Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1175: 0钧1 hair! Undercover manifestation!

Worried about the day, hesitated for a moment.

"You turned your back."

"Yes!" The holy punisher immediately turned around.

It’s a breeze to ask the sky, it’s easy, and it’s impossible to move the sacred veins and the sea of ​​Naru and the demon.

When the demon II was locked in the whole body, the moment of gaze burst into a totally unbelievable light.

He, he is so powerful, in the face of illusion, there is no such thing as a backhand? How can it be?

The illusion of the sky is a faint smile, and then his body is like a lightning bolt, and he instantly goes out for a hundred miles.


It is exactly like a shifting shadow, and it suddenly appears in front of the fire dance.

Then smiled and said: "Fire dance, what are you so anxious to do?"

The fire dance is far from him, far more than two hundred miles, but only for a moment, the illusion appears in front of himself.

Suddenly, the fire dance was pale and bloodless, and slowly said: "What should I call you?"

The illusion of the day slowly said: "When did you know it?"

Fire Dance: "If I say, now, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe." Xu Yan asked heaven.

Fire Dance Road: "When you saw me in the underground prison of Snow Mountain Castle, my heart slammed and immediately felt the terrible smell on your body, similar to the terrible atmosphere of the Shadow Devil. You know, I am In the study of energetics, there are several shadows that have been killed in my lab. I still have a few cans of black fog in the shadows. Of course, I am not completely suspicious because you just killed The devil asked the sky, and his chaotic empire exploded. The energy of the shadow magic is very normal."

Falsely asks Heaven: "What else?"

Fire Dance: "The tone of your speech has completely changed."

"No change." Xu Yan asked Tiandao: "My subject is still vain, how can it change?"

"No, your tone has changed." Fire dance said: "When you usually talk, the third word will be light. But if a sentence exceeds ten words, the last word will be lowered."

Difficult to ask the sky, tremble: "Really? Why didn't I find out?"

Fire Dance Road: "When you talk for yourself, how can you notice. Only those who get along with you will pay attention. Just talking, although still learning the pronunciation of the non-language, but the feeling of frustration and the devil are somewhat similar. ”

Falsely asked Tiandao: "Sure enough."

Fire Dance: "My cultivation is very weak. My main business is to study energy related subjects. I manage the affairs of the Silver Dragon Temple, so I have to have a deep understanding of everyone. Of course, even these two reasons I still can't believe that you have changed. So, I will desperately fly north. Because if you haven't changed, you won't care if I fly to the torn space, and I won't catch up. So wait until you. I really got caught up, I was completely sure."

Xu Yan asked Tiandao: "So now. The Naru Speaker, behind me, the demon patriarch, should have been all right?"

Fire Dance Road: "You are moving so fast. Only the Chaos Emperor can do it, so I think so. In fact, apart from being able to control the Snow Mountain Castle, you can’t miss the Silver Dragon Temple. Some of the great priests, especially the non-speakers, are too sensitive to the same kind of atmosphere."

Falsely asks Heaven: "Thank you for reminding me!"

Fire Dance: "So. I should ask why now? You are not a language family, you should be completely free of desire. There is a very noble sentiment, why is it fallen?"

When he asked Tiantian, he smiled and said: "Oh. No, no, no! Fire dance, do you think that standing in front of you is a vain? Well, at least the soul of the vain is still in my mind. But, you should Call me the new devil to ask the sky! Vulgar greed, swallowed the flames of the void. But inside, it is poisonous."

When the words came out, the fire dance changed.

Xu Yan said with a sharp smile: "When you are dying to ask the sky, he knows that he must die. Therefore, in the midst of a thousand times, suicide and tail-breaking, abandoning the sea and the mysterious veins, Just inject the soul into the hollow fire. This is equivalent to using Soul to **** the soul into the Horcrux. But you also know that the Void Fire is not bad, but it is definitely not a good Horcrux. Of course, thanks to the protection of second-class evil spirits, the evil spirits will not be cleaned up at once. Then, the illusion can not resist the temptation to swallow this hollow flame into the stomach. Then, he is holy. The body of the peak was taken away."

The fire dance priest was trembled inside. She always thought that it was a vain, so she seized the chaotic empire of the devil, but did not expect that it was the vain and the body was taken away?

"Impossible." Fire dance whispered: "Impossible, impossible! Vulgar is not only a powerful warrior, but also a powerful spiritual master. Yongshe asks the sky is only a district and a half-sacred repair, on the spiritual power. Far from being as far-reaching as it is? How can you win? The soul of the vain can easily suppress the soul of the eternal, not to mention the damaged soul."

"Yes, yes, yes." The new devil said: "You are right, the soul of the vain is indeed many times stronger than the eternal question of the sky. So even though it has swallowed up the fissure, it can still be easily suppressed. The soul of the sky. But unfortunately, he can't completely destroy it, because the soul of Yongshe asked the heavens and the second-class evil spirits are entangled and shrunk in a corner of the virtual field. Of course, if nothing happens, then Yong The soul of the heavens can only be squashed forever, and it is impossible to win. However, things have changed."

Fire Dance: "What changes?"

The new devil said: "Do you know that bamboo is not the first to indulge in the energy of dark fissures?"

When the words came out, the fire dance changed and then trembled: "Impossible, impossible, the president of the illusion has never touched that thing."

The new devil said: "Yes, he has not touched for two thousand years, but he was a drug addict more than two thousand years ago. His will is very firm. He is able to give up the addiction of dark energy. Of course, If you don't hear Naru's death, you can quit the bamboo. But do you know? When Yang Dingtian proposed that the virtual air would be broken, he should refuse. But the ghost made the difference, he did not Refused. This is the root of his fall."

Fire Dance suddenly felt that his world had collapsed.

Definitely, the president is also an addict of dark cracks?

The new devil said: "Otherwise, do you think that he does not care about anything in the Silver Dragon Temple, nor does he leave the Silver Dragon Temple? He is fighting with his own. To quit all, including power desire. So, he Only when the soul of Yongshe asked the soul of heaven, after entering his brain, he was instantly suppressed in the corner and could not move. But then, Yongshe asked if nothing was done, but continued to persuade Yan, come on, go to the abyss border, swallow it once. Addictive once. It is completely paradise."

At this point, the eyes of the fire dance are already red.

The new devil lord said: "Drug, resisting a day, two days, three days, four days... However, the emptiness of the fission in the sea, burning wildly. Makes his desire for dark energy deeper and deeper, plus Yongshe Asking the soul of the sky, screaming wildly. Let him not be peaceful for a moment, because he can't meditate, and he can't fight with it. So, he finally can't bear it, use the hollow flame to let himself go to the dark world. On the abyss border. After three full hours of engulfing, it is completely the feeling of the soul. With the first time, there will be a second, third. Fourth time..."

The fire dance is already crying.

The new devil said: "Do you know how many times he has swallowed up to the abyss border in this one month? Nine times, a total of nine times. The interval is shorter and shorter, and then shorter. Then, a noble The powerful soul is fallen. Once the soul is fallen, it is no longer strong, and it becomes weak. Especially when he is addicted, the feeling of the ticket is so relaxed that his whole brain is relaxed. There is no defense. Then at this time, Yongshe asks the day a little bit and occupies it bit by bit. Then, when the quantity changes cause qualitative change, let Yongshe ask the sky to occupy a certain degree, then you can The soul is suppressed. Not only that, but he also traces the darkness of the illusion a little bit. Do you know that one of them is you, vain, he likes you, he wants Occupy you."

The fire dance has been squatting on the crane, crying and tears.

The only man who was impressed in her heart completely collapsed. Her spiritual idol was completely destroyed.

Falsely asks Tiandao: "Ms. Fire Dance, do you know who in this world is the easiest to win? Two kinds of people, greedy and noble. The higher the more, the more pure, the easier it is to be polluted. Why? Because absolutely The nobleness is equal to absolute greed. The kind of complete desirelessness and self-sufficiency is the greatest greed in itself, because they enjoy this spirit of pride over all species, and they enjoy the detachment of looking down on the ants for life. Just like the gods on earth, as if there is no desire, but they really have no desires? No, just what they are pursuing, much higher, understand?"

Finally, the fire dance stopped crying and looked up: "Is it now vain? Is his soul dead?"

"No, no." The new devil said: "I will also use his memory, character, manners, demeanor, etc. So his soul can not be destroyed, really suppressed in a corner. Ah..."

Suddenly, the new devil screamed for a while, then hugged his head and said: "Sorry, my two souls are separated, they have been separated for too long, and now they are reunited, very painful."

Fire Dance: "So, can you tell me the next plan?"

The new devil said: "Of course I am not afraid to tell you, but it is too long to say. To sum up a sentence, it is to imprison Yang Tiantian, forcing him to surrender a large space technique, then to win his body, and to meet with Naga, with half God's body. However, you are going to destroy my plan now, I am definitely not allowed, so sorry!"

The fire dance closed the beautiful, and said: "Do it."

The new devil shook his head and said: "No, I won't be so sorry for the jade. When I can abandon this chaotic emperor, I am willing to enjoy you. However, I may have to wait until I win the Yangding Day. After that."

Then, the new devil devours the sky and gently waves.

Fire Dance priest, stumbled directly, people are not saved!

The new devil, directly holding the body of the fire dance, flashed back to the mountains.

Then he grabbed a ball of ice and melted it directly into water.

Put the fire dance body into this water.

then. The water was solidified and frozen to the extreme.

In this way, the fire dance was temporarily frozen in the ice.

Finally, the new devil devotees to the sky and returns to the front of the Enchanted II.

"Punchers. You return to the Snow Mountain Castle."

"Yes." The Holy Punisher did not have any doubts and flew directly back to the Snow Mountain Castle.

Then, the new devil directly controlled the three people of the enchanted anger, and dozens of second-class evil spirits, flew toward the prison.


Soon, I came to the prison of hell.

The new devil took out a complete **** prison key. Dao: "What a key is divided into four, just an illusion, this **** prisoner belongs to the Silver Dragon Temple."

The new devil opened the **** prison and entered the depths.

When he appeared again in front of the demon king, he still sat on the ground. Without moving, the whole spirit seemed to have completely collapsed.

Because she was isolated by energy, she could not smell the breath of the new demon.

The new devil opened the prison of the demon and then walked over.

After the demon, Ji Ji first trembled fiercely, raising his face in disbelief, and the whole breath became rushed.

The new devil opened his arms and said: "I am not the one on the dark throne. It is not entirely a matter of asking for the sky, nor is it a vain. But... I am the devil. It is true. I am your lover. It's also true. For very special reasons, the combination of the devil's avatar is advanced. And there is a little accident..."

The words of the new devil have not been finished.

After the devil, Ji Ji immediately slammed into his arms and burst into tears.

The second-class evil spirits who saw this scene suddenly became completely shocked.

The emperor’s release and the innocent, and seeing this scene, were completely shocked.

This, what is going on here?

How could this be?

After crying for a long time. After the devil died Ji Dao: "Your Majesty, now is the time for us to counterattack. Right? It is time for us to kill the human kingdom. Is it right?"

In the words of the deceased after the devil, it is completely filled with the hatred of the sky.

The devil asked the day and nodded: "Yes, but before that, we need to fool Yangdingtian and catch it!"

Then, he turned and looked at Enchanted II, Naru Speaker and Demon Li, slowly said: "You three, almost can represent the entire Xiaoxitian. I want to lead the demon fox, completely invade the human kingdom, occupy The human kingdom, enslaving the human kingdom? Are you planning to be loyal, or are you going to oppose it?"

After that, the new devil hand gently waved, directly untied the three-person Xuanmai imprisonment.

Enchanted II knees down, deeply dagger.

The speaker of Nalu was silent for a moment, then said: "The demon fox, can all be saved?"

The new devil nodded and said: "Yes."

The speaker of Nalu said again: "My daughter is innocent and can live?"

The new devil hesitated for a moment, still nodded and said: "Yes."

Nalu’s speaker has not expressed his position. The demon Li 2 on the side suddenly screamed: “Dream, dream! Who the **** are you? What is going on here? Are you a despicable human being?” You want to make noble The demon fox is loyal to you, you are totally dreaming."

Enchanted II suddenly screamed: "Li brother, you shut up."

"You only give me a shut up." Demon Li second screamed: "You are so despicable, I am really ashamed to be with you. The death of the husband is dead, I would rather stand up and not die." You mean this despicable human."

The new devil slowly said: "That means that you refuse to be loyal to me, you must resist me, right?"

"Of course." Demon Li II slowly said: "I know that it is not your opponent, but for death, I am not afraid, brave death, I am willing."

"Death?" The new devil shook his head: "The demon lord, sometimes, some things are far more terrible than death."

After all, the voice of the new devil suddenly changed dramatically.

Then, in his palm, there was a terrible light and shadow of a black hole.

In his mouth, he read a horrible spell.

The entire space, suddenly screaming and crying.

Then, vainly ask the claws of the sky, the void is on the top of the demon Li II, violently sucking.

"Ah..." Demon Li II gave a horrified jealousy.

He wants to resist, wants to fight, but can't move with one move.

In the incomparable horror and fear, he felt his soul. I am stripping my body.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid to become a walking dead.

Therefore, I never knew the fear of the things, and made a shocking voice.

Then, in the cry of countless devils.

The soul of the demon II. Living and being asked by the new demon king, directly extract.

Then, this battle of the soul, as if to his own waist trap.

Invincible, the hero of the life of the demon Li Er, has since become a walking dead.

The devil asked the sky to slowly look at the second-class evil spirits. Slowly said: "You, this is the body of a holy peak. And, outside the snow-capped mountains, there are more than a dozen holy punishers. Not only that, the Silver Dragon Temple. There are two There are more than a dozen sacred powerhouses. There are also 20 holy powerhouses in the Silver Palace Wu Dian. There are also dark wanderers, and there are more than 20 holy powerhouses. As for the semi-classic powerhouses, countless. I can use the evil spirits to extract all their souls into a walking dead. Then, your soul, to control these countless holy powers. Semi-class strong."

When this was said, all the evil spirits in the field were completely discolored.

Thus. Instead of perishing, the demon road is more powerful than ever.

And Enchanted II and Nalu, also completely changed.

If this is the case, then the whole Xiaoxitian will fall into the hands of the demon road.

"Ah..." The new devil sighed: "I have been waiting for this day, it has been a long time. When I was still asking for the sky. I never dreamed of this moment, but unfortunately my repair was too low. Now I finally dreamed of it."

After being intoxicated for a while, the new devil slowly said: "But before this. We have to do one thing. That is to find out an undercover. I know that among the evil spirits, there is a sunbed undercover. Before this undercover was thrown out, our victory could not be carried out. Now, who can tell me, who is this undercover?"

When this was said, the second-class evil spirits looked at each other.

The new devil sighed: "Oh, unfortunately I am not a powerful spiritual warlock, so how do I let you go back. Your second-class evil spirits, investigate each other and guarantee each other. After two hours, give me an answer. Or surrender Undercover, either ensure that all second-class evil spirits are innocent. Of course, once the undercover is found in your public, all the second-class evil spirits will be executed!"

When this is said, the evil spirits who are present in the second place are all discolored.

Then, the new devil, with the second-class evil spirits, returned to the underground prison of the Snow Mountain Castle.

When Qin Huaiyu and others saw it, they couldn’t help but be amazed. Didn’t they say that the second-class evil spirits should be transferred to Hell prison?

The deficiencies will say: "Forget it, the key to the prison prison is divided into four parts. One does not ask in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven, and the prison can not be opened."

Qin Huaiyu still nodded despite the doubts in her heart.

Then, the second-class evil spirits were once again detained in the underground prison of the Snow Mountain Castle.

Xu Yan asked Tian Chao Qin Huaiyu: "Qin Gongzi, let's go up, I have some questions, I want to ask you."

Qin Huaiyu sneaked and nodded: "Yes."

Then, Qin Huaiyu’s team followed the illusion and returned to the snow-capped castle hall.

The second-class evil spirits, entering the prison, began to whisper each other, guarantee each other, and question each other.

Before returning to the main hall, Qin Huaiyu asked: "Yu Yan, the president, what is the order."

The new devil waved gently.

In an instant, all the members of Qin Huaiyu’s team lie down silently.

The new devil devours the sleeves of the sky and suddenly throws them into a dark cell.

Then, like a lightning, he drifted into the Snow Mountain Castle.

Like a ghost, it appears in front of every snow-capped punisher, and instantly controls all his sacred veins and qihai.

All the punitives, whether one or three or four, did not have the slightest effort to fight back.

In just a few minutes, all the holy and semi-hospital punishers were imprisoned in the castle hall.

All the punishing people, sitting neatly, as if listening to the lessons.


Two hours later, all the second-class evil spirits had already finished talking, then left the underground prison and returned to the Snow Mountain Castle.

The new devil lord said: "You have seen, these punishers, all of them are holy, half-level and above, all for you. As long as you pull out the undercover, you can take it."

All the second-class evil spirits are silent. Although they are very excited inside, they really don't know who is undercover.

In the conversation just now, I didn’t find any undercover at all. Is it wrong?

The new devil said: "You can say anything that you suspect, I am in the room next to me, anyone can come in and tell me."

Then, the new devil went straight into the hut next to him, waiting for someone to inform.

Second-class evil spirits look at each other, but no one is listed, because there is no doubt.

Suddenly, there was a man who went out and walked toward the hut.

It’s Yang Lan, of course, it’s Yang Yunchong. Everything he walks in is speculation, there is no evidence. ”

The new devil voice and shouted: "You said."

"It is the fear of Ximen." Yang Shudao said: "The uncle of the West Gate of Yunxiao City."

The new devil smiled and said: "Oh, why is this? If I remember correctly, Ximen fear and Yangding Tianqiu are like the sea."

Yang Shudao said: "This is the cover of their relationship. The devil is kneeling. In fact, who is undercover, even Yang Tiantian himself is not clear. He just wants to find out the undercover, and he has not killed us. You know that he is Ning. Let go, it’s good to kill. This person is very hypocritical and indecisive."

The demon king whispered and nodded, then said: "But this is unreasonable. Ximen fear and Yang Dingtian's hatred, before the demon road appeared, it has already begun."

Yang Weidao: "Yes, I have analyzed it for a long time, and I have thought about it for a long time. Ximen fear has no rebellion at all. He has been loyal to Ximen for no end. However, he found that the situation of Yangdingtian was very unfavorable at the time. He is not like Ximen. So strong, so he pretended to rely on Yang Yan and Qin Shaobai, the purpose is to protect Yangdingtian. And after Yangdingtian won the Yunzhuchengzhu, he is the enemy of Yangdingtian every time. One, he immediately turned to the next enemy of Yangdingtian. Almost all the enemies he had trusted were defeated by Yangdingtian. Is there any mystery?"

Suddenly, the expression on Yang Lan’s face was strange and unpredictable.

The demon king confessed to the sky and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He nodded. "It makes sense. But if I remember correctly, Yang Dingtian gives you the son of the mountain and gives you the son of Yunxiao. You Don't you appreciate him?"

Yang Lan’s face twitched violently, gnashing his teeth, trying to say something, but he didn’t know what to say.

"You don't need to say, I understand." The devil smacked the day and took a shot of Yang Lan's shoulder. He said: "He does this, not only for you, but for his greatest humiliation."

Yang Lan’s eyes continued to twitch and bowed his head.

The devil devotees to heaven and asks: "Reassured, in the future, the land of chaos, to the city of Yunxiao, and the Northland, all of you."

Suddenly, Yang Lan could not breathe, and the body was completely trembling.

" Go out." The new devil asked the day to wave.

Yang Wei said: "Then, what measures would you take?"

The new devil king said: "Yes, it will be."

Yang said: "But I have no evidence."

The new devil smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you open your mouth and be faithful."

Yang Hao stunned, then bowed and went out.

And when he went out, his eyes instinctively glanced at the West Gate.

Ximen fear suddenly began to breathe, and then his body trembled.

Then, the new devil slowly came out.


Note: The seven thousand words big chapter, there is one more today. (To be continued) R466

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