Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1067: Give birth to a child! Emperor release!

When Naru left, innocent age is not small. The ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ , , , , , , , ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ ↖ 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜 娜

Therefore, innocent people still have some memories of their mothers.

Of course, at this time Naru is wearing a golden mask, and wearing a very tight-fitting mermaid, it is very difficult for her daughter to recognize it at once.

However, Naru’s eyes can almost sell her everything.

That kind of embarrassment, but more is the gaze of missing, let innocent know at once, this is her mother.

Then, Naru took off the mask on her face, a beautiful and suffocating face, and instantly rushed into the air.

At this time, the demon glass on the side was also recognized. Although Nalu was the speaker, the age of the demon was still small, but there was still memory.

The successive presidents are considered to be the heroes of Xiao Xitian.

Naru is a rare female speaker, and she has been the first beauty of Xiaoxitian for a long time, and she has also given birth to her offspring.

Therefore, the demon glass certainly has a memory for her.

Innocent and beautiful face, a slight tremble, said: "Mom."

Nalu stunned and then nodded quickly.

Next, both people are a little overwhelmed.

As for the imaginary hugs, nothing happened. Both women are in high positions, and neither of them is good at expressing their feelings.

At this time, after the hesitation of the glass, he still went forward and said: "Golden Albanian glass, see Ms. Nalu."

Nalu looked at the glass with a warm look and said, "Hello, the little girl of the Golden Albanian."

Next, innocent and Nalu, the mother and daughter. I couldn't find anything to say, and I fell into a warm and a little embarrassment.

In the end, the innocent sun looked at the sky and said: "Are you successful?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Successful."

Nothing to say: "Where is the human kingdom?"

Of course, the outbreak of the war of extinction is known.

Because, the demon glass often back and forth between the taboo mainland and the human kingdom.

But the door to the human kingdom is so important that even the most dangerous time in Yunxiao City. Innocent did not leave here.

Because the door to the human kingdom of the skull hall is lost, it is completely unimaginable.

Yangding Tiandao: "The demise of the Dark Empire has been wiped out by the whole army. The first phase of the World War has ended temporarily."

"That's good." Innocent is not very very concerned about the situation of the human kingdom. After asking, she immediately turned to her topic of most concern: "You are using the sword of Naga, destroying Are all the corps of the corps?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes."

Innocent breath suddenly, and the beauty is bright. Road: "You, how did you do it? How do you use your consciousness to display the soul skills of the soul sword? Is your simulator successful?

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "The simulator is a lot smaller, but it is still too difficult. I first wrote the human version of Wanjian Guizong, and then each paragraph to distinguish it, it and the soul sword version of Wanjian There will be some essential difference. Then, for a while, the converter is written. The result is that the conversion scroll is more than three times larger than the Wanjian Guizong scroll. However, after all, it succeeded, but it took a long time. It’s been a long, long time...”

Innocent, I noticed that Yang Dingtian’s hair was almost white.

"You look, older than me." Innocent smiled at him.

Yangdingtian nodded: "In the future, I will always be older than you."

Innocently grabbed his hair and said: "This is also good, we both get up more."

Yang Dingtian heard this sentence, could not help but see.

Innocent: "I promised, as long as you succeed in this realm of God. I will give you a baby, I will speak."

then. Innocent Chao Nalu said: "Mom, you are coming now, we may not have children to bring you, the fastest and the fastest will be the next year."

Suddenly, Naru looked a little embarrassed and said: "The main reason is that I stayed there for too long, and it didn't make much sense to find out. And... I missed you a little."

As soon as this was said, the beautiful face was slightly trembled.

Then, no hope to Yangding Tiandao: "Then, what are you going to do?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The next two things will prevent the undead army from entering the human kingdom. The second is to find the Naga frost."

Innocent: "Naga Frost, of course, is a great use of the Shura people in the Netherland. This race is powerful, but also has a natural fear of Naga. However, Naga is undead to the undead. It seems that it is of little use. Unlike the squadron of the Dark Empire, Naga's energy has terrible sympathy."

Yangding Tiandao: "Froser, she is my wife. Moreover, she must not fall into the hands of the devil to ask the sky."

Innocent suddenly fell silent.

Yangding Tiandao: "But now, we are going to do a little thing. To destroy the holy place of the snakeman empire, and to rescue all the venomous snakes of the poisonous scorpion. If the sea is there, it would be better to take her in one fell swoop." Kill."

Nothing suddenly blinked, but there was no sound.

Nalu said on the side: "Innocent, you go with him, the door to the human kingdom of the head hall, I will guard the squad. And, in the future, we will take turns to guard it."

Nothing was a joy, said: "Thank you mom."

Her mood is indeed pleasant, although most of the time she was in the sea of ​​secluded, sometimes sitting still is a few days and nights.

Therefore, the door to defending the human kingdom is nothing to her. But still too boring, too free.

However, there were only two holy powers before, and there must be a gate to guard the human kingdom. The mermaid queen violet can not be expected, this is a crazy woman, absolutely can not stand this boring.

Naru is the best person to choose, to be strong, and to stay in the Xiaoxitian Priest Association for hundreds of years.

Therefore, it is completely unnecessary to guard the loneliness of the door of the human kingdom.

"Little girl, if you miss your companion in Yunxiao City, you can go back a few days." Nalu said: "Here, I can do it."

Looking at Naru is full of worship, shaking his head and saying: "I am still here, to accompany you."


Yangdingtian and innocent, riding the konjac king, flew in the direction of the Snake Empire.

"Thank you." Innocently gently in the arms of Yangding. Suddenly said: "Thank you for bringing the mother, let me suddenly feel that I am like a girl. Oh, like a little woman."

Yang Dingtian did not speak, just smiled.

Innocently raised his face, stroking Yang Dingtian’s face with some vicissitudes, then gently kissing Yang Dingtian’s face and lips, saying: “You really are amazing, do you know? You actually finished the preparation of the scroll, which means You have truly mastered the realm of God. You have mastered the highest level of martial arts civilization."

Yangding Tiandao: "Actually, it was not done by me alone. The fox priest in the Great Priest Association has helped me very much."

"I promised you, I want to give birth to your child." Nothing said: "Then we are born now?"

The innocent jade hand reached into the clothes of Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian trembled, and then the konjac king claws. It trembled fiercely.

"This, this is not anxious. And the claws can understand what we are talking about. Again, I have not taken a bath for a long time." Yangding Tiandao.

Innocently sniffing, said: "Then I like it more, I like men who are full of flavor. As long as I am fragrant, I am too boring to guard the human kingdom, so I wash three times a day."

then. Innocent kisses the lips of Yang Tiantian, stretches out the small tongue and kisses him deeply. And, pulling the rough hands of the sun top, into the skirt of his own.

Yang Dingtian rough palm. She crossed her delicate snowy skin and made her shudder.

"The wisdom of men really fascinates me, makes me emotional..." Innocent panting, said: "Or else, or else we just want to find an island, how about getting intimate?"

"This, is this okay?"

Nothing said: "But I can't help it."

Then, without a slamming push, Yang Dingtian was directly pushed down from the back of the konjac king's claws, and the two men fell directly onto a small island on the sea.


After the devil, he was sitting on the dark throne of the Emperor of Heaven, and he did not speak for a long time.

The devil asked the sky and left the dark empire to find the Naga frost. Now, after the devil, he became the supreme leader of the entire dark empire.

And the thousands of evil spirits below are silent.

At the last moment, Yang Dingtian staged the return of the king, and then the thunder of the situation, the killing of all the extermination army.

This is a huge blow to both the devil and the evil demon.

This is not even the result of the loss of the Destroyed Legion.

In fact, there are a large number of extermination legions in the Dark Empire.

However, the Destroyed Legion has lost any meaning. It is meaningless to have a squadron that is slain and directly killed.

It is mainly the return of the Emperor Yangding, and then to turn the tide, the momentum and harbinger brought, the array is very frightening.

Even the swordsman of the Naga royal family can master, and there is nothing that can be done in Yangdingtian.

Moreover, the war of destruction has once again failed, and the failure has been so thorough. Does it confirm the fatalism, the demon road will be defeated, and the Heavenly Alliance will win?

Yang Dingtian creates such a terrible miracle, does it mean that Yang Dingtian is the son of true destiny, the spokesperson of Chaos.

Does that mean that Yangdingtian is invincible?

And the words of Yangdingtian, everyone heard it.

He is studying the law of destroying the energy of evil spirits, and he has already had a direction.

Yang Dingtian said what he has to do. Everything so far, no matter how difficult, how impossible it has been done.

Does that mean the elimination of evil spirits, and so is it.

If that's the case, the thousands of people who have immortality are here, and the end is coming.

After the devil died, he broke the silence and said faintly: "Do you have a very good excitement when you return to the king of Yangding?"

Shura Lingbi bowed his head and said, "I don't have it."

After the devil died Jidao: "Don't you think about going to his side immediately?"

Shura Ling said: "Absolutely not, everything I have is given by the Devil, I will never forget this."

Although the coffin is incomparably a vicious curse, but the mouth is still a lie, no need to draft.

"Destroy the world war, we lost. The annihilation of the army is completely annihilated, what do you think?" After the devil died Ji Dao.

Shura Ling said: "We have not lost. I know that the demon king is kneeling and holds many ace cards in his hand. But these ace cards are prepared for the **** of chaos, and Yangdingtian is simply not qualified to receive these trump cards. Now he has The sword spirit of the Naga royal family has destroyed our squadron. However, if we take out a trump card, we can let his human kingdom vanish."

"Well, it’s really good." After the devil, Ji Ji applauded: "In the battle of the destruction of the world, this is the role of the mainstay. Because of the return of Yangdingtian, the predecessor of the war has been abandoned. What do you think?" ”

"Innately, my materials will be useful. I firmly believe that the end of the war will not end. I will certainly shine in the new war." Shura Ling’s curse is even more powerful, but the mouth is more like a honey. High hat and set of words, one sentence after another.

"Good." After the devil died Ji Dao: "Speak well."

Then, her gaze slowly looked at the crowd: "There is nothing wrong with the scorpion, we have countless trump cards in my hands. I once said to Yang Dingtian that the annihilation of the corps is not a bad thing for them. Good things, because we will release even more terrible power."

After the demon, the eyes of the deceased fell on the face of the innocent, and then said: "Our demon king has a lot of souls. One of the souls is the supreme ruler of the entire Nether Empire, the ghost of the ghost. Another avatar is small The ruler of the Western Heaven World, the chairman of the Yongshe. There is also a avatar, in the New Naga Empire, is the half leader of the New Naga Empire. Since Yang Dingtian let our dying army in vain, so good... let He tasted our second card, billions of undead army, thousands of semi-sanctified undead lords, hundreds of holy souls, Shura monarch!"

When the words came out, everyone in the room almost suffocated.

After the devil, Ji Ji slowly stood up and said: "Once the undead army enters the human Then... means the end of the entire human kingdom, there will be no more living people in the whole world, this is Yangdingtian is looking for it."

After the devil, Ji Ji took a clap.

Then, the mysterious man with the first-class evil spirits and the silver mask slowly walked out.

This person is the owner of the last class of evil spirits. Identity and prince Li Ming, princess peony, juxtaposed with the Lord, always at the moment of the devil.

But no one knows who this person is, even the princess peony and the prince. This person seems to be suddenly coming out.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "She is the messenger of the ghost of the Nether. Of course, she has another identity, so that Yang Ding Tian shocked the incomparable identity."

The mysterious man slowly took off the silver mask.

Seeing her face, there are people in the place, all shocked! (To be continued.)


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