Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1150: Love blends! Heaven, hell!

After the demon died, Ji jumped over the energy gate of the hollow flame, and suddenly disappeared without a trace. Oh,

Then, the emperor released the side, no spirit, no way, and so on.

In the end, Prince Edward Li also jumped into the black energy gate.

Although jumping into the dark world is risky because you don't know where to send it to the dark world.

If it is transmitted to an area where the gravity multiplier is far beyond the range that everyone can bear, then life may not be guaranteed.

But now, whether it’s the devil’s death or the prince’s sorrow, it’s already in full swing, and it’s time to wait for the void to bloom.

Of course, for Yangdingtian, the situation on the side of Xiaoxitian has not been completely arranged. I don’t want the demon road to enter at this time.

Of course, as long as the demon road enters, the whole small western world will become a huge network, and one day it will be captured.

However, the worst result is that the demon and other people may have encountered the dark wanderers led by the bamboo. Then, under the temptation of the emptiness of the flame, the bamboo may change its position again.

After all, this group of people is irrational.


After the prince Li Ming and others jumped over the energy gate of the Void Fire, they have already prepared everything, fighting for the fate, and intending to play the role of **** in high multiple gravity.

But... skip the energy gate and enter the new environment.

It's easy, it doesn't have the feeling of increasing gravity.

Is it so lucky to pass it directly to the edge of the dark world?

Immediately afterwards, the demon dying Ji and the prince Li Ming found that the surroundings seemed to be...the first dark field, no change at all.

After the demon, Ji shut his eyes and perceive the concentration of Xuanqi here.

Very very very thin to almost no. But it is definitely not a completely dead continent, and within a few dozen miles, it feels the breath of elemental creatures.

Yes, this is still the first dark field. Several people have not jumped into the dark world through the door of the Void Fire, but have been sent somewhere in the first dark field.

After a while. Prince Si Li understood.

The low-level abyssal border in the first dark field can still extract the emptiness of the fissure, and it can even provide powerful energy to the emptiness of the emptiness. Therefore, after the prince swallowed the fissure, the cultivation was not small. Ascension, just a few cents from the Holy Power.


After all, this void fire was only baptized by the abyssal border of the first dark field.

Therefore, the energy gate it produces can only lead to the first dark field.

That is to say, the level of this void is reduced because it is extracted from the low-level abyss border. So his level is also reduced, and he can't enter the dark world.

Can't enter the dark world, maybe it means that the future cannot challenge the **** of chaos?

It’s not just Yangding’s suspicion that the **** of chaos lives in the mountains at the end of the dark world that has completely died. The demons are also so skeptical.

Therefore, this hollow fire can not enter the dark world, it is a very deadly thing.

After the devil, Ji Ji went forward: "Reassured, there is a hollow fire in the Yongshe. There is also a flower in Yangdingtian, and wait until the devil wins. Although it is impossible to get the big space, but the fissure is still No problem. Moreover, after two hundred years, the Void Fire will bloom."

Prince Edward nodded and said: "Only, we can't enter Xiaoxitian in advance."

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Maybe God is destined to let us meet at the other end of the dark fissure and Yongshe."

Prince sternly nodded.

After the devil died, Ji was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "Li Ming, why don't you ask to break through the holy level?"

The prince is awkward. Tao: "The undead monarchs, the undead lords, have great use for the ghosts, I don't dare to ask for it."

After the devil, Ji Ji nodded, then reached out to touch the pulse of Prince. Entering a mysterious sensation to induce his Qihai Xuanmai to be repaired.

The difference is really only a few milligrams, one thousandth, one ten thousandth.

Even if there is only a little holy energy, you can let him break through the holy level.

After the demon, Ji Ji was caught thinking.

After half a quarter of an hour, the demon dying suddenly said: "Go, go to the Nether Empire, let you break through the holy level."

Prince Tai Li said: "This is not very necessary. After the opening of Xiaoxitian, we will be able to use the holy power of the endless. I am one, and I am one less, it does not matter."

"No, only your own strength is your own." After the devil died Jidao: "I decided, now as long as the energy essence of an undead monarch is enough for you to break through!"

Prince Edward said: "It is better to go to the second dark field and hunt a holy elemental creature."

After the devil, Ji Jidao: "After the Great Fission, the second dark field is over, and it is not necessary to find a holy elemental creature for half a year. The high-level demon of the land is also hunted clean." ”

Then, after the death of the devil, the prince was stunned by the prince, and flew toward the abyssal border to return to the human kingdom.



In the singer of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian and her finally completely integrated.

Then, if neither of them moved, they just looked at each other affectionately.

"Brother, we finally became a husband and wife." The ice trembled, and even the breathing was rushing.

"Yeah." Yang Dingtian gasped and then kissed her little mouth deeply, and the body was gently and powerfully conquered.

Suddenly, the two men were deeply intertwined.

The beautiful unparalleled body of the Oriental Ice Ling, like a white snake, desperately entangles Yang Dingtian, and wants to completely integrate his body into the body of Yangdingtian. The two people truly merge into one.

Yang Dingtian’s ability in this area is very strong.

However, in this gentle and powerful blend, only a moment.

Two people are exactly like a volcano.

The whole person, the whole soul, has fallen into a kind of nothingness.

This feeling, as if it was a breakthrough, is not so many times.

The feeling that the soul is broken and the body disappears. Going deep into every part of the brain, as if it were a tiny electric energy, it hits every neuron in the brain.

After three minutes.

The two talents feel that the body and soul are gradually returning.

Then, I kissed them deeply together and gasped hard.

And the icy body of the ice, exudes a fascinating fragrance.

She closed her eyes lazily. Road: "Brother, do we have children now?"

Yangdingtian stroked her hips and said: "Which is so fast?"

Ice Ling said: "But today, it is indeed a day when I am easy to conceive. I really hope that I will have a baby right away."

When she spoke, she was always closed, her voice was lazy, delicate and sticky. It is like honey.

Yangding Tiandao: "You can go to the Netherland with the teacher, there are many babies, those babies belong to us."

"Yeah." Hingling nodded.

Then, the two men embraced each other quietly.

Suddenly, the ice is greasy: "Senior brother, this kind of thing is really beautiful, it really seems to be ascended into heaven."

Yangding Tiandao: "Would you like it, come again?"

"No." Bing Ling said: "One time is enough. When you come back next time, we will do it again. I have to wait until this time is wonderful. It completely precipitates, so I almost forgot this feeling, then we are happy again. In this way, you can enjoy the feathering feeling every time."

Her thoughts are really different from others.

It’s not like Wu Mozhi’s greed, every time he starts doing it. There is not enough at all, you must squeeze out the sun, and you must let yourself be exhausted, and you will be relieved if you have a backache.

Even if it is a flame, sometimes it is waist. Be sure to fall asleep until you fall asleep.

In this way, the ice lying in the Yangding Tianhuai, the two people's body is still closely connected, she will fall asleep like this.

In the past few years, her soul has not really fallen asleep except for the coma when she was imprisoned.

At all times, they are fighting against the evil spirits.

Now, from the soul to the physical and mental relaxation, you can finally sleep beautifully.

At this time, the innocent outside, and often a sigh of relief, and then picked up a silk puff, and smeared it in his skirt.

Listening to the room outside is not easy at all.

Ice Ling fell asleep every day, and Yangdingtian embraced her soft, jade-like aroma.

This feeling is so beautiful, there is really a feeling of embracing heaven.

Suddenly, the ice Lingjiao trembled fiercely.

Yangding Tianyi, and hugged her quickly, it should be her nightmare.

Then, the body of the ice Ling trembled.

Yangdingtian held tighter and whispered: "What happened?"

Then, I felt the tender body in my arms, and it instantly became completely cold.

The ice rim opened the beautiful, revealing the incomparable disappointment, the incomparable sorrow, the tears slipped out.

"I will know, I will know that the devil will not be easy for us!"

In the top of the sun, I was so worried and shivering that I could barely breathe. I said, "What happened? What happened?"

Then, I saw the beauty of the ice, and there was a trace of blood.

The whole beauty, instantly turned into blood.

"Brother, kill me, kill me..." Ice Ling finally screamed.

Then, her petite body suddenly became hot, terrible **** evil tattoos, violently spread all over the graceful white body.

Extremely violent, bloodthirsty, evil energy, violently erupted from the body of the ice.

This picture is exactly the same as the West Gate at the time.

At that time, Zhu Qingzhu used the soul of the soul to attack the West Gate.

Simon has no choice but to stop himself from becoming a bloodthirsty killer.

Nowadays, the demon prince is fierce, and this unrecoverable soul-eating is used in the body of the ice.

This evil soul-eating directly changes the mysteriousness and changes the mysterious veins.

Make a person completely lose all his intellect and become a murderous madman, irreparable.

"Ah...ah..." The ice screams and screams, the horrible darkness of the violent bloodthirsty atmosphere, skyrocketing.

The entire cave room was filled with blood in an instant.

"Kill me, my brother... ah..."

Innocent trembled outside, glaring at the magical demon, and then rushed in with lightning.


At this time, the demon dying Ji with the prince Li Ming, crossed the abyss border, is about to return to the human kingdom to help him break through the holy level.

When leaving the abyssal border, the Prince turned his head and looked at it coldly. "Dongly, don't you ask me if I will return the oriental ice to Yangdingtian? Are you willing to tell you clearly, I am not willing!" ”

Then, his gaze in the direction of Yunxiaocheng became **** and cruel, and slowly said in his heart: "Yangdingtian, a woman I can't get, you can't think of it. I can't get anything, I It completely destroyed her!"

"Now your feelings, you must be very eager to die! How do you feel lost? How?"

"How about feeling from heaven to hell?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." The prince was so keen and respectful, but the heart and soul were laughing wildly and shuddering!

He handed over the Oriental Ice Ling, but Yang Dingtian did not get it.

Therefore, it can only be said that he destroyed the beloved woman and exchanged for the East.

Then seduce the east to greed and madness, and then killed the East.

Despite his great adventure, he got a emptiness.

Now, we must break through the holy power.

This business is very, very cost-effective!

The prince Li Ming and the demon and the dying Ji and others, flying in the sky above the snow, quickly flew toward the Nether Empire.

They don't pass through Yunxiao City, but the Prince is still staring at the direction of Yunxiao City, as if to sense the **** sky there.

"Yangdingtian, when I broke through the holy level, when I got through Xiaoxitian, your last days came!"

"You have slept my woman, I will be ten times, and I will return it a hundred times!"


Note: Please ask for a few guaranteed tickets! (To be continued.)

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