Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1114: You're done, ask God fear!

The Warlocks Association made this kind of mobile lightning weapon, which is really for the purpose of attacking the Nether Empire. Oh,

However, it is completely experimental only now.

But even if it is experimental, the power is very huge.

The entire weapon installation is huge, full of more than ten meters high and tens of meters long.

Moreover, the use of wheels and tracks can basically move in complex terrain.

As for the power unit, of course, the spar power unit.

The former spar power was either used on the missile and directly fired behind it.

Either used in torpedoes, or on board. In short, it is used in water.

The warlocks felt at first that it would be a very simple matter to drive the spar power from the water to the land drive.

As a result, this is a very, very difficult and complicated thing.

Moreover, after repeated argumentation, it seems that the Guangming Parliament’s demand for terrestrial spar power is not very strong.

What can the ground spar power do? Cars, self-propelled artillery, and more.

However, the Bright Parliament has an astronomical number of riding beasts, with a transport capacity of up to ten tons and as small as a few tons.

Not to mention the ground, even if the demand for spar power in the air is not large, because the Bright Parliament also has astronomical aerial flying, the transport capacity is also a large dozen tons, a few tons.

Therefore, the ground spar power plant, which was put on the agenda many years ago, began to study, but it has always been a small category, and only a small number of warlocks participated, and the resources obtained were relatively small.

The establishment of the mobile lightning weapon has become the gospel of the terrestrial spar power group.

A large number of warlocks, a lot of resources, entered this project.

These warlocks have never enjoyed such happiness. How much do you want to use for each type of spar?

Even so, the research process of the ground spar power group is still not optimistic.

Not the lack of power, in fact, the power has been strong enough to the extent of the process many times. It is unstable and the failure rate is super high.

A terrestrial spar power unit that can run a hundred miles on the flat ground. On the complex ground, the experimental data has never exceeded thirteen miles.

Therefore, if you want a mature ground spar power plant, I don't know how long it will take.

The mobile lightning weapon device in front of us is like this.

Power generation, no problem, continuous power generation for several days and nights, there will be no failure.

Lightning strikes, no problem.

But just put it on the ground and let it run by itself? No more than four or five miles. It will be awkward.

Moreover, it is completely a super behemoth, a single weight of more than a few hundred tons, a such giant, it will take dozens of konjac to be transported away.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to use this mobile lightning weapon device to attack the Nether Empire.

To wait for its miniaturization, even the Warlock organization has changed direction. Want to upgrade directly to air power from the multi-faulty nature of the ground power unit.

after all. With the power fully enough, it is much easier for the Bright Parliament to fly a thing than to run on the ground.

Even so, the Bright Council of the Financial Group, plus the spar power group that was previously built in Yunxiao City, is too much.

and so. This kind of land monster is still a dozen or so.


Under the leadership of the konjac king's claws, thousands of konjac, with the skyworm silk rope, hanging mobile lightning weapons. Dozens of konjac. Responsible for a giant beast machine, flying in the direction of the Nether Empire.

Fortunately, all the organizations of the Demon Road have been cleared, and the entire Demon Road has been indented into the Dark Empire. Otherwise, such a big action has long been discovered by the Demon Road.

After a few days and nights, thousands of konjac carried dozens of huge lightning attack weapons, close to the Netherland.

Thousands of meters from the enchantment of the Nether Empire, thousands of konjac have placed these huge weapon devices on the ground.

Then, the warlock on the konjac, stepped forward to open these lightning attack weapons.

"Booming!" An earth-shattering bang, dozens of huge monsters, screamed and snarled into the enchantment of the Nether Empire.

At the same time, the lightning strike spar device is turned on.

Although these ground spar powers are not reliable, there are still no problems in a few miles.

I saw these giant beasts, like the dislocated behemoths, rushing into the secluded plane.

Ghost Emperor asks the heavens to monitor every part of the Nether Empire through the vision of every undead.

Therefore, these giant beasts were discovered in the first time after they entered the Nether Empire.

Then do not need the command of the Nether Ghost Emperor, all nearby undead, instinctively rushed up.

In order to defend the Nether Empire, the Ghost Emperor asked Heaven to set up a very strong defense line on the border of the Nether Empire.

Almost more than one billion undead are deployed on the tens of thousands of miles of borders.

Every thousand miles, there is an undead monarch, ten undead lords, and tens of millions of undead.

As long as there is any invasion, the undead monarch and the undead lord can arrive within a quarter of an hour.

Therefore, dozens of lightning weapons have just rushed into the Nether Enchantment.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of undead souls have come to the fore.

Less than a hundred miles from the undead lord, lightning flew.

In the twinkling of an eye, countless undeads have surrounded these weapons devices, and they are going to make crazy attacks on these machines.



Dozens of lightning weapons devices slammed the lightning of the sky.

In the range of dozens of miles around, all were filled with horrible lightning.

Thousands of tens of thousands of lightnings, crazy to beat every place.

Suddenly, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of undead, directly smouldering.

The ghost **** asked the sky, only to see the eyes violently, and there was lightning everywhere in the entire field of vision. Then, nothing can be seen.

Because the undead that he manipulated as the tool of vision has already vanished.

Ghost Emperor asked the sky to be amazed!

Yang Dingtian said that he could attack the weapons of the Nether Empire. He still did not believe it. He did not expect it to be true. And now I am rushing in.

Moreover, the lethality is so amazing.

The ghost emperor asked the sky, and suddenly fell into an absolute awkwardness.

Then, he said nothing, directly manipulating the undead monarch within this thousand miles, madly rushing to the point of attack of the lightning weapon.

Even this is not safe. He will send all the undead monarchs, all the undead lords, within three thousand miles nearby.


The dozens of monster machines, without stopping, madly bombarded.

Countless lightning, crazy beatings, completely turned into a dead zone for dozens of miles.

Ghost Emperor asked the day. Manipulating the undead monarch, the undead lord, did not immediately rush, but across a large number of miles, far from observation.

At this time, the ghost **** asked the heart of the sky, it was really very shocking.

Yangding can be done innocently, he can actually do it.

In front of you. With just a few dozen such machines, you can release such amazing lightning.

If it is a few thousand. How many tens of thousands? No, can you really drive straight in and then directly destroy the Nether Empire?

At the thought of this picture, the ghost **** asked the day to feel a shudder.


Countless lightnings are still being beaten wildly.

Ghost Emperor asked the day to be relieved, because of these lightning weapons. Just staying in place and not moving.

However, how did Yangdingtian do it? He really didn't know.

In the mysterious land of chaos, Yang Dingtian was able to achieve wireless lightning release, he... how did he do it? He asked the Heavenly College North University students. I don't know.

Countless undead, stalking and rushing past.

Then, a piece of land flew away.

However, these dead souls are depleted, and the ghosts ask the sky that they will not care.

He continued to control the undead and rushed wildly.

Then, within this thousand miles of defense, there was a huge vacuum.


At this time, Yangding Tianfei flashed into the vacuum area of ​​the Nether Empire.

Then, use the fastest speed to open thousands of jade boxes.

These **** magic crystals are intact in the Nether Empire.

Yangdingtian uses the fastest and fastest speed to put these **** magic crystals into the soul ring.


Thousands of Hells Magic Crystals, like meteors, rush into the soul ring.

Although the whole process is very fast, Yangdingtian is still thundering.

In case, if the ghost is asked to find out, it will be troublesome.

At this time, the ghost **** asked the sky finally made up his mind, ordered the undead lord, and rushed into the killing radius of the lightning weapon.

Because he found that these lightnings looked terrible, but the undead of the thirteenth order or more, it could not be killed.


Lightning is still beating in madness.

However, there is no lethality to the undead lords of the semi-class level.

Ghost Emperor asked the sky, could not help but long breath a sigh of relief.

Then, ordered the undead lords, the undead monarchs, to madly attack these lightning weapon devices.

Moreover, it must be dismantled to see what it works.


At this time, Hell Magic Crystal flew into the soul ring, less than half.

"Full, full, full..."

The ghost of the Nether in the ring of the soul exclaimed loudly.

Yangding Tianyi, a ghost, only a small and a half did not arrive, it is already full.

At this time, the ghost emperor asked the sky and felt the powerful energy of this area. He slammed his heart.

not good! Counted in!

Then, he immediately controlled the two undead monarchs and quickly rushed toward the top of the sun.

With the fastest speed, Yangdingtian puts all the infernal magic crystals that can't get in the air into one energy jade box, and then quickly puts it into the space ring.


Then, Yangding Tian flashes with the magical fog coat direct lightning, leaving the Nether Empire enchantment.

The ghost emperor asked the sky, just saw the figure of Yangdingtian, it disappeared without a trace, and rushed out of the Nether Empire.

at the same time!

The undead lord, the undead monarch, madly attacked these lightning devices.

The Shura people quickly rushed over and dismantled these weapon devices.


Suddenly, a shocking explosion.

Dozens of lightning weapons devices, all broken body.


Note: I am back, I have not slept for almost two days and two nights. I didn’t buy a sleeper yesterday, I bought a hard seat, but I couldn’t sleep. After going home, I slept for more than four hours and then got up to get the code word.

Next, there will be a more, thank you. (To be continued..)u

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