Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1182: Summon the ancient sea snake queen!

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After a few days and nights of flight, Yangdingtian finally led everyone and flew to the place where the tearing space and the human country border.

Then, he once again created a space door, bringing all of this hundred people out of the torn space.

It was nearly half an hour, and finally all the people and mounts were withdrawn from the torn space and officially entered the human kingdom.

Yangdingtian took a long sigh of relief, but he couldn’t come to sigh. He immediately took the team south and flew in the direction of Yunxiao City.

However, just flew less than a hundred miles, and immediately three figures quickly rushed up.

It is innocent, violet, and coffin.

For the first time, the coffin rushed into the arms of Yangdingtian.

"French, you scared us, scared us, and we haven't come back for so many days. We are really afraid of something going wrong." Lingbi with a crying voice.

Then, the coffin turned to the violet road: "Mermaid, you have more heart. The husband is fine, you are a man with a dark mind, always thinking of people so bad."

Violet licked his mouth and said nothing.

Then, innocently discovered that Nalu and Ji Ya had come.

Ji Yahuai, even holding a beautiful and scary little boy, suddenly revealed a strange expression.

The coffin didn't think much, but immediately thought that this was Ji Ya and Yao Yang, and then pleased the ground and opened the hand to the demon yang: "Come the baby, let the girl hug."

Her own person, most like to please sisters, draw relationships.

Yangding Tianzong mermaid queen Violet said: "Your suspicion is right, Xiaoxitian has an accident, and the illusion is won by the demon king. The illusion and the devil are combined into one. The whole Zhoushan area, except for the eyes, has all been taken. She is turned into an evil spirit."

The words came out, innocent and violet, and the face changed dramatically.

The devil king asks the heavens and the virgins, the two most powerful people in the world, and they are one and the same, and there are chaotic empires that are against the sky. They can’t imagine how Lan Ling’s claws are pulled out. More than one hundred people were rescued.

Violet stayed for a while, then suddenly said: "I, I really said casually, just guess, don't say there is no evidence, even intuition is not. I felt that the devil is too easy to defeat the sky. Moreover, I am always willing to think of people the worst, but I really didn't think that illusion would be won."

Before Yang Tiantian, I touched her belly and said, "I really want to thank you for your heart and doubt, and close the door of the human kingdom. Otherwise, now... the disaster has already happened."

Violet said: "I feel that the door to the human kingdom is temporarily closed, not because of the devil, but because of the fear of drastic changes, the small fox family of Xiaoxitian will enter the human kingdom in advance."

She is actually a gentleman's belly, but it has saved the human kingdom.

Yang Dingtian asked: "Now, who is inside Xiaoxitian?"

Violet Road: "Berlu, the last time he went in, replaced Awen and Awu. And just in case, let us leave the head hall and enter Xiaoxitian."

"Go, go home." Nothing.

Then, all the people continued to fly south, and the city of Yunxiao in the south!


When entering Yunxiao City.

The high-level parliamentary high-level officials have already waited in Yunxiao City, and they are excited to meet the Yangdingtian returning from the triumph.

Of course, they thought that Yangdingtian was triumphant.

The Holy Expeditionary Army won and destroyed the Devil.

The biggest enemy of the Bright Parliament has died. From now on, the entire human kingdom can enter construction and development.

They have not announced the news to the whole world because they feel that this news requires Yang Dingtian to go to Zhongjing personally and tell the entire human kingdom.

Because this is the victory of the decisive battle, this is the most magnificent victory.

Therefore, the entire high-level parliamentary high-level meeting is welcoming Yangdingtian.

However, I saw the face of Yang Dingtian's incomparably dignified, and could not help but glimpse.

Before going to Qin Wanqiu and the East Nirvana, Yang Dingtian whispered: "Zhen Yan was asked to win the day, and the two were repaired into one, almost half-god. The whole Xiaoxitian, almost all fell. Simon Fear and Yang Lan’s last death, I managed to escape."

As soon as this was said, the smile on the faces of all the high-level members of the parliament suddenly solidified.

The atmosphere of the joyful carnival disappeared without a trace.

Then everyone enters Yunxiaocheng!


Next, the entire Yunxiao City seems to have solidified.

The sky is clear and clear, but it is exactly like the black cloud, and the end is almost normal.

In the two days of the sky, it is bright and warm, but everyone is like a hail, no temperature.

The demon king and the illusion of the body, almost half-god, plus the chaotic armor.

This is no longer invincible in the world, the entire Guangming Parliament, and even the Xihutian demon fox master, all in front of him are ants.

Moreover, the complete fall of Xiao Xitian is only a matter of time.

At that time, there will be hundreds of holy-level evil spirits, and thousands of semi-class evil spirits.

Millions of monsters and foxes once entered the human kingdom.

The only result is destruction.

This is a more terrible extermination war than the war of extinction.

This is the real end!

What X spar, what destroys the missile, what wireless lightning attacker, is useless.

In the face of thousands of semi-class evil spirits, hundreds of holy spirits.

These spar weapons have no meaning at all.

At the time of the war of extinction, the whole demon road was added up to two holy levels, four and a half.

And now, thousands of times.

Complete destruction is the only result.


There is no meeting in the Bright Council because it is not needed at all.

All in all, only Yangdingtian can make the final decision.

So he sat on the claws of the konjac king, flying in circles around the sky.

Then I saw the ground, the baby, and a bunch of children in Yangdingtian playing crazy, making a creaking sound, as if in a paradise.

His biggest child, Yang Ningning, is already a teenage girl, and she is very slim.

His eldest son, Yang Shuo, is also old and placed on the earth in the second and third grades.

A lot of children, some are his own, some are not his own.

But every one is a sweetheart.

Women, embroidering clothes, painting, playing the piano, and... playing mahjong!

This is his wife's loved one.

These people are all desperately guarded by him.

However, time is really not much.

There are still five months, only five months.

After five months, the tearing space and Xiaoxitian will once again cross each other, and the dark cracks will bloom.

The demon king with the emptiness of fire will enter the first dark field from the small West, and then enter the human kingdom.

Then, countless foxes flocked in.

The destruction of the world, the beauty of all this, these angels, these women, will encounter the catastrophe of hell.

There is no sorrow between Yang Dingtian and the Devil, only you are hostile to death.

Although Yang Yichen is also in a pile of children, he did not play crazy together, but stood on the side and took care of his younger brother and sister.

Although he is smaller than Yangshuo, he was already sensible at an early age. He is more like a brother.

Yangdingtian gently stepped forward and picked him up and placed it on the claws of the konjac king.

"Yifu." Yang Yichen's voice is no longer as full of desire as he was when he was a child. But the admiration of the eyes is even more intense.

"A minister, do you know Dad?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Yang Yichen's face was slightly depressed and nodded.

Dad Yang Lan, the image in his mind is very bad, because almost every day, my mother Xiaotao will say bad things about her father Yang Lan, which is full of hateful and disdainful words, making Yang Yichen very uncomfortable.

And for Dad, Yang Yichen is not without memory.

The deepest, and even the only memory, is that my father, Yang Lan, hurts her mother, then throws her wife away from her, and goes away alone to join the demon road.

Therefore, Yang Yichen has always told himself.

It is better to be born than to be kind.

His father, his own faith, is the righteous father Yang Dingtian. The father named Yang Lan is already dead.

From small to large, although there is no father, he does not lack care. He has regrets, but he is definitely not alone.

"Think of him?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Yang Yichen shook his head and said: "I don't know."

I don't know, just think! Even if it is a bad father, the child will miss it.

Yangding Tiandao: "Your father Yang Lan, he is very great. He sacrificed his life and saved me. He saved me from the demon king's sky. If you don't have your father, I will not come back." ”

Yang Yichen did not know why, tears came out. He was young, not too complicated and sensitive, just wanted to cry, and then asked: "Really? Father! You are not comforting me. ?"

"Really, you are a little man, I will not lie to you." Yangding Tiandao: "After a moment, you told this thing to you personally, okay?"

"Okay." Yang Yichen nodded desperately, tears constantly pouring out.


Next, Yang Dingtian has to make a decision whether to transfer his wife and children to the torn space.

Because, only that place, the devil can not enter.

However, there is almost no air in that place, and it is likely to be unstable and full of danger.

Once something has changed, they simply cannot leave themselves.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian told his own problems to Ximen Flame, Wu Hao, Wu Mozhi, Violet.

Almost no consideration, Ximen Yanyan Road: "Fei Jun, I don't want to go into the tearing space, I feel that it seems to be another world, there is a feeling that I can never come back. We have a lot of secret bases, we can pick one, we The whole family lives in. With such a large human kingdom, I don't believe that the devil will find us soon."

Wumo Weaving: "I don't want to go in. Big deal, die together, our family, still together."

In the end, the opinions of the four people were very consistent and they were unwilling to enter the torn space.

This means that Yang Dingtian must save all this situation before the next dark crack blooms.

Even the only way is.

Before the dark cracks bloom, he goes to the first dark field, where the dark cracks are about to bloom, and the devil is dead.

This time, it is a real decisive battle.

If you win, Yangdingtian will protect the human kingdom and protect his family.

If you lose, everything is falling into the abyss.

My own family, meet in hell.

As a result, things are simple.

Within five months, Yangdingtian will become extremely powerful regardless of any method.

The only way, of course, is only one, that is to find Naga Frost, get her demigod talent.


On the third day after returning to Yunxiao City, although many things were not completely settled, Yangdingtian and Shura Lingling once again flew to the underwater world at the end of the southeast.

Once again, head to the ancient sea snake empire to find the way to the ruins of the Naga Empire, to find Naga alone cream.

After a few days and nights, Yangdingtian and Shura Lingling once again entered the ruins of the magical city of the ancient sea snake When everything left and left, there was no change at all.

The two once again entered the palace hall of the Sea Snake Empire. The Holy Expeditionary Army was here, and the Devil was captured.

Yangdingtian stood on the fossil of the Emperor of the Ancient Sea Snake Empire.

The Queen of Poison is really like it, it’s really a pour.

Although it is fossil, it is still beautiful to the extreme, making people unable to breathe.

Now, Yangdingtian is about to destroy this beauty, to smash the fossils of the ancient sea snake emperor.

Then, let the spirit of the spirits sing, summon her soul, and find a way to the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

Find a way to combine with Naga Frost.


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