Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1238: Dialogue with Medusa! X organization!

Yang Dingtian emptied all the spiritual defenses and waited for the arrival of Medusa.

The heart is unselfish and wide, this should be the best annotation for him.

He doesn't care at all about Medusa knowing any secrets, any ideas.

In this way, wait for the day.

However, the Temple of the Soul has never touched him.

Time passes by, and Yangding is innocent.

Seven days have passed.

Yang Dingtian decided, and waited another day. If one day passed, he would not contact him if he left the temple. Then he left.

One day passed quickly, and the temple of the soul still did not appear.

Yang Dingtian woke up from the meditation state of confusion, and opened his eyes to leave.


Just as he opened his eyes, suddenly the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

The **** prison under the pyramid, which was originally covered with energy spar, disappeared and replaced with a blurry light and shadow.

Gray light and shadow, everything around it is gray.

The whole world seems to be in a very strange state, with a kind of negative film like black and white photos, and some like the ghost space in some movies.

Then, a group of completely black, condensed in space.

This group of black became a shadow of a human face snake.

You can only see one outline and you can't see the specific face. Only two eyes, with a pale glow, are really similar to film negatives.

The hair on her head is like countless snakes. Every one is twisting and voicing.

"I can't wait. I want to leave?" The black voice opened in front of me.

The sound is not at all pleasant, and it is not clear to men and women, or even the species.

Because, it is not a sound at all, and it appears directly in the brain.

"Queen Medusa?" asked Yangdingtian.

"Yes, it is me." The shadow.

Yangding Tiandao: "You are behind the scenes of the World War, is the ultimate backing of the Demon Road?"

"Yes." Medusa said.

Yangding Tiandao: "You send the sea heart. Go to the new Naga Empire space and hand over the big space to Bo Yiming?"

"Yes." Medusa said.

Yangding Tiandao: "You must let the war of extinction happen, and you must let the human kingdom die innumerable, right?"

"Yes." Medusa said.

Yangding Tiandao: "Why?"

Medusa said: "No, you don't have to know."

Yangding Tian Biao jumped.

Then he said: "Can you not do this, can you trade? You open the conditions, in exchange for the next generation Naga to stop the invasion?"

"No." Medusa said.

Yangding Tiandao: "You can mention any conditions, as long as I can do it."

Medusa said: "I have no conditions."

Yangding Tiandao: "You are ironic. Do you want to destroy the entire human kingdom?"

Medusa said: "Yangdingtian, are you like saving the human kingdom?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes."

Medusa said: "Then rest assured that the human kingdom will not be destroyed. When humans die almost the same, when the later generations of Naga almost want to occupy the entire human kingdom, I will destroy them all. Become fossilized."

This is the case. Yangdingtian was shocked.

Why is that? Is Medusa a madman?

Kill the people of the human kingdom almost. After killing the invading post-generation Naga, is she playing a game?

Yangding Tiansha dumb said: "So, how much do you want to kill in the human kingdom?"

Medusa said: "More than ninety-nine percent, a thousand people can live next."

Yangding Tiandun has completely changed. At present, there are probably less than two billion people in the human kingdom. That is to say, only two million can survive, and all of them will die.

Medusa continued: "Your loved ones, family members can survive. Even your high-level parliamentary high-level can survive. But you have to promise me a condition."

Yangding Tiandao: "What?"

Medusa said: "Next, how do you become a new demon?"

Yangdingtian faintly changed, sneer: "Hello, are you kidding?"

Medusa said: "No, I am very serious. Of course, it is not for you to become a demon immediately. It will let you live comfortably through a hundred years old, and then die to become the demon of the demon."

"Crazy, you are a madman." Yang Dingtian sneered: "And you are completely delusional, the devil is in the fall of the soul and spirit, do you think I might?"

Medusa said: "I will give you the complete Yuan Shi evil spirits, and you will fall down easily. The emptiness of zeroness has been the same as you, the incomparable justice and purity, but only half of the Yuan began evil spirits, she fell."

The heart of Yangdingtian is almost twisted, and I can't wait to rush to tear this shadow into pieces.

Medusa said: "Don't worry about Yangdingtian, you don't lose money in this transaction. As long as you promise, I will give you something. With this thing, you can wipe out the last generation of Naga at the last minute. Net, you will still be the savior."

Yangding Tiandao: "But at that time, people in the whole world have already died almost, and my salvation has no meaning."

Medusa said: "At least, the civilization of the human kingdom has continued. Isn't it? And Yang Dingtian, this life is the messenger of justice, isn't it tiring to play the savior? Why not change a role play? The dark horror devil is also good."

Yang Dingtian sneered and said: "Then, two hundred years later, I led the new demon road again, and launched the war of extinction again, right?"

Medusa said: "No, not two hundred years, it is five hundred years. Because there are too many people who die this time, it will take about five hundred years to breed more than a few hundred million people."

Yangding Tianxiao laughed: "So, I played the devil at that time. Who will play me next? From the earth plane. Then pull in a savior?"

Medusa shook her head. "No. You have three half-god sons, aren't you?"

In an instant, Yang Dingtian was very angry.

In front of this madman, not only must you play the devil, but also let your father and son be disabled?

Crazy, downright madman.

Medusa smiled and said: "Yangdingtian, are you not going to trade? Is this the content of the transaction?"

Yangding Tiandao: "If. I don't agree?"

Medusa said: "Do you think that the chess pieces have the power to resist? For example, when the Naga army of the next generation destroys the entire human kingdom, your family, your bright council will all die, I will save you. Law, don't you want it? You don't agree, your family and friends will die."

Yangdingtian gnashed his teeth. Suddenly he understood some of the thoughts of the day.

The same goes to the end, the same goes to the end.

When a person's fate is manipulated, it is the most sad and most painful.

Medusa said: "Yangdingtian, everyone can't escape the clutches of destiny, isn't it?"

Don't talk about it at this time. Even Yang Dingtian has come up with the same thoughts.

Take care of his mother. Let the whole chaotic world be completely destroyed, and this Medusa will be killed.

Yangding Tiandao: "Lord Medusa, is there a **** of chaos in this world?"

Medusa said: "Yes."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, are you the **** of chaos? Even if it is a false god?"

Medusa smiled and said: "There is indeed a **** of chaos in the world, a true god, a false god. But I am very sorry, I am not even a false god."

Then, Medusa said: "But for you humble humans, I am equivalent to God, isn't it?"

Yes. Medusa, who left the temple of the soul, manipulated the fate of the whole world for countless years.

Yang Dingtian was silent for a long time and said: "Excuse me, did you bring me from the earth to this world?"

"No." Medusa said: "I don't have this ability yet, only God has this ability."

"Okay, I know." Yangding Tianping is a light road.

Medusa said: "So, what choice do you make?"

Yangding Tianqiu grinned and did not answer.

Medusa didn't have any stops, and countless darkness made up her figure and quickly dissipated.

At the same time, the space of this gray light and shadow disappeared without a trace.

In the surrounding situation, the restoration has become the appearance of the energy prison under the pyramid.


Yangdingtian left the eastern steppe and did not enter Yunxiao City.

Because now the most important organization of the light sense has been transferred into the dark empire.

Yang Dingtian entered the dark empire and found the most important x organization at present.

Nowadays, the demon fox, the spiritual family, the Naga, and the human family, almost all of them will pin the hope of the later generations of Naga on this x organization.

The entire Grand Priest Association, as well as all the fox fox masters involved in the energy civilization. All the warlocks of the human kingdom, plus the crystal sages of the later generations of Naga, all entered the organization.

I don't sleep much every day, studying spar fission and fusion.

I hope that I can make a big killer and completely destroy the Naga army of the next generation.

Yang Dingtian has already given his knowledge of nuclear bombs to the organization for research.

This time, Yangdingtian is going to ask about the progress.

The reception of Yangdingtian is the president of the x organization, and the researcher of the new Naga Empire spar civilization is sad.

The name sounds weird. It is actually a transliteration of the mermaid language. His meaning is just peace.

"Yangdingtian lord." Yuan Yi sadly said: "Your theory is completely feasible. Not only is the internal fission of spar feasible, but the drastic changes are completely feasible. At present, fission is relatively simpler. Because, In the entire chaotic world, there are indeed very unstable energy spar inside, such as x spar is one of them. Therefore, the bomb made by x spar is very powerful."

Yangding nodded, and the nuclear material on the earth, whether it is uranium or thorium, is a radioactive substance, not a material used directly as a bomb like x-spar.

Yuan Yi sadly said: "Of course, the instability of x spar is still superficial and superficial. So, can't reach the internal split you mentioned."

Yangdingtian nodded: "So, can you find substances that are unstable inside and may be fissile?"

"Yes." Yuan Yi sadly said: "This kind of material, there are many in the dark field, and there is more than one. I have summarized it now, and there are three kinds. There are two kinds in Xiaoxitian, but only one is The spar, the remaining two are mysterious substances. Of course, we have already obtained both of these, and have already experimented. And, according to your law, named y substance, z substance, s spar."

Yang Dingtian pleasantly said: "That, is it possible to make a finished weapon before the arrival of the Naga army?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Yuan Yi sadly said: "Yang Dingtian, your theory has made us walk for at least a thousand years of detours, and has a decisive role in the entire spar civilization. In the Naga Empire, The mainstream is engulfing energy civilization, followed by spiritual energy civilization, and the weakest is spar energy civilization. But your theory makes it possible for our spar energy civilization to counter the two civilizations, even in the future. Completely defeat these two kinds of energy civilizations, dominate the world civilization for tens of thousands of years, and until the spiritual energy civilization has made a huge breakthrough. Your theory completely rewrites the history of the entire chaotic world, it is extremely great, but..."

Yuan Yi sadly said: "I want to make the spar fission completely shape, not to say that half a year, that is ten years, fifty years may not be enough. We have not solved even the most simple problem. We even have these three kinds of instability. The inside of the matter is not clearly seen."

Yangding Tiandao: "Complete, totally impossible?"

"Yes, it is impossible." Yuan Yi sadly said: "It is a great kind of fire, it is a kind of civilization. But at least, after a hundred years, you can really poke the original."

Yang Dingtian’s face trembled and he said: “I understand.”

The truth of Yuan Yi’s sorrow is categorical.

In other words, it is impossible to hope that the x organization will study the big killer and rewrite the war ending.

This used to be the biggest hope of Yangdingtian, but it has already been shattered.

"Okay, I know, please continue." Yangding Tiandao.

"We will." Yuan Yi sadly said.

After the end of the conversation with Yuan Yi, Yang Dingtian did not stop, even went to visit his wife and children, but flew directly from the Dark Empire.

Once again, fly towards the southeastern waters.

After a few days and nights, Yangding Tianma did not stop, once again came to the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

This time, Naga Frost is still sitting in the same place waiting for him, and even did not enter the ruins of the center to devour energy ~ ~ just saw Yangdingtian, Naga frost children look at it.

Yangding is about to open, and Naga Frost shook his head. "You don't have to say it. I read it all. I know what you said with Medusa. I know what trade she made, and I know what you think." of."

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and lay on the ground in pain.

Isn't all the roads completely extinct?

Can you only watch the destruction of the human kingdom?

Suddenly, Naga Frost said: "You, have you ever thought that you alone broke through the gods?"

Suddenly, Yangding Tianda!


Note: Sorry, I have a card again today. So, just one more.

Tomorrow, there will be two more, thank you. (To be continued.)

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