Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 194: : Ling Dance Devotion!

One hundred and ninety-four chapters: Ling Dance Devotion!

"Master, how come I am a ugly sword?" Yang Dingtian quickly summoned the inner Nirvana in his mind.

"Child, just the past day, I can't feel your existence, what happened, do you have anything?" The Eastern Nirvana is extremely concerned.

"Nothing, just killing a star Wu Xuan strong." Yangding Tiandao.

"There is no electricity system mystery?"

"No!" Yangding Tiandao.

When the East Nirvana sighed, said: "Child, you are amazing."

"Master, I just entered the ugly sword. It didn't have any reaction. You can help me to see if it has an accident. When Qin was afraid of the last shock, it helped me share most of the damage. Don't have anything." Yangdingtian is anxious.

"Haha, there should be nothing wrong with it." The Eastern Nirvana said: "With the ugly qualifications, the energy of the district's Wu Xuan-class powerhouse can't support it. I will help you see it soon..."

Then, the gods of the Eastern Nirvana went into the ugly sword and examined it.

After a few minutes, the Eastern Nirvana smiled and said: "Reassured, there is nothing wrong with Ah Ug, it is just easy to sleep."

"Sleeping?" Yangdingtian was surprised.

"Yes, sleep, just like all babies, eat and sleep, so that you can grow your body." The East Nirvana said: "It has a large amount of food, and it has not been eaten before, so it has been awake. This time finally eaten. When you are full, you can take a good sleep. After you wake up, it will grow up. The sword can grow up, it’s never seen before, and it’s unheard of. Xiaotian, the speed at which you cultivate the sword spirit will shock all Human beings will definitely be the speed that the millennium has never had before. Moreover, your swordsman will eventually be powerful enough to be unimaginable."

"It will be." Yangding Tianzheng said, in front of the master, he has always acted like a child.

"Right, Master." Yangding Tiandao: "Why do other people's swords have no knowledge, and my swords will have a god?"

"It’s not that other people’s swords have no knowledge. Even if the soul swords of others are completed after forging, it will take a few years to have their own knowledge.” The East Nirvana said: “Your sword has a **** at the beginning. Knowledge, I think this has something to do with the blood of Wujin. Because the ordinary blood Wujin is a hundred years, up to a thousand years, has not had time to grow aura. And the blood of Wujin, has a soul, even this soul Very weak, and very simple. But it is close to being a living thing. Therefore, the sword that was forged with the eternal blood of Wujin will have a god. The reason why this **** is close to you is because of you. The blood spilled on the sword and deep into every inch of the sword. It can be said that if the sword has blood, then it will be your blood, so it is natural to connect with you. An intimate relationship that cannot be separated."

"I understand!" Yangding Tiandao, and then looking at the ugly sword in the arms, suddenly felt more cute, gimmicks look like.

After restoring it, Yang Dingtian will continue to hold the ugly and ugly, although the night battles have more impurities, but the time is tight, and it has not been able to manage so much. I will go to Yunxiao City tomorrow morning. On the road, he must keep himself in the best condition.


After three hours of swallowing Xuan Xuan, Yang Dingtian completely filled the gas sea and Xuanmai, plus several high-level Ju Xuan Dan in the space ring, even if the sudden situation on the road is enough. .

At this time, there are still four hours from the dawn, and I will take a nap at the last moment.

Then, Yangdingtian was lying on the bed, sleeping with his clothes, and holding a ugly sword to sleep.

After he had just slept for a few minutes, he suddenly woke up suddenly.

Because, he heard a footstep, suddenly the whole body violently cocked, grabbed the ugly sword in his hand, ready to fight.

But soon, he relaxed again. Because this step is very familiar, there is also a charming woman fragrance.

It was Ling Wu, she sneaked into the room of Yang Dingtian.

Treating this hot, bold and affectionate woman, Yangding is really unable to parry. In order to avoid embarrassment, he quickly puts his eyes on his sleep and hopes that this woman should not do anything stupid, just take a look and leave.

However, his hopes quickly fell short.

Because, this woman climbed the bed of Yangdingtian.

Then, Yangdingtian felt a hot and sleek carcass into his arms.

Suddenly, the heart of Yangdingtian almost jumped out, and for a time I didn’t know if I should continue to sleep.

"Stupid, sleep with a sword, holding a woman can't sleep well?" Ling dance Jiao.

Then, take off the ugly sword of Yangdingtian and put it on the side.

Then, she even reached out to take off the clothes of the sun, and her hands were hot and smooth.

Yang Dingtian could no longer sleep at this time, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Oh, don't you sleep anymore? Your heart beats faster than drumming." Ling dance.

Yang Dingtian has to open his mouth to speak.

Unexpectedly, it was smashed by the small hand of Ling Wuxiang, and then Ling danced naked and leaned on the waist of Yangding, and took the body: "Don't talk, I know what you want to say, I have heard it." How many times."

Then, she spit out the fiery soft tongue and gently licked the face of the sky: "Reassured, I just let you sleep, not letting you take responsibility."

"This is not going to work. I can't be sorry for my wife, but I can't be sorry for you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Reassure, your wife won't mind, you love her so much, I love you so much, even if she knows it will not be angry." Ling danced: "As for me, sorry, I will not sleep for you this evening. I am sorry for me."

Yangdingtian was about to talk, but it was blocked by the small mouth of Ling Dance, and then a small tongue was drilled into his mouth, sweeping everything in Yangding’s mouth.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian couldn’t help but feel a bit confusing. In particular, Ling’s hot and naked body rubbed his body. The little hand kept going down and into his pants.

"No!" Yangding Tian will be a strong, forcefully pushed the naked body of Ling Dance.

Ling dance stayed, then cried out: "I just let you look down on the eyes? Stripped white and sent it to your boat, don't you?"

"Ling dance, my emotional debt has been enough, and I can no longer owe it." Yangding Tiandao.

"I only let you sleep, but I won't let you back." Ling Wu said: "Moreover, I really don't have any attraction for you? I don't believe it, or you're so big underneath, so hard to do. It seems to be eating people."

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian was in a hurry. He was a man. Of course, he was so excited when he faced such a hot stunner. Especially this woman is so affectionate to herself, but because of this, Yangding’s genius is responsible for her. If it is an ordinary woman, maybe she will actually play.

"I am very heart-warming, facing a beautiful woman like you, the world man who will not heart." Yang Dingtian gasped a breath: "But it is also true, I am responsible for you. You and my life are doomed to no results, you I have to marry other people. I hope that you will give your complete husband to your future husband, otherwise you will be injured. The world is not so tolerant to women."

"Stupid..." Ling dance Jiao said: "Do you think I can marry other people? Do you think I can hold other people in my heart? I am dancing, although everything is average, but I am proud of myself. Not ordinary, otherwise I have already married."

"Who will make it clear in the future?" Yangdingtian sighed.

"Yangdingtian, I will tell you the truth." Ling Wumei looked at Yangdingtian boldly: "I love you, love is crazy! I don't know what will happen in the future, but I don't think I will Fall in love with other men. You are destined to stay away, and I am destined to stay here for the rest of my life. I started to be with my father. I will be with everyone on the island. I am the only martial artist on the island. So we The two should not have a result, but I really don't want to find other men in the future. So I made up my mind at night, I must come over to sleep with you, sleep until dawn, can sleep several times, because of a few days. It is the time when I am most likely to become pregnant."

Then, Ling Dance is full of martyrdom: "It is best to have a son in the future, rest assured that I will not take him to find you ~ ~ I will train him, and later let him integrate the fire island. His 爹爹So good, so he must be very good."

"Yangdingtian, there are many women in the sea." Ling Dance said: "Many women are unwilling to get married and are willing to live a carefree life. So go find the best men to mate and find them to vaccinate. Let's raise the children themselves. Tonight, I just asked you to borrow them. You shouldn't be so embarrassed, even a little seed is not willing to give me."

"I love you, love is crazy, so I want you to give me the seeds." Ling dance violently grabs the spear of Yangdingtian, hot and spicy: "Tonight, you are giving, you don't give it." Give. You don't sleep, I sleep myself!"

After all, Ling Dance violently seized the most sensitive and fragile descendant bag of Yangdingtian, and took a moment to force it.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts..." Yang Dingtian screamed, and looked at Ling Dance completely unbelievably. This stunning beauty is so bold and so wild.

Ling Wu distressed and relaxed a little, but still clinging to the most fragile place in Yangdingtian, looking at him provocatively, the other hand squatting under the pants of Yangdingtian, then grabbing the spear in one hand and separating it with one hand If you have your own beautiful buttocks, you have to sit down.

She really said that doing it, it is a woman who is extremely hot.

"Slow..." Yang Dingtian suddenly said.

Ling dance stayed, the body trembled, tears rushed out, crying: "Yangdingtian, I have already scorned myself to this point, what do you want? I want to die in front of you?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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