Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 222: : arrogant! The fox family is a little beautiful!

After the two teams met, the owner of Xizhou City, Ye Wuzhe and Qin Meng, both got off the carriage and went to visit, and the former Baiyun City owner also personally dismounted, with the young master Ye Feng folded back to meet.

The two sides met on the way and then each prayed. It’s a ritual, but in general, the Xizhou City Lord and Qin Meng’s rituals are slightly respected, and the Baiyun City’s main leaves are arrogant. After all, on the bright side, the main city of Baiyun City has no city and Qin Wanqiu.

Ye Feng, the young master of Baiyun City, is more attentive than his old man. When I was not convinced of the main city of Xizhou City, I couldn’t see respectfulness at all. I just lazily scattered and said: "When you meet your uncle."

This Qin Duo’s husband, Ye Wuzhen, is indeed the younger brother of Baiyun’s master.

After the ceremony, Ye Feng’s eyes began to look around, and soon fell on the face of Yang Dingtian. The eyes suddenly showed the cold hostility, and there was a disdain and disdain, but I didn’t immediately rush to find something, but the eyes showed the meaning. Sneer and warning.

Then, the two teams began to meet and prepared to take a rest for a night at Red Rock Fortress, which was dozens of miles away.

This red stone castle is already the territory of the northwest Qincheng, and it is controlled by the remote branch of the Qin family. It is said that this Red Rock Fort and Yang Dingtian still have a certain relationship. Qin Hongmian, the daughter of Red Rock Fortress, died under the sword of Yangdingtian.

About two o'clock in the evening, the two teams entered the Red Rock Fort.

This red stone castle is really red, it is a very strong and magnificent fortress. This castle alone covers an area of ​​nearly a thousand acres. The highest point of the high platform is nearly 100 meters. It can be used for thousands of thousands of people. It is indeed a major town in the southeastern Qin Dynasty.

The Red Rock Fortress Qin Qintian, led the hundreds of important personnel of Red Rock Fort early, and welcomed it twenty miles away.

Here, Qin Zhongtian’s attitude gap is very obvious. In the face of Baiyun’s main leaf, the city’s respectfulness is polite, but Qin Meng’s departure is completely feminine and flattering. From the beginning to the end, this red stone fortress has a waist. Did not straight up, treat Qin Meng as completely as his own master.

It is said that this Qin Zhongtian is not a small person. In the 200-mile territory of Red Rock Fort, he is the first person to be the best, and he is also a prince of the northwest Qincheng. But in front of Qin Meng, it is completely like a slave.

According to the rules, more than 1,000 cavalry teams on both sides, in addition to more than 200 guards, the remaining large units are stationed outside the castle.

As the highest leader of this thousand cavalry, Yang Dingtian also entered the Red Rock Fortress, with separate and comfortable rooms, and two or three maids.

After the washing was finished and replaced with a gorgeous and comfortable robes, a maid came to report and let Yangdingtian go to the Red Rock Fort Hall for a feast.

Yang Dingtian followed her and entered the banquet of the castle to inquire. At this time, about ten people in this hall have already sat down. There are about forty or fifty tables in the hall of Nuo Da. The position of Yangdingtian is still in front. On the ninth table on the right, Qin Meng’s departure from the guest has not yet arrived. ,

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and there were thousands of candlesticks in the entire hall, which made the whole hall bright and white.

Yangdingtian sat in the position. The front and the height of the table was about one and a half meters long and eighty centimeters wide. It was filled with rare dishes, wine and fruit.

This is a one-person table, with a delicate waitress on the side to help the wine.

Not long after the arrival of Yangding, the guests and guests arrived one after another.

When everyone is there, the three most important VIPs of the evening are finally present, Qin Mengli, Ye Wucheng, and Ye Wuzhen.

The three men sat in the top three rows of tables in the top of the hall.

The main character of Red Rock Fortress is the same, the first table on the left is accompanied by the first table, and Ye Feng, as the owner of Baiyun City, sits on the first table, and looks forward and looks proud.

As for Yan, it is just on a table below Yangdingtian.

After the Red Rock Fortress Qin Qintian asked for it, Qin Meng announced the start of the banquet. Then, the music rang, and more than a dozen dancers, who were beautiful, began to dance in the hall.

Everyone, the cups are staggered and enjoy the food.

Of course, in general, there is no such thing as Yangdingtian. Most of the time, you only need to bow and drink meat, and you can't talk to him. Because at this banquet, only the first two or three rows are qualified to speak and chat.

However, he did not look for things, and things came to him.

Ye Feng, the young master of Baiyun City, took a sip of wine and rushed to the west of the city. "Uncle, I heard that your city's main guard has recently recruited a cavalry commander. The martial arts are very good. Let's get to know everyone."

Yang Ding Tianxin suddenly became angry, and said: "My shell, this little beast, I want to provoke me."

The main city of Xizhou City is not vying for the sun and looking at the sky. "Shen Lang Shen leads, this is the Baiyun City Master, you get up and respect him."

Yang Dingtian frowned, did not get up, took the wine glass toward Ye Feng, and then drank it.

This behavior of Yang Dingtian is very rude. When Ye Wuzheng suddenly changed his face, the gaze of the sun was full of chill.

Ye Feng looked angry and said: "Shen Tong collar, are you toasting like this?"

Yang Dingtian frowned and said: "I am the cavalry commander of the Qin Lady Guard, not the commander of Baiyun City. You don't have much courtesy for you."

This is completely arrogant, and suddenly the face of the main city of Baiyun City has changed slightly.

“Haha Liuyefeng is angry and laughs, and his eyes turn: “I heard that Shen’s martial arts is extremely good, otherwise it will not become the leader of Mrs. Qin’s guard. The leader of the Guards around me just happens to be martial arts. It’s better to ask Shen Tong to teach one or two. How? ”

Ye Feng’s words just finished, suddenly a warrior stood up against the top of Yangdingtian, and held a sword in the face of the sun. He said: “The second commander of the Baiyun City cavalry is Murong Shi, who specializes in the teaching of Shen Tong.”

Yangding Tiandeng looked at Qin Meng and looked at it. She found that she was smiling and talking to Ye Wucheng. She smiled and laughed, and she was beautiful and unparalleled, and she did not look at the sun. Instead, Su Mei, who helped her drink alcohol on her side, looked forward from time to time and was full of worry.

Ye Feng looked at Yangding Tian and smiled coldly: "Shen Tong’s collar will not be a battle. You must know what you represent, but Mrs. Qin’s face."

And that Murong Shi also smiled slightly: "Shen Tong collar, wine banquet with women dancing more boring, than the sword is good for the adults to drink. You and I end up fighting, to help adults to help alcohol, how? ”

Yang Dingtian frowned: "To help, go by yourself, or find someone else, I am not interested."

When the words came out, there was a silence in the field. Everyone dare not look forward to Yangdingtian. This person is too arrogant, and he refused to fight in the face of so many people, and said that I was not interested.

In fact, for the real identity of Yang Dingtian, everyone knows a little bit, knowing that he is the lover of Qin Meng.

It’s a good lover to say it. It’s hard to hear that it’s a male pet and a noodle. It’s a person in the underground. What is the qualification?

After Yangdingtian’s words fell, Ye Wucheng’s face was a cold wine glass on the table. The main city of Xizhou City has no contention, and it has already been frosty. It does not hide the anger in the eyes, and even some blame to the Qin dream.

Yang Dingtian does not care about just eating meat and drinking, as if things are not related to him.

Ye Feng made some of it not come to Taiwan, and suddenly smiled at Qin Meng: "Mrs. Qin, you are the leader of this Guard, it is really bizarre."

Qin Meng was only looking at him with a faint look, did not say anything.

The main character of the Red Rock Fort, Qin Zhongtian, quickly went to the round field: "Mu Rong's leader wants to help the good things, and the children are awkward and just ask the heads of Murong."

His voice fell, and a young man from the martial arts got up and came to the hall to mourn the direction of Murong Stone Road: "Mu Rong leads, please advise."

That Murong stone had to smile a little, and bowed to the ceremony: "Loss Lord, please advise."

Then, he pulled the sword out and played in the hall with the lesser masters of Red Rock Fort.

Yang Dingtian had no interest in this contest, and he did not look at it at a glance. After about four or five minutes, the Red Rock Fortress was slightly better, and the Murong Stone lost half of the red face.

In general, the owner is to let the guests. However, in this battle, the Red Stone Fortress did not have any mercy. It is obvious that Qin Zhongtian felt that Qin Meng was uncomfortable in the centrifuge, and he should give him a sigh of relief. That means, this is the site where I am in the northwest of the city, and I can’t turn your finger to Baiyun.

This Qin Zhongxin heart also looked down on Yang Dingtian, but he also had to defend him.

After the contest, although the wine and food continued to come up, and Qin Zhongtian was flattering, the atmosphere of the banquet was always warm. After less than an hour, Ye Wucheng said that it was enough, he got up and said goodbye.

Then everyone in the room, regardless of whether they had eaten or not, had put down the chopsticks and then the banquet officially ended.

After returning to his room, Qin Meng did not send someone to call Yang Tiantian. The two people seemed to be caught in a stalemate in the cold war.

Yangdingtian was lying on the bed, did not take off his clothes, and rested directly in bed with his eyes closed. After planning to enter the northwest Qincheng in his mind, how should he seek the other half of the map of Xuanhuo.

Regarding this plan, Yang Dingtian didn't know how many times he had thought about it in his mind, but there was no plan to make it, because it was too difficult. Yangdingtian thought of countless plans and could not work.

Yangdingtian was closing his eyes and rested, and suddenly there was a very slight footstep outside. He suddenly cocked his ears and said that he had never heard such fast and light footsteps. It was not like humans' steps, even faster than the cats on earth.

Then, a gray shadow quickly got in through the gap in the window, and then quickly got under the bed of Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian lightning generally shot, the palms violently grabbed.

Suddenly, I saw that the shadow directly slammed into the palm of Yang Dingtian, but it was full of soft and smooth.

Yangdingtian fixed his eyes and saw a small face that was so There was also a delicate and delicate body.

This is a little girl who looks only about one hundred and forty centimeters to the left and weighs no more than fifty or sixty.

After being caught by Yang Dingtian, she struggled first and desperately to escape, and then opened her mouth to come to bite Yang Tiantian’s hand. After all, she couldn’t do anything. After that, she looked at the top of the sun with pity. day.

"Brother, beg you, let me go, beg you, save me!" Her voice was very soft and pleasant, even with a charming taste. But the mouth is not very clear, there is a kind of taste of Chinese on the earth.

Then, Yang Dingtian discovered that the girl's ear was very strange, and it was sharp and small and had white fluff. Then, Yang Dingtian was more shocked to find that the little girl's buttocks were still dragging a white tail, because the tension was shaking slightly at the moment.

Look at her face again, only the size of the palm is the most pure face of the melon seeds. Watery eyes, the pupil is also slightly blue.

"You are not human?" Yang Dingtian whispered.

"I am the girl who is slightly annoyed in the morning.

Yang Dingtian put her in the air and turned a circle, finally confirming that this is not a human being. This is a little fox family, belonging to the half-human family living on the edge of human civilization. [To be continued] This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @八戒丶他师兄. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the first launch, recommend the ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. 】

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