Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1110: Collecting the fox priest! The martial arts battle!

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After leaving the negotiating place with the Prince, the Yangdingtian did not return directly to the Yunxiao City, but once again flew to the Yinyang mirror.

From the yin and yang mirror, open the space door and jump into the torn space.

Then he flew in the torn space for tens of thousands of miles, opened the space door, jumped into the mountains, and once again entered the Xiaoxitian priest association.

After rejecting the request of Prince Edward, it is basically certain that in order to win the door of the human kingdom, the Prince will definitely take out the evil spirits in the princess peony and put it in the body of the ignorant. .

In this way, the Demon Road will have three holy powers, and it will surpass the Yangdingtian side in force.

At that time, the battle for the door of the human kingdom is completely endless.

Yang Dingtian and the mermaid Queen Violet were deduced, three holy powers, and three holy powers.

And the soul sword of Yangdingtian, the soul sword after the battle.

On the side of Yangdingtian, it will still lose, even the mermaid queen and innocent, there will be life and worry.

Because the holy power of the demon road is immortal.

Then it is very simple to win this battle.

As long as the Yangdingtian side, one more, to two holy powers, it will be fine.

Therefore, Yangdingtian once again came to Xiaoxitian Association for help.

The place with the highest number of holy people in the world is undoubtedly the association of the great priests who are not Zhoushan.

Yangdingtian used the token and once again entered the Great Priest Association.

Within the hall, it is still empty.

Yang Dingtian went directly to the room of the fox priest and tapped the door.

"Yangdingtian?" The sound of the demon fox sounded inside.


Demon Fox said: "Come in."

Yang Dingtian pushes the door in. The situation inside is exactly the same as the imagination. The fox priest has nothing to wear. Not only that, but the devil's curvy body is lying on the bed.

That is, the lower body is on the bed, and the upper body falls to the ground.

There is still a glass of wine next to it, and I still have a free book in my hand. There are all kinds of free books around me. I really don't know how many books she saw during this time.

Her days are really boundless.

When she saw Yangdingtian coming in, she didn't get up, she was still reading a book, and her mouth was gently sucked.

Suddenly, the wine became a waterline and penetrated into her small mouth.

"You, are you free?" asked Yangdingtian.

The fox priest said: "You didn't see it, do I have to be long hairy?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Then, have you recently had any new research projects?"

"No." The fox priest said: "I have to play for at least ten or twenty years, and then consider new projects."

Yangding Tiandao: "There is no such thing as a big priest association, is it not allowed to go out?"

"No." The fox priest said: "Only no outsiders are allowed to come in. There is no semi-regulatory constraint on the members of the association."

Yangding Tiandao: "That, can you please help me?"

"Yes, say." The fox priest said.

"Please follow me to the human country to take a trip, the demon road to compete for the door of the human kingdom." Yangding Tiandao: "The other side now has three holy powers, because of their evil spirits, so they are not dead." Although we have three holy powers on our side, they are not their opponents."

"Well, I will go with you." The fox priest rose directly and took the free books in his hand to the side. Although such a day was very happy, it was really boring.

Yangding Tiandao: "Actually, if you can not fight, it is best not to fight. Because once I start the war, I am afraid there will be casualties."

The fox priest nodded and said, "What clothes do I need to wear?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Maybe, you need a mermaid on board, or a sea snake's clothes, and then put on a mask."

"No problem." The fox priest was very excited. He took off his clothes and rummaged.

Her clothes are really much better, and there are countless.

As a result, she was found to have a sea snake's clothes and a black poisonous snake mask.

As she wore it, she said: "When I was young, I liked to participate in various dances. The most popular dance party was the disguise dance party. I have what clothes I have."

Her figure is really too devil, not at all human.

After the tight sea snakeskin was loaded on the ship, the devil's curve that almost exploded, so that Yang Dingtian's breathing suddenly became a bit heavy.

Seeing the reaction of Yangdingtian, the fox priest suddenly smiled and then took out a black cloak and shrouded the devil.

Then, put on a black poisonous snake mask.

Then, and mixed up some things, the fox priest left the room directly.

"Would you like to inform the leader, or a fire dance." Yang Dingtian asked.

"No need." The fox priest said.

However, she did not go straight out, but turned around and went to a stone room, and she would ring the meditation bell.

“Who is the person inside?” Yang Dingtian asked: “You wake up to each other for meditation, not good.”

"One of my secret lover." The fox priest said: "The temper is very arrogant, no one can bother him to meditate, I am the exception."

Yangding Tiandao: "You, are you going to take him too?"

"Yes." The fox priest said: "I think there is more of a holy power to better eliminate the thoughts of the demon."

Yangding Tiandeng was extremely grateful, and then restless: "This, do you like him?"

"I don't like it." The fox priest said.

Yangding Tiandao: "That, then, will it make you owe to others? Will he ask for anything?"

The fox priest said: "When someone secretly loves you, you drive the other party to do things for you, but instead of owing the human feelings, you will make the other party very happy. And you, after using the other party, can still be cold."

Yangdingtian was speechless, and the woman who was so charming to the extreme was still emotionally...not really a good person.

Then, the fox priest went straight to the meditation clock in this stone room.

Sure enough, after a while, there was a very violent voice inside.

"Who, who? Dare to disturb my meditation, don't blame me for killing you." The voice is hard to hear and scary.

"I!" The fox priest was full of impatient.

Suddenly, the inside was completely quiet, and even Yangdingtian could hear the sound of breathing becoming so fast.

Then, inside, there was a lot of fuss, and it was definitely choosing a good-looking clothes.

"Hurry up, even if you wear any clothes, you can't see it." The fox priest was cold.

Yangding is really saddened by the dark love of the fox priest.

Sure enough, Shimen was opened.

It is a very tall, strong... woman who prints into the eye of Yangding.

Actually, it turned out to be a woman...

However, she is really a man than a man.

If it is not because she is wearing a woman's clothes, Yang Dingtian really can't see it.

However, the woman's long skirt, worn on her body, is really... very uncoordinated.

She is too strong, full of muscles, more jealous than men.

Moreover, she has a national face and is angular.

Maybe when she made her, she suddenly made a nap, obviously it should be a man, and the result was a woman.

Moreover, when faced with the demon fox at this time, she was full of tweaking and uneasiness, as if there was no place to put her hands and feet, and her eyes did not dare to look at the fox, always staring at the ground.

The secret lover of the fox priest turned out to be a woman.

They are actually the same-sex love, and they are very trendy.

"This shirt is very ugly. If you go out, it is very shameful. You still wear a man's clothes."

When the words came out, the other party almost came out with tears, but immediately turned around, and then ran over and closed the door.

The demon fox priest and the devil's body, but do not care about being seen by Yang Dingtian.

The woman in front of her eyes is still burly, but she is very ashamed.

After a while, she came out again, and she wore a black armor.

"Not bad." The fox priest said: "Go, go out with me."

Sure enough, this burly demon fox woman’s eyes were bright and she was very excited to nod, and did not ask where to go.

The people who secretly love, the IQ is negative, even if they are sold, they have to help the number of people.

Yang Dingtian said to her: "Excuse me, please honor your name."

This burly demon fox woman stared coldly at Yangdingtian, full of coldness and even hostility, completely ignored.

"She is called the demon!" The fox priest said.

Then think about it for a while, she returned to her room, picked the biggest mask and handed it to the demon.

I saw this burly demon fox woman, and even her hands trembled.

This is probably the first time I have received a gift from my sweetheart.

"Don't wear it, don't let your face be seen."

When the words came out, the other party was red again, and the tears almost dripped.

Can't see, such a burly woman turned out to be a glass heart.

Then, in this way, Yang Dingtian led two holy powers and left the Zhoushan Grand Priest Association.

Soon, the three came to the junction of the mountains and the torn space.

Yangding Tiandao: "Ms. Fox, you may need to grieve you and enter my space ring."

"Okay." The fox priest was not very wronged, but very excited.

"My dear net, I am going with the demon fox first, you are waiting here, I will come over to pick you up." Yangding Tiandao.

"Hey!" Demon turned his face and still had no good face on Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian put the fox priest into the space ring and created a space door.

At this time, the demon net priest was only a bit stunned by Yang Dingtian.

Yangding suddenly jumped into the space door and entered the torn space.

Then, from the space ring, the fox priest was called out.

At this point, the fox priest is full of flushes, as if he is not addicted to this fantasy journey, want to come again.

Yang Dingtian opened the space door and jumped back to the Zhoushan area.

However, looking at such a huge and huge demon priest, Yang Dingtian is a bit difficult.

Because the entire space ring is about one cubic meter.

However, in front of this demon net priest, at least two meters, such a big block, can not fit.

Moreover, her body is so strong, it is not like the fox priest 芊芊 yu body, it seems that it can not bend.

Yangdingtian couldn't help but say: "Ms. Deer, your body, can you, can you get smaller, my space ring probably won't fit."

When the words came out, the demon net priest looked angry and couldn’t help but rushed to the top.

Her face, her body, is the pain in her heart, no one can mention it. For this, in the Association of the Great Patriarchs, she did not know how many fights she had made, and now Yang Dingtian mentions.

However, think of your goddess on the other side.

She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.


Suddenly, her body began to shrink, and it was reduced to only about one meter seven. Not only does the length become smaller, but the width is also much smaller.

It looks like it’s a!

Then, in her angry eyes, Yang Dingtian put her into the space ring.

Then, with the dark mysterious fire, a dark vortex was created to isolate a space.

The black fire hit, creating a space door.

In the end, he jumped into the torn space with the demon priest.

After a few hours, Yang Dingtian once again led two holy powers, jumping out of the torn space and entering the human kingdom.

The fox priest was so excited that she was the first to enter the world of humanity.

Everything is very fresh to her.

Three people, watching the scenery below, flew toward Yunxiao City.


Inside the dark empire.

After the demon, Ji and the emperor, the two men just returned from the Nether Empire.

Because the current dark empire is not safe enough, so they brought the oriental ice rink to the Tongtian Pavilion of the Nether Empire.

That place is currently unable to get involved in Yangdingtian.

There are a total of five people in the Great Hall of the Heavenly Emperor.

Holy-level powerhouse: After the devil, the evil spirits emperor, and no spirit.

The semi-class-level powerhouse: Prince Tai Li, the Lingbi Palace has no way.

"This war, we have to recapture the door of the human kingdom, get through the small West Heaven, completely reverse the passive situation of the evil demon." Taizi Li Qiandao: "Small West Heaven, we have countless holy, semi-class strong, just get through Xiaoxitian, we will turn defeat into victory in an instant, and the entire Guangming Parliament will become vulnerable!"

"This war ~ ~ we have to do our best, except for Yang Dingtian, everyone, all can kill!" Prince Tai Li Li sigh.

Everyone, all can kill.

The mermaid queen, innocent, can kill!

"Yes!" Several people shouted.

"Depart!" The Prince slammed the order.

Suddenly, five people, lightning, flying out of the heavenly emperor!

After half an hour.

Five people flew directly out of the dark empire and flew towards the taboo of the mainland.

Fighting for the battle of the human kingdom will soon erupt!


Note: This is only the case today. I will continue with the codeword. But it is to write the chapter of tomorrow, because tomorrow I will go out to Zhengzhou to move to my wife's residence, and I will be in the car all day. thank you all! R1152

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