Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1096: Naga suede, desperate to leave!

After the fear of the East, he trembled: "You dream, I will never betray the Temple of Destruction, and will not betray the Devil."

"It’s really loyal." Yangding Tiandao: "But it’s a pity that whether it’s the Prince or the Devil, it’s not in your eyes.”

Then, Yang Dingtian took out a piece of jade.

In the picture, Yang Dingtian proposed to exchange the spirits with the east, and the emperor died completely without expression, and the prince's mouth was even more disdainful.

This picture, suddenly will be hurt from the east, his face violently twitched.

Yangdingtian sneered and said: "Now you have a status in the Temple of Destroy, who still makes you a young master, you are just an infinite master, and basically have no hope to break through the semi-holy."

Speaking of this, the East is full of infinite hatred, and angered: "Not because of you, if not you, I have already broken through the semi-holy."

Then, the new hatred and old hatred, including the Queen of the Sea Heart, all rushed into the heart, the East left the road: "Yangdingtian, I can't wait to smash you all the corpse, can't wait to insult all your wives, want to get from me What, you are purely dreaming, if you give your wife to sleep, I can also consider... ah..."

If you leave the East, you haven’t finished it yet, and you’re embarrassed and embarrassed.

Because, Yang Dingtian is facing his egg, he kicked it and broke it directly.

It is the most vulnerable place for human beings. The pain after being hit is many times more than that of a woman.

Therefore, the pain of the East from the moment almost made him twitched and could not make a sound.

"Promise not to promise?" Yang Dingtian asked.

The east is sore that it can't make a sound, and the whole person is completely hooked together because it is really cracked.

But very soon. The evil spirits will restore the broken egg to the original.

But this kind of severe pain, after a good time, gradually faded away.

East is full of complaints: "You, you dream, I will definitely your wife... ah..."

I haven't finished it yet, and the east has sent out an earth-shattering scream.

because. This time, Yangdingtian stepped down directly and slammed it directly.

For a while, the evil spirits restored his wounds to the original.

That kind of severe pain, just faded.

"Promise not to promise?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"You, dream... ah..."

East is still not finished, Yang Dingtian violently slammed his foot.

Next, the East is completely in the ground.

"Promise not to promise?"

"Hey!" slammed his foot.

"Promise not to promise!"

"Hey!" and slammed his foot.


Every time his egg is not easy to recover, Yangding suddenly slams his foot.

Then, it was an earth-shattering scream.

I felt that I really didn't know how many times I died. Even he can't wait to really die.

He also did this, directly blew the sea, to abolish the body, and then escape. Even if you can't escape, at least you don't have to suffer such terrible pain.

However, every time he wants to start to blew himself out, Yangding slammed his foot and the egg left in the east exploded first.

Under the fatal pain. He can't do anything at all, and the self-destruction is directly suspended.

ten times. Twenty times, thirty times...

A few days before the east, it was better to be tortured by the innocent. Cooked again and again.

Now he finds that it is already paradise when he was previously grilled on fire by the innocent. It is **** now.

This kind of pain, fierce and sudden, simply cannot be tolerated.

At the end of the day, the East is completely like a dead dog, although it is still extremely painful. But he couldn't even make a sound.

"Yangdingtian, you dream, I will not compromise." East left: "In any case, even if you step on a hundred times, it will still recover."

"I know, so I am only tortured and tortured you, and I did not want to surrender by trampling your eggs." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yang Dingtian took out the Yuan Shi Naga eye gem that was taken back from the mermaid queen and directly melted a dark substance.

"You, you, what are you doing?"

Yang Dingtian did not pay attention to it, directly grabbed him and stuffed it into the dark matter.

"Yangdingtian, you dare, you dare... If anything happens, the coffin will be finished. Don't forget the emptiness of fire on my body. It is needed for the temple of annihilation."

"They need it, but at least they must defeat me first." Yangding Tiandao: "But if I really defeated me, the devil asked me to give me a battle, he will have my emptiness. So, he If you lose to me, you are useless. If he wins me and wins me, you are useless. You are just a spare tire, I am killing you, and the demon is only angry at most."

As soon as this was said, the East was completely hit by the most terrible place in the heart.

Yang Dingtian is right. He may be really useless to the devil, but it is just a spare tire for the emptiness.

During the conversation, Yangdingtian directly slammed the east into the dark matter and said: "I will put you in it for two minutes. Oh, this is the time unit of our earth. You should know it too. After two minutes, I melt the darkness. The substance will release you. If you are lucky, your body will retain more than half of it, but your egg may seem to be really difficult to preserve and will be completely swallowed. After being swallowed up by dark matter, you don’t know if you can grow it. ""

Yang Dingtian said that he would directly push him into the hole of the dark matter.

"Yangdingtian, you dare, you dare... I will kill your family... I will kill your woman and kill him..."

"Ah... don't, don't..."

"Let me let go, let me go..."

The dark matter swallowed up directly, and the east looked away from his eyes and looked at his own toes. It disappeared.

"I surrendered, I surrendered, I told you, I will paint it for you, let me out, let me out..."

The sound of the East has become as sharp as the eunuch, full of complete fear.

Yangdingtian uses eye gems to melt the dark matter from the east. Then he will be raised.

Next, observe his feet.

It’s really half left, and half of it is completely swallowed up by dark matter.

"Come, you can recover with the evil spirits." Yangding Tiandao.

East shook his head in fear.

After being swallowed up by dark matter, it cannot be recovered.

Yang Dingtian took him to a floating boulders and gave him a piece of paper. A pen.

"Draw it!" Yangding Tiandao.

The whole body that was away from the east was shaking and began to paint.

Yang Dingtian looked at it leisurely on the side and said: "It’s weird, you have to betray, how can the evil spirits not stop you, don’t suppress you?”

East away from the stagnation road: "As long as the first-class evil spirits do not suppress my will, it may know what I am doing, but it can't stop me. Unless I once again let the evil spirits once again, I will completely suppress."

"Wow..." Yangding Tiandao: "The devil is going to be as soon as possible. She is really confused. In the first moment of your being desecrated, you should completely suppress your soul."

"They don't worry at all, what secrets can I give out." East left: "Even, I don't know, you have to use the territory of the Dark Empire to have any use."

Write east and write while drawing.

He really painted very carefully, and he still had a little trembling at first. Later, I painted it very well, and I really had some artistic talents.

and. The scale is very accurate.

"I don't know what you want me to do with this thing. I don't think you can do anything to the Dark Empire. But this does not mean that I surrendered to you. After this incident, you and I are still the enemy of life and death. "East from the cold channel.

"Of course, do you think we can still be friends?" Yang Dingtian sneered: "Your greatest cost. That is the moment to betray the demon road. Others are of no use to me."

The east shuddered and continued to paint.

The layout of the Dark Empire is actually very simple. Only the Dark Castle and the Heavenly Emperor.

And the dark castle is huge, but in the territory of the Dark Empire, it is just a little bit.

Because the painting was very precise, after a full hour, the East was only finished.

Originally, Yangdingtian should also threaten it. If it is not painted correctly, what will happen to him.

But he did not do anything meaningless.

Then he began to study the painting and compared it to his own memories.

As for the east, there is no fear of running away, because it is impossible to get away from the Naga royal swordsman of Yangdingtian.

"Tongtian Emperor will turn, right?" Yang Dingtian suddenly said: "All the dark castles will follow along, and it is precisely because they turn together, so I can't see the opening of the Emperor Jingjing, right?"

Away from the east, then nodded.

Yangdingtian began to contrast the map and pointed to a point in the northeast: "Here, is it ice and snow?"

"Yes." East is off road.

"Here, it is a yin and yang mirror, here is the demon domain... Then, according to this map, the corresponding ground to the Tongtian Emperor Jingtong should be the sunset mountain? Because it is more than three or four thousand miles away from the point of ice and snow. "Yangding Tiandao.

East is silent.

"Impossible, the territory of the dark empire, no more than the place of chaos, or the underground ghost town directly in the vicinity of Yunxiao City, you do not need to build the site of the sky magic city." Yangding Tiandao: "So, although the dark empire surface It looks at a few continents, but this space is also relatively independent, and it is not completely corresponding to the ground."

When the words came out, the east was slightly changed.

"The dark empire is a separate concept of space. So where is the top of the Emperor of Heaven?" Yang Dingtian fell into deep thought.

I can't think of it for a while, Yangding Tiandong left the road: "Do you know?"

East Road: "You can see me too much."

Yangdingtian closed his eyes and said: "The point corresponding to Tongtian Emperor Jing should indeed be in the Yinyang mirror, the magic field, the ice and snow. So, where should it be?"

Yangdingtian closed his eyes and thought.

"According to the theory, the corresponding location of the Emperor of Heaven, there are two characteristics. Or, the destruction is especially large, because there is the place where the energy is swallowed the most. Or, it is the best in a few land, because According to the tornado theory, the wind eye is absolutely quiet.” Yang Dingtian talked to himself and began to recall a few pieces of land.

After a little thought, Yang Dingtian gave up the closed door to build a car. He also needed to go to the field to go to the Yinyang Mirror, the magic field, and the ice and snow to find the corresponding points of the Emperor of Heaven, and find the eye of the Dark Empire.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian directly threw the east away into the space ring and then flew away from the torn space.


At this time, the pyramids of the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

Naga, who was curled up in the corner and seeking a sense of security, finally calmed down.

Then, the body shrinks little by little.

From a few hundred meters ~ ~ into a few tens of meters, turned into a dozen meters.

In the end, it became only four or five meters long.

However, the shape still seems to be the shape of Naga.

However, gradually, the golden scales on her body began to fall off.

It is just like a snake, it starts to molt.

The whole process gradually became a bit painful.

Not licking, the sense of restraint is getting stronger and stronger, and even let her suffocate.

Suede, it is really painful.

Naga Frost, began to swim desperately, desperately beaten, desperately honed.

Let the scales on your body peel off one by one, revealing the skin of a woman with white snow. (To be continued.)

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