Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 165: : The demon woman finds the way, cultivates!

After a few minutes, the stone giant seemed to search for the relevant memory of the tears hanging ornaments. He looked at Yang Dingtian with a slight hesitation, and his brow wrinkled, as if he had fallen into a difficult situation that should not be drowned. Perhaps, there is no memory for the tears hanging ornaments, but there is no clear instructions, so it does not know whether it should be dead or not, and it is not sure whether Yangdingtian is considered an entry for the Five Elements Temple.

After all, it is not a real person, but a stone giant made by the ancient strong.

At this time, Yang Dingtian, on the edge of hell, swims, as long as the memory of the stone giant is slightly disorganized, or slightly clear, he directly sighs and mourns, and the two sorcerers combine to form a mass of meat.

"Call..." Suddenly, the giant took back the hammer and then changed back and returned to the original guardian posture and continued to sleep.

Yang Dingtian took a long sigh of relief, then the palms left the tears hanging ornaments, let it re-visually disappear.

The solitary phoenix dance waited for a while, still did not see the hammer falling, could not help but open the beautiful, but saw that the stone giant has re-constructed into a huge sculpture, could not help but glimpse, then look at the sun, staring at the sun I watched it for a while and said: "Who is Yangdingtian?"

After Yang Tiantian looked at her for a while, she did not answer her question, but said: "As long as you don't say that you want to kill me with a sword, I am already tired of listening."

"I really have to hesitate to kill you with a sword."

Yang Dingtian is speechless. When he first listened to it, he was almost creepy and his soul was flying. Now he doesn’t know how many times he heard it.

"You said, these five doors, is it the meaning of fire, ice, gold, wind power five series?" Yang Dingtian asked.


Yang Dingtian heart jerked, remembering the second stage of killing the sword, the yin and yang sword. There are a total of five strokes that need to be cultivated in the environment of the five-line system. This five-storey hall is as if it is tailor-made for his Yangdingtian. Is this God's will?

"Yangdingtian, are you the illegitimate child of heaven? I threw you down, but you found a secret in the end?" Duo Fengfeng said: "You just said that you have to break through the big bastion in three months, I still Laugh at you, idiots and dreams. But in the territory of the five elements, I am afraid that your dreams will become a reality."

Yangding Tiandao: "At this time, I am not alone in the secret."

"Do you mean that I have touched your light?" Duo phoenix dance sneered: "I think before you are ecstatic, first make sure that there is no way out, otherwise you will break through the big sacred martial arts. I can only sleep here."

"Then you think that door can go out?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"When you try it, you will know." Duo Fengfeng said, she said that she would look at the five hundred-meter-high giant gates to choose a door.

In the end, the solitary phoenix dance chose the golden color door to go, Yang Dingtian hesitated a little, then followed.

One is to explore the mystery of the secret, and the other is to find a way out. Even if he wants to practice in the secret, he needs to make sure that there is a way out.

When I came to the golden gate of a few hundred meters, Yang Dingtian was worried about how such a huge door would be pushed open, but I didn’t think that I needed to force it. I opened it with a bunch of doors.

After entering, it was a huge room. At the end of the room was another door, but it was smaller than the hundreds of meters that I had just entered.

"Hey..." Yangdingtian just stepped forward and his body sank suddenly, almost falling to the ground.

Here is actually a large gravity field, Yang Dingtian after a rough calculation, here should be three times the gravity.

Just zero gravity, now directly into the room with three times gravity.

Therefore, every step of Yangdingtian needs to spend three times the strength on land. The most important thing is that this sword in the hand has changed from three hundred kilograms to one thousand kilograms. Of course, Yangdingtian can still hold it, but it is somewhat difficult.

The solitary phoenix dance did not care about the situation of Yangdingtian. The triple gravity is still light for her, and there is no feeling. She went straight through the 100-meter-long room and went to the door at the end of the room.

This is the second door of the Golden Temple.

The solitary phoenix dance gently piled up, the door opened, but it was not very light. She sneaked into the palm of her hand and slammed it out.

Suddenly, the door was suddenly pushed open and entered the second secret room of the gold system.

The second room is smaller than the first room. The door at the end of the room is also much smaller, just a few tens of meters.

But when Yang Dingtian stepped into the second room, his right hand fell sharply, and the sword in his hand almost fell. In the hands of more than three hundred pounds of sword, instantly turned into a few thousand pounds.

The second room has a higher gravity ratio than the first one.

Yangdingtian estimated that the second room was nine times gravity.

Yangding Tianyun ups and downs, grasped the sword in his hand, followed behind the Du Gufeng dance, and continued to move forward.

In the environment of nine times gravity, Yangding Tianyun has a strong sense of the whole body, and the pace is still not very difficult, even if it is holding a sword that is already three thousand pounds.

After closing the second room, I came to the third door, and the solitary phoenix danced up mysteriously, and the right hand was launched directly.

The speed of pushing the door is somewhat slow, but it can still be opened.

Opening the third door, two people walked into the third secret room of the gold system.

"When ... heart moment, the sword in the hands of Yang Dingtian directly slammed into the ground, as if it were a magnet, it was directly sucked on the ground.

Then, the Yangdingtian body was also suddenly short, almost falling directly to the ground.

Even the footsteps of the solitary phoenix dance are slightly slower.

The first room is three times the gravity, the second room is nine times the gravity, then the third room is twenty-seven times the gravity.

The sword in the hands of Yang Dingtian has become a full tens of thousands of pounds. With the strength of Yangdingtian at this time, it is completely five points. Even every step of the way, it takes a few hundred pounds of effort.

And the solitary phoenix dance just forged a good soul sword, there are also two or three thousand at this time, but this weight is still not too difficult for her.

Yangding Tianqiu body, want to grab the sword on the ground, but even if he used all his strength, his sword is like rooting, and does not move.

"Ah..." Yangding screamed fiercely, using all his strength, grabbing the young sword with both hands and rushing up.

Finally, the soul sword that has been tens of thousands of pounds has been lifted three inches, but Yangdingtian has exhausted all the strength. The soul sword still slammed down and made a loud noise.

Du Gu Feng Wu turned to look at Yang Ding Tiandao: "Don't count on it, your sword is full of 10,000 at this time with your strength is completely unable to get up. You want to leave here, unless the sword is still Here."

"Impossible." Yangding Tiandao.

"Then you stay here first, I went to the front to explore the road." Du Gufeng danced, then only saw her holding the soul sword in one hand, grabbed the strong chest with one hand, and continued to move forward. Because her chest is too sharp, although very straight, but can not hold twenty-seven times the gravity. Therefore, you must hold it with one hand.

This scene is very funny, but Yangdingtian really can't laugh, he stood in the same place, watching Duo Fengfeng dance alone in front of him.

Du Gu Feng Wu walked through the third room and came to the fourth door. Pick up the mysterious spirit and push the door with one hand. However, I found that it was a little hard, so I increased my mysterious power and pushed forward.

The fourth door was pushed open, and the solitary phoenix dance entered the fourth room.

The fourth room is even smaller, only 30 meters high. But at the end of the fourth room, it was still a door, still not the end.

“When the 独 凤 凤 dances into the fourth room, the fourth door is closed directly, separating the Yangdingtian and the solitary phoenix dance.

Suddenly, the third gold-lined room, only Yang Dingtian alone. He stood on the edge of his soul sword, took up the power of the whole body, slammed the soul sword on the ground, and then quickly pushed him into the space ring when it was about to fall again.

During the time, Yangding Tian was a light man.

Then, he stepped forward step by step, transporting the mysteriousness of the whole body, stepping forward step by step under the gravity of 2,700 times.

Two minutes later, he reached the end of the third room and came to the fourth door.

With both hands, the mysterious body of the whole body was lifted and pushed forward.

However, the fourth door does not move.

"Ah... I know that Yang Tiantian is trying his best and pushing forward."

The fourth door is still moving. At this time, Yang Dingtian launched a force of one or two thousand, but the fourth door did not move even a millimeter.

It seems that the fourth door is absolutely impossible to promote. Therefore, Yang Dingtian gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explore with the solitary phoenix dance.

Just standing under the fourth door, quietly closing his eyes, while transporting the whole body Xuanqi resists the damage caused by twenty-seven times gravity, while waiting for the solitary phoenix dance back.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

An hour has passed.

The solitary phoenix dance still didn't come back. I don't know if she went to the first few rooms. I don't know if there are a few rooms in total. I don't know if there is any. ?

Perhaps she has found an exit and has left alone at this time.

"When you are gone, with this sultry demon girl, there will always be life-threatening dangers." Yang Dingtian heart secretly, then turned and walked back to the central hall of the Five Elements Hall.

Anyway, he didn't even think about leaving. It’s hard to get into the ancient mystery, you must try it to the extreme here, and reach the biggest breakthrough before leaving.

The footsteps just stepped into the hall, and suddenly the body was light, as if the whole person had to fly.

Returning from zero gravity to zero gravity is really not as comfortable and relaxing as usual. Yangdingtian breathed a breath of air and found that the air here was extremely pure and comfortable, and the more he went to the center of the hall, the more he felt the pure and sinister energy.

The center of this hall is so rich and pure!

This pure mystery makes Yang Dingtian think of the mysterious atmosphere of the five elements of yin and yang in the horror villa, the yin and yang festival. Almost the same purity, but not so powerful and 澎湃 After all, the yin and yang festivals only once in three hundred years.

But compared to other places, the mystery here has been rich and many times many times. And the most important thing is that this is completely pure and sacred, and can be directly introduced into the sea for its own use.

And Yang Dingtian found that this secret is not a large five-line array. The five-series secret room gathers all the surrounding scent and purifies it and gathers it in the center of the hall.

Moreover, the zero gravity in the center of the hall is also caused by the intersection of yin and yang, and the five systems.

Yang Dingtian came to the center of the hall, which is also the most concentrated and pure place of Xuanqi. Such a pure and rich mysterious atmosphere is the best place to swallow.

Yangding Tianpan sat down and began to adjust from self-adjustment. Run the whole body of the mysterious gas, open the entrance of the Xuanmai of the whole body, meditation on the unique swallowing Xuankou scorpion, and begin to absorb and refine the mysterious atmosphere in the secret territory.

Xuanmai has just opened, and Xuan Xuan has just started to move up, and an incomparably powerful Xuanqi surges out.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was shocked.

Originally thought that the mysterious gas here is a few times more than the outside, more than ten times, I did not expect that it would be hundreds of times. Almost all of the mysterious gas is madly integrated into every vein of Yangdingtian, and then directly into the sea of ​​sea without any refining and refining.

That is to say, here, you can adjust your interest rate and cultivate it once, which is enough to compare with the outside for two or three months. (To be continued, this text is provided by Dawning Update Group @丶打豆豆mm. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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