Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1187: Treasures arrive! Find the ruins!

When Yangding quickly approached Medusa’s incomplete statue, he found that it was getting more and more.

It’s a very strange thing. It’s so far apart, it’s so huge, and it’s getting bigger and bigger, completely exceeding the tens of thousands of meters of giant mountains, exceeding the height of the mountains.

But when Yang Dingtian approaches it again and wants to dig the eyeballs on the statue, it is getting farther and farther and getting smaller.

Yangdingtian is puzzling, what is going on?

The coffin also said with amazement: "French, it seems to be getting farther and farther away from us, as if it will never be enough."

Yangdingtian could not help but frown.

If you simply can't get the eyes of this Medusa statue, there is nothing.

The key, this Medusa is the center of this space, and you can never leave this space without passing through it.

Why is it that it is flying towards it, but it is getting farther and farther? Yangding innocence is extremely strange.

You know, this statue of Medusa is not a living Naga, just a statue of energy.

Lingbi said: "Wu Jun, is this a powerful spiritual illusion? Let us have more and more illusions?"

Mirage? No, the previous illusion has been shattered.

Lingbi said: "That is, it has an energy, and then push us away, so farther and farther?"

Yangdingtian shook his head, absolutely no, because from the Xuanhuo spray, you can be sure that you are moving forward.

What is the reason?

It is clear that it is flying towards it, but it is getting farther and farther.

Then, Yangding Tianzhu took a picture of his own brain.

It’s really stupid to get home, my mind and my mind are really stiff.

I wishfully thought that this statue of Medusa is the core of the whole space, and it is motionless.

Why is it getting farther and farther. The reason is very simple, because it has been moving all the time, it flies faster than Yangdingtian, so it will be farther and farther.

Of course, after understanding this point, Yangdingtian did not become much happy.

because. The Medusa statue is the center of the entire space and there is nothing wrong with it.

Then, even if the statue of Medusa continues to move, it cannot change the fact that it is the center.

That means that if the space is a sphere, the Medusa statue is the center of the circle. Then, with the movement of the Medusa statue, this space is constantly changing.

That means that Yangdingtian will always be trapped inside. Can't escape.

That's right, it must be like this.

The trap of Medusa is to prevent any creature from entering the Naga Empire.

In the previous illusion, it can engulf the energy of countless holy creatures. But once it is seen, the illusion disappears and it continues to function to prevent any creature from entering the Naga Empire.

So, it keeps moving. Keep the creatures in this space forever and cannot leave.

It is easy to confirm this. As long as Yangdingtian flies in the opposite direction, it will quickly approach, ensuring that Yangdingtian can never leave this space.


Yangding suddenly changed direction and flew quickly toward the back.

Sure enough, Medusa's statue also changed direction and quickly approached itself.

You are close. It is far away.

You are far away, it is close.

In short, it ensures two points, first, it definitely won't let you really get close to it. Touch it. Second, it will never allow you to escape from the Medusa trap space.

There is no way, Yang Dingtian can only use the soul of the near emperor.

He clung to the soul sword with his coffin, and the soul-sword lightning flew out.

The speed of the soul sword is almost the fastest.

Just in the illusion, here is full of light, mysterious, and very comfortable oxygen.

But the illusion is broken. In the real scene, here is a void of death. The only thing in the space is the statue of Medusa.

Therefore, there is still no obstacle to the flight of Soul Sword, and there is still no gravity here.

The speed of the soul sword, more than tens of thousands of kilometers per hour, is almost at its best.

Yangdingtian stepped on the soul sword, and lightning generally flew toward it.


Yang Dingtian discovered that the statue of Medusa suddenly did not move, and it did not change, and it did not change.

The reason is very simple, its flight speed has become exactly the same as the soul sword, so the two are relatively prohibited.

In short, this Medusa statue always keeps moving, and the trap space with it as a dot keeps moving, ensuring that the Yangdingtian two are always trapped inside and cannot escape.

Soul swords are so fast, but they can maintain exactly the same speed.

Yangdingtian really has nothing to do.

You are fast, it is slow, you are slow and slow.

Really can never be close, and can never escape.


Suddenly, Yang Diantian’s brain was filled with another thought.

This Medusa statue, once you get close, is far away. Once you are away, it is close.

Then, Yang Dingtian and Lingbi two people, one away from, one close?

Then, what will this Medusa statue do?

Then, Yang Dingtian thought of another thing, that is, he and the coffin, if one flies toward the statue and one flies with the statue, then the two people are likely to be separated.

In this world, once separated, it may be completely separated and never found.

Moreover, the coffin has no space, and there is no emptiness.

Yang Dingtian gave up this idea, and in this case, it may be death for the coffin.

So, can the Emperor's soul sword be?

Let it fly back to the statue, and Yangdingtian is flying against the statue.

Of course, in this case, Yangdingtian may lose his soul sword, but at least the soul sword will not die, isn't it?

Take a deep breath, Yangdingtian controls the soul sword, back to the statue of Medusa, flying fast, the speed is like lightning, reaching tens of thousands of kilometers per hour.

Sure enough, the space center of the Medusa statue. Quickly catch up, always keep the same distance, so that Yangdingtian can't escape its space trap.


Yangding, who stepped on the soul sword, held the coffin, slammed invisibly, jumped away from the soul sword, and flew toward the statue of Medusa.


Medusa statue. It is getting bigger and faster, getting closer and closer to Yangdingtian.

The reason is simple, because it continues to chase the soul sword of Yangdingtian, and Yangdingtian flies toward the statue, and the two face up quickly.

Especially now the speed of the Medusa statue reaches tens of thousands of kilometers per hour, exactly the same as the speed of the soul sword.

And in this case, the soul sword will never fly beyond the space. So it will not be lost.


Yangdingtian is getting closer and closer to the statue of Medusa.

From a few thousand miles, to a few hundred miles.

Then, Yang Dingtian discovered that the statue was bigger than he thought.

It’s really much bigger than not being Zhoushan. When it’s a few hundred miles away, it’s all in his vision.


The Yangding Tian Meng and the Medusa statue rushed together.

Then he held the coffin and jumped directly to the head of the Medusa statue.


moment. The Medusa statue slammed a loud bang and then stopped flying fast.

Then. It flies frantically and fast, as if trying to get out of the sun.

However, this is totally useless.

This incomparably huge statue, as if there are only two functions, one is to release the spiritual trap, one is to fly.

And Yangdingtian stood on top of its head. It has no way, after all, it is just a statue, and it is still a broken statue.

However, it is really big, big, big and big, and Yangdingtian is standing on one of its hairs. And this hair is as thick as a small stream.

He is really big, Yang Dingtian really does not know.

Yang Dingtian came down from its hair and climbed over its eyebrows.

For many thousands of years, it has not known how many sacred creatures have been swallowed up.

All its energy is placed in these two eyes.

Therefore, Yangdingtian has to dig its two eye gems.


Yang Dingtian did not think that it would be so huge.

An eye gem is far more than a few hundred meters. How to dig it, even if you dig it down, how can you take it away?

"Hey..." Yangdingtian controls the soul sword, and lightning usually flies.

After more than half an hour, the Emperor's soul sword returned to the hands of Yang Dingtian.

It also touches the light of the statue of Medusa, because it seems to be mad and chaotic, flying wildly.

Yang Dingtian has been mentally prepared. This statue is extremely incomparably sturdy and cannot be damaged at all. Even if the Emperor's soul sword is not bad.

After all, the fossils of the Queen of the Sea Snake Empire at that time were not badly broken with the soul of the Emperor, but also relying on the sword of the Naga.

Therefore, in the first time, Yang Dingtian displayed the sword spirit of the Naga royal family, and destroyed the eye socket of the statue.


Wan Jian returned to the sect.

The golden sword spirit of the number slammed the eye socket of the statue of Medusa.

Actually... it was unscathed.

Yangding innocence is completely shocked.

Even the swordsmanship of the Naga royal family can't be destroyed. What else can be destroyed in this world?

At this time, suddenly Ling Ling took the Yang Ditian's near-Emperor soul sword, so it was cut directly.

Did not use the soul of the sword, and did not use the mysterious skills, so cut down.

"Boom..." after a loud noise.

A huge stone collapsed directly.

The corner of the eye of the Medusa statue directly splits a piece.

Yangdingtian is speechless, and the sword of the Naga royal family cannot be destroyed. It is so straightforward to cut, but it can be chopped. It is really wonderful.

But it is normal to think about it. This is, after all, a statue built by the Naga Empire.

Then, Yangdingtian is crazy and chopped.

Suddenly, the eye sockets of this huge statue were broken and pieces collapsed.

After a full hour.

Finally, the entire eye socket of the statue was completely destroyed.

The eyes of a Medusa statue rolled down.

Yang Dingtian quickly controlled the soul sword and went to catch the eye.

Then the miracle happened!

This eye jewel stone, after leaving the statue, is getting smaller and smaller.

Finally, it became the size of Naga's eyes.

Yang Dingtian glanced at it and continued to slash another eye socket.

After an hour.

Another eye gem, I also got it.


A burst of loud noise, and then this incomparably huge statue began to collapse and smash!

These two eyes are really the entire statue, the energy core of the entire trap space.

Once removed, the entire collapse collapsed completely.

The entire space was completely shattered.


After a tremor.

The entire Medusa trap space has completely collapsed without a trace.

Yangding Tianhe Lingbi automatically separated from this space.

The surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

In front, there is an endless void shadow, and the whole surrounding is an endless void shadow.

The light and the land are bizarre and mysterious.

And in the very distant place in front, the end of the void shadow.

Yangdingtian saw a beautiful and mysterious green.

It is like a single planet but it can shine, green light, beautiful.

That's right, that's the ruins of the old Naga Empire!

Whether it is the description of the Queen of the Sea Snake, or the understanding of Yangdingtian.

The entire Naga Empire is full of pyramids.

All the land, everything, has been transformed into an energy spar.

There are no trees and flowers in this world, no flowing rocks, no land and mountains.

There are endless spars, endless pyramids.

I found it, saw it, and finally saw it.

As long as you have crossed this long shadow of the void, you will reach the ruins of the old Naga Empire. Both poisonous Sha and Naga Frost will be inside.


Note: There is a second one, thank you. (To be continued..)u

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