Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1274: The battle is over, die!

Medusa let Yang Dingtian first shot, saying that it was a chance to give him a rabid day. Oh,

Yangdingtian is not polite, and the soul sword is like a lightning.

The Emperor of Naga in the Soul Sword instantly used up all the energy in the Soul Sword and displayed the great judgment of the Emperor of Naga.

What is a big trial?

This is the unique practice of the Emperor of the Naga. Any Nakian emperor has signed an energy contract from the depths of the soul and the body. This kind of big trial is completely unstoppable.

In this way, to ensure that the Emperor of the Naga Empire has the power to judge and punish the subjects.

Therefore, this is almost the only deadly practice for the entire Naga. Therefore, it is not so much a practice, but rather a contract.

At present, whether it is Yangdingtian or Naga Frost, or the soul of the Emperor Naga and the mysterious spirit of the Soul, it is impossible to find Queen Medusa. Even the energy added by the Quartet is less than one tenth of Queen Tussaud's, and even her defense can't be broken.

The big trial is the only effective attack on Medusa now.

Although, the energy of this attack is less than one percent of Medusa's repair.

However, at least Medusa can't defend it, and it has to bear all of this energy.

Of course, this is just a big trial. For Medusa, it is equivalent to human beings who have been squandered by mosquitoes. It is almost painless.

However, with the addition of fossils, it is completely different.

Fossils are deadly to any Naga, but Yangdingtian has no way to get fossils into Medusa's body anyway.

The big trials can break the defense.

When the two are combined, it is the most deadly attack and the only effective attack.



The big trial sounds like a prestige. But on the screen, it was just a flash of gold.

Moreover, it is not a very dazzling golden light. Instead, the sky clouds are torn apart, the sun is oblique, and a golden dust is spilled.

Then, the golden dust penetrated into the body of Queen Medusa.

The whole process is very fast. It has been completed in less than one tenth. All the mysterious energy in the soul of the soul of the sea, mixed with all the fossil liquid, all sprinkled.

Sure enough, no Naga can resist this big trial.

When the Queen of Medusa, the incomparably powerful, was sprinkled with dust, it seemed to be fixed in an instant.

Then, all the reactions were lost.

The whole person's expression to his eyes was completely solidified.

Then, fly an inch. One inch, turned into a fossil!

Soon, in less than a minute, Queen Medusa was completely transformed into a stone sculpture. It is exactly the same as what Yang Dingtian sees in the illusion.

For a while, Yangdingtian did not react!

So such a powerful Queen of Medusa is eliminated?

In the top of the sun, there was a feeling of unreality in the heart, and then I couldn’t help but reach out and touch the sculpture, lest it was just an illusion.

Touched. Sure enough, it is an icy fossil sculpture.

Long breath a sigh of relief.

The Queen of Medusa is so powerful in today's chaotic world. Not the first, but also the second.

In this way, it was easily destroyed.

"Frost, Queen Medusa has been eliminated." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes? It's too easy." Naga Frost said: "Is she without any resistance?"

Yangding Tiandao: "With large trials and fossils, she was solidified in the first place, without any resistance."

Naga Frost said: "So good."

then. Yangdingtian then explored and observed in the pyramid, even though it was the eighth-century spaceship, Jingjing. But unlike the sci-fi movies that Yang Dingtian has seen, there is no button in this pyramid cockpit, it is completely seated, controlled by spirit and consciousness.

at this time. The voice of the Emperor Naga sounded in the heart of Yangding.

"How is the result?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The Emperor's Majesty, Medusa has become a fossil. Can't you see it?"

The king of Naga said: "I am in the soul sword, there is no eye in the soul sword, of course I can not see, I can only sense your state of mind, and it is vague."

Indeed, everything just happened very quickly. Moreover, for fear of being discovered by Medusa, the soul of the Emperor Naga has been hiding in the soul sword, and the soul sword is in the space ring.

The Emperor of Naga has been waiting for the command of Yang Dingtian. As long as he consciously ordered the soul sword to attack, the Emperor Naga immediately performed the big trial at the first time.

When I heard that Medusa had become a fossil, the Emperor of Naga immediately drilled the Chaos Soul.


In an instant, a golden light filled the entire pyramid.

A golden yellow Naga image that is already very similar to a dragon, floating in the air.

Looking at Medusa, which became a fossil, the soul of the Emperor Naga became complicated and sighed gently.

"Unfortunately, it was too late to ask her why she had betrayed the Naga Empire in the past. Why did she defect?"

Then it flew up and wrapped the statue of Medusa tightly.

It seems to be a ritual of the Naga.

At this time, the voice of Naga Frost suddenly sounded in the heart of Yangding.

"French, go, go, go... Medusa has a scam, killing Medusa in the human kingdom, still..."

In an instant, Yangding’s hair was violently blown up.

Just a short time ago, Naga Frost used special means to detect whether Medusa was still there.

If it exists, and there is residual energy, it proves that Medusa's energy is still there.

As a result, Medusa is still killing, so...

At this time, the soul of the Emperor Naga suddenly burst into horror.

"Human, run fast, run fast..."

Yang Dingtian immediately turned around and turned into a streamer, madly smashing out.

He even went to see what happened, and fled at the fastest speed.

In the pyramid, you only saw the fossil statue of Medusa, smashing the bones.

Then there was a void in the pyramid. A figure flashed flashing.

It is a beautiful and unmatched Queen of Medusa.

Her money went to the soul of the Emperor of Naga, and slowly said: "When I know that there is a Naga kings in Yangding, I think that person may be you. I know, Your soul exists because of me. Even if it has been more than 10,000 years, you will kill me."

The original emperor of the Naga Empire. Called indigo. However, he is obviously golden, and there is a blue in the name.

The soul of the King of Naga is painful: "Because you betrayed the Naga Empire."

"In our thirteen royal family, you have the highest blood, but whether it is power or heart, or even repair, you are not the highest." Medusa said: "But because you are the most beautiful among the thirteen royals, so we Only you are the emperor of the Naga Empire. We used to be brothers and sisters in the Naga Empire. But today, I have to dismiss you, I am very sorry, my brother!"

Then, Queen Medusa, bit by bit, with the spirit, shred the soul of the Emperor Naga!

"Why... why?" In the incomparably complex mood and gaze, the soul of Naga's Emperor Indigo. It was so alive and was stripped by Medusa.

At last. The fly is gone.

Because, now the soul of the king of Naga, only one percent, one thousandth of the energy in the strong. How to rival the Medusa in the heyday.

As the king of Naga, the emperors of Medusa and Naga were not much different from each other more than 10,000 years ago.


And the top of the sky that escaped. I haven’t flew a few kilometers yet, and I’m living in the same place.

His qi and Xuan mai are all right, but the spirit and consciousness are instantly fixed. For the time being, I lost any control over the entire body.

Medusa jade hand. The Yangding Tian suddenly sucked into the eyes.

Then, Yangdingtian resumed his ability to act.

"You just turned into a fossil, is it a fantasy created by you?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Medusa said: "No, it is a fossil statue. When it talks to you, it is the illusion that I make. When it becomes a fossil, it is true. So you touch it, it is a real thing. Fossil. You can think of it as one of my avatars."

Yang Dingtian’s face violently twitched and said: “I know that Queen Medusa is not so easy to be destroyed. You guess, I will let the Emperor Naga add a fossil liquid with a big trial?”

Medusa said: "Not guessing, but worrying about this, so take precautions!"

Yang? ”

Medusa said: "Human, the Emperor of Naga is not the most outstanding Naga can do. As the emperor of Naga, it will lose a lot of cultivation time. So, among the thirteen royals, the Emperor of Naga instead It is more mediocre. And most importantly, the Indigo Emperor once wanted to be a partner with me, and I refused..."

Yang Dingtian sighed and said: "I understand."

The Emperor of Naga, just want to complete this task, is to perform his duties. Others, he is not willing to think deeply.

Killing Medusa is the responsibility he must complete.

Yangding Tiandao: "Now you are in front of me, can you answer my previous question? And, the Emperor of Naga has been removed by you."

Queen Medusa said: "Sorry, there is no comment, the chess piece does not deserve to know too much."

It’s still the words that are high above. Yangdingtian took a deep breath: “Well, I planted. What do you want to do with me? You should know that unless you have fossils, it will change me. Become fossils. Otherwise, you probably can't kill me. I and Naga alone are sharing life."

Medusa smiled and said: "Who said that I want to kill you?"

Yangding Tiandao: "What you said just now."

Medusa smiled and said: "It was just my avatar. Now I will not kill you."

Doubt in the heart of Yangding, does Medusa not kill himself? What does she want?

“What do you want?” asked Yangdingtian.

Medusa said: "You can see it right away, I will change how you are, Yangdingtian small human!"


Note: The second one is sent, thank you! (To be continued..)u

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