Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1118: Twenty-two orders! Both breakthroughs!

A few thousand miles away, Yang Dingtian received the soul of the near emperor.

Then, remove the soul ring embedded in the soul sword, put it on your finger, and then fly to the taboo mainland water with the fastest speed.

He is also not anxious to ask what the results are, because the Nether Ghost is still in refining.

After a few hours, Yangdingtian flew back to the taboo of the mainland.

However, when he summoned the Nether Ghost, there was no response. However, Yang Dingtian can clearly feel that he is within the ring of the soul.

So he could only sit quietly waiting.


In the Nether Empire, the Ghost Emperor asked the sky to fall into the most insane anger.

This time, instead of catching Yangdingtian, he suffered enormous losses.

The entire Nether Empire, the entire Nether WISP, by what protection?

Of course this is the Nether Energy Cover, which is the most important thing for them to survive.

However, in order to prevent the good things of Yang Dingtian, the Ghost Emperor asked Tian to have to use his own power to open the glory of energy that belongs to it.

As a result, the good things of Yangdingtian were destroyed.

However, the tens of millions of undead souls of the Nether Empire are dying. Dozens of undead lords have been melted by the light of the two days. The three undead monarchs were melted and the four undead monarchs were hit hard.

This loss is enough for the Prince to break through the Holy Class.

It is really heartache to vomiting blood and vomiting blood.

Of course, the ghost emperor asked the day and did not regret doing this. In order to prevent Yangdingtian from breaking through the holy level, it is worthwhile.

However, Yang Dingtian’s soul replacement has been swallowed up for a full second before being interrupted by his interruption.

really do not know. This second refining energy essence, can let him break through the holy level.

Anyway, this time, instead of catching Yangdingtian, it paid a huge loss.

After the complete anger, the ghost emperor asked the day to fall into deep silence.

After the devil died, until after entering the ghost town. Only then did I know that the only thing that entered the Nether Empire was not Yangdingtian, but only the soul sword of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, she also felt a complete horror.

She also has a soul sword, but he can't do it at all.

Even when her soul sword wand is to melt dark matter, she calculates the flight time and flight speed of the soul sword wand in her heart, and then releases the mysterious spirit with consciousness, so that the gemstones of Yuanshi Naga melt the dark matter.

Her soul sword wand. I couldn't identify when I entered the dark matter, and I couldn't recognize it. When did I enter the Nether Empire?

Like the soul sword of Yangdingtian, through the consciousness of the soul sword, we can identify the energy body of the dark empire, as well as the Naga energy body.

As for the opening of the energy jade box, this is the simplest action. She can't finish it. Not to mention making whirlpools, swallowing **** crystals.

In short. Yang Dingtian did what she could not do, even things she could not think of.

This is a fatal blow to her.

Although, now the Nether Empire energy cover has fully recovered and stabilized.

However, the countless undead of the entire Nether Empire. Still in chaos.

Numerous Shura, desperately drilling underground, are no longer willing to come out.

Even many undeads began to try to enter the cave.

Originally, the ghost **** asked the day almost to agree. With a considerable number of 19th-order undead, and the Holy Undead help the Prince to break through the Holy Order.

However, now it has lost dozens of half-levels and six or seven levels.

This loss is completely bloody.

If, then, help the Prince to break through the holy level, then how much he can still left.

Therefore, the entire Tongtian Tower has fallen into silence.

For a while, after the demon, Ji Ji suddenly spoke up and said: "Your Majesty, Yang Dingtian raised a condition, exchanged the East with the East Ice."

The ghost emperor asked the sky a little, and said: "What about that?"

After the devil died Jidao: "Xiaoxitian, after another fifty days or so, there will be a void crack leading directly to the first dark field. As long as there is a hollow fire, you can enter the small field from the first darkness. Within the Western Heaven."

The ghost emperor asked the day to tremble and said: "Do you know if Yangdingtian knows this?"

After the devil died Ji Dao: "No, he does not know. This thing is in Xiaoxitian, and only Yongshe knows. So, Yangdingtian is impossible to know. Yongshe relies on this void, killing the speaker." Enchanting."

The ghost emperor asked Tiandao: "That is, as long as we change back to the east, can we still get through the passage to Xiaoxitian?"

After the devil died Jidao: "Yes."

Ghost Emperor asked Tiandao: "So what is the value of Oriental Ice Ling for us now?"

After the devil died: "Yangdingtian is a very hostage hostage. Moreover, it is Li Ming's favorite woman."

Ghost Emperor asked Heaven: "Know it."

After the devil died Ji Dao: "The one on the dark throne is not there, you are the supreme leader, whether to exchange, you have the final say."

The ghost emperor asked the day and nodded: "Know it."

The Prince was too savvy, and he absolutely never agreed to trade before. But now, the ghost emperor has suffered such a huge loss, and he is really powerless to ask, let the ghost emperor ask the sky to use great energy to help him break through the holy level.

And the biggest and greatest value of Oriental Ice Ling is really just the hostage that Yangdingtian is most concerned about.

After she recovered her will, she has never belonged to him.

Therefore, using her to exchange the East, although unacceptable in terms of feelings and dignity. But in terms of interests, it is acceptable.

Moreover, if Yang Dingtian knows that the East can get through the Xiaoxitian Passage, he will certainly not exchange.


It took two days and two nights.

The ghost priest asked the genius to wake up. The first sentence was: "I broke through the twenty-second order."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was shocked. Before that, he was only a 19th-order high-end product. Now he has broken through the 22nd order. What happened?

Ghost Emperor asked Heaven: "After the Soul Sword flies to the Nether Empire, everything is normal, and the Hell Magic Crystal is constantly swallowed up. But the Ghost Emperor asked the day to be unwilling to fail. Even the Nether Empire energy cover was torn open, so that the two sides of the West slanted in. So Most of the **** magic crystals are all gone, I can't accept such waste, I rushed out and swallowed the **** magic crystal with the fastest speed. Then, I digested these two days."

Yangding Tianyi. However, there is not much disappointment, and there is not much disappointment.

This group of **** magic crystals, after all, can only be regarded as an unexpected wealth, how much can be recovered, are earned.

However, the ghost emperor asked the sky to tear down the Nether Energy Cover in order to destroy the good things of Yangdingtian.

This is a huge injury to the Nether Empire, and he is really decisive.

Yangding Tiandao: "So, how much has it been successfully refining?"

Ghost Emperor asked Tiandao: "There are more than 600 Hells Magic Crystals in total. There are almost two hundred, and the smoke is gone. There are still 200 of them swallowed by the fastest speed, and more than one hundred are left. It is."

Yangdingtian breathed a sigh of relief. The result was not bad. Then he asked: "What about that?"

Ghost Emperor asked Tiandao: "These hells have been refined and reorganized, and a total of 32 extreme energy essences have been synthesized. Among them, eighteen are nearly sixteen orders. Three are near seventeen orders and three are near eighteen orders. 2 near 19th-order, 2 near-twentieth, 1 near 21, 1 near 22, 1 near twenty-three!"

For Yangdingtian, only the ultimate energy essence of nearly 20 orders is effective.

but. There is still one and a half of the extreme energy essence of nearly twenty-one steps.

Combined with this achievement, there are just three energy levels of nearly 21 energy.

In other words, Yangdingtian is now all relying on luck.

His cultivation at this time is eighteenth-order eight products, and he can now swallow, only two nearly 19-order limit energy essence. There is no problem with this breakthrough of ten products.

Next, he wants to break through the 19th order, and he has to rely on the two new 20-level limit energy essences.

If you successfully break through the 19th order, then the remaining three near 21st limit energy essences can continue to be swallowed.

If you can't break through the 19th order, then these three are close to the 21st order, and you can only put it temporarily.

As for the nearly twenty-two steps, the limit energy essence of the twenty-third order, can only be seen, he dare to swallow, completely dead.

Now, there is no semi-god-level vaginal help to help him protect the law.


Take a deep breath.

Yangdingtian once again began a journey of engulfing the breakthrough.

Begin to devour the first extreme energy essence of the 19th order.

After the first phagocytosis, the sea of ​​air began to swell, but nothing more, this energy essence was exhausted.

The second nearly 19th limit energy essence began to devour.

Swell, expand, expand...

The essence of energy is getting smaller and smaller.

at last.

His luck is not too bad, and finally at the last minute.


His sea of ​​air, blasted open.

The whole **** and body have fallen into nothingness.

He successfully broke through the 18th-order nine products.

However, the two extreme energy essences of nearly 19 orders have barely broken through a product, which is not a good sign.

Next, it’s really entirely due to luck.

Two of the 20th order, can break through the 19th order, which really needs luck.

Take a deep breath.

Yangdingtian began to devour, the first nearly 20th limit energy essence.

Countless mysterious energy, the tide is generally influx.

Just half a quarter of an hour later Yangdingtian's gas sea began to expand, expand and expand.

The momentum is very good, even better than ever.

Only the first 20th order, it began to expand strongly.

In this way, hope is very big.

Finally, the first nearly 20th limit energy essence is exhausted.

Yangdingtian quickly swallowed up the second nearly 20th limit energy essence.

Gas sea, continue to expand, expand, expand.

Luck did not play with Yang Dingtian, still keep this strong stone.

Until it expands to the limit, it bursts open.


Yang Dingtian successfully broke through and the luck was very good. (To be continued...) R1292

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