Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 162: : Kiss the demon girl? Save your life!

After all, the solitary phoenix dance grabbed the neck of the Yangding Tian and directly threw it down at the volcanic hole.

Suddenly, Yangding Tianfei quickly fell. As long as you enter the hole, Skyfire Phoenix will attack at any time. As long as Yangdingtian takes out the smog and cold beads at this time, the solitary phoenix dance can be smothered with a few hundred meters.

Therefore, after throwing Yangdingtian down, the beauty of the demon girl's solitary phoenix dances closely to Yangdingtian. As soon as she avoids the fire and the cold pearl appears, she runs the mysterious spirit and takes the beads into her hands.

But the facts have disappointed the solitary phoenix dance!

Yangding Tianfei quickly fell and fell!

Dozens of meters...

Hundreds of meters...

Nearly kilometer...

Yangdingtian still did not take out the smog of cold beads. At this time, if the phoenix phoenix launches an attack, Yangdingtian will die. However, I would rather be killed by the phoenix phoenix, and I am not willing to sneak away from the fire.

Seeing that the sun is falling farther and farther and farther and farther.

The solitary phoenix dance is horrified and anxious! I didn't think that Yangdingtian was so tough, even if he died, he would not want to take out the cold. At this time, Yangdingtian has become farther and farther away from her. As long as it exceeds a certain distance, her mysteriousness can no longer control Yangdingtian.

Two kilometers...

The linear distance of 2,500 meters is already the limit of her control...

Soon, Yangdingtian’s fall was more than 2,500 meters. He still didn't take out the cold.

At this time, Du Gu Feng Dance fell into a life and death choice.

Either, watching Yang Dingtian get out of her control range and take out the smog, and successfully enter the Huoyun Magic Cave, leaving himself dingy.

Or, jump yourself!

Just hesitating for a few seconds, the solitary phoenix dance is never admit defeat, jade teeth bite, the solitary phoenix dance jumped and jumped.

After jumping down, Du Gu Feng Wu Yun Yun Xuanqi quickly rushed underground, turned into a red streamer, and rushed to Yang Dingtian.

The speed of Yangdingtian has been getting faster and faster, but it is almost a moment. The solitary phoenix dance has almost caught up with Yangdingtian, and the distance is less than 100 meters.

But at this time, the dark mountain caves slammed loudly, and instantly burst into the brilliance of the bright and shining. People lose all their vision in an instant, and there is only one blank left in the whole brain.

This kind of light is not only described as bright as white, but in the vicinity of the sun, the almost devastating light.

It’s not just Yangdingtian, but even the solitary phoenix dance has lost its vision.

Then there was a thrilling tweet that screamed at the clouds and made the entire huge volcano trembling.

"Boom..." Finally, a flame of near-nuclear bomb explosion suddenly rushed into the sky.

The lord of the volcano, the Millennium Wicked Heavenly Fire Phoenix launched an attack. Yang Ding Tian and Du Gu Feng Wu really broke into its territory, causing its screaming anger.

Yang Dingtian was shocked and immediately felt a general energy attack. Then, he immediately took out the smouldering cold from the space ring at the fastest speed and contained it in his mouth.

Although his speed is already very, very fast, although the flame of the Phoenix Fire is still tens of thousands of meters away from him. But he has already felt his own veins, his own blood, his own body, his own everything, almost instantly withered and burned.

At this time, Yangdingtian, only 0:01 seconds from death, is an irresistible death. Before, even if he wished a strong red palm, he would not die, and he was defeated by the extremely powerful Jiuyang Xuanmai. But at this time, facing this phoenix phoenix, I really felt very incomparably small, as if it was going to be smouldering in an instant, and even the pain was too late to feel.

But all of this was stopped in the moment when Yangdingtian contained the refuge of cold beads.

The moment when the cold beads enter the mouth, a cold but not biting energy instantly surrounds the whole body, and isolates itself from the terrible energy of the Phoenix. It was at this time that Yangdingtian resumed his vision and was able to see everything around him.

He saw that the solitary phoenix dance was less than a few meters away from him, and he was about to reach out and grab his own smog. Then, with the terrible attack of the Skyfire Phoenix, all the movements are instantly frozen. She is like a beautiful flower, and it will be destroyed by the light of nuclear bombs in an instant. Under the blazing flame, the solitary phoenix dance has the most eye-catching beauty.

However, this beauty will soon vanish.

She is much more powerful than Yang Tiantian, so at this time she can still hold up the whole body to resist, but in the blink of an eye it is already the end of the strong, and when the thundering flame engulfs her, she will instantly vanish.

The blazing flame of the phoenix phoenix, even the master of the master class can not resist. After all, people on the Chaos continent can only cultivate for more than 100 years, while the monsters can practice for thousands of years.

The flames that came up underneath were getting closer and closer.

This is really a pure blood red flame, and Yang Dingtian is the first time to see a flame that is truly bloody.

The destruction of the solitary phoenix dance is less than half a second.

Even if he is a big master, he is a big devil who can be disheartened all over the world. He can't save his daughter at this time. No one in the world can save the solitary phoenix dance, except for Yangdingtian.

However, this enchantress always wants to kill Yang Tiantian, and always smashes the sun to the top of the sky. At the last moment, she will also throw Yangdingtian from the top, in order to force Yangdingtian to hand over the fire and cold beads. . In general, he did not put Yang Dingtian's life in his eyes.

Then, Yang Dingtian can't save her?

If you don't save, the solitary phoenix dance will definitely die.

Save? Yangdingtian could not find any reason to save.

"This demon girl, I am going to die for her..." Yang Dingtian’s heart glimpsed.

The flames of the sky are coming in an instant. Destroy the heavens and destroy the land, swallow the heavens and the earth, and swallow the Yangdingtian and the Dugu Fengwu.


The delicate body of the solitary phoenix dance was only held in the arms by Yangdingtian. His lips clung to the lips of the solitary phoenix dance, avoiding the cold energy of the cold beads, tightly surrounding the two people, the boundless **** flame, spreading the 20,000-meter cave, rushing out of the volcano and rushing to the sky Tens of thousands of meters.

This is not a volcanic volcano, but it looks exactly the same as a volcanic eruption.

The whole mountain began to melt and became red.

Through the endless flames, Yangdingtian and Dugu Fengwu continue to fall.

In the moment of holding the solitary phoenix dance and biting her lips, Yang Dingtian regretted it.

He has made up his mind, regardless of the life and death of the solitary phoenix dance. But after all, did he choose to save people at the last moment?

Because of what? Because I can't bear to see a life alive and die in front of my eyes? No, Yang Dingtian is not so emotional, and he himself does not know how many people have been killed.

There may be only one reason, that is, the solitary phoenix dance is a great beauty who is unparalleled and unparalleled. Yang Dingtian didn't like her, and she didn't want anything to happen with her.

Moreover, he does not have the power to hunt, he needs to become stronger, he needs to recapture the city of Yunxiao, he needs to rescue the flame from the Nether Sea.

He saved the singer and danced, but he didn't want to see a beautiful beauty so dying.

Maybe, that's it!

Crossing the tens of thousands of meters of the sky.

When it fell to 10,000 meters, Yangdingtian saw this Tianhuo Phoenix.

However, at this time, the appearance of the phoenix has not been seen at all. Its whole body is full of blood and flames. The body of a hundred meters is completely embedded in the volcano, and the scars are scarred.

This turned out to be a phoenix phoenix that lost its freedom. This turned out to be a imprisoned phoenix. This is a scarred phoenix phoenix.

This is the phoenix of the millennium, this is the lord of the lord, who can imprison it?

But it can't be managed so much, and Yangdingtian and Dugufeng dance are still falling.

A few kilometers, tens of thousands of meters...

At this time, the blazing flame of the Tianhuo Phoenix has been exhausted, and the surrounding area has fallen into a darkness. Yangdingtian two people have already left the killing range of Tianhuo Phoenix!

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian felt the movement of his arms.

The solitary phoenix dance woke up.

Yang Dingtian left the lips of Du Gu Feng Dance and said faintly: "You don't have to thank me. I saved you if I took the wrong medicine..."

The words have not been finished yet, and the solitary phoenix dances with a palm, and Yangdingtian faints directly. She did not want to be grateful to Yang Dingtian, and she directly came over.

"I x, this demon girl..." This is the last heart of Yangdingtian.


Soon Yang Dingtian woke up, and at this time he had stopped falling. He lay on the hard ground, surrounded by darkness and could not reach his fingers.

"Xuanhuo magic hammer? Hand over, otherwise you will smash the corpse."

Yangding Tianyi, sneer: "The demon girl, * are not so ruthless?"

"I want you to save me?" The solitary phoenix dance is still the same sentence, and it is exactly the same on the island, but this time it is really mad at the top of the sky to vomit blood three liters ~ ~ and avoid Where are you hiding in the fire? Asked the solitary phoenix dance coldly.

"I am hiding in the ass, how?" Yangding Tiandao.

After all, half of the smouldering cold beads are also included in the mouth of this enchantress.

"Nausea is a bit disgusting, but I don't care." The solitary phoenix dance faintly said: "So, where is the Xuanhuo magic hammer, you can't put it there."

Yang Dingtian was completely speechless, then climbed up from the ground and pretended to have a night pearl from his arms.

This night pearl is also a treasure. Although the light that blooms is not strong, it is incomparably long and can spread to every space.

Now, there is good news and bad news.

The good news is that there are no labyrinths and no secrets.

The bad news is that it is very big and big.

It takes tens of thousands of meters to reach the bottom, and the infinite abyss is a void.

All around is an empty darkness, almost no margins.

This is obviously tens of thousands of meters underground, but Yang Dingtian feels that it is like the vast space of the universe, and everything around it is boundless darkness.

Yangdingtian’s foothold at this time is a disc floating on the air, about 20 meters in diameter.

Yangding Tianhe and Dugu Fengwu just fell down and was caught by this disc.

But where is the best fire?

......(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the mobile phone network () subscription, reward, your support, is my biggest motivation.)

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