Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1074: Cold and horrible death!

After the devil, Ji looked at Qiu Ruohan and said: "You said."

Qiu Ruohan pointed to cold and proud: "It is him."

Cold and arrogant face change, said: "You, you are bloody!"

After the devil, Ji looked at the cold and proud, but there is no difference between watching the ants and then faintly said: "Autumn if you have evidence, do you have evidence?"

Qiu Ruohan said: "First of all, cold and proud you are the Yin and Yang Zongzhong people, and Yang Dingtian does not have any festivals. Your father, there is great love for Yangdingtian, and Yangdingtian is very important to you. If If I remember correctly, in a big list, Yang Dingtian insists on adding your name, and personally comes to Yin and Yang to pick you up."

Cold proud laughed: "This, what can this prove?"

Qiu Ruohan said: "I, Ximen fear, Yang Lan and Yang Dingtian have deep hatred. And you, I can't see you have any motivation to join the Temple of Destruction."

Cold proud said: "I hate Yang Dingtian, is this enough? He is just a clown who jumps in the area, why should he become the master of the Heavenly League? Why does the Eastern Nirvana give him the ice sorcerer? What is it with her? Lifetime? Since I can't beat him on the normal channel, then I will take a different approach."

Qiu Ruohan said: "In addition to this reason, if you join the Temple of Destruction, is there any reason for the Oriental Ice?"

Cold proud said: "Of course, Bing Ling Shimei is my dream lover, even if she is in hell, I will follow."

After all, the cold arrogant peony looked at the incomparably affectionate look.

Qiu Ruohan said: "It is even more ridiculous. Your father's cold blue dust is directly in the hands of the princess peony. Huiying jade has recorded this picture, I believe you have seen it more than once. So. You join The demon road is simply for revenge. It is a conspiracy that you planned with Yang Dingtian."

Leng Ao loudly said: "My father, who died in the hands of Yang Dingtian, is not dead in the hands of the sister. If it is not Yangdingtian, how can my father die?"

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Autumn Ruohan, if only this is the case, the evidence is not enough."

Qiu Ruohan said: "Cold arrogance. Where did you go after the emperor's release revealed the true face in front of all of us?"

The cold arrogant face changed slightly: "I went to the Snake Empire. What happened? I just succumbed to the life of the devil, and took the dark dragon to capture the half-human race of the snake empire to create the corps of the world. Is it you? Do you have to question the sorrow after the devil?"

The prince was so nervous that he suddenly spit. It’s not rigorous to do this after the devil’s death.

After the emperor’s release of the true face, the dark empire should be completely shut down immediately. The result was that after several hours, I thought of this and completely shut down the Dark Empire.

At that time, it was the turn of the cold and proud to lead the dark dragon to capture the snakeman empire half-human.

Qiu Ruohan said: "Yes, it is just your turn. But even more coincidentally, that day, Yangdingtian also went to the Snake Empire."

Cold arrogant face changes. Suddenly there was a feeling of jumping into the Yellow River and I couldn’t wash it. I immediately squatted down: "There is a demon squat. At that time, I only ordered you to go to the Snake Empire to arrest the half-human. I don’t know that Yangdingtian also went to the snake. The empire, even more than met with him, please understand. I am loyal to the Temple of Desolation, I only want to one day, can borrow the power of the temple, stepping on the soles of the sun. I will never turn over, I really There is no motive for any betrayal!"

Qiu Ruohan said: "But after the emperor's emissary reveals the true face, only you have left the dark empire alone. So, you are not undercover, who is it?"

Cold and arrogant; "After the devil, I asked to use the spiritual wizard to explore my brain and prove my innocence."

Just like Shura Lingbi, there can be no evil spirits in the body. Because he is a spiritual master, the energy requirements of the spiritual system are extremely demanding.

The top psychic, soul and brain, can not be polluted.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "The spiritual master who can explore the brain domain is in Xiaoxitian. But the door of the human kingdom is now blocked by Yangdingtian, and there is no way to find a spiritual master."

Cold proudly said: "Then I can wait, you can imprison me and wait until I can prove the day of innocence."

After the devil, the dynasty of the emperor of the dynasty looked at the emperor and said: "What do you think? This thing, you have the most say."

The emperor said: "It seems that he is almost the only suspect."

"I am not..." Cold arrogant voice, said: "I am innocent!"

After the devil, Ji wrinkled his frown. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he did not believe that cold arrogance is the undercover defect. Even, she feels that there is no traitor. It should be that the East has said that it has missed the mouth and caused the suspicion of Yangdingtian.

However, the most important thing now is to appease the anger of the emperor's release, to expose this page, and then immediately launch the second wave of war of extinction, so that countless undead will enter the world.

As for a cold arrogance, then... that doesn't matter. Deprive his second-class evil spirits and give it to another person.

After the devil, Ji Chao Princess Peony said: "Peony, cold pride is your person, what do you think?"

Princess Peony faintly said: "I? It doesn't matter!"

When this is said, it’s a thunderous blow to cold arrogance!

He did not dare to look at the princess peony, this woman, but his dream lover, but the fairy in the heart of the oriental ice.

At that time, she personally found herself and gave her second-class evil spirits.

Cold Ao always thought that this is a kind of affection.

Although Peony gave five people a second-class evil spirit, he felt that he was different and he was special.

More or less, Peony has some special affection for himself.

Now, when I decided to live and die, the other party even said an understatement, I don't care.

As if, as if you are a fly, it is an ant, and there is no weight in life and death.

How could this be? How could this be?

Leng Ao was cold and fell to the ground.

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Li Ming, what do you think?"

Prince Tai Li frowned and said: "Ning is wrong to kill, don't let go."

After the devil, Ji Ji said: "East, what do you think?"

It’s probably a guilty conscience that the East feels that the emperor’s release is leaking. It’s better to have a guilty conscience. Suddenly, he sneered: "I coldly joined the temple, I also feel very strange, he is completely rooted in red, and there is nothing to do with our temple. So, I think he is the traitor."

After the devil, Ji Ji looked at Shura Ling and said: "Ling, although you are not an evil spirit, but as one of the konjac, you also have a say."

"Killed, a thousand knives." Lingbi nailed the railroad.

The coffin hates cold arrogance, because he insists that he is the person of the Eastern Ice Ling, so he will always be a cold and proud look. The attitude towards the coffin is also very bad.

Of course, as to whether he is undercover?

Actually... In fact, she is not very concerned.

Moreover, she thinks probably not, the reason is very simple, he and Yangdingtian are rivals.

She felt that there must be no friends between the rivals.

In this way, the fate of cold and proud is decided.

He fell to the ground completely, and dared not look at it all.

I abandoned the glory of the Yin and Yang dynasty disciples and entered the demon road. It turned out that this was actually the end.

He, he really is not willing.

The sad ending of Yang Dingtian, he has not seen it yet.

He hasn't stepped on the top of the sun, how can he die like this.

Suddenly, he slammed on the ground and desperately slammed his head: "After the devil, after the devil, I am embarrassed, I am embarrassed. You give me a chance, I prove myself. I immediately went to kill the wife of Yangdingtian. Immediately went to kill the son of Yang Dingtian, I will prove that I am innocent, I am innocent..."

Several of the powers present, except for the emperor's release and indifference, almost everyone felt that this cold arrogance is indeed innocent.

The real leaker is east.

However, Dongli is one of the devil's sons. How can it be impossible for him?

So... it’s a slap in the face, or it’s killing it directly.

After the devil died Jidao: "Peony, he is your person, you do it."

"Yes." Peony Road.

The peony is deep in the jade hand, condensing the first-class evil spirit tree.

Above, there are five huge branches, each of which reflects their faces.

Among them, there is a face that is cold and proud. At this time, it is extremely painful and extremely fearful.

The peony is lightly tweeted and turned.

Suddenly, the living annihilated the cold and arrogant face above, and turned this second-class evil spirit to the first third-class evil spirit under the cold arrogance.

Suddenly, the man couldn't believe that this big pie had fallen on his head. He immediately squatted and screamed, ecstasy.

And cold arrogant, still bleed, screaming: "I went to kill the son of Yang Dingtian, let me prove my innocence."

The princess in the depths of the princess peony directly penetrates into the cold and proud chest, and then lives and throws the evil spirits out of his body.

From his qi, from his mysterious veins, from his brain, from his heart.

Leng Ao looked at his broken chest and looked at the **** jade hand of Peony, and suddenly made a shocking scream.

He lost the second-class evil He lost the second-class evil spirits.

Peony violently implanted the second-class evil spirits directly into the lucky one who was ecstatic and fainted.

Suddenly, the second-class evil spirits directly changed the Lord.

At this time, the cold arrogance is completely crazy.

Suddenly, he screamed and screamed: "You are a group of beasts, you are a group of blinded beasts, and I will not let you go when I die. You, you should be killed by the sun!"

After the devil, Ji Chao emperor explained: "Come on."

The emperor released the sword and stepped forward.

"I am not willing, I am not willing..."

The cold and proud voice did not fall, the entire head was directly cut off.

When I fell to the ground, my face was still stunned, my eyes were round and my eyes were dead! (To be continued)

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