Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1152: New Speaker! Catch the Li Ming!

Enter the head hall.

The holy and strong Saints of the Yingong Wudian are still waiting here quietly.

And the demon glass, also sitting in the hall, waiting for Pelu to come in and meet.

Nalu stepped forward and said: "Silver XIII, I am going to go to Yindu to report my duties soon. Can I have a small request before I formally become the acting speaker?"

Silver 13: "You said, if you don't violate the principle, I am willing to promise you."

Nalu said: "After I left, before any new orders from the Speaker, if any humans enter the head hall, I hope that you can take care of them, don't let them enter Xiaoxitian, and don't let them leave, can you?"

Silver Thirteen entered into contemplation, and then said: "Ms. Naru, I can promise you not to let them enter Xiaoxitian. However, I have no right to stop them from returning to the human kingdom."

The strongest of these silver palace martial arts, it really pays attention to the extreme. Even this is a violation of the principle and is not willing to do it.

However, Nalu and Yangdingtian had already thought of this, so she gave the order outside Violet and others to give up the door of the human kingdom.

If the prince Li Ming and other people launch suicide attacks on the head hall, they will find that they are completely effortless and directly rushed into the head hall.

Then, the violets were innocent and others, and then blocked the entrance to the taboo of the mainland.

In this way, as long as no one enters again, Prince Edward and others will no longer be able to come out.

In this way, it will always be trapped inside the hall.

At that time, as soon as Naru’s inauguration is completed, the new speaker’s order will arrive.

At that time, the silver palace martial arts strong in the hall, you can put the Prince and other people. Captured completely.

"Beauty, your father is also in Silver, you go with me." Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, there will be no change, but you are with you. At least it will be a good communication."


Nalu Chao Yin 13: "If I take office, I will send the speaker's order, then I will leave."

The silver thirteen priests walked the ceremony: "Congratulation to Naru Speaker."

After entering the small western world, Yang Dingtian, Nalu and the demon glass three, exhausted the mysterious. Fly to Silver Capital with the fastest speed.

The demon glass was surprised to find that Yang Dingtian’s body had changed, from a human being to a non-language.


Three people use the fastest speed, half a day more time. Just flew to the silver capital.

At this time, on the landing square of Yindu, there are already nine squad guards and messengers, waiting for a long time.

As for the parliament's main hall, it is already in place, and the nine tribes, as well as all the members of parliament, are ready.

Yangdingtian and Nalu. After landing in Silver, take the gorgeous carriage and drive to the main hall of the parliament.

Arrive at the main hall of the parliament. There are already many nobles, and the people are waiting outside.

Because, I am going to recommend a new acting speaker.

The nobles of these silver capitals came outside the square, which should be regarded as a form of expression.

However, Yang Dingtian was very surprised to find that the silver aristocrats in the square. Holding up the flags and jade cards, most of them are actually written by Jiang Shang.

these people. They even supported the great sage Jiang Shang and became the new acting speaker.

It’s really funny. The so-called Daxian Shi Jiang Shang, who has not stayed in Xiaoxitian for a long time, has never had the experience of political affairs in Xiaoxitian, and he has the identity of a non-speaking sage, and many people support him as an agent. speaker.

Moreover, the last time Yang Dingtian stayed in the silver palace with the face of Daxian Shi, so many aristocrats saw it, thinking that he became a proxy speaker has been doomed, so send the tribes early to flatter.

Therefore, when Yang Dingtian walked off the carriage, he immediately received countless cheers.

Many people present were shouting the name of Jiang Shang.

However, when the Yangding Tianzhu assisted the wind and the variety, the noble and elegant Nalu got off the carriage, the whole square was suddenly slammed, and then completely boiled.

The memory of Nalu’s speaker is coming out.

Then, the aristocratic people in the entire square, in unison with the name of the Naru Speaker, Jiang Shang’s name was instantly overwhelmed.

It can be seen from this that Naru’s people’s hearts in Xiaoxitian are high.

The door of the main hall of the parliament is slowly opened.


Inside, the nine tribes and all the members of the parliament have all been neatly seated, and even Ji Ya is dressed in a white dress, sitting in the position of the clerk, she is still responsible for the record, and host.

Seeing that Yangdingtian and Nalu came in, the patriarchs of the nine tribes had a part, only a little horrified, because they knew it before.

And all the members of the parliament made a burst of exclamation.

All of them think that Jiang Shangda is a new agent and will become the new acting speaker.

Because Jiang is not only the son-in-law of Enchanted II, but also a widely loved non-language, he also served as the Yinxian Daxian Division.

In the past, Daxian Division had a precedent for acting as the speaker.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Naru came back, and the legendary speaker who had already been lyrical in the legend returned.

With her qualifications, it is more than enough to be the new speaker.

After all the people were in place, as the clerk, the host Ji Ya got up and said: "Now the joint parliament, began to enter the issue, and elected the new acting speaker. The nine patriarchs have the right to nominate candidates. Finally, the highest support rate Two candidates became the real candidates. After half a month, the final recommendation was made, and among the two candidates, the new proxy speaker was elected."

Yes, Xiao Xitian is very particular about it. It is not directly recommending the acting speaker, but also to choose two candidates for the election.

Moreover, the middle is still separated by half a month. Of course, this is the acting speaker.

When the real speaker is re-elected, it will take a full year from the nomination of candidates to the final election.

Now Naru needs to be the acting speaker immediately, so there is only one way, that is, she is the only candidate to be nominated, so she does not need to go through the election and become the acting speaker directly.

However, this uncontrollable factor is still quite a lot.

Because this nomination is the anonymous recommendation of the nine patriarchs. Therefore, if there is any patriarch who wants to be disgusted and write another candidate, then he will wait another half a month for the final election.

Of course, in these few days, Enchanted II, Demon Li Er, had already greeted all other patriarchs, and must only write Nalu.

Even, Enchanting II has issued an unprecedented threat. If anyone dares to make a fuss about this nomination, it will not only lose the position of the speaker, but even the name will not be saved.

Of course, this is against the spirit of democracy.

But even in Xiaoxitian, there is no real democracy.

The nine patriarchs used the energy wall to write the name of the nominee on the spar.

Then, the clerk, Ji Ya, took a transparent empty box that had been proved more than ten times to collect these nominated spar votes.

A total of nine spar tickets were collected at once.

Then, Ji Ya took out these spar tickets, entered Xuanqi, displayed the above name, and sang the ticket.

"Ms. Naru, one vote."

"Lord Naru, one vote."

"Ms. Naru, one vote."

"Mr. Naru, one vote."

"Ms. Naru, one vote."

"Mr. Naru, one vote."

"Ms. Naru, one vote."

"Ms. Naru, one vote."

The situation is in control, and all the patriarchs are nominating Nalu.

"Jiang Shang Daxian, one vote!"

As the last ticket showed its name, the patriarchs in the field changed dramatically.

Who is it? So ill-conceived?

The gaze of the Enchanted II was suddenly like lightning, and the other eight patriarchs were shot.

Fortunately, this patriarch just wants to disgust everyone, otherwise if he writes another nominee, then it is really endless.

Yang Dingtian went straight up and said: "I don't participate in this referral and automatically waive the candidacy."

The clerk Ji Ya gave all the votes to the team of the spirits to verify that each one is true and effective.

Then announced that Ji Ya became the only candidate.

Of course, this is not enough to become the acting speaker directly. It still needs to be approved by more than half of the members.

However, this is purely off-pants and farts, the patriarchs have nominated, and your parliamentarians dare not agree, it is completely looking for death.

Because there are no other candidates, you can vote on the spot.

The result is of course unexpected. All the members of the nine tribes, as well as their patriarchs, brushed their hands together.

The nominee Jiang Shang’s smashing stick, anonymous voting, dare to engage in ghosts, but this time I dare not, otherwise it is really looking for death.

In this way, Naru became the new acting speaker with an unprecedented 100% support rate.

Of course, the inauguration ceremony will take a few days.

Even, it takes a few days to enter the silver palace. Because the silver palace must be prepared in all aspects, new furniture, new servants and so on.

However, now Naru, it is already possible to drive the power of the speaker.

The silver palace martial arts and the silver palace spirit warlock team, jointly the small West Heaven Speaker badge ~ ~ Xiaoxitian Speaker Yinlong Da Yin, handed over to Naru Speaker.

Without any delays and delays, Speaker Naru immediately wrote a speaker's order!

Order all the silver palace martial arts strong, unconditionally obey the life of the great sage Jiang Shang, cooperate with the human kingdom, and comprehensively arrest the evil demon. When necessary, you can even enter the human kingdom and participate in arrests.

The arrest list: the demon dying, the prince, the emperor, the emperor, the innocent, the innocent, etc.!

On each list, there are portraits!

Then, on this spar energy paper, the Union Medal Silver Dragon Seal was stamped, and the Speaker's badge was printed.

In this way, the arrest order was officially in force. From then on, all the holy and semi-classic powerhouses of the Yin Palace Wu Dian must do their utmost to arrest the evil demon.

Yang Dingtian immediately took this order, non-stop, and flew back to the head hall again to convey the order!

As long as Li Ming and others dare to rush into the head hall, then they are dead! (To be continued)

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