Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1090: Great harvest, holy essence!

When I heard the prince's sorrow, the demon sorrowed and woke up instantly. Oh,

Seeing the surviving hundreds of semi-Sacred and above undead Shura, these are the essence of the undead army.

The countless souls that have died of the smoke are not worth mentioning.

With this group of semi-Sacred and above undead Shura, you can still kill the Yunxiao City, but the picture may be ugly. Moreover, in fact, it has been in accordance with the strategy of the prince and the emperor, using the semi-class above the undead to repair the high-level group of the bright parliament.

But at this time, under the huge blow in front of me, the devil can not manage so much.

Suddenly, her face became distorted and screamed: "Yes, kill them all! All the undead monarchs, the undead lords. The Shura monarch, the Shura lord, rushed in and smashed!"

With the command of the demon and the death of Ji, the last few hundred and a half-sacred and above the undead Shura stopped the tremor and trembling.

Then adjust his energy body, rushing into the city of Yunxiao.

Their goal is to slaughter all the advanced energy creatures in Yunxiao City.

However, it is at this time.

In the entire Yunxiao City, there was a loud noise!

The batch has never been launched, ultra-super ultra-high power spar power unit, and countless medium-sized spar power units, all running.

Then, the towers in Yunxiao City that have never been opened have condensed.


Not a fine lightning in the sky, but a focused lightning.

A few hundred miles of thick lightning, a total of hundreds of roads, criss-crossed on the ground.

"Brushing brush..."

Crazyly beaten and beaten all the time.

Almost every one is equivalent to the Xuanhuo lightning of Yangdingtian.

The lightning just now is gorgeous, and it covers hundreds of miles of sky. But the power is not extremely high. Therefore, it is impossible to kill the undead above the holy level.

Now, all the spar power units, plus the ultra-super giant power unit, plus the largest wireless lightning towers.

Although the envelope of lightning is much smaller, the power is much larger.

Average the lethality of each lightning bolt. I don’t know how many times I have improved.

Therefore, the semi-class, the holy soul of Shura, is completely unable to resist.

If you use a gun to describe it, it was just a shooting day, using a shotgun and a flowering bomb.

Now, it is targeted killing, using live ammunition.

Suddenly. In the eyes of the princes and the horror of the deceased.

One after another, the semi-classified Shura, the undead, instantly vanished.

The holy soul of Shura, incomparably tenacious, was still trembled in the same place after being hit, and lost his ability to move, but still did not fly away.

But, then. Dozens of lightning slammed into one place and then hit it down.

moment. The undead of the Holy Order, Shura, one after another, directly flew away and disappeared in front of the demon and the evil spirits.

After the demon, Ji was staring at this scene, and then he made a cry: "No!"

A stream of blood spurted out. Then immediately fall back and faint.

At the same time, the sacred masters in the city of Yunxiao, the semi-class masters, burst out like lightning.

Prince Edward Li did not have the first time to help the devil and die. It's the fastest speed, and the sword is directly on the neck of Shura Lingling who wants to escape.

On the other side of the Bright Parliament, the Holy Order, the Holy Power, like lightning, used the fastest speed to capture the evil spirits.

Nalu and the mermaid queen, two holy powers, rushed directly to the princess peony, to capture her.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to seize the princess peony, even after the devil.


The beautiful body of the princess peony suddenly slammed away.

She directly turned into an energy shrouded in evil spirits, flying like a meteor, and the speed was so fast that she could not catch up.

Of course, it’s useless to catch up. She has abandoned the flesh and turned into energy.

And the wand of the demon dying, flew out, grabbed the body of the demon, and the lightning flew away.

The prince fiercely slammed his teeth, and his body exploded into a broken bone. It also became a group of evil spirits. He still crossed the sword on the neck of Shura Ling, and escaped with the fastest speed.

The remaining evil spirits are in the Rubik's Cube.


Countless evil spirits began to destroy their bodies, become an energy, and fled insanely.

However, some still have no chance, and they are directly taken away.

And the third-class, fourth-class, fifth-class evil spirits, after the body exploded, even under the protection of evil spirits, the soul power is quickly exhausted.

Therefore, there are many evil spirits who have escaped, but there are also many evil spirits who have been captured.

This time, the bright council of Yangdingtian is truly a great victory!

Then, in the first time, these evil spirits were placed in the enormous spar energy array.

These energy arrays, even if the Holy Powers come in, are hard to escape, let alone these third-class, fourth-class evil spirits.

Most of the people who have been captured are third-class, fourth-class, fifth-class evil spirits.

The second-class evil spirits, only one person, is the unfortunate joy of the palace, the loneliness!


Prince Tai Li led most of the evil spirits, and they rushed to the ground.

In one breath, he fled directly to the sky above the underground ghost town, stopped and gradually recovered his body.

Then, the entire evil spirits regiment, morale fell to the extreme, no one made a little angry.

After the devil died, he woke up in faint.

In fact, she is not injured at all, because her body is the evil spirit of Yuan Shi.

But the mental and psychological blows cannot be compensated by any evil spirits.

Her beautiful face is still pale.

She whispered: "Li Ming, has the coffin been taken away?"

Li Mingdao: "No, I held her for the first time."

"That's good." After the devil died, Ji sighed: "She, she still has great use, big use, and even the key to the devil's break through the demigod."

The prince was fierce and shivering about this. He really doesn't know.

Then, after the demon, he looked at the pyramid below.

After Shura Ling’s departure, the undead naturally stopped transmitting.

Before, the demons died and looked at the pyramids below, as well as underground ghost towns, all of which are heroic. It doesn't matter how you look.

At this time, seeing the pyramids below and the underground ghost towns, there is only incomparable disgust.

These two things seem to be laughing at myself all the time.

Twice, twice!

In the first World War, she was full of confidence and even played games with the Bright Parliament at the beginning. As if the cat caught the mouse, it didn't kill at once. It took a while to kill.

result. Yang Dingtian’s look back, with the Naga royal swordsmanship, wiped out the extermination army.

This has caused her to suffer a huge blow.

Therefore, she arbitrarily launched the second battle of extinction, directly breaking the original strategy and using the undead army in advance.

In fact, the ghost emperor asked Tian should not promise him.

but. Because of her feelings for her, in order to give her a gas. The ghost emperor asked the day to agree.

Therefore, she is full of enthusiasm again, and she must be shameful.

Moreover, she is also completely filled with the grasp of victory, she is still fresh in her memory before the war.

First, there are 100 million undead army, and there are countless undead army.

She will definitely win. Her undead army will surely kill the human kingdom

She has no doubt about this.

Therefore, she gave the entire human kingdom before the war. The last day declaration was made.

Billions of undead will surely cover the entire human kingdom. She will build ghost towns in every place.

Even how to cross the sea, she has already thought about it.

She will use the energy of the horror to create an undead dragon, which can make the holy Shura, the semi-class Shura, fly through the sea in this undead dragon.

Then, build underground ghost towns on other land.

Even though these undead dragons have gone without a return, the sky will be completely wiped out, but she doesn't care!

Yunxiao City is just the first battle. She said, in half an hour, the entire Yuncheng City will be wiped out.

And the result...

After a quarter of an hour, her undead army was wiped out.

How did Yangdingtian do it? How did he master the energy of this amazing electric system?

This point, after the devil, Ji is simply not willing to think about it.

Even she is not willing to think about anything now.

She has suffered the biggest blow in history.

She only thought that the devil would ask her to return quickly, and then she could let go of everything.

"Is there a message from the Devil's Majesty?" asked the devil after he died.

Prince Edward shook his head and said: "No."

After the demon, Ji Ji closed his beauty and sighed: "Li Ming, evil spirit energy can change a person's heart, but can't change one's wisdom. I am not suitable for being a leader. I was more than 200 years ago. I can't unite the entire Tiandao League army with one heart. Now, I am not in charge of the Dark Empire. Everything... I will give it to you. From now on, the Temple of Destroy, you have the final say!"

Prince Edward whispered: "Yes, the queen!"

He finally got his wish and got the power of the dark empire.

However, the two trump cards in the hands have been exhausted.

The extermination army was almost completely wiped out.

The army of the undead has also been wiped out. Although there are countless undead in the Nether Empire.

However, the holy and semi-class undead loses most of them.

Next, how to calm the anger of the ghosts and gods is a problem.

Moreover, the evil spirits were also smashed by nearly half.

East away from also became a prisoner.

Next, there is only one last card in his hand, and that is Xiaoxitian.

However, the Prince is too savvy, but he does not feel discouraged at all, but is full of infinite fighting spirit.

His eyes looked at the distant Yunxiao City, cold and cold: "Yangdingtian, then you and my showdown!"


At this time, Yangdingtian in Yunxiao City is taking stock of the biggest harvest ever.

What is the harvest?

Holy, semi-class undead energy essence!

Great harvest!


Note: I would like to ask for a few monthly guarantee tickets. Thank you, everyone, thank you. (To be continued.)

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