Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1155: Arrive! Desperate!

This dark crack is much smaller.

The last time, the dark crack that killed the enchanting eternal, under the bottom of the endless Yongfeng, was much bigger, tearing open the crack a few days in advance.

And this dark crack, until now, the crack slowly opened.

However, there is nothing underneath the crack, just a dark shadow.

The prince was so nervous that he even had to reach out to his heart and then take a breather.

In fact, the first dark field has no oxygen. He took the vitality and did not need to breathe air.

Seeing the situation of the prince and the sorrowful, the demon slayed his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

The Prince sternly forced himself to calm down and waited for the arrival of the dark crack.

On the other side of the dark fissure, Yang Dingtian, has also been short of breath, and his heart beat like a thunder.

This battle can directly kill the demon road, leaving the demon king to ask for a bachelor.

Therefore, Yangdingtian is also very nervous.

Nalu on the side saw it, and also reached out and gently appease the back of Yang Dingtian's hand.


Not long after the split was unfolded, the deep sea fissures appeared little by little.

It was like a tunnel that was so deep and deep, and there was a faint light in the darkness.

The real dark crack entrance, appeared.

"Go in." After the devil died Ji Dao.

The prince's body was a little stiff, and after the demon, Ji Ji took him up, and then the evil demon five went into the entrance of the dark crack.

After entering, the surrounding is completely a dark void, as if it is boundless.

But reach out and touch. But it is extremely cramped. Around, they are all black energy substances.

Because it is completely dark, it looks like it is boundless.

Walking into the dark rips in less than a few hundred meters, a mysterious and beautiful small abyss border appeared in front of you.

This abyss border is the border between the first dark field and the small west.

only. It is not a real borderline, but a temporary abyssal border created by the constant movement of two planes.

This is the origin of the dark crack.

The first dark field and the small western sky are turning all the time.

And the two plane worlds are all irregular, so there will be occasional borders.

However, the nature of the two planes is completely different, so the first dark field instinct is about to engulf the small West Heaven.

Thus, a short abyss border appeared.

Because the borders are big and small. Therefore, the abyss border that was temporarily born is also large and small.

And this temporary abyss border and the dark rip together, became a void.

So as long as there is a hollow fire, you can cross the abyss border and reach each other's plane.

Because the rotation of the two planes is regular, the crevices of the voids are also regular, and they were recorded by the bamboo that specialized in the dark cracks at that time.

Looking at the narrow front, but the distant abyss border.

Still mysterious and terrible light is still shining.

Then a flame appeared. One black, one white. It began to blend and became a transparent flame.

The prince was so fierce in his heart that it looked like a fissure.

It is very similar. At that time, Li Ming was attracted by this flame and jumped to death.

This is actually a void fire, but the energy level is very low, low and low. It is only the release of energy after the dark field devours the vitality of the continent. It is a very normal energy behavior.

However, the real world-class Xuanhuo is the abyssal border of the dark world, which has been condensed once in two hundred years.

And the flame in front of it is just a flame that has been brewed for a few minutes. Can't be swallowed at all. Devouring it is a dead end. The energy of this flame is very messy.

Despite the heart, everyone in the demon road knows this clearly.

Sure enough, this lowest level of virtual fire, has not split to a hundred, it collapsed directly, and the smoke was gone.

This abyssal border is short-lived and will disappear after a few minutes.

After the devil, Ji Ji said on the side: "Li Ming, you have to start, or time will be too late."

The prince looked at the abyss border in front of him, and it was Xiaoxitian.

However, his inner uneasiness has never been seen before, and even every heartbeat seems to be a pain.

Prince Tai Li said: "After the devil, I was extremely upset at this time, as if I felt that the other side of the dark crack was full of extreme danger."

The color behind the magic is cold, said: "Li Ming, do you remember how the enchanting dying?".

Prince Tai Li said: "I certainly remember that he was deceived by the eternal sorrow, and jumped into the crevices of the void."

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Actually, with his intelligence, at the last juncture, it is impossible not to worry that this is the conspiracy of Yongshe. He can't be worried. Jumping is a smog. But he... still jumps. !"

Prince Tai Li said: "Despite his inner doubts, he still jumped, so he died."

After the devil died Ji Dao: "So he is a hero, because the void splits fire once every two hundred years, missed this time, the next time will be two hundred years. And, is not a trap, you have to jump to know. Do not jump Go on, never know forever. So, he jumped. So, he is a hero."

The prince screamed fiercely: "You, would you rather die, and I am a hero, not a leader?"

After the devil died Ji Dao: "Yes, it's all in this step. Once we give in, then... that's just alive, it's just an incompetent generation. We don't need Yangdingtian to shoot, we have lost."

Then, after the devil died Ji Dao: "Again, you said that your heart is uneasy, you suspect there is a conspiracy behind you, do you have evidence? In which case, what kind of situation do you say? We jump into the abyss border Where are the deaths and traps waiting for us, how exactly will this happen?"

Prince Tai Li said: "Yongshe's speaker failed, and Yangdingtian mastered Xiaoxitian."

After the devil died Jidao: "Do you think this is possible? If Yangdingtian masters Xiaoxitian. Why should we set a trap for us? Directly bring dozens of holy powers into the human kingdom, and we will wipe out all of us." The door to the human kingdom can always be in their hands."

The prince is very savvy, the dark road is ah, if Yangdingtian masters Xiaoxitian. There is also a hair trap, which directly kills the evil demon.

After the devil, Ji Ji continued: "And, as the acting speaker, Yongshe has dozens of holy powerhouses in the Yingong Wudian, and he still holds a mysterious holy power in his hands. Even the nine tribes. Fighting with him, he is also invincible on the martial arts. You tell me what Yangdingtian relies on to master Xiaoxitian, and he spends most of his time in the human kingdom."

The Prince’s mind became clear.

After the devil, Ji Ji said one word: "Okay, suppose Yangdingtian becomes God. Master Xiaoxitian. Then we face his force, do you have any resistance? We must be completely crushed by him. In this case, are you willing? I would rather die and be unwilling to be bullied."

The prince was fierce and trembled. "We, we can actually hit the door of the human kingdom and rush into the head hall."

After the devil, Ji Mingguang suddenly became extremely disappointed. Sneer: "Is the head of the skull? The last time, Yangdingtian and a holy powerman left the taboo of the mainland entrance. You are afraid to give up immediately. You have run away once, do you still have to escape for the second time? You have been abolished, you have been scared by Yangdingtian, and your spine has been interrupted."

The words of the deceased after the devil are like a whip.狠狠 狠狠 厉 厉 厉 。.

His heart slammed and suddenly thought: "Don't this feeling of uneasiness come from intuition. But I am afraid of Yangdingtian, I have been scared of courage? If that is the case. Then, then I It is really abolished."

"Li Ming, you have broken through the holy level. Now it seems that you are really incompetent than the East." After the devil died, Ji Leng coldly said: "You have opened up the fissure to purify the abyssal border, you don't have to go, I In the past, this is the order!"

You are even more incompetent than the East!

This sentence directly makes the heart of Li Ming bloody.

Then, a sense of pride and anger rushed into my heart.

He directly released the hollow flame.

A black one hundred emptiness bursts into flames, and then merges into an absolutely transparent flame.

This is the emptiness of the flame, transparent to the extreme, without a trace of impurities.

A transparent flame slammed into the temporary abyssal border (also known as the void fissure).

Suddenly, the temporary abyssal border of this narrow abyss was quickly purified.

The fissure fire began to split, and all the abyss was instantly spread.

The entire temporary abyss border has become extremely transparent directly to Xiaoxitian.

After the devil, Ji looked coldly at the Prince and looked at him with disappointment, and then suddenly jumped.

"No, I am going." Prince Tai Li suddenly screamed: "I am still the same after the devil, I feel a strong uneasiness. You are not right, I have not been scared by Yangding, I am not A timid incompetent generation..."

After all, the Prince jumped down the temporary abyss border.

Then, if at the same time empty shuttle.

He is constantly moving forward in the light and shadow.

Time seems to be passing quickly, and it seems to stop.

I don't know why, the pictures of the past are like the replay of the movie in the mind of Li Ming.

In the picture, three people became the most important person in his life.

The devil asks the sky, the oriental ice, the sun top!

One is his creator, one is his beloved one, and the other is his enemy.

Every one of them makes him unforgettable.


The shuttle ends.

He appeared on the other side of the temporary abyssal border, which is already Xiaoxitian!

The moment he appeared, more than twenty holy energy, directly locked him.

"My instinct, it really is right!"

Prince Tai Li closed his eyes in pain, and the body was cold!

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