Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1081: Mother of Poison! The old Naga Empire!

The Queen of Poison is constantly advancing and marching forward, completely following the body of the sea beast.

The deeper the depths, the more dense the body of the sea beast is, and it is literally tens of thousands.

Really, Queen of Poisons discovered the second ancient behemoth.

This ancient behemoth is even bigger and more powerful than cockroaches. But still the corpse is under the sea, completely a huge sea-mountain mountain, where is it.

Constantly pursue and pursue.

The Queen of Poison does not know how long she has been swimming, nor how far she has traveled.

Suddenly, countless corpses are gone.

What was replaced by the front is the endless dark matter, the whole seabed is completely boundless.

Above the dark matter, there is an absolute void.

Above the void, it is sea water.

The Queen of Poison continues to think about the southeast, swimming, swimming along the dark matter.

Dark matter is impossible to enter.

Even Naga, but also helpless with dark matter, this has been proved in the Dark Empire.

The Queen of Poison continues to swim, swim and swim.

I don’t know how long I have been swimming, and I don’t know how far I have traveled.

Perhaps, half a month has passed. Perhaps, tens of thousands of miles have passed.

At this time, there are more than 200,000 miles from Yunzhou in the east.

This place is already a place that the human kingdom has never touched, and it is also a place that the Sea Snake has never touched.

And, the next sight. It’s exactly the same.

The blue water is almost static and there is no ripples.

below. It is a boundless dark matter.

If it is Yangdingtian, it will be doubtful that this is already overlapping space, even if it is one million miles, it is still like this.

For the overlapping space, the Queen of Poison is aware of it. But she is a dead-hearted person, so she has been swimming all the time.

To the end. She didn't even feel that she was moving.

Because, everything around. They are all exactly the same.

Until one day!

Suddenly, an incomparably huge door appeared on the dark matter of the sea floor.

It is a real door, not a hole. Or empty.

It is a giant door that does not know what material to use, and is directly embedded in the dark matter on the seabed.

This giant gate is about a few kilometers high, completely a mountain.

The two doors were not completely closed, but a gap was revealed.

Although this gap is small, it is enough for dozens of people to enter.

The Queen of Poison has almost no hesitation and has entered the door.

When entering the door, I saw the top of the giant door. Write two words.

Magic Beijing!

This is Kyoto, oh, or this door of the Sea Snake Empire. It is the entrance to the Sea Snake Empire Kyoto.

Kyoto, the mermaid empire, is called Jingjing, and Kyoto, the sea snake empire, is called the magic jing.

This empire is the kingdom of the Queen of Poison.

After entering the gate, it seems to be the complete magic city.

However, it is a magical capital that has been twisted and skewed.

The entire magic city. Completely wrapped in dark matter. However, the interior of the ruins of this city. But not completely swallowed up by dark matter.

Despite countless years, the original gorgeous city has completely turned into ruins.

However, you can see the prosperity and grandeur of the Magic City more than 10,000 years ago.

Then, Queen of Poisons saw countless bodies.

Or not a corpse, but a petrified sea snake.

It is so dense that there are countless.

On the road, in the house, and so on, countless sea snakes have all been turned into stones.

The Magic City, of course, was also completely slaughtered by the Naga Empire. Medusa turned all the creatures of the Sea Snake Empire into stone, and the Magic City is no exception.

The Queen of Poisons suddenly began to wonder, Naga alone, will it be here? Will you find a place to hide in the Magic City?

After all, it is far enough away from the human kingdom, and it used to be the capital of the Sea Snake.

But soon, Queen of Poison gave up the idea.

Because, when swimming in this dead city, Queen of Poison is full of uneasiness and uncomfortable.

Although countless sea snakes have turned into stones, they always feel that there are countless pairs of eyes watching themselves.

So, Queen of Poison continues to move forward.

Passed through the civilian area of ​​the Magic City, then passed through the middle area and crossed the aristocratic area.

In the aristocratic area, the architecture here is incomparably gorgeous. It is not at all comparable to the mermaid empire after the Great Nirvana.

Although they have all become ruins, these houses still have a gorgeous aftertaste.

Here, there are still sea snakes that turn into stones everywhere.

Finally, Queen of Poison has entered the most magnificent and huge building.

Here is the palace of the Sea Snakes.

Despite 10,000 years, the entire palace is still as new.

Because most of the material of the palace is jade and spar that can withstand the baptism of time.

The grandeur of the entire palace is simply not comparable to the Zhongjing Hall or the Xiaoxitian Silver Palace.

Not even the royal palace of the New Naga Empire.

The entire palace covers a hundred miles.

Each door is a few hundred meters high. Every wall is nearly a kilometer high.

Each pillar has a thickness of tens of meters.

On every wall and pillar, the patterns of the sea snakes and the naga are carved. Although more than 10,000 years have passed, they are still vivid.

The entire palace is magnificent and huge like a picture in a dream.

Any creature, in front of this palace, will feel extremely small.

Within the palace, countless beautiful sea snake maids, countless guard warriors, all turned into stone.

Eventually, at the core hall of the palace, Queen Tussa saw the Queen of the Sea Snake Empire.

This is also a beautiful female snake king.

Her beauty. Even more than violet and poisonous.

Even if it has become a stone, it still looks completely alive.

The eyes are still deep blue. The skin is still white.

However, her lower body is still a snake, she is sitting on the throne, her height is 100 meters.

She is a giant, a beautiful woman with a height of 100 meters.

In the entire sea snake empire, it seems that only her body shape is 100 meters, and the remaining sea snakes. Even with the tail, it is no more than ten meters.

original. The hugeness of the entire palace was built for the Queen of the Sea Snake.

This sea snake queen, when she was alive, is absolutely incomparably powerful. It should be second only to the strength of Naga.

Unfortunately, she still turned into a stone.

The Queen of Poisons flew to her high throne.

Then she found that her hand seemed to be holding something.

Vaguely, it is a huge crystal ball, which is shining with faint light.

At that time Medusa turned all the sea snakes into stones, but for non-living matter, nothing changed.

So, even if it has been more than 10,000 years, this crystal ball. Still intact, there is still a strong power at this time.

The Queen of Poison came to the palm of the Queen of the Sea Snake, and at this time she completely saw the face of the Queen of the Sea Snake.

It feels very strange. It is quite familiar.

Soon, she knew why she was familiar.

Because, this sea snake queen, looks very much like herself. But at the same time, it also looks like a sea heart.

No, say it accurately. It is a part of myself, much like the sea snake queen.

And part of the sea heart. Also like the sea snake queen.

What is the meaning of the Queen of Poison Shakes? She is very clear.

First of all, this means that she and Haixin are true sisters and siblings.

Although Haixin has always called her sister, the two people always feel that there is no blood relationship between the two sides. It is because the Queen of Poison has brought the sea heart, so she has always been called her sister.

I did not expect that the two are true sisters.

Moreover, the Queen of the Sea Snake Empire is the mother of herself and Haixin.

However, perhaps this is normal.

Haixin and poisonous sand are the next generation of sea snakes who are preparing to nurture Naga. As the soul of the snakes, the last survivors, they are the most reasonable of the descendants of the Queen of the Sea Snake Empire.

After a short shock, Queen of Poisons discovered that the Queen of the Sea Snake Empire seemed to be preparing to get rid of the crystal ball.

However, she was too late to get rid of it, and Medusa became a stone.

So why did she get rid of this crystal ball?

Can you save the Sea Snake Empire by smashing the crystal ball and stopping Naga Medusa?

Then, what is this crystal ball?

Suddenly, the Queen of Poison immediately rushed, and she had to touch the crystal ball and even try to input energy.

Of course, doing so may have terrible consequences. However, the Queen of Poison does not care, she always wants to do it.

So, Queen of Poisons gently placed her jade hand on this crystal ball.

The crystal ball is in the hands of the Queen of the Sea Snake Empire, of course, it seems not big. But in front of the poisonous sand, it is even higher than her.

Inside the crystal ball, it seems that there is another world, another universe. Unparalleled and mysterious.

Her hand, just touching the crystal ball, immediately felt a very close and powerful energy.

This crystal ball does not exclude her at all, but has a close communication with her. Even calling her, inputting a sense of consciousness and energy.

The Queen of Poison is absolutely very emotional, so she did not hesitate to directly input her own consciousness and energy!


The entire huge palace, trembled fiercely and trembled fiercely.

Then the ground in the center of the hall began to collapse.


In the center of the main hall of tens of thousands of meters, there is a circular crack.

Then, a very beautiful and beautiful light, slammed out from the crack.

If you are someone else, you will think twice before you go.

But the Queen of Poison, but did not hesitate, directly into the light of this huge gap.


In an instant, her whole person moved quickly. Every second, over tens of thousands of meters, hundreds of thousands of meters, and even faster speeds.

This is an energy tunnel.

Where does this energy tunnel lead?

If there is no guess, it should be the Naga Empire, the old Naga Empire, the ancient land of demigods, the Naga Empire! (To be continued)

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