Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 114: : The favor of the solitary!

PS: The second one is sent, update nine thousand today, and ask for the monthly ticket!

"Becoming a pro?" Yang Dingtian stunned: "Who is with you?"

"Ask so much to do, when you get married, you will naturally know." Du Gu Feng dance impatiently said: "From now on, you give me a shut up, you just have to say a word, I will slap a sword on you.

Yang Dingtian was speechless again, but he also closed his mouth directly, because the demon woman said it is definitely not a threat, she will certainly do so.

Surprisingly, the bloodthirsty bat did not fly to the north of the Wanxue Palace, but to the chaos of the south.

Despite the doubts in the heart, Yangdingtian still did not ask, anyway, this bloodthirsty bat flew very fast.

In less than three hours, the bloodthirsty bat has flown more than two thousand miles and returned to the market town where the sun was in the first place.

Yang Dingtian’s heart jumped, and he seemed to know what to do with the solitary phoenix dance.

She controlled the bloodthirsty bats to land only a few tens of meters from the ground. The crowds in the town below looked up and looked at the surprise.

But then, the solitary phoenix dance violently pulled out the long sword and slammed down the crowd on the ground.

Tens of feet of swordsman kneeling on the ground.

"Hey..." A loud noise, dozens of people on the ground, instantly broken bones, hard ground, directly pulled out a hundred meters long, a few meters deep cracks.

Suddenly, the entire market town fell into a dead silence.

"Ah..." Then, countless people began to scream and scream, desperately fleeing.

Du Gu Feng dance looked at the crowd below, his eyes cold, controlling the bloodthirsty bats, flying to every part of the town, the sword in his hands was crazy.

Suddenly, countless swordsmen smashed from the air to every place on the ground, every crowd.

The entire town suddenly became a Shura hell.

Every sword is killed, huge houses become ruins, huge trees become coke, hard and smooth stone roads, directly split.

Countless people who fought hard, instantly smashed bones and blood flew.

In just ten minutes, there was no one standing and a horse standing in the entire market town.

All the people in the town were completely killed by the solitary phoenix dance. The market town within a few square miles has completely turned into a ruin.

This solitary phoenix dance, with just one person's power, in just ten minutes, completely destroyed the entire market town.

Yang Dingtian knows why Duo Fengfeng wants to do this because Frost is being bullied in this town. In order to get back the fairness for the frost, the solitary phoenix dance ran to kill all the people in the town.

Yang Dingtian trembled fiercely and turned his head: "You are crazy! The villains who bullied Frost have all been killed by me. The following people are not good people, but in the case of Frost, they are Innocent."

"Shut up!" Duo Fengfeng said coldly: "In order to say more, I will cut off your tongue."

After killing a whole market town, the solitary phoenix dance controlled the bloodthirsty bat and flew toward the north.

After two hours, I once again leapt to the Thousand Miles of the Nether, and then continued to fly in the north.


Wanxue Palace is more than three thousand miles away from the Nether Marsh.

After the Netherland Marsh, it is almost on the site of the Demon Road. But in the past two thousand miles, almost all of them were ruins. There were no traces of inhabitants, and even the ruins were very old and covered with weeds.

Yang Dingtian could not help but reveal a horrified look.

"The battle of two hundred years ago, almost all of us died, and we have not recovered." The solitary phoenix dances coldly: "But one day, we will recover this blood debt and will be heavenly. All the people in the league are killed."

The murderousness of the solitary phoenix dance made Yang Tiantian like a thorn in the body.

The ruins of this decline have been around two thousand miles.

After a huge black mountain range, everything has changed completely.

Yang Dingtian once again saw dense buildings and bustling crowds filled with peace and order.

It seems that there is no difference between the territory and the Tiandao League. Some people are practicing martial arts, some are logging, and some are mining. In short, there is no killing, no robbery, compared with the place of chaos, it is completely a paradise.

Here, there are about a thousand miles from the Wanxue Palace. It should be the territory of the Wanxue Palace. The real demon land is everywhere. It seems that there is really no difference between the territory of Tiandao League.

For more than an hour, the bloodthirsty bat flew over the prosperous and tranquil land of nearly a thousand miles, and there are still three hundred miles from the Wanxue Palace.

An incomparably wide river is in front of you. Yangdingtian is in the sky, and you can't see the end of the river. The river is red and bloody, and the river's sky is completely covered with thick red blood and fog.

This is the river, which is three hundred miles wide and several thousand miles long.

The river is so red as blood, and when people fall, they are basically dead bones.

Wan Blood Palace is just across the river. The three-mile-wide river has become a natural barrier. Therefore, two hundred years ago, despite the victory of the Heavenly Alliance, it was impossible to kill the demon. Because it is only these three hundred miles of wide river, it has become a scorpio that cannot be crossed.

Three hundred miles wide, the bloodthirsty bat flew for twenty minutes.

Finally, a huge stone mountain in front of it is already in sight.

Wanxue Mountain stands on the river.

The highest point of the whole mountain, full 20,000 meters, the entire mountain range, stretching nearly a thousand miles.

Wan Blood Palace is built on the highest Wanfeng Peak.

The whole **** peak is the entire megalithic mountain, without any soil, and without any vegetation.

The countless buildings of the Wanxue Palace are within this rocky mountain.

The bloodthirsty bat carried two people, crossed the 20,000-meter-high Wanfeng Peak and came to the other side of the mountain.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian saw the most spectacular scene.

The entire surface of the stone mountain, dense and dense are caves, countless pavilions, built in the cracks of the stone mountain.

The construction of the entire Wanxue Palace is completely insane. On the earth, even in the high-tech era, it is almost impossible to complete such a daunting project.

Bloodthirsty bats landed on a huge platform.

Du Gu Feng Dance grabbed Yang Dingtian, jumped off the bat, and then walked straight into a long passage to a simple cave.

Throwing Yangdingtian into this cave, the solitary phoenix dances coldly and coldly: "You are waiting here, and you will be married at night."

The entire cave is very simple, there is only one stone bed, a few stone benches.

Yangdingtian sat on the stone bed. At this time, of course, he knew that the solitary phoenix dance forced him to become a relative, that is, the frost that Yangdingtian had saved.

Her name should be called Duo Ao Ao Shuang, a twin sister who is a solitary phoenix.

Only God gave the most beautiful beauty of the solitary phoenix dance, the ultimate talent, in order to balance, so gave the doom of Dolly Ao, for her life, and she has a beautiful body and eyelids, but she is long on her whole skin. Full of scary scales.

God made the solitary phoenix dance have powerful force, but let the solitary arrogance frost be very weak.

On the sky, the solitary phoenix dance is proud and vicious, but it makes the singularity of the arrogance and inferiority.

The Creator, as if to give all the favors to the solitary phoenix dance, gave all the bad luck to the solitude.

Therefore, the solitary phoenix dance is cold and ruthless to everyone in this world, but it is full of endless pity and love for the sister.

So one of the difficulties that is now in front of Yangdingtian is, is it necessary to get married with Duo Ao Ruo?

Not married? Not only can not enter the Wanxuechi cultivation, and it must die.

Become a pro? That may be possible to use the solitary arrogant frost to enter the Wanxuechi cultivation, but that is the naked deception of the solitary arrogant frost, facing such a simple and poor girl, what is the end of the heart?

Within a few hours, Yang Dingtian’s heart was deeply struggling and he could not make a choice at once.

In the whole few hours, the solitary phoenix dance never appeared again, and no one entered the stone room. Yangdingtian seems to have been forgotten here.

It’s going to be dark soon! After dark, a wedding is about to take place.

At this time, Yangdingtian has made a choice. In order to save the flames, in order to kill Qin Shaobai, he is willing to have a wedding with Duo Ao Shuang, then take the opportunity to enter the Wanxuechi cultivation, and finally find a way to escape from Wanxue Palace. .

At this point, suddenly the door of the stone room opened, and the door was completely dark.

"I heard that my daughter, Duo Ao, loves you very much." Then, a penetrating voice came from the ear, and a tall figure slowly came out of the darkness.

The height of this person is about one meter and nine feet. The eyebrows are thick and long, the red face is hanging, the nose is thick, the thick lips are like Zhu, the long and narrow eyes are shining, and the age is the same as that of the East and the West. Not too handsome, but there is a compelling domineering atmosphere, even if a Sven Green shirt can not cover it.

This person should be the owner of the Wanxue Palace. The well-known big devil head is alone, the great master, one of the devil leaders, one of the most powerful people in the world.

Yangdingtian climbed up from the stone bed and went to the ceremony: "Yannantian, see the seniors."

"Well..." Du Guzhen sat down directly on a stone bench, faintly said, "Would you like to marry my daughter?"

"I am willing." Yang Dingtian bowed his head.

"She looks very scary, don't you care?" asked Solitary.

"I don't think the frost looks scary, but it has a special beauty." Yangding Tiandao.

Du Guzhen stood up and came to Yang Dingtian. He put his palm on the top of Yangding Tiantou in an understatement. He said: "Speak your true purpose. Yangdingtian, you only have a chance to speak, as long as your answer I am not satisfied, I will kill you."

Yang Dingtian body suddenly trembled, why did he dress up as Yan Nantian, will still be recognized?

"Your pure yang pulse, I will smell it after a few dozens of feet." Du Gu faintly said: "Let's say, what is the purpose of your visit to Wanxue Palace? You only have one chance to answer."

For a long time, Yangdingtian felt that he was in the hail, and he was cold, and the light of death began to cover the whole body.

As long as the answer does not satisfy this great devil, it will die.

"I want to go into the blood pool to practice, solitary predecessors." Yang Dingtian opened the way, completely tell the truth.

"When you want to break through in the blood pool, kill Qin Shaobai and rescue Ximen Flame?"

Yang Ding Tian Yi, this solitude knows everything, but still asks him, if he really has a half lie, now it has become a corpse.

"That is the case, please enlighten the predecessors, let me enter the Wanxuechi to practice once." Yangding Tiandao.

"Why? Why is it that the majority of the disciples of this palace cannot enter the cultivation, why should I agree to an outsider to enter?" asked the solitude.

Yangding gnawed his teeth fiercely: "Because, I have saved your daughter's life alone. I think this kind of person should be enough for me to enter the Wanxuechi to practice once."

"Duo Gu proud cream? I don't like this daughter, you can't save her, what about me?" Du Gu faintly said: "If you save the unicorn dance, it is almost the same."

Yangding Tian was shocked, and this solitary singer was so cold and ruthless. How do you say that he is also his own biological daughter, and for her life and death, he is completely unconcerned. Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt a burst of cold.

Du Guzhen then looked at the sun and looked at the sky: "Yangdingtian, you want to enter the Wanxuechi cultivation, it is not impossible. However, I promised one condition first."

"What conditions, seniors please say." Yangding Tiandao.

"The condition is that I am married to Duoluo Ao, and I am the son-in-law of my blood palace." asked Du Guzhen.

Yangdingtian has a slight glimpse. Is there any difference? Yang Dingtian just promised to be married with Duo Ao Shuang, but it was just as Yan Nantian’s Eastern Nirvana has taken a fancy to you, Simon has nowhere to see you, but the East Ice Ling did not look at you, know why? "The solitary singer said: "Because, the East Nirvana and the West Gate are boundless, and the East Ice is not. ”

Then, I was alone and said: "I am also a strong master, so I have also taken a fancy to you. You may not know that the pure yang of your millennium is unfathomable and is a huge temptation to us. So As long as you promise to be my son-in-law, then the blood pool does not say that you practice once, ten times, every hundred times."

Then, alone, he said: "And, as long as I am a son-in-law, even if I am alone, I will die soon. If your future training exceeds that of my other daughter, I can also give it to you. If your cultivation is high enough, then the Lord of the Blood Palace can also give you, how?"

Yangdingtian was astonished and speechless.

"Now make a choice, or become my son-in-law, completely draw a line with the Heavenly Alliance and become a demon person." Duo faintly said: "Either, die. I definitely do not allow a person with a great talent." Stay in Tiandao League."

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and looked at the palm of his hand on the top of his head. As long as he said nothing, he would kneel down.

"Well, I am willing." Yangding Tiandao: "I am willing to be your son-in-law!"

Yes, Yang Dingtian promised him. Because he is facing a super big devil, what to say in front of him to abide by the promise, it is not noble, but stupid, Yang Dingtian is not so pedantic.

Du Gu faintly looked at Yang Dingtian and said: "Very good, then start preparing for the wedding!"

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