Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1131: Yongshe stepped down!

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Yongshe did not pick up Yang Tiantian's arrest investigation order, but smiled: "The silver dragon referee, it should have been there for hundreds of years. This time it suddenly appears, it is really wrong!"

Yang Dingtian did not pay attention to the words of Yongshe.

Yongshe then smiled and said: "First of all, the Silver Dragon Temple has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of Xiaoxitian, right?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I don't have to interfere with the meaning of Xiaoxi's day politics."

Yongshe smiled and said: "Well, the Silver Dragon Temple has no power to take my job, right?"

Yangding Tiandao: "That is of course, the Temple of the Dragon does not have the power to deprive you of the position of Acting Speaker. Just, take you back to the Silver Dragon Temple to identify the true body."

Yongshe said: "So how do we send people to Zhoushan to verify the authenticity of this arrest investigation order?"

Yang Dingtian sneered: "There are energy badges of the Silver Dragon Temple and the private badge of the Great Priest Association. Is there a fake?"

Yongshe said: "These badges are of course true. However, I have heard that the interior of the Grand Priest Association is more detached. I am worried that this sacred organization will be used by some people who have other ambitions, so I will send people to go to Zhoushan to verify. The truth of this arrest warrant is not too much!"

Yangdingtian eyes jerked.

Of course, he is not afraid of someone going to Zhoushan for verification. Since the fire dance can expel this arrest investigation order, it will definitely guarantee its authority.

The key is the attitude of Yongshe, and it is necessary to verify. Is this delaying, or is there any conspiracy?

At this time, Yangdingtian has not spoken yet. The demon singer has a loud voice: "Yongshe, you mean, you have not been asked by humans, right?"

Yongshe smiled and said: "That is of course!"

Demon said: "Why are you afraid to go to Zhoushan to identify the true body?"

Yongshe smiled and said: "I didn't want to go. I just questioned that someone used the Yinlong Temple to open the investigation order, so I have to verify the authenticity."

Yang Dingtian slowly said: "You have to verify the authenticity, of course! But this does not prevent you from accepting the investigation order or reject the investigation order. If you refuse, I will regard you as a disobedience. Think that you have committed the crime of anti-Small World! Anti-Silver Dragon Temple!"

Immediately afterwards, the demon said: "Here, I took the position of the silver moon patriarch and put forward the strategic issue of Xiaoxitian. Because the acting speaker, Yongshe, was suspected of being robbed by human beings and was suspected of murdering the speaker, so I proposed that the parliament Go to the office of the president of Yongshe, and wait until he recovers his innocence, then resume his original job!"

President Yongshe smiled and said: "Hello, you are trying to impeach me, right?"

The demon nodded and said: "Yes."

Yongshe smiled and said: "If I remember correctly, the king of the nine tribes has the power to impeach the current speaker. However, if the impeachment fails, you must lose the position of the patriarch. Even worse, the silver moon is To be expelled from the list of nine tribes."

Xiao Xitian’s law is quite perfect.

In particular, it involves the balance of power between the nine tribes and the speaker.

The speaker has mastered the silver capital and added the weight to the nine tribes, so the power is the biggest. However, he only served for two hundred years.

The nine patriarchs have a lifelong system and hereditary replacements are the eternal masters. However, the single list is less powerful than the speaker.

However, even during the term of the speaker, the nine patriarchs also had the power to impeach the speaker to step down.

However, the cost is very serious. Once the impeachment fails, he will lose the position of the nine patriarchs, and even his own tribe will be expelled from the top nine.

Therefore, for thousands of years, there are very few who dare to use the power of impeachment.

Even if his own tribe is oppressed by the speaker, the two-year term will end.

The impeachment of the Speaker is basically a failure.

Demon Li smiled: "I certainly know the consequences of impeaching the Speaker. If the impeachment fails, I will automatically lose the throne of the Yinyue. My family is deprived of all power in the Yinyue."

Yongshe said: "This is not enough. The Yinyue people will also be expelled from the nine tribes."

Demon bite his teeth: "On this one, wait until I really fail the impeachment, then vote."

In fact, if the real impeachment fails, then the Yinyue nationality is expelled from the nine tribes, which is basically doomed.

Only those who are willing to be such a steel will dare to make such a gamble.

Yongshe smiled and said: "So good, I approved the voting procedure on this topic."

Suddenly, Ji Ya stood up again and said: "The silver moon chief demon Li Er, because the acting speaker Yongshe is suspected of being condemned by human beings, suspected of murdering the enchanting speaker, so impeachment. Now the voting begins, agree with the demon patriarch ,Please raise your hand!"

Because it is the impeachment speaker, all the members of the Yindu have no power to raise their hands. The Xiaoxitian Parliament has a strict avoidance system.

The voice of Ji Ya has just fallen, and the demon is the first to raise her hand.

At the same time, the silver moon members behind him all raised their hands neatly.

Basically, under any circumstances, every member of the nationality would not dare to betray his patriarch. Even if the front is a deep abyss hell, you must follow it.

Once he betrayed the patriarch, he can be said that his entire family is facing destruction.

Demon eyes, lightning generally looks at his allies.

Suddenly, the Haiqi long demon, quickly raised the hands of obesity.

He did not choose power, and the entire Haiqi people were advocating demon.

The glaring eyes of the demon are generally looking toward the Tianhuo and the Giants.

The patriarch of the giant spirits, the demon giant II, had no power at the time, and he had a resentful look at the demon, and then raised his hand.

At the same time, all the members of the Giant Spirit raised their hands.

Three tribes have been unanimously raised.

The demon-stricken eyes stared at the Tianhuo, and they knew that the other party had signed the agreement on the impeachment.

The Tianhuo patriarch was enchanting, sitting there, motionless.

Suddenly, the demon face changed fiercely, and Yang Dingtian also trembled inside.

Demon and coldly said: "The enchanting patriarch, don't forget, you signed the Justice League agreement."

The enchanting sneer: "I am a dear lord, signed on the Justice League agreement, and what is the relationship with today's vote?"

The demon face changed dramatically, and sighed: "Do you dare to defy the agreement?"

The enchanting said: "If you are a demon, you can't force me to raise my hand on this key issue. I think the chairman of the court is very diligent. The so-called human beings, the murder of the enchanting speaker, is completely No one knows, the enchanting speaker is his proud student. It is you, and the enchanting speaker has no share of the enemy. The so-called murder of the sorcerer, I am afraid that you are a fight."

When this words came out, Yang Dingtian’s heart suddenly stunned!

The enchanting is definitely not changing the position now. When signing the agreement, there is already a decision.

He must have been bought by Yongshe.

However, the Tianhuo has been oppressed by the Shadowgo, and the Shadowgo and Yongshe are completely colluded. This day, the fire enchanting, how can it be bought by Yongshe?

Yongshe, what to buy him?

But no matter how it is bought, this day the fire family is enchanting, and the shadow of the eternal house is no doubt.

This point, I am afraid of the Enchanted II, I do not know!


In the Justice League, there is an undercover of Yongshe.

The treacherous rebellion of the Tianhuo people directly pushed the demon to the desperate!

You must know that if the impeachment fails, the demon must lose the position of the nine patriarchs, and the Yinyue family must be expelled from the nine tribes.

This completely means destruction!

Suddenly, the demon trembled, and the eyes almost spurted out the flames.

Then he looked at the Enchanted II.

Now, all hopes are on the body of Enchanted II.

Because the Moro is his absolute vassal. As long as the Shadowgoes of the Enchanted II raise their hands, the Moro will certainly raise their hands.

At that time, the nine tribes still have five tribes to agree to impeach, and Yongshe will still lose the position of acting speaker.

Demon stunned and stared at the Enchanted II.

This is the whole Xiaoxitian, the most deceitful person. He has betrayed the demon twice, and it is normal to betray the third time.

And Enchanted II, sitting there, motionless, and even the eyes are closed.

The demon face, instantly lost the blood color, completely cold, feeling the body continued to fall into the abyss.

This time, it is really over.

The demon shuddered: "Hello, please don't forget, you signed the agreement."

Before the Enraged II has not finished, Yongshe’s speaker laughed happily: “My dear, in fact, after a day of lobbying for the demon patriarch, the demon patriarch gave me a personal letter telling me that There was a huge conspiracy against me. For the sake of the small West, for justice, he made me ready for all the coping, and went to not let the conspiracy succeed. He just confessed to you, but not only, he sent it. How did you seduce the video records of the demon patriarch, and Jiya took it out for everyone to see."

Ji Ya got up and took out the shadow jade and entered Xuanqi.

Suddenly, a huge picture was projected.

It is just the picture of the demon swaying the sorrowful anger, and the silver dragon referee who Yang Dingtian plays, and the picture of the negotiation with the sorcerer II.

When this picture came out, the body of the demon and the top of the sky did not feel any temperature at all.

Well, this Enchanted II is really the most treacherous person in the world.

I sold it for the first time, the second time, and now I sold it for the third time.

It gave the most deadly blow to the demon, and gave the most deadly blow to the silver moon.

Once the Yinyue people were expelled from the nine tribes, the Haiqi people were also difficult to protect, and even the giants who were originally isolated were at stake.

The nine tribes were vacant at once, only two of them would fall into the hands of the Shadows.

In this way, among the nine tribes, the Shadow Ge family directly has three vassals, occupying half of Xiaoxitian.

Amazing! !

Mr. Yong She’s face is full of absolute winners who want to smile, and slowly said: “Yin Long, the referee of Yinlong, you are demon. You have to take a series of conditions to buy and sell in order to let the demon patriarch push me down. Is the style of the Silver Dragon Temple? So, I have every reason to doubt your identity. I have sent someone to go to Zhoushan for verification. Once you verify that you are not the Silver Dragon Referee, then I will open you to the public. The name of Zhoushan!"

When this was said, some people were completely discolored at the place.

Yongshe not only wants to get rid of the silver moon, but also kills the silver dragon referee.

This, this is completely endless.

Yongshe slowly walked down to the side of Enchanted II, cuddling him emotionally, and then holding his shoulders loudly: "Demonian, and this unknown silver dragon referee, you think that Despicable means, can you mean that the deer is a horse, is it upside down? Do you think that with the interests, can you let the demon lord change his position? You are wrong, you completely underestimate the justice of the demon patriarch, you completely underestimate me and the demon The friendship and tacit understanding of the patriarchs. The demon patriarch has always been a symbol of justice and has always been the mainstay of the small western world. At any time, do not try to subvert this stalwart leader!"

The words of Yongshe resounded throughout the hall.

He used all the great praises of the world in the body of Enchanted II.

Let everyone see the friendship and common interests of him and Enchanted II.

As long as Enchanted II and Yongshe stand together, no one in this world can subvert the power pattern of Xiaoxitian.

All the patriarchs present, all the members of the council, did not dare to speak out.

I felt that the entire sky was shrouded in a name.

That is the Enchanted II.

At any time, he can control the pattern of the entire small West.

From the new civilization movement of Yongshe, to the position of the enchanting speaker.

Enchanted II can be a key figure in the whole world.

At the same time of fear, everyone looks at the demon eyes, full of infinite sympathy!

For the third time, the Silver Moon was betrayed for the third time. For the third time, it became the stepping stone of Enchanted II.

And the demon, at this time trembling, has been unaware of everything around.

At this time, he even had only one thought, rushed up, killed the Enchanted II, and died with him.

Mr. Yongshe looked at the demon, and smiled proudly: "Now, is it time to launch another to expel the Yinyue family from the nine tribes!"

Then, Yongshe looked lovingly at the Enchanted Second World: "Hello King, this topic will be initiated by you. In addition, the nine tribes are the power foundation of Xiaoxitian, so let the new tribes make up the Nine Days. Can't delay. Add new tribes to the nine major issues, and also be proposed by the lord of the wrath!"

The opinions of Yongshe are very clear.

Let Enchanted II personally expel the Silver Moon from the Nine, and then let him nominate the new Nine!

In this struggle, the Shadowgoes have gained the greatest benefit.

Enchanted Wang looked at Yongshe and smiled slightly: "Yongshe, the original issue has not been voted over yet, and there is no way to propose a new topic!"

Then, Enchanted II directly stood up and raised his hand: "I agree with the issue of the demon patriarch, and the deputy speaker will go to the position."

In an instant, the whole color changes.

And always ask the sky, as if it was lightning strikes in an instant! R1152

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