust is, how big the ass. Where the color is fresh and not fresh, I want to inspect the goods.

Ling Dance is similar to Yan Yan, but she has experienced too many things. She sees the cute look of the flames and red eyes. The heart is envious and compassionate. "Oh, you are making trouble." I have stayed here for so long, and now I am in danger. I should contribute."

Ximen Yanyan said: "But, the evil spirits in your body. They gave them, they may have a way to deal with you."

Ling Wu shook his head and said: "My brother Wu Ningming can fight against the evil spirits. Second-class evil spirits can't suppress people's will. If I can't beat the second-class evil spirits, then I will pay for my brother. I have a hard time."

Ximen Flames nodded and said: "That's good. Then let's go first, see you later."

"See you later." Ling dance laughed, and finally couldn't help but said: "Yangdingtian protects you very well. It is really jealous to die."

Yan Yan was embarrassed to say: "Sister Ling does not laugh at me."

Ling dance gently smiles, Yang Dingtian protects the flames very well. And Wu Ningming. She is also well protected.

Although, this protection has not really started until Wu Ningming and Yangdingtian duel failed.

But I have to say that once a person is fully protected and loved, it is really difficult for her to fall into darkness and evil again.


Next, the whole big cloud city.

An unprecedented war preparation was carried out.

All the arsenals of the Bright Parliament, all the people inside, completely sleepless all day long, and race against time.

Crazyly made a new bomb, missile.

The sixth generation x spar formula bomb.

In particular, destroying class bombs and destroying class missiles.

All the secret factories are running wildly.

How many days will the Combat Army go to Dayunyu City?

How long does it take for the Battle of Yunxiao City to erupt, and how long is it left for Yunxiao City?

It’s totally unknown, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow.

The overwhelming demise of the corps will appear in the sky above Yunxiao City.

The entire Yunyunyu City, once again carried out a crazy reinforcement.

The wall that was already high enough and thick enough once again increased several times.

Both height and thickness have increased several times.

Moreover, behind the Yunxiao City are all huge mountains.

The Bright Parliament has transformed these mountains into a more sturdy line of defense.

At this time, the artillery of the entire Dayunyucheng Theater was more than 50,000.

As for the spar, it is even more astronomical.

However, the army in Yunxiao City has been many times less.

The original Northland War Zone, the two million troops inside, and all the important materials, have all retreated to the Great Cloud City.

Yunxiao City, originally had nearly two million elite, is used to support other theaters.

Together with the nearly three million troops pulled from the battlefield of the chaotic land, there are two million troops that have been withdrawn from the Northland theater.

At this time, the entire Yunyunyucheng Theater, the entire castle of Yunxiao City, has more than seven million troops.

However, under the order of the Guangming Parliament, more than five million troops were evacuated.

Withdrew to two directions, one is Iron Furnace City and the other is Xijing!

Although the Battle of Yunxiao City has not yet started, the Guangming Parliament has already prepared for the fall.

Prepare the Iron Furnace City Defence War and the Xijing Defence War.

And the entire northwestern continent, the rest of the people, even the people south of the sunset mountains, have to evacuate.

Withdrew to Zhongzhou and the Southwest.

Suddenly, the entire human kingdom. People are upset.

In particular, the fall of the Beiping Theater is even more like a Thunder strike for countless people.

It was only three days, and the entire chaotic land war zone was completely framed.

Fortunately in Xizhou, throughout the continent. Countless people have questioned the Bright Parliament. Even the attack is completely one after another.

Blame the incompetence of the bright parliamentary legion, blame the bright parliament, blame Yang Dingtian, and bring the whole world into the abyss of war.

Yang Dingtian has become the culprit in countless people's mouths.

And throughout Zhongzhou, countless underground organizations have been established.

These organizations have only one theme. Fighting the so-called guarantees of the Bright Council and welcoming the rule of the Temple of Destruction.

Many people have jumped out. It shows that there is such an intimate relationship with the demon road.

Therefore, as long as you know a demon person, you will immediately become a toon. Even if you only know a small role in the demon road, you can call the wind and even the fish people on the ground.

Throughout Zhongzhou, even countless families have begun to secretly create the flag of the Temple of Destruction, waiting for the Temple of Destruction to visit Zhongzhou.

Facing this kind of wishful ignorance. The Bright Parliament has long been too lazy to pursue it. As long as you don't jump out, as long as you don't open the assembly. It doesn't matter what you do at home in private.

But as long as someone dares to jump out. Immediately dispatch troops and use the most rigorous means to directly suppress them.

The crime is very simple, that is, war crimes, crimes against humanity.

The whole of Beijing. The chopped head has been around for a few miles, even dozens of miles.

But jumping out to lead the demon road, the people attacking the bright parliament, still one after another. Killing.

This group of people, you have to say that you are afraid of death, he is daring, and he is not afraid of the sword of the bright parliament, and often jumps out to rebel.

You have to say that he is daring, he is as timid as a mouse, and the squadron is still tens of thousands of miles away.

With this courage, it is better to go directly to the evil demon!

And the most ridiculous thing is that most of the rebel activities in this area are not organized by the demon. After the devil, Ji Ji holds a powerful force and simply disdains it.

Therefore, these leading parties who jumped out and rebelled and then were executed were all the ones that brought their own dry food.

It’s a big world, no wonder.


Time must pass in a day.

Finally, more than five million troops in Yunxiao City have all been evacuated to the south of the sunset mountains.

Iron furnace city, as well as the people of Xijing, have also been evacuated to the sea, ready to travel to Central and Southwest China.

The riots in the entire Zhongzhou, rebellion, are completely on the rise.

Later, the relevant documents were not sent to the Bright Parliamentary Command. Hand over to the various district chiefs and solve them themselves.

This is undoubtedly a killing order!

The chiefs of various defense zones in Zhongzhou are all the most iron-clad supporters of Yangdingtian. The most disgusting thing is that the people have a vicious attack on the Bright Council and on Yangdingtian.

Rely on, Lao Tzu is working hard for you.

In order to protect you, the Bright Parliament has been working hard for a few years.

As a result, you don’t appreciate it, you still have to rebel. And the reason for the rebellion is not because you can't eat enough, but to help the World Corps rule Zhongzhou and eliminate the Bright Parliament.

This, this is too **** ridiculous.

These officers are all hot and straight.

Therefore, this order of the Bright Parliamentary Command is undoubtedly a massacre.

In order to completely eliminate the order and ensure the progress of the war, the chiefs of these zones will surely kill the people.

Even the high-level parliamentary high-level officials have already proposed that the final goal should not be to defend Zhongzhou and defend Zhongjing. It is to defend the southwestern continent.

Only this area is the most loyal place of the Bright Parliament.

The people here are full of absolute love and support for the Bright Parliament. Even the loyalty of Nan Manzhou is much higher than that of Zhongzhou.

Moreover, in terms of the contribution of this war, the southwestern continent is much smaller and the population is much smaller. However, the contribution to the entire war is even greater than that of Zhongzhou.

Moreover, all the people in the entire southwestern continent are now in the midst of crazy production and construction.

Their brains are more direct, and they are now desperately producing, not only to defend Yunxiao City, but also to defend the southwestern continent and defend their homeland.

And Zhongzhou people, especially Zhongjing people.

It’s too smart, they think it doesn’t matter if you change a ruler. The bright parliament is also good, and the demon road is also good. Perhaps, for a ruler, the result is better.

For the enthusiasm for the construction of Nanmanzhou and the southwestern mainland, many Zhongjing people are dismissive.

I feel that this group of people is too ignorant and brainwashed.

Therefore, any high-level member of the Guangming Parliament, including the power leaders of China and Beijing, is full of dislike of the city of China and Beijing.

But no matter what, the footsteps of the Bright Parliament preparing for the war have never stopped.

Almost all of the resources are tilted towards the destruction of class missiles and the destruction of class bombs.

Numerous secret factories, regardless of cost, do not count casualties to create a new formulation of the sixth generation of x spar.

The entire Bright Parliament is racing against time.

Three days...

Five days...

Eight days, ten days have passed.

Fifteen days have passed.

These times are all for the Shura Lingyi to win for the Bright Parliament.

However, she will eventually wake up and can't be disguised at all.

Half a month after the fall of the chaotic land battlefield, Shura Lingling woke up.

This means that the Destruction Corps will set off again and head to the city of Dayunyu.

After the devil, he sat on the couch of Shura Lingling: "Ling, what do you think?"

Shura Ling said: "It's okay, but I feel spiritual, but I still haven't recovered."

After the devil, Ji smiled and said: "Don't worry, slowly recover. Oh, yes. We have some way to make the East regain the man's ability. He has lost some man's organ~www. is now available, and it's amazing."

As soon as this was said, Shura Ling’s face changed.

The death of the devil is a completely naked threat. If Shura Lingbi does not cooperate, continue to delay the time in bed.

Then, perhaps she will give her this beautiful and beautiful body to the East.

At this point, there is some distorted eastwardness in the heart, and I am sure that I cannot ask for it.

Xiu Ling Ling slammed into the devil and smiled sweetly: "There is a queen, two days, up to two days, I will be able to fully restore my mental strength."

After the devil, Ji smiled: "That's good, it's hard for you."

Then, the democrats went out.

The heart of Shura Lingbi is full of infinite resentment.

"You remember to me, one day, I will let you all survive, you can't die." Shura Ling Ling cursed in his heart.

Her heart is more urgent for the return of Yangdingtian.


The half-month time that the coffin fought for is extremely incomparably long and incomparably precious for the Yangdingtian in the depths of meditation.

In this long period of time, Yang Dingtian and the fox priest have even forgotten the time.

Day after day, year is like a year.

Constantly researched and continuously written.

Finally, this terrible job is finally coming to an end. (To be continued.)

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