Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 225: : Qin Meng is surrendering! past

After Yang Dingtian finished, the fox-family girl suddenly became beautiful and muttered to himself: "Brother, you are very good. Your thoughts and opinions are almost exactly the same as my father. He always said that the half-human We must not be enemies with mankind, or we will perish ourselves. We must learn everything about human beings, strive to marry and marry humans, and finally integrate the two sides. Therefore, he will teach us human language."

Yangding Tianyi said: "Then your father is really amazing, he is a wise man."

"Unfortunately, many people don't listen to him." The Fox Terran girl said: "So, these ideas are not open to the public, and he has become a public enemy of the half-humans with a little related action. So we will Being chased by the entire half-human, our entire family fled. We fled to the territory of your humanity, originally wanted to seek asylum, who knows that you have been captured as a slave. You humans, than those who chase us half The Terran is still bad, I am only twelve years old. Just now the man is going to **** me. If it wasn’t for me, I would have fallen into his claws. The girl of the Fox family lost her virginity before the age of twenty, and there is only a dead end. One."

"Yeah, human beings have many bad people, especially those who have the highest power. They only have the power, the power, and the half-human, even if they are the same kind of life, they are not in the eye." Heaven.

"If you can become the man of the greatest humanity, just fine."

Yangding Tian smiled: "I will work hard. What is your name?"

"My name is Jill. A Shina!" The fox-family girl said: "Shenlang brother, where did you meet our fox people?"

"I don't know where it is. There is a lake, a crescent-shaped lake, the water will change color, and it will be red for a while. It will be green for a while and blue for a while." Yangding Tiandao.

"Tianyue Lake." Jier exclaimed: "That is the love place of our fox family, the most beautiful place in the world, you are so lucky."

Yangdingtian also smiled slightly.

As for the knowledge of the semi-human beings, and the things that go east from the grasslands, Yang Dingtian certainly does not know. It was all told by the master of the East. The Eastern Nirvana is almost one of the people who have gone the furthest in the world. He went to the grasslands in the east and went to Tianyue Lake more than a decade ago.

However, he was not saved, but saved others. Ten years ago, he was very, very powerful. He had almost no opponents in the semi-human race. He killed many half-humans along the way, so he had a good understanding of many half-humans. I have even studied some of the characters and languages ​​of the majority, and the fox family is a small family. So the words of the Fox people are too late for him to learn.

"Ji, starting today, you teach me the language and words of your half-human, okay?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Okay..." Jill cheered. "I really look forward to the day when my brother is strong. Maybe Jill will become a peacemaker for the half-human and human."

Yang Dingtian smiled and said: "I hope that day, come early."

Then, Jill couldn't wait to sit down and teach the words and language of the Yangding Tianhu Terran.

but. Not long after, Yang Dingtian probably learned a hundred words. Su Mei appeared again.

"Mrs. want to see you!"

The woman finally couldn’t help it, and the cold war between the two people came to an end.

Qin Meng lived in the highest and most magnificent room in Hongshibao, and only Qin Meng was left in this layer.

When Yang Dingtian walked into the room, he could hardly resist the luxuries of his face.

Qin Meng is still standing under the window, facing away from Yangdingtian. The delicate body wears a smooth purple water robe, which makes the mountains and rivers undulating more forward and convex, making the fire attractive.

Yang Dingtian stopped at less than ten meters behind her and did not directly paste it.

"Remove the little girl of the fox family, and then I will deal with the matter of your comparison with Ye Feng." Qin Meng left.

"I'm sorry. I can't do it." Yangding Tiandao.

"This is not for you, Shen Lang." Qin Meng left the body directly: "This is the order!"

Yangdingtian faintly said: "Mrs. Qin, I am not your subordinate, you can't order me."

Qin Meng was so angry that he suddenly trembled and turned his body to the sun and the sky was cold. "Shen Lang, don't forget your identity. Don't bargain with me. If I can give you anything, I can take it back. Don't take it. I am arrogant about your favor."

"Qin Meng is away!" Yang Ding Tian coldly shouted: "You can humiliate yourself, but don't humiliate me."

Qin Meng is a tremble from the petite body, cold channel: "What do you say?"

Yangding Tian cold road: "You talk about it, what have I got from you? I don't care about the leader of this **** a thousand cavalry. I tell you once again, I love you, but I don't have to be your male pet. I am very interested in you, and I am more and more disappointed with you. If it is not because of the fox girl, I am ready to leave."

"You, what do you mean?" Qin Meng was so angry that he was shaking.

"I said that you let me down." Yang Dingtian coldly said: "You are a vulgar, and awkward woman!"

In the words, Yangdingtian does not hide the contempt in the eyes.

"Shen Lang, do you really think that I will not kill you?" Qin Meng trembled coldly.

"It’s ridiculous, I don’t fear death, why do I fear death?” Yangdingtian’s expression became even more disdainful: “Ye Feng wants to kill me, you green hat husband spent a lot of money to kill me, Yan I also want to kill me, now I have one more."

Then, Yangdingtian sighed: "I have already inquired about your past. Countless men are rushing to you, and the first performance is just to be your male pet for half a month. You must be very proud of it? You feel like a queen. Generally, these men are playing in the applause. Don't be kidding, think about it. What have these men lost? They have slept you for half a month, and they have got a beauty and got a lot of wealth. Who is playing with them? They all make you foolish, understand?"

Yang Dingtian's vicious words finally let Qin Meng leave, and she directly pulled out the sword, rushing to the top of the sun, and squatting in the head of the sun.

Yang Dingtian stood there motionless, still looking at her coldly, his face full of disdain and disdain.

"Oh..." Jianfeng directly smashed the head of Yangdingtian, shaved a long hair, cut off a small piece of flesh from Yangdingtian’s ear, and left a long wound on his neck. The blood flowed straight out.

"Ah..." Qin Meng violently threw away the long sword and hugged Yangding. He cried aloud: "Why? You devil, you keep saying that you love me, why do you have to hurt me repeatedly?"

"I just help you find yourself. I don't want the woman I love, it's a walking dead." Yangding is cold and cold.

Qin Meng was really hurt. Every word of Yang Dingtian really cuts the most fragile place in her heart like a knife. It makes her feel incomparably shameful, extremely painful, and directly tears her away. Long-term self-deception.

"Do you think I want to be like this? Do you think that I am a **** by nature?" Qin Meng cried out: "My father is a perverted tyrant. He is greedy for my beauty. I was tarnished when I was seventeen. I, killed my first love lover. For his power, he married me to Ye Wuzhen, which I totally do not love, and this is all. In order to monopolize me, on the night I married Ye Wuzhen, he I cut off my new husband, so that I can only live forever in my life, only for him to be lascivious..."

When this was said, Yang Dingtian was completely shocked.

He knew that the northwest Qincheng was very dirty. It was obvious from Qin Shaobai and his mother, but he did not think that Qincheng was so dirty that it was so bad. And did not think that this person can do the Qin Meng away, there have been such encounters.

After finishing the innermost secret, Qin Meng completely collapsed and cried desperately in the arms of Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian hugged her plump and tender body and asked softly: "What about the beast later?"

Qin Meng left the road: "Five years ago, I was slaughtered by my brother. Before he died, I personally castrated him."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian is even more shocking.

This may be the biggest secret of the Qincheng in the northwest. In the rumor, the Qincheng master, who died last year, died only eight years ago. He did not expect that he was dead 15 years ago. It is in the hands of his own son.

"After his brother killed him, he didn't immediately take the position. Instead, he launched a ready-to-go 傀儡 by some means, he and the animal grow exactly the same, until eight years ago, let that傀儡 avatar died." Qin Meng left.

Yangding Tianliang was speechless for a long time and sighed: "It’s really a big man to make a brother."

The Qin Dynasty master Qin Qinqiu, the name Yang Dingtian has been like a slap in the face, he knows that this character is powerful, completely the first hegemon of the northwestern mainland, but today he still raised this character in his heart to a level.

This person may be no less than the master of the East and the West is endless, but he is more adept at forbearance.

Now there is no end to Simon and the end of the East. I really don't know who else in this world can stop him from leading the rise of the Qincheng in the northwest.

If you let it go, then the world will become four worlds. Either one of Xuantianzong and Yinyangzong, to be delisted, let the Northwest Qincheng take its place.

The strategic Yangdingtian of the northwest Qincheng is not very clear, but from his layout of Yunxiaocheng and the southwestern mainland. If Yangdingtian does not fully prevent it, then in the next ten years, the southwestern continent and the northwestern continent will completely become the territory of the northwest Qincheng. (To be continued.)

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