Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1120: Fire Dance priest, was pushed down?

After all, Yang Dingtian is still one person to go to the Great Priest Association of Zhoushan. △,

However, it brought a few pieces of jade back, and a few personal letters.

First flew to the end of the yin and yang mirror, opened the space door and jumped into the torn space. After flying for tens of thousands of miles, I jumped into the rugged space and jumped into the mountains.

Entering the mountain, using the token of the Great Priest Association, opened Shimen and entered the interior of the mountain.

Within the hall of the Grand Priest Association, it is still empty.

All members are meditating.

Yangdingtian went to the stone gate of the fire priest and fell into hesitation.

It’s really a very bad thing to wake up the fire and dance again and again, disturbing the meditation of others.

Moreover, Yangdingtian is now owed too much to the Association of Great Priests, and it is often cheaper for others. The face of Yangdingtian is not so thick.

Therefore, Yangding does not know if it should be knocked.

Finally, with the courage, Yangdingtian began to knock on the door.

After knocking three times, Yangding Tiandao: "Fire Dance priest, Yangdingtian seeks to see."

There is no reaction inside.

If the fire priest is meditating, there is no doubt that she is inaudible.

You need to ring the meditation clock to wake her up.

Then, do you want to wake her up?

Maybe, at the crucial moment when people are studying, once they are disturbed, the impact is great.

Otherwise, even?

Go directly to Xiaoxitian, and find your own way to get rid of Yongshe’s day, and don’t bother with the Great Priest Association.

So, after thinking about it, Yang Dingtian still turned and left, ready to go to Xiaoxitian alone.

At this time, suddenly the stone door opened. The voice of the fire priest was heard, and the hoarse smiled: "Why don't you ring the meditation clock?"

Yangding Tianyi, then said: "Sorry to knock, you, are you not meditating?"

Fire Dance: "In fact, every time we wake up, we will have a long time to not go into meditation. They are all reading books and letting their brains have a rest time. After all, I am not a meditation madman."

Then, the fire dance stroked him: "Come in."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao, then walked into the stone room of the fire dance.

At this time, the fire dance body wearing a large red tight dress, her rich and arrogant body against the ups and downs, bumps and bumps. Set her face to be more beautiful.

She is really like a fire. Her beauty really seems to be burning all the time.

Snowy face, bright red lips, watery eyes.

That kind of beauty makes people unable to look straight.

"I am here, only wine, if you want to drink other, I will go to others to take it." Fire dance.

Yangding Tiandao: "No problem. I can drink anything."

Then, the fire dance began to pour wine.

Yangdingtian was shocked. The taste of this wine is really long gone, let Yangdingtian think of the high white spirit on the earth.

Usually, fire dance is to drink this water?

Obviously yes, because Yangdingtian saw it, a large glass of wine, she directly drank half.

Yangdingtian may have some understanding. Why is she gorgeous?

It is this clear and sturdy spirit poured out.

Yangding Tianduan took a drink.


The cool white wine, from the mouth to the throat, is completely in a fire, and the mouth is on the stomach, all burned.

This. Where is this wine, this is simply alcohol.

On the earth, Yangdingtian did not drink such an exaggerated high-alcohol liquor.

Although Yang Dingtian is close to the holy level, the physical instinct can not withstand such a high degree of liquor.

"What?" asked the fire dance.

Yangding Tiandao: "I want to get rid of Xiao Xitian's acting speaker, Yongshe."

After listening to the fire dance, said: "Why?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The demon road is desperately hitting the door of the human kingdom. It is necessary to introduce the master of Xiaoxitian into the human kingdom. Once they succeed, the masters of the Guangming parliament will be wiped out by the whole army. Our martial power and Xiaoxitian ratio It’s not worth mentioning."

Fire dance nodded and admitted this.

The fire dance continued: "Why is there enough reason to kill him?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The real Yongshe has been taken away. The present Yongshe is actually a human being. He will lead Xiaoxitian and embark on the road against the **** of chaos."

Fire dance nodded and said: "Do you have evidence?"

Yangdingtian thought for a while and shook his head.

Fire Dance: "Yangdingtian, we like you very much, when you are your own, you are a younger brother. Come on, because you are the only descendant of Mr. Nothing. Second, I am a woman, and you can make a female fox Emotion, I can smell your breath by letting you pass a few feet across you. So, I will definitely help you."

The words of the fire dance are so straightforward, but it is very embarrassing to let Yangdingtian.

Then, the fire dance said: "But you have to know. The Great Priest Association is absolutely unable to interfere in Xiaoxi's day politics."

Yangding Tiandao: "I know."

Fire Dance Road: "Of course, if it involves the survival of Xiaoxitian, our high priest association has the power to intervene. Asking Tian to win the small West Heaven Speaker, this matter is barely enough. So, as long as you have evidence, I can go. The president seeks not to make a Zhoushan order, forcibly representing the arrest of Yongshang on the mountain, and once he proves that he was asked to win the day, we can kill him immediately."

Yangdingtian could not help but see.

For him, the Great Priest Association is completely synonymous and sloppy, without any sense of power and power.

At this time, the fire dance mouth said that when Yongshe asked to die, it almost represented the highest and most terrible power.

"Unfortunately, you have no evidence." The fire dance sighed.

There is really no evidence, and no evidence can be found.

Then, the fire dance suddenly said: "Yangdingtian, do you confirm that Yongshe was taken away?"

Yangding Tianzhu nailed the railway: "I confirm, and the last speaker is enchanting, it is harmed by him."

The fire dance closed to the United States and began to fall into thinking.

When thinking, he gave a glass of wine and sent it to his mouth. It was like drinking water.

and. The more she drinks, the more her body fragrance becomes.

Her body fragrance is very charming, Yangdingtian smells and even some thoughts sway.

Then, the fire dance opened his eyes and said: "Yangdingtian, you know. We are an extremely exclusive, extremely harsh, extremely sloppy organization. It is because of the looseness that we almost dare not use our power. Complete and small West Patio water does not make river water."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

Fire Dance Road: "Actually, you said that Yongshe was asked to win the day, although there is no evidence. However, our Association of High Priests still has power. He took him to Zhoushan to investigate. I can open this for you. The investigation order, but... but you have to know that the consequences of this may be very serious. Although our Grand Priest Association has the power to do this, it has never done this before, do you understand?"

Yang nodded and said: "I understand."

The Great Priest Association, the status of Xiaoxitian is very, very noble.

But the root of this detachment comes from the detachment of the Great Priest Association. From any power that it never interferes with Xiao Xitian.

Therefore, the nine tribes and the joint parliament. They are willing to fulfill this kind of detachment.


Once the High Priest Association has used these powers, he can still be detached. It is very difficult to say.

Use the most straightforward metaphor.

Just like Europe after the feudal generation, even the kings of those countries still want the coronation of the pope.

However, the Pope has no real power over these kings.

If, of course, the Pope issued a will to arrest a certain king to the Vatican. The only result that was probably the complete fall of the country and the Vatican.

Therefore, the Grand Priest Association can issue a arrest warrant in name, and ask Yongtian to come to Zhoushan to investigate his identity.

but. If Yongshe asks the day to ignore it, this arrest investigation order is just a piece of waste paper. At that time, if the High Priest Association is to maintain its power and dignity, it can only use force.

If Yongshe asks if he wants to resist, he can only use force.

Therefore, at that time, it will evolve into a war between Zhoushan and the United Parliament, which directly triggered the civil war of Xiaoxitian.

In short, if the fire dance gives Yangding the day to arrest this investigation, the resulting responsibilities and consequences are even devastating.

Because, nowadays, the attitude of Xiao Xitian's parliament to Zhoushan is relatively cold.

The significance of Ji Ya’s birth to the descendants of the demigods is not significant, but the Little West Heaven Council did not tell the meaning of the High Sacrifice Association.

Therefore, it was still the notice of Yang Dingtian that the Great Priest Association knew this thing.

From this point, it can be seen that if the investigation warrant of the Grand Priest Association is sent to the front of Yongshe, the only result is torn into waste paper.

Then, by the time, the Grand Priest Association will either swallow. In that case, the authority of Zhoushan is completely a laughing stock.

Either, a civil war happens directly. The Great Priest Association, against the Joint Council.

Before I put it, Yang has already understood it very well.

After thinking for a while, Yangding Tiandao said: "I still don't want it. In this case, basically the only result is the full-scale war between the parliament and the Zhoushan. I can't afford this responsibility."

The fire dance looked at the face of Yangdingtian.

Then, I poured a few times into the red lips of my own red flames.

Then she found a piece of nephrite on a pile of messy tables.

This is actually not paper, but an energy spar.

When the important agreement was signed in the human kingdom, this kind of soft jade paper was also used.

For example, Yang Dingtian and Qin Wanqiu signed the Xizhou Agreement, and the sects such as the Guangming Parliament and Xuantianzong also used this kind of soft jade paper when they signed the Zhongzhou Agreement.

In short, this is the highest specification file.

The fire dance picked up the energy pen and began to write investigations and arrest orders.

This kind of writing is not a pen and ink, but an engraving of mysterious energy.

The word of fire dance is very beautiful, chic and wild.

It's really not like a woman's word.

Xiaoxitian Speaker, Mr. Yongshe, does not suspect that you have been asked by human beings, and that there is an unavoidable suspicion of the death of the enchanting speaker. We have sufficient reason to suspect that your existence will be fatal to the survival of Xiaoxitian. influences. Specially, you will not come to the Zhoushan Grand Priest Association to explain the doubts of the Great Priest Association.

The investigation arrest order. Always share two types of writing.

One is the language of the Xiaoxitian Demon Fox, and the other is the common language of the Chaos continent.

At the end of the investigation and arrest order, two energy seals were stamped.

One is the seal of the president of the Great Priest Association, and the other is the energy seal of Zhoushan.

These seals are made up of special energy, after they are covered. On the nephrite paper, there will be a special imprint that cannot be erased. It will use energy to surge, and it cannot be copied. Any nobleman can be seen.

However, the seal of the president, as well as the official seal of Zhoushan, are actually in the hands of fire dancing. She is not the president.

Moreover, Yangding Tiandeng clearly saw that the fire dance was just pulled out of the two official seals from a pile of empty bottles.

Seeing this scene, Yang Dingtian could not help but recall a movie he had seen before.

A person, in order to put a seal on a document, has spent a lot of effort. The official seal fully represents great power and majesty.

I don’t know how much it cost, I finally have to stamp it. result. Officials could not find the seal and looked over and over again. I found that a few children are playing poker. If they lose, they use the official seal to put a stamp on their faces. They lose the most, and even their **** are covered with stamps.

The seal that represents the highest power of Zhoushan is still so casually in the bottle. And controlled by the fire dance.

This, this great priest association, is really not a general sloppy.

When I saw Yang, the face of the fire dance couldn't help but red. "You see it too. How sloppy our great priest association is, so... so..."

After the seal was sealed, the fire dance handed the arrest investigation order to Yongshangtian to Yangdingtian.

"Yangdingtian, you remember, although our high priest association is very sloppy. But if you hand this investigation arrest warrant to Yongshe, and he refuses to obey, then we will not use any means to maintain Our authority." Fire dance.

When this was said, the heart of the Yangding was shocked, and suddenly I felt that the arrest investigation was a heavy weight.

This means that although the Grand Priest Association is very sloppy, the fire dance has not been approved by anyone, and it has opened the arrest investigation order to Yang Dingtian. It seems very casual and completely private.


It absolutely represents the authority of the Zhoushan, and has the highest power.

Not Zhoushan is willing to use the highest force to maintain the authority of this investigation.

It means that once Yongshe asks the day to refuse to obey, it is only going to fight all the way.

Yangding Tianzhu said: "I understand, so I can not use this investigation order, I will not use it."

In fact, Yang Dingtian is very certain in his heart, he must not use this investigation order. He has not owed much to Zhoushan, and he must not drag Zhoushan into the war.

The fire dance suddenly whitened him and said: "If you don't use it, what do I do for you? You can use it, but you should use it instead. You can use it in front of Yongshe, but in front of the nine tribal chiefs."

Yang Dingtian eyes brightened and said: "I understand."

That's right, this arrest investigation order will not be rejected as long as it is not directly presented to Yongshe. However, there is enough deterrent.

As long as Yangdingtian persuaded five of the nine tribes, he could impeach the Yongshe in the joint parliament and ousted him from the position of acting speaker.

Who will take over then? Of course it is Naru!

Naru is higher than the Yongshe in terms of popularity, qualifications, and prestige.

Suddenly Yang Dingtian felt that in the human kingdom, playing with force.

In Xiaoxitian, more is playing politics. Because the civilization of Xiaoxitian is higher than that of the human kingdom.

Then, the fire dance said: "Which plan are you going to lobby for the first patriarch?"

Yangdingtian thought for a while.

He has only two choices, one is his own cheap father-in-law, the Shadow Gobi's Enchanted II.

There is also a silver moon patriarch, who is the first master of the nine patriarchs, the innocent secret lover, the enchanting (the enchanting fiance) and the demon's father.

It is said that Yang Dingtian should go to find his own cheap father-in-law, after all, he is the grandfather of his son.

However, Yang Dingtian can't believe his character. This person is completely profitable. It is entirely possible to change the hand and sell the Yangding Sky.

The demon patriarch of the Yinyue family, although full of hostility to himself, is very good at this person.

"The silver moon patriarch, demon." Yangding Tiandao.

"Right." Fire dance said: "This person is very high, and hates enmity, the character is stubborn, proud, and he is very hostile to Yongshe. Once you say that Yongshe has been asked to win, he must Will become a vanguard against Yongshe."

Yangding Tiandao: "The second one, who should I look for? Enchanted II is not okay, this person is raging, swaying."

"Yes." Fire dance said: "As long as you win the silver moon, you will automatically take you to find his **** ally. Then he will be more active than you to remove the eternal house. of."

"I understand." Yangding Tiandao.

Fire Dance Road: "And, at the junction of the Zhoushan area and Xiaoxitian, we are not armed by Zhoushan. The highest one is the Snow Mountain Punisher. You can take eight people into Xiaoxitian. They will Fully obey your orders."

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, he went deep into the fire dance and said: "Thank you for the fire dance, I will leave."

Then, Yangdingtian will turn and walk out.

"What is the urgency?" The fire priest stood up and drank the glass of wine in his hand, and said: "Undress, all off!"

Yangdingtian could not help but see.

This, what is this?

"What are you Don't grind it." The fire dance slammed the glass and said, "Get off."

When I saw Yangdingtian stay there, I went straight ahead and untied the belt of Yangdingtian.

This way, this is not good!

Yangdingtian heart beat like a thunder, stay there, do not dare to move!

Is it that you have to be pushed down? Are you underestimated?

But in that case, it is too cheap to be yourself.

This woman in front of her eyes is completely worthy of the world. It is completely fascinating.


Note: The five thousand words are sent. This afternoon, I went to repair my mobile phone. I went to the Dragon Boat Festival with my family at night, so I only had one more, thank you! (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you for the reward of 10,000 starting points outside one millimeter. Thank you, let you pay for it. u

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