Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1138: I will die forever!

After entering the castle, Yang Dingtian and his party flew to the mountains.

At this time, eight punishers and four patriarchs, all waiting in the castle. Even if he always asks the heavens, he is imprisoned in the energy array of the castle.

Because the Grand Priest Association basically refuses anyone to visit.

Yang Dingtian took out the token and opened the mountain gate of the Grand Priest Association.

At this time, he noticed that there was really a carved silver dragon on the mountain gate.

Then, the above really wrote four characters, the Silver Dragon Temple.

However, the silver dragon above, the carving is very general.

The four characters of the Silver Dragon Temple are simply carved out with a knife.

Can you be serious about this group of high priests? Fortunately, the four patriarchs did not come in, otherwise they would really ruin the three views.

Enchanted II will also be awkward in the heart, Grandma's, this is the so-called Silver Dragon Temple, even a village chief's cave is not as good. This is still the belief of the whole small West Heaven. It is a pothole to cooperate with you.

Yang Dingtian entered the hall and found that it was not empty.

There are four people sitting there.

A fire dance, the president of a great priest association, and two other strange priests, a man and a woman, are skinny, a non-language, a demon fox. So thin, at a glance, you know that it is spiritual.

Although the fire dance was very casual, it was not the order of Zhou Shan, and the Yinlong referee, the arrest investigation order was given to Yang Dingtian. But in fact, she is still very nervous.

Shortly after Yang Dingtian left, she awakened the president and told everyone everything.

The president vain and helpless, you have done things, and then ask for my opinion, this is not the first play.

However, since the fire dance has already done things, there is no way for the president to falsify, and he can only take it.

So, four people are sitting in the hall waiting for the result.

Hope, there will be a smoother outcome, I hope not to really fight.

When it is time to fight, it is troublesome, and there are not many deaths and injuries. The study of the Great Priest Association was completely interrupted.

Therefore, four people have been waiting here.

When Yangdingtian came in, the fire dance immediately stood up: "How is the result?"

Yangding Tianzhu said: "All goes well."

Suddenly, not only fire dance, but also vain, all relieved.

This time, it’s really a fear of both sides of the wolf.

On the other side of Xiaoxitian, I am afraid that I will not be Zhoushan.

Not on the side of Zhoushan, why not be afraid of Xiaoxitian.

It turned out to be all right, it was a good result.

Yang Dingtian then finished the whole process and finished it all.

The fire dance and the illusion suddenly became amazed. Yang Dingtian chose the best road to complete this task.

It is the real four or two, but in the final analysis, the policy set at the beginning of the fire dance is correct. First look for the demon, everything will be easier.

Yang Dingtian then squatted: "The disciples are bold and negotiate with the Enchanted II. Many have promised a lot of things."

The fire dance thought for a while: "In short, is it three things right? The first one, let Nalu be the acting speaker, and the next referral to Ji Ya as the speaker. The second one, let the demigods grow up after the demon , enter the Great Priest Association to study. The third, after the end of the term of the Speaker of Ji Ya, is the book of Ji Ya as a saint?

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes."

Fire Dance Road: "These three things are nothing. Naru's things, we can't control it. Let the descendants of the semi-god enter the Yinlong Temple to study, it is our own will. As for the book of Ji Ya as a false name It is not necessary to enter the Silver Dragon Temple, which is simple."

Yangding Tiandao: "Do you not care about the reunification of Xiaoxitian in the name of the Dragon Dragon King in the name of the Silver Dragon Temple?"

The fire dance shook his head: "Small West Heaven is unity, or split, and it has nothing to do with Zhoushan. We don't care."

Yangding Tiandao: "There is one more thing, it is very important. However, it has nothing to do with the matter of Yongshe."

Fire dance: "Say."

Yangding Tiandao: "The bamboo priest did not die. When he studied the dark void energy, he was polluted and degraded. At this time, he led the priest exiled by the Silver Dragon Temple and wandered throughout the small West. The only thing is to wait for the dark cracks to bloom, and then to devour the energy there. It is completely addictive and can't stop. Because of this, they and the eternal genius collude, because the eternal emptiness of the sky can make They entered the depths of the dark fissures, and I, in order to organize the bamboo to kill us for the sake of robbing the sky, I have promised him, my emptiness, can serve them."

Suddenly, vain and fire dance are temporarily silent.

Although the Silver Dragon Temple rarely occupies members, as long as you become a member of the Great Priest Association. It doesn't matter if you are doing nothing inside, being lazy, or falling in love.

Only two can not be violated, the first one, contaminated the power of Xiao Xitian. Second, conduct evil research and destroy the entire world.

As long as you violate these two articles, you will be exiled, and even the most serious will be executed.

Deficiency and fire dance, close your eyes and silence for a long time, and suddenly can't find a way to deal with this group of dark wanderers.

Whether it is arresting or killing, there is something that can't be done.

Because this martial art force is too strong.

For thousands of years, the priests exiled by the Great Priest Association have gathered in the bamboo.

Falsely sighed and sighed: "First, let's do this, the things of this group of wanderers will be discussed later!"

From this sentence alone, the character of this person who is unwilling to do more things is revealed.

"Well, then let's go to the castle and deal with the matter of the eternal house." Fire dance.

Then, four people left the mountains and flew to the border castle.


I saw the president of the Great Priest Association, and all of them tidy.

"See the Lord!"

Not only all the punishers, but also the four patriarchs, all of them.

The illusion of this person, the reputation of the aristocrats in Xiaoxitian, is very far-reaching.

Because almost his age is as long as the history of Xiao Xitian. When the demon fox is still a group of foxes, he is already a smart and powerful non-language.

Therefore, this is almost a character of the ancestor.

Whether it is Enchanted II or Demon II, he has heard his legend.

He is one of the founders of the Xiaoxitian civilization.

Sitting down, he nodded and said: "The genius of the Shadow Ge family."

"Yes, the disciple is here."

Definitely said: "Everything that the Silver Dragon Referee negotiates with you is the will of our Silver Dragon Temple and is effective."

"Yes, thank you ancestors." The devil is but the forehead is authentic.

Definitely said: "So, let's tell the truth about the true body, let's get started!"

Suddenly, the two spiritual priests around him yelled: "Yes."


At this time, Yongshe asked that the sky had already woken up. Although he was trapped inside the energy array, he had recovered his ability to speak.

"Yangdingtian, don't pretend to be the silver dragon referee, I know that is you." Yongshe asked the heavenly voice: "You are using the stupidity of the demon, the greed of the demon II, rushing me to step down, you Just use them, the communion is private."

Demon fiercely heard this sentence, and sure enough, his face changed like a power, and the sun was shining.

The fire dance faintly said: "Yangdingtian is the only rumored disciple of the vain and vain. It is also a member of our Great Priest Association, a member of the Silver Dragon Temple. His silver dragon referee is appointed by us. It is also arrested. What is the will of our Silver Dragon Temple and his identity?"

When this was said, Yongshe asked Tiantian when he was speechless.

People's Silver Dragon Temple, willing to endorse everything for Yang Dingtian, then there is no use.

You can't let him enter the Great Priest Association because Yangdingtian is a human being, but there is never such a thing.

Yongshe asked the sky to turn, then sneered: "Don't think that I don't know, this woman has long been conquered by Yangdingtian. She can make the female fox come out, he is relying on that thing to travel all over the world, he Sleeping cool, so you are obedient."

Yongshe asked Heaven to know that at this time, begging for mercy has no use, so attack with the most vicious words, hope that the Association of High Rituals can avoid the suspicion and not support Yangdingtian.

However, who knows the response to the fire dance is.

"Oh!" A faint word.

People even refused to dismiss.

It is also this sound, let the four patriarchs, to admire. It is worthy of being an extraordinary sacred priest of the Silver Dragon Temple. In the face of such insults and attacks, he does not care.

"Get started."

Suddenly, two spiritual priests came forward.

There is no slightest method, no trace of spar.

Directly, two pairs of eyes, staring at the eternal house.

Then, tremble fiercely!

In an instant, everything around him suddenly turns into complete darkness and void.

Of course, this is not really dark, but everything around it has already entered the spiritual fantasy.

Whether it is refusal or consent, some people at the place have entered the illusion of two spiritual priests.

The whole world is dark.

There is only one radiance, and it is violently injected into the eyes of the eternal.

He desperately wants to resist, but has no ability to resist.

The powerful spiritual power directly crushed his will and entered the depths of his brain.

Turned out his memory two hundred years ago.

The picture of this memory was shot from his eyes and cast into the darkness.

Let everyone see clearly.

On the abyssal border of the dark continent, Yongshe was extremely excited and anxiously awaiting the bursting of the flame.

Then, a shadow appeared in an instant.

Lively took his soul out and made him a walking dead.

Then, under the sorcerer, the soul of the shadow was violently torn from the body and poured into the body of Yongshe.

Then, the flames burst into flames!

Although the picture is somewhat fragmented, you can still see the whole process of Yongshe being taken away.

Then, two terrible hands of light and shadow drilled into the body of Yongshe, and slammed it.

Suddenly, the light of a soul was born and smashed out of the body.

The light of this soul is madly twisted, struggling and screaming.

It is a very handsome, yet very thin face.

Yes, this is asking the sky, but it is not entirely asking the sky.

It should be said that this is the day that belongs to the chaotic world, not the day after being reborn by the earth.

The indigenous people of the chaotic world asks the sky, it is a person with legs and legs, so it is very thin and dark.

When he and the earth asked the middle and the middle, the whole person appeared normal. But after another split, he regained the horrible appearance of this thin and dark.

Yangding said in front of heaven: "You are the devil's way to ask the sky?"

The indigenous face asked the face to be distorted: "What is it? My soul is wrapped in evil spirits. Although it is only a second-class evil spirit, it is not dead. You can't kill me. You can't kill me." ""

Sure enough, the two incomparably powerful spiritual priests returned.

Then, everything around you, back to the original.

"President, we are already the strongest spiritual teacher in the world, and can easily enter his brain, and it is easy to tear his soul out of the body." The non-linguistic spirit priest said: "But his soul has a very Evil's powerful power package protects us, we can't completely extract his soul, and can't kill him!"

The illusion has nodded. For the evil spirit energy, Yang Dingtian has already told enough. He knows how powerful the evil spirits are.

Yangding Tiandao: "There are two ways to vain the lord, you can kill and ask for help."

Definitely said: "Please say."

Yangding Tiandao: "The first kind is to completely suppress his mysteriousness, so that he can not release the hollow flame. Then, put him into the abyss border, then he should be smouldering."

Dian Yan nodded.

Yangding Tiandao: "The second way is to throw him directly into the dark matter, and soon the dark matter can swallow him into a weird mixture."

When this is the case, I will always ask the sky to change dramatically.

Too, it is too vicious.

Suddenly, Yongshe asked the sky and screamed: "Yangdingtian let me go, let me go. I am useful, I am a very large hostage, I am useful."

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "After the failure of Xiaoxitian, it is useless for the devil to ask Heaven. The most valuable thing about you now is just your emptiness."

Definitely said: "What are the pros and cons of the two methods"

Yangding Tiandao: "The first method, it is very likely that the Void Fire will protect the Lord and will take the initiative to bloom, so it will still kill him. However, it is possible to re-extract the Void Fire. This is the top three. The second method can absolutely eliminate the soul and body of the heavens. However, the evil spirit energy and the dark matter will form a new mixture, which is completely unknown to us. Unknown, it means terrible."

Dian Yan nodded, closed his eyes, and said: "If this is the case, use the first method, and die forever."

Yangding Tianzhu said: "Yes."

The first method is to suppress the eternal temperament of the eternal truth and invest in the abyss border, let him fly away.

And if you can refine a hollow fire, that is the best thing.


Note: Even at the end of the month, please ask for a few tickets, do not ask for nothing. R1152

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