Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1157: The king of darkness is in the sky!

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Yang Ding Tian Nalu Road: "His Speaker, let's go."

Then dozens of holy powers, moving the energy prison, flew in the direction of the mountains.

Next, it is time to decide that the demon roads are dead!

Before, there was no decision on the fate of several people in the demon road. It was first seized and then said.

Of course, it’s not just the life and death of the demons, but in fact it’s just a small issue.

The bigger issue is how to establish a unified Yinlong empire, and face the disaster of Xiaoxitian brought about by the small Nirvana after four or five thousand years.

Also, whether the human kingdom saves the Xiaoxitian demon fox and so on.

Yang Dingtian will raise a topic of alliance among the three tribes.

Three families? Which three tribes are human beings, mermaids, and demon foxes.

The eternal issue of the three tribes is to protect the eternal existence of the chaotic world civilization. Stop, or escape the Great Nirvana of the chaotic world.

The immediate issue is the combination of the three tribes, destroying the devil to ask the sky!

Yes, Yangdingtian wants to destroy the devil and ask the heavens, from the mission of Tiandao League to the mission of the tri-family alliance!


Because of the control of the energy prison, after almost eight hours, many holy powers reached the snow-capped castle in the mountains.

Yang Dingtian took out the token and the energy gate of Snow Mountain Castle opened.

The more powerful energy prison in the castle is ready to directly imprison the four demons.

At this time, the vain president and the fire priest of the Silver Dragon Temple have not yet arrived, and the meeting of the three tribes will be held tomorrow.

Yang Dingtian, Nalu, Demon Li II, Enchanted II conducted a small negotiation.

There is only one topic, what should I do with the dark wanderers?

Because after a few hours, this group of dark wanderers will find Yang Dingtian, let him take the dark world border to the dark, and devour the dark energy.

And Yangdingtian can completely let the dark wanderers enter the dark world, directly shut down the fissure fire, and completely confine the group to the dark world.

Even with the hot fruit, first use the hollow flame to purify the abyss border, and then the dark wanderers jumped down to devour the dark energy, and directly pulled away.

Then all the dark wanderers will be wiped out.

Before deciding to kill and die, you must first decide that the life of the dark wanderers is dead.

Nalu said: "This group of dark wanderers has become an unstable factor in Xiaoxitian. I suggest that it be imprisoned forever or completely destroyed."

Demon Li 2 directly raised his hand: "I agree!"

Enchanted II thought for a while: "I don't object to the execution of the dark wanderers, but I think this is a very powerful force, and I am not afraid of death. So, I think I can use them to deal with the devil. ""

Demon Li Second Cold Road: "A human being in a district, we can easily do it, why do we have to be dark, how can we do this?"

In the face of demon arrogance against prejudice, Yang Dingtian and Enchanted II, there is no way.

Nalu said: "The devil asks the heavens, and is also the king of darkness. He masters the entire dark empire. Then, will the dark wanderers be used by him instead?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The demon king asks the dark empire energy of the sky, which is derived from a huge energy array, rotating in a powerful energy field, and producing unprecedented powerful energy. And the energy of the void fissure, almost no edge. It seems The Void Fire is the only thing that controls the Dark Wanderers."

Enchanted Second World Road: "At present, there are three people who have a hollow fire. There is a total of three people. Yangdingtian, the demon road is fierce, and the decree is long. So, this dark wanderer can be commanded and utilized. ”

Then, Enchanted II again said: "In fact, a few of us are not entitled to judge the life and death of the dark wanderers. Because they are exiles of the Silver Dragon Temple, only the Silver Dragon Temple has the right to kill them."

This is true, Yangding Tiandao: "That is the case, this time I took them to the Dark Empire, they will not be imprisoned or executed. Their fate, at the tri-committee meeting, deliberation, and then make a decision."

Nalu nodded. "That's it."

Then, Nalu said again: "There is also a net player who is on the side of the demon, is it necessary to arrest it as soon as possible?"

Yangding Tiandao: "She is currently in the Nether Empire or in the first dark field. If she is in the first dark field, she will always be trapped."


The time is almost up.

Yangdingtian left the snow-capped castle of Zhoushan and came to the place where the dark fallen people gathered.

Here, the dark wanderers led by Yazhu have been neatly waiting here.

When I saw the appearance of Yangdingtian, the bamboo was excited: "Your lord is a believer."

Seeing his enthusiasm and excitement, he couldn’t help but feel sad.

This used to be the highest priest of the Silver Dragon Temple, a man who was once loved by Naru. Now, it has fallen to Sri Lanka.

Yangding Tiandao: "You, are you entering together?"

Mi Bamboo nodded and said: "We are dark and wandering, and we are blessed with the same difficulty. The whole world has abandoned us. If we don't unite, we are really a ghost."

Then, Mizhu’s eyes shone with radiance: “Now, you are also a member of us, so we are already a family.”

A dark wanderer next to him said: "Yes, although there is a hollow fire in the Yongshe, but it hides and hides, bluffs. Let us know that we can enter the dark world to enjoy. Even, many times, we abandon the agreement between us. ”

This dark wanderer turned out to be a woman.

This group of people will always cover themselves in the black cloak, so there is no way to see men and women.

Then, the female dark wanderer came forward and closed her eyes to smell the taste of Yang Tianding.

After a moment, her voice trembled and hoarsely said: "Yes, yes, incomparably mysterious, distant dark energy."

Then, her breathing became rushed, and she trembled and said: "I will let me send it when I sniff it. I, I don't know that I haven't had a relationship for thousands of years..."

When the words came out, all the dark wanderers present were laughing.

Then, the female dark wanderer said: "Boss, his energy is nobler than you, so maybe we have to change the boss."

Mi Bamboo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. He has a hollow fire. It can bring us endless dark energy. He is already a boss."

"Boss, let us go in, I can't wait, the last time I was addicted, or a few years ago, I pointed to this one time." Another voice sounded.

"Yeah, yes, if I didn't point to this addiction, I couldn't take it anymore, and my self was broken." There was a weak voice.

"Shut up." Mi Zhu sighed: "No one can give me any self-destruction. How many people died when we were wandering? Until we got together, no one chose to die. I know we are falling. Then, we will fall to the end, I will see what the God of Darkness will give us. We continue to swallow and swallow, I will see, what will we eventually become?"

Then, the bamboo is in front of the sun and the sky: "Let's get started?"

In other words, the attitude of this group of dark wanderers to Yang Dingtian and the attitude towards Yongshe’s question are completely different.

Asking the sky for Yongshe is a permanent business, and it is indifferent.

And for Yangdingtian, it is already his own attitude. Because on the top of the sky, they smell the same dark power.

"Good." Yangdingtian nodded.

Then, the virtual fire was directly opened.

Seeing the flames of the void, this group of dark wanderers has begun to get excited, and the eyes bloom with excitement.

Every time before the flames burst, it means that they are in the ascendant.

The fissure fire broke open to the extreme, breaking an energy gate directly in the middle.

Behind the energy gate is the dark world.

Through the energy gate, the unique energy of the dark world has spread, and this breath makes the dark wanderers incomparably fascinated.

It’s just that feeling, that’s right.

"Brothers and sisters, go in, enjoy."

Then he jumped in first, and then all the dark wanderers rushed in.

Finally, everyone has entered.

Actually, no one stayed outside and held control of Yangdingtian.

You must know that now that Yang Dingtian does nothing, you can imprison these dark wanderers in the dark world.

He just doesn't jump in.

This group of dark wanderers did not have the slightest guard against him.

I jumped into the dark world.

Extinguish the fissure fire and leave directly. Imprisoning this group in the dark world?

This thought passed by.

However, Yang Ding Tianxin’s heart was soft and he gave up.

Then he jumped into the dark world.


After entering the dark world.

Suddenly seeing all the dark wanderers in the carnival, it seems as if they have found their spiritual home.

There is no air here, nothing, everything is completely dead.

However, they breathe greedily.

It’s already tens of thousands of times of gravity, but they don’t care.

Yangding said in front of heaven: "Go, go to the abyss border and have real dark energy!"

Mi Chu suddenly said: "Brothers and sisters have gone, go to the abyss border, we have to be great."

Then, a group of people arched the sun and the sky, like the stars holding the moon, flew away toward the abyss border.

This group of people did not think about it at all. Yang Dingtian had the idea of ​​completely imprisoning them here.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian thought of the MLM organization, and the people inside were brainwashed, and they became very naive and simple.

And Yangdingtian, born to be their leader.

After ten hours, the dark wanderers arrived at this unprecedented abyss border.

Then, the first reaction.

All the dark wanderers were shocked and surrendered, as if they saw their faith, as if they saw heaven.

All the dark wanderers, all neatly squatted down and kissed the ground.

For the dark wanderers, the abyss border in the void is their belief.

The dark energy in the abyss border is their belief.

Therefore, the abyss border has become the most beautiful and sacred scene in their minds.

Previously, every abyss border was temporary and short-lived.

And the abyss border in front of you, the incomparably long and wide, the incomparable eternal long-lasting, incomparably beautiful and charming.

For them, it is really heaven!

Most of the dark wanderers present have been to the second dark field of cultivation.

Even some of the dark wanderers have seen the abyssal border in the second dark field.

But at the time they had no feelings about the abyss border.

Moreover, as they continue to devour dark energy, their memories have become narrower and shorter.

Now, for their origins, previous emotions, etc., they are almost indifferent and forget.

Therefore, the feelings of Yazhu on Nalu have also been numbly forgotten, and what can’t be irritated.

The abyss borders become their eternal memory.

Suddenly, a dark wanderer came to the front of Yangdingtian, kneeling and kissing his instep, and letting Yangdingtian startle.

"You brought us to the dark heaven. From now on, you are my king!"

Then, the other dark wanderers, who were also madly slammed down, shouted: "You brought us to heaven, you are our king!"

Seeing this scene, Yangdingtian stayed completely. R1152

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