Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1085: Yangding Tiantiantian!

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This last snake is a high-handed man, and there are scorpions, sables, and other scorpions.

Of course, more is her own confidant. On that day, the goddess of the Naga king of Yangdingtian, the army of the extermination, and a large number of snakes and nobles killed.

Of course, the swordsmanship of the Naga royal family is far less harmful to the snakes than the corps.

Therefore, many of the snake people in the hands of the people at that time, many have become prisoners of the human kingdom.

The most powerful hundreds of snake-human masters, following the death of the devil's wand, followed the Queen of the Sea to escape.

The Queen of the Sea, who successfully escaped, did not enter the Dark Empire for the first time, but went to his own imperial empire.

She knows that Yangdingtian will definitely chase after it soon, so she and the snakesman masters have finally swallowed up the Hellfire.

The pyramid of tens of millions of lives has been thoroughly swallowed up, killing the life of this astronomical number.

Then, with all the snakes masters, escape!

The demon, and the purple snakes and other snakes, are still not dead because the Queen of the Seas wants them to be the last hostages.

In case, if she is once again forced into a dead end by Yangdingtian, it may be possible to recover her life with these hostages.

Despite being saved by the devil, the Queen of the Seas is not prepared to stay in the Dark Empire, because the Dark Empire does not have her position at all.

At that time, after the defeat of the Devil, he did not intend to care about the stay of Haixin.

Queen Haixin led the last snake man and went all the way to the east.

On a desert island, she made her final thoughts on her life and future.

The next road, how should I go?

Her snake empire is over. And Yangdingtian is also a thousand miles away, and will soon be completely above her.

Throughout the world, there is no place for her sea heart.

The only way, as if to completely rely on the devil to ask the sky.

However, she disgusted from the heart of the demon on the dark throne, which was like a machine, not a person.

Moreover, she is naturally not willing to live under the fence.

The most important thing is that Yang Dingtian’s posture at the last moment of the World War II made the sea heart feel like a fateful feeling.

Yangding innocence is the spokesperson of the **** of chaos, he is really the son of fate.

The Dark Empire and the Destroyed Army are completely invincible. However, the sword spirit of the Naga kings of Yangdingtian, it is easy to eliminate the destroying army.

The Queen of the Sea still remembers the picture, which is simply a scene that cannot appear in a dream.

Haixin will never forget that scene for a lifetime. From the east, there are tens of thousands of huge golden swords. Then, as the miracles descend, the overwhelming corps will melt.

In this incredible way, Yang Dingtian won the final victory.

This is not a miracle. What is it? This is not a fate, what is it?

Therefore, the Queen of the Seas has a thought, and Yangdingtian is simply invincible.

Although his repair is still far from the devil, the final winner will definitely be Yangdingtian.

So in an instant, the Queen of the Seas even wants to change her position.

However, she quickly extinguished the idea.

In front of Yang Dingtian, she is already unforgivable, she is already dead.

Even the whole world is not as big as her Queen of the Sea Heart.

Although, the cultivation of the Queen of the Sea is still more powerful than Yangdingtian. However, Haixin deeply knows that the world has no stage at all.

In fact, he has never been a big player in this world.

Whether it is a demon road or a heavenly alliance, he is just a spoiler, and his momentum is very big. For a long time, Queen Haixin felt that she had turned her hand into a cloud and covered her hand with rain.

However, his Snake Empire really stood on the stage, no more than three days from the beginning to the end.

Tens of millions of snakes and empire army, instantly annihilated, and they instantly became a harlequin.

Haixin is a woman who has never been ordinary. She will not give in at any time.

At any time, she is not willing to be under the light of others.

At that time, she could not stand the loneliness of the Snake Terran, so she came out to wander the world.

The Queen of Poison, chose to be in the territory, to take care of the snakes that hatched behind.

Therefore, when the Snake Terran became the Snake Empire, Poison became a unique leader and became the Queen of the Empire.

At that time, the sea heart was not willing to become a green leaf of poison sand.

Even if the poisonous sand brought her to the big, even if the poisonous sand completely regarded her as a sister.

Therefore, she is rebellious. As a result, it failed, and it was repaired as a big loss, and it became nothing.

Although she did not die because of the pity of poison, she was expelled from the Snake Empire.

However, she still did not give up, played herself as a saint, and wooed the half-human who did not want to yield, and established a rebel army.

Finally, the use of the conspiracy to take advantage of Yang Dingtian, of course, is ultimately due to the sudden weakness of the Queen of Poison.

She completed the reversal and “killed” the Queen of Poison, becoming the new queen of the Snake Empire.

This time, she once again suffered a fatal blow.

Even in this world's overall situation, she played a harlequin, and her snakeman empire was completely annihilated.

She was desperate for a long time, but after this time, she cheered again.

She will never give in and will never be willing to be a small character.

She is not willing to hide under the light of anyone, whether it is the devil or the sky.

She wants to be a unique protagonist.

"My existence is to change this world, to subvert the world. I must leave an indelible mark on this world. Even if I become the worst person, I will make myself the protagonist of this world!"

This is what Haixin told himself over and over again.

She can play any great color, and when she needs her to be a saint, she can be a saint.

When she needs her to be a demon, she can be more cruel than the devil.

On the desert island, I have been thinking for more than a month.

Next, how should I go?

She wants to be strong and become very powerful, and she must be stronger than Yang Tiantian and the Devil.

So how should she go?

There is no chance for the human kingdom.

The dark field has also been deadly destroyed, and it has not made her strong.

So, a faint direction guides her.

After more than a month of thinking, this direction has become clearer.

In the ancient times, the Sea Snake Empire did not want to be as strong as the Naga Empire, but it was more than a hundred times stronger than the martial civilization of this world.

And their talents and bloodlines are stronger than the ancient sea snakes. After all, they came into being as the birth of the next generation of Naga.

His own mission was originally to produce Naga.

Therefore, I am stronger than the normal Sea Snake. The reason why I am so weak is because of the environmental reasons, the human kingdom is no longer suitable for the strong.

So... what about the ruins of the ancient sea snake empire?

In fact, she has traveled the entire world for hundreds of years.

There are two purposes, one is to find her home country, the ancient sea snake empire.

Another purpose is to find the Naga Empire.

Now, he listened to Yang Dingtian and said that the Naga Empire has been completely destroyed. Nothing has been left. There is only one new Naga empire in the confined space.

Therefore, the Sea Snake Empire became the only direction.

Moreover, she is a sea snake, so the ruins of the sea snake empire may be more suitable for herself.

As for the ruins of the ancient sea snake empire, she knows one or two through hundreds of years of searching. Of course, part of the content she also reported to the then Queen of Poison.

At that time, Haixin, once in the devil's waters in the southeast, searched for the traces of the Sea Snake Empire.

To be precise, it is the head of a petrochemical sea snake.

It may be an earthquake, or a whirlpool or a tsunami, or an ancient sea beast.

In short, she saw a petrochemical skull of the Sea Snake near the Devil's Sea.

Therefore, she concluded that the site of the ancient sea snake empire should be within the devil's waters.

However, the devil's waters are extremely dangerous.

Where the terrifying tsunami, the terrible whirlpool, the thundering lightning, and the incomparably powerful ancient sea beast.

Even if she is half-sacred, it is hard to survive when she goes there.

Therefore, going to the devil's waters is completely a life of nine deaths.

But now, she has no choice at all, she has reached a dead end.

What she can do is only to be born after death!


"The place where I am going to take you is the most terrible and dangerous place in the world. Wherever we are, most of the snakes will die, including me!"

"But our snakes have already reached a dead end. If we don't have a blog, there is no room for us to survive in this world. We, the snakes, will be completely destroyed."

"We represent not only a few hundred lives, but a race. We are from one of the ancient hegemons, the Sea Snake Empire!"

"I want to take you there this time, it is our home country, the ancient sea snake empire!"

"I know that many of you hate me, but let go of your hatred, no matter who you were all loyal to before? Yangdingtian or poisonous sand. Now, you can only be loyal to the snakes, to the future. !"

After the declaration was finished, the Queen of the Sea Heart was full of decisiveness, and with the rest of the last snakes, they swam towards the magical waters.

She is there to find the future of the snakes and find their future!


Under the mad work of more than a thousand Shura, underground ghost towns have grown larger and larger.

At the same time, the ghost energy of the underground ghost town has completely affected the land.

The ground above the ghost town has begun to darken, and even the sky has a dark energy envelope, making it impossible for the sun to enter.

If Yangdingtian sees this scene, he will definitely think of Warcraft and StarCraft.

The undead race in Warcraft, with the expansion of its base, all the surrounding ground will be polluted, and the grass will not be born, all of which are disgusting dark swamps.

The expansion of the Zerg base is similar, and the surrounding ground will all be corroded into a disgusting swamp.

A few days and nights have passed.

The underground ghost town has been built a few miles.

The land on the ground, for a few dozen miles, was all black. And the land in the central area is not only black, but has begun to rot.

In this piece of sky, the sun has completely failed to enter, and it has completely turned into a dead sky with black pressure.

In this environment, the undead has begun to survive.

The plan of the Demon Road and the Nether Empire is to build an underground ghost town with a thousand miles, and to squeeze in billions of undead.

Therefore, half of the territory of the chaotic land will become a ghostly land.

For the sake of confidentiality, the demon singer has already sent out tens of thousands of dark dragons, completely blocking the hundreds of miles of the sky around the underground ghost town, and preventing the konjac army of the Bright Parliament from entering.


Although the post-magic death Ji is completely confidential, the construction of the underground ghost town in the direction of the Sky Magic City is basically known by the Guangming Parliament.

Of course, most of them are the result of guessing and deriving.

Because, from the devil's death to the unprecedented attention of the innocent, you can speculate that the ghosts in his body are the key to bringing the undead to the human kingdom.

When the undead enters the human kingdom, it is necessary to build an underground ghost town.

Therefore, when Naru came to the sky above the magic city with a magical fog coat, it just happened to see the shadow of the underground ghost town New City. It is completely certain that the demon road will turn the sky magic city and even the chaotic land into new ones. Netherland, the base of the undead army, launched the second frontier of the war.

After a few months, there will be countless countless undead, from the chaos to the south, invading the whole world.

It sounds even more horrible than the tens of millions of Dark Empires that were dying.

Because the undead army is immune to any damage, except for the electric system.

Even the Naga people are ashamed of the undead, and they are very disgusted.

Although, Naga must be able to release the electric system attack. However, the spirit of the Naga royal sword in Yangdingtian was unable to display the electric attack.

Therefore, facing the billions of undead army, it should be very desperate.

However, Yangdingtian is not worried.

Because, the light of the Parliament's generators, and the study of electricity, after Yang Dingtian opened a door, completely better than Yang Dingtian imagined.

Yang Dingtian gave a simple generator model.

The warlock team and the secret factory built hundreds of large generators within a few days.

Of course, the so-called large size is the kind of tens of meters, hundreds of meters.

Moreover, almost three days, there will be a replacement.

So just a month later, when the spar and kerosene engine that appeared in front of Yangdingtian was placed in front of Yangdingtian, he was completely horrified.

Is this still the generator I gave the prototype?

However, there is still a huge problem in front of you.

That is, the energy of the electric system can only be transmitted through the conductor, so the lethality to the undead is very limited, and it can only be energized on the ground and the wall, which is too limited.

Moreover, many undead are flying.

One warlock said that if the electric energy is able to discharge in the air like the lightning of nature, then it would be good.

In that case, almost any place can become the death zone of the undead army. (Of course, these undead have actually died once)

Even a huge death trap can be built.

Then, in one fell swoop, all the undead army will be wiped out.

Create a more brilliant victory than the last war.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to go to an infinite discharge.

Moreover, according to the speculators, research on this aspect will take decades to complete.


There is a picture that floods into the mind of Yangdingtian.

The Tunguska explosion in the Siberian region of the Russian Empire in 1908 was equivalent to the power of a thousand atomic bombs.

Legend has it that the reason for the big bang was because of an experiment by Tesla.

What experiment? Wireless discharge!

How to achieve wireless discharge?

Very simple ~ Tesla coil, manufacturing artificial lightning.

How do you know the Tesla coil? Even a fake fan can know.

At that time, Yang Dingtian tried to make one by himself in order to install cool, but after all, he was not courageous. After he bought it, he did not really do it.

The Tesla coil consists of an induction coil, a transformer, a firearm, two large capacitors and a transformer with only a few turns of the primary coil.

However, there are some things in it, can you get it in the chaotic world?

Therefore, Yangdingtian said the manufacture of Tesla coils and the principle of wireless discharge.

As a result, the warlock's leader is smashing the railroad, no problem, easy!

As long as your principle is correct, the second era of the World War, the Demon Road will only fail even worse! The victory of the Bright Council will only be more brilliant! R1152

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