Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1146: The gentleness of the ice!

Yang Dingtian discovered that at this time, the Oriental Ice Ling was unconscious in the arms of the deceased. ...oh,

Prince Tai Li said: "Yangdingtian, East is leaving? Hand it out!"

Yangdingtian directly took the east away from the space ring.

The eastward in the space ring has been in a state of suspended animation, and now returns to the air, into a brief blur.

It took a while to see the situation clearly, and I saw the other party’s prince Li Ming and the devil and died.

However, his gaze suddenly became very complicated.

He has already seen it, this is to exchange, use him to exchange oriental ice.

Then, the scene of the day emerges immediately in the brain of the east. At the junction of the torn space and the dark matter, Yangdingtian wants to kill him. He is greedy and fearful of death, and he hates the prince, so he is loyal to the sun.

At the moment, I have to go back to the demon road, what about the agreement with Yang Dingtian?

The prince looked at the east and looked at it. Then he said, "Yangdingtian, start to exchange."

Yangding Tiandao: "Slow, why is the ice coma? Let her wake up."

He is very distrustful of the character of the demon, lest they do what they do with the ice.

After the devil, Ji Ji glided on the neck of the Oriental Ice Ling, and the ice suddenly woke up, his eyes caught in a short blur.

First, I saw the devil's death, and the look of the eyes became extremely painful and complicated. Then I saw Yangdingtian, and I was very surprised. "Teacher!"

That's right, this is the soul of Bingling himself.

This kind of look is completely unmaskable.

"Start to exchange." Prince said: "You let go of the East and let him come. Let's let go of the ice and let her go."

Yang nodded, then let go of the imprisonment of the East. I looked at him deeply and hoped that I could remember my own agreement.

East left his head and looked at the devil and Li Ming, slowly drifting toward the other side.

And the Oriental Ice Ling, also flying in the sun on the top of the sky.

At this time, Yang Dingtian is one of the five holy powers. Five and a half holy powers have absolute advantages in force.

But there is still an infinite alert, lest the devil will be at the last minute, what will make a sinister trick.

The distance between the two sides is only less than a kilometer.

The Oriental Ice Ling and the East are separated, flying in different directions, and then staggered in the air.

If it is before the east, it will definitely be hands-on.

But now the East has been hit by an unprecedented blow. First, I was tortured by the innocent for a few days and nights. I couldn’t live without it.

Then, he was tortured by Yangdingtian and was imprisoned for several months in the space ring.

Coupled with being repeatedly abandoned by the evil demon, and facing the threat of being swallowed up by dark matter.

At this time, the spine was almost interrupted, and it was no longer fierce.

When staggered. East is just a look at the Oriental Ice Ling, and then continue to fly in the direction of the Demon Road.

At a distance of less than 100 meters. Yangdingtian lightning came forward and embraced the Oriental Ice Ridge: "Sister, how are you?"

Oriental Ice Ling gently stretched his body and looked at the face of Yangdingtian, then smiled: "Fortunately, it is somewhat unnatural. It seems that this body is not mine."

It is no wonder that his soul has lost control of his body for several years. After finally recovering the will of the soul, he immediately fell into a coma and was imprisoned in the Nether Empire.

At this point, the feeling of the body is inevitably a little jerky.

And this time. Dongli has already returned to the side of Prince Edward and others.

Li Ming went forward: "Brother, how?"

This is probably the first time that the Prince has screamed at his elder brother. The previous Li Ming was very dissatisfied with the East, and he would only call the name, not even the name.

East nodded from the cold, and did not have any good looks for the Prince.

"Let's go." After the devil died Ji Dao.

Prince Tai Li said: "Yang Zongzhu, the exchange has been completed, you have been beautiful, you will cherish it, leave!"

Then, the five demon roads, with the east away, quickly went away, disappeared instantly without a trace.


"Senior brother, you finally rescued me." Oriental Ice Ling greedily looked at Yang Dingtian's gaze: "Many times, I almost gave up hope."

Yangding Tiandao: "Now, there is nothing left to make the teacher empty and zero."

Oriental Ice Lingdao: "The emperor's release is fine, but my master is somewhat intoxicated."

Indeed, thinking about the devil's demeanor, Yang Dingtian hearted a glimpse, and then forced these thoughts out: "Sister, master and teacher must miss you very much, I will take you to see them."

The look on the face of the Oriental Ice Ling became a little unnatural, but he nodded.

Yang Dingtian understands this unnaturalness because her relationship with her parents is not very close.

All along, she is full of blame for the Eastern Nirvana, and her temper is so arrogant, so there is no family.

However, after being suppressed by the first-class evil spirits, the endless sense of loneliness made her full of desire for feelings.

When she struggled with the evil spirits, she discovered that even a little bit of emotion and warmth could be an important weapon against the evil spirits.

Missing her parents, her thoughts on the sword-shoulder, especially her feelings with Yang Dingtian, is the foundation of her support to the present.

Therefore, in the soul torture of these years, the heart of the Oriental Ice Ling has become soft from the cold and proud.

Yang Ding Tian Naluo said: "I will take the teacher home first."

Naru nodded.

Then, Yangdingtian took the oriental ice ridge, and the lightning generally flew toward Yunxiaocheng.

At this point, the innocent suddenly got up and said: "I will accompany you to go with you."

Yang nodded.

Because, at this time, there is no fear that the demon road will impact the skull hall, and even refuse to do so.

Then, innocent and Yangdingtian, accompanied by the Oriental Ice Ling returned to Yunxiao City.

When flying over the water villa, the innocent suddenly said: "Yangdingtian, this is under the water lake. Is there a magical demon?"

Yang nodded.

Nothing said: "I haven't seen it yet, I want to see it, okay?"

Yangdingtian could not help but see.

Nothing said: "Why, as your woman, can't you satisfy me with this requirement?"

Yang nodded.

Then. He controlled the soul sword and drilled deep into the lake.

The illusion of the illusion of the eternal spirit, immediately spit out the cold energy, and instantly solidified the entire lake.

Near the Emperor's soul sword, constantly drilled.

After half a quarter of an hour, the soul sword directly brought the energy jade box with the magical demon, and flew directly out of the lake.

Innocent took over the energy jade box with the magical demon, and did not open.

Of course, I dare not open it. This cold energy. It’s too horrible, even if it’s a holy power, it’s hard to resist.

The Oriental Ice Ling, looking at it all with full enthusiasm.

Because she has been imprisoned for too long, and now that she is free, she feels that everything is full of meaning.

Before her, the temper is very cold. I am almost not interested in everything around me.

Put the energy jade box directly into your arms and say: "Go. Go back."

Yangdingtian is speechless, but I don’t know what to do without boring. It’s definitely something to use. I didn’t ask anything and continued to fly towards Yunxiaocheng.

On the way back to Yunxiao City, Yangdingtian asked: "Sister, what are you going to do next?"

Oriental Bingling said: "After helping the brothers completely eliminate the demon road. Peace of mind to have children at home, to serve the brothers quietly for a lifetime, do not ask the world."

When I said this, the Oriental Ice Ling was very gentle, but it was also very bold.

Yangdingtian could not help but see. The previous ice is full of ambition. Even after loving the sky with Yangding, I always want to press the top of the sky.

At this time, I wanted to be a good wife and a good mother.

It seems that the years when the first-class evil spirits suppressed the will have indeed changed her a lot.

Then, regardless of her innocence, she succumbed to Yang Tiantian’s arms and gave up her flight.

At this time, she really became gentle as water.

"Senior brother, Yangshuo Dabao, what happened now?" Oriental Ice Ling suddenly said.

Yangding Tianyi, the Oriental Ice Ling only held the big Baoyang 骊 once, even asked him specifically.

Moreover, when asked about the big Baoyang, the beauty of the United States was full of envy and envy.

"It is very overbearing, and the character of the phoenix dance is almost exactly the same." Yangding Tiandao.

The Oriental Ice Lingmei is fascinated: "I don't know what our future baby will be like?"

Yang Dingtian finally couldn't help but kissed her in a transparent jelly-like mouth: "Like you, indifference is like ice, and a beautiful boy is just fine. It will definitely be a thousand girls."

"That... that's great..." Ice smiled.

Yangdingtian is found, although the oriental ice has become gentle as water, but it is still without others, completely ignoring innocence.

Yang Dingtian holds her soft and cool tender body, can not help but hold her hands tight, this feeling of loss and loss is really good.

"Brothers, these years, I really don't think about you anymore." Oriental Ice Ling shrank the whole body in Yangding.

At this point, innocent people couldn't help but said: "Oriental ice, you don't think it is necessary for you to talk to Yang Dingtian about the devil's day?"

Indeed, the devil's asking for the whereabouts of heaven is the most important thing for Yangdingtian.

Oriental Ice Ling frowned unhappy, she is now tired of this extra thing, just want to enjoy this gentle and sweet.

But innocently asked, she still said: "The devil asked the sky to find Naga alone cream, I do not know where to go. But he has a powerful chaotic armor, is made by thousands of advanced magic spirit, very incomparable Powerful!"

In the top of the sun, the heart could not help but tremble. Only a thousand senior spirits knew a chaotic emperor.

Then, what kind of weapon is it, how powerful is it?

I don't know, my own Naga royal swordsman can break his chaotic armor?

Suddenly, Bing Ling said: "Senior brother, we are going back to Yunxiao City this time, holding a mother, are we going to have a simple wedding?"

Yangding Tianyi said, "But there are not many guests."

Ice Lingdao said: "As long as you are in the house, a simple church, then I will give you the complete body at night. Only after the house is a candle, we are the real couple."

Yang Ding Tianxin is soft and said: "Okay."

Bing Ling smiled and said: "I have already counted the days. Today is the day when I am more likely to conceive."

Yangdingtian couldn't help but face the red ear, and the innocent people couldn't help it. They flew a few hundred meters away from the two.

Her person, the most unacceptable kind of love and love, is too nauseating.

Between men and women, you can do whatever you want. When you are in love, you can directly slap the clothes and huh, and it’s so boring.


At this time Prince Tai Li, after the demon, Ji Ji took the east away and flew directly to the border of the Nether Empire.

Before entering the Nether Empire, the Prince stayed.

The prince was very awkward and said: "Brother, then we have to get through Xiaoxitian, and we need your emptiness. You can only let us destroy the temple."

East could not help but sneer: "Li Ming, did you think of having my brother this time? It seems that this person is not important, my hollow flame is important! If it is not to use my hollow crack Fire, I am afraid that you will let me live in Yangdingtian. I can’t die!”

Prince Tai Li said: "I know that my brother is resentful and even has some kind of agreement with Yang Dingtian. He even uses your hollow fire to let us die in the abyss crack!"

When this is the case, the East is eclipsed!


Note: Let's ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, thank you! (To be continued..)u

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