Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 252: : Beauty is wrapped around! Xuan Huo finally fell!

Because they have just killed four or five hundred wolves, once they are found, there will be endless wolves to chase. The three Wuzun strongmen are powerful, but the wolf is one of the most powerful races of the semi-human race, and there are many strong masters in the tribe, so Yangdingtian and others must rush back to the fox before the wolf found the wolf’s body. The territory of the human race.

"My name is Xiangxiang. Bella, what about you?" In the fast-moving road, the beauty of the Fox family asked the sun.

"Shen Lang." Yangding Tiandao.

The fox family beauty is fragrant. Bella said: "Strange people, although I should not ask, but humans rarely come to the mainland very rarely, can I ask you for your purpose?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I represent human civilization and come to be friends with the Banyan people, especially the wise people and other intelligent races."

“Really?” The beautiful beauty of the fox family. Bella surprised.

"Of course it is true." Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, your literary language is very fluent. Have you been to human territory?"

Xiang Xiang. Bella shook her head: "No, I have never left the East to leave the mainland. The reason why I have your language is to learn from my Amu, she is a personal woman."

Yang Dingtian suddenly wondered why a human woman would be in the Horde tribe, but he did not continue to ask, but smiled: "I will also have some Fox people's language."

“Really?” Xiang Xiang. Bella uses the language of the Fox people.

"Of course it is true." Yang Dingtian also replied with the words of the Fox people.

Next, Yangdingtian has been using the language and fragrance of the fox people. Bella exchanges, and then inquired about the name of the local customs, Yangdingtian began to inquire about the bones.

"Bone in the bones? I have been there, only a thousand miles from our tribe." Xiang Xiang. Bella said: "I really like the scenery there, although there is a battlefield forbidden, but I still secretly played a lot. I am very familiar with it."

Suddenly, Yang Ding Tianxin’s heart was a joy, and the beauty of this fox family was really not saved. She was very familiar with the bones.

Yangding Tiandao: "What are the beautiful scenery, strange and mysterious places?"

Next, Xiang Xiang. Bella excitedly said the beautiful scenery of the bones. From her words, Yang Dingtian really can see that this is a very beautiful place. But what disappoints Yang Dingtian is that she has never mentioned the half-flame, half-cold mountain.

Suddenly, Yang Ding Tianxin slightly weighed a moment, said: "Right, I probably heard a legend, saying that there is a mountain in the buried bone is very very strange, half of it is flame, half is ice."

After the question, Yang Ding Tian suddenly heart beats, and the heart is very nervous waiting for the fragrance. Bella's answer, although he knows that asking this question is actually very risky.

"The bones of the bones, there is no such mountain." Xiangxiang. Bella's words made Yang Tiantian sink in the heart.

"The bones are hundreds of miles away, will you not have been to the mountain?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Xiang Xiang. Bella said: "No, I have been to every place where I buried the bones. There must be no such a mountain."

This time, Yangdingtian is really disappointed.

Before the master and Jill said that there is no such a mountain, Yangding Tianxin still has hope, but now even Xiangxiang. Bella is absolutely sure that there is no such a mountain. Is it really not?

However, on the map, the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo is below this strange mountain.

"Right..." Suddenly, Xiangxiang. Bella said: "Right, Mr. Shen, you said this, but I remembered it. When I was very small and very small, what was Barbie’s elders said? The flame is half ice, and I can’t say it clearly, but that’s probably what it means.”

After hearing this, Yang Dingtian suddenly burst into ecstasy and said: "Was the Barbie elder is still there? Where is it now?"

"Also alive, already two hundred and a half years old, is one of the oldest people of our fox family." Xiang Xiang. Bella said: "Now Barbarbi elders live alone in a temple on the mountain, waiting for the tribe After that, I will take you to see you."

"That's good, thank you." Yangding Tiandao, but the heart is extremely excited, this is really another village.

Moreover, when I heard this age, Yang Dingtian was also greatly dismayed, and even a sudden reaction was not possible.

The semi-human beings live longer than humans, but they are not very big and very much. Therefore, this elder elder named Barbie has lived more than two hundred years old. This age is extremely rare even in the semi-human.

Next, Yangdingtian continued to chat with Xiangxiang Bella, and Jill. A Shina had seen a big war. After turning to the security, her heart suddenly relaxed. She was too young to finally stand in Yangdingtian. The back is asleep.

In the next few hours, Yang Dingtian and his party still encountered several patrols, but the scale was not very large. In the familiar environment of Xiangxiang. Bella, they could basically avoid it.

In this way, eight hours later, they reached the end of the desert and officially entered the eastern steppe.


Although the east is far from the grassland, it is called the grassland, but it is only plain, and there are still mountains and forests.

After entering the eastern steppe, Xiangxiang. Bella took the road with ease. Although it is not the territory of the Fox people, she is still able to lead Yangdingtian along the no-man's place. Even on the road, I met the fox warriors who came to find her, and they did not go out to meet.

On this road, Yangdingtian saw more and more people in the semi-human race.

Some of these people are very human, but some are completely different from the human form. Even some races, except for being able to walk upright, seem to have almost no human characteristics.

The house of the half-man has a variety of things.

There are tree houses, stone-built houses, caves, wood-built houses, and tents built with animal skins.

And compared to the human city, the gathering place of the half-human is indeed a lot smaller. On this road, the biggest tribe that Yangdingtian has ever seen is the eagle. Their house is simply a huge nest hanging on the tree. There are thousands of tens of thousands of them.

The remaining semi-human settlements are at best the size of a small town, and even the size of a village.

In the end, the Fox people have been very similar to humans.

In this way, under the path of Xiangxiang. Bella, Yangdingtian walked the secret road to the Fox People tribe.

The fox-man tribe is about two thousand miles from the edge of the desert, and it is somewhat bordered by the bones.

About four days later, after nearly a hundred hours of secret walking, Yang Dingtian and others finally walked to the Fox People tribe.

The gathering place of the fox people is different from other races, and the information of wisdom can be seen.

Because this aggregate already has some models of the city, because it is completely wrapped in two walls, and there is a metal door.

When I saw the first sight of Xiang Xiang. Bella, the people on the wall shouted and shouted: "Miss is back, Miss is back, and I will tell the leader."

Then, the door slowly opened, and Yangdingtian followed the incense and entered the city of the Fox people.

The territory of this fox man is very large in the semi-human settlement where Yangdingtian passes this way. Yangding Tianmu measured it. The fox people’s light leader’s settlement is almost a few hundred miles in size, hundreds of thousands of mouths, and the entire fox family should be no less than one million.

And compared to other races, the architecture of the Fox people should be the most beautiful. A considerable part of the house is built on a large tree, and basically every house is beautiful and beautiful. There are also a small number of houses built on the ground, most of which are more grand and tall.

In general, the Fox people have some form of separation from the tribe, and some towns look like.

After entering the territory of the Fox people, Yang Dingtian immediately got into a big carriage under the guards of dozens of fox warriors, and took a few dozen miles to stop, while Xiangxiang. Bella went first. I met my father.

After Yang Dingtian and others got off the carriage, they found that it was very remote. There was no resident of the Fox family and there was no house. In the valley, there is only one small white pavilion.

This pavilion should be used by the Fox people to entertain guests who are not convenient.

After entering this guesthouse, there are probably more than a dozen maids and servants inside, and they are already preparing dinner.

After dozens of warriors entered, they were immediately distributed around the guards.

"A distant guest, I am the general manager of this guesthouse. We are preparing dinner for you. What are your taboos, or what do you like?" A middle-aged fox man came forward.

"Regular." Yangding Tiandao.

"Okay." The middle-aged general pipeline: "The journey is exhausting along the way. You should go to rest first, wait for dinner, I am telling you."

Then, a few slaves came over to lead Yang Dingtian and others to rest in their respective rooms, Yangdingtian and Jill. A Shina, Qin San, Qin Liu, Qin Qi distributed Yang Dingtian left and right rooms.

At this point, Jill is still sleeping, Yang Dingtian put her on the bed and covered the quilt.

Then start thinking about things on the road.

Jill said that the Fox people are very kind to humans, but after seeing it today, Yang Dingtian still feels apathy.

Of course, when you see humans, the Fox family does not go directly to kill like a wolf. But along the way, they were allowed to enter the big carriage without windows. There are still dozens of warriors who seem to protect but actually monitor. Even after entering the guesthouse, no one has come forward to communicate. All the foxes are against Yangdingtian and others. Full of alert.

If it wasn't for Yangdingtian, it would save the fragrance. Bella, this group of foxes will not entertain Yang Diantian and his party.

In the evening, after almost completely silently finished eating dinner, there was no hospitality, no talks, and I went back to my room to rest.

This group of fox people, as if they do not want to have any contact with Yang Dingtian and others.

After Yang Dingtian entered the room all the time, the next cabinet manager said: "Guest, our patriarch will come to see you at night."

Yangding Tianyi, then nodded and said: "Good."


Two hours later, Yang Dingtian in the room saw the patriarch of the Fox people.

This is a very handsome and elegant man, and the level of beauty is almost still on the red snow. And the body is slender and elegant, and it is definitely a very rare beauty man.

However, a scar on the face often ruined this elegance and beauty, but it gave him a special charm.

"I am the patriarch of the fox family, day by day. Bella." The beautiful male family said: "Xiangxiang is my daughter. She said everything to me. Thank you very much for saving my daughter."

"This is what it should be." Yangding Tiandao.

"So, there is something that can help you, as long as I can do it, I will do it for you." The leader of the Fox family.

Yangding Tiandao: "We save people, not to repay."

The leader of the fox family was on a daily basis. Bella smiled slightly: "You have to go east to the grassland, what can you do?"

Yangding Tiandao: "We come with friendship and want to make friends with the Fox people."

Every day, Bella looks a little more serious, saying: "Would you like to represent yourself, or what power?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I am representing a hero who has a land of thousands of miles, and I am willing to make friends with the Fox people to be a heartfelt friend. I am even willing to provide powerful help to the Fox people."

Suddenly, the fox leader’s face changed slightly and fell into a short silence.

Then he said: "If I guess correctly, the person you said should be Qin Wanqiu, the master of Qincheng."

This time, it was the turn of Yangdingtian, and I didn’t think that the fox-man leader who was completely isolated from the human family beyond Wanli knew the existence of Qin Wanqiu.

"We are not completely ignorant of the human territory." Day by day. Bella.

Yangding Tiandao: "What do you think about making friends?"

By the way, Bella immediately stood up and said: "You have saved my daughter. I am very grateful. But you should not say this about this matter. We are inconvenient to interact with humans. Today I have received you." Bogey, let's leave, I will put enough compensation on the carriage."

After all, Beira actually turned and left.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian could not help but scream. Doesn't it mean that the Fox people are very kind and admire human civilization? How is it so indifferent, such a rejection of thousands of miles away.

Fortunately, the so-called alliance with the Fox people is only by the head. The real purpose of Yangdingtian is to find the heaven and earth level. Therefore, he is not very concerned about the attitude of Bella every day. He is more concerned about whether he can see the Barbie elder in his 200s and can get information about the strange mountain from his mouth.

But if you want to see this so-called Barbie elder, you must first see the incense. Bella. Therefore, Yangdingtian thought about how to meet with Xiangxiang again, or send a letter.

After half an hour, Yangdingtian didn't have to think about this problem, because the incense sneaked into the room of Yangdingtian.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, I didn't think that my father and others would be so rude to you." Xiangxiang is full of guilt.

"It doesn't matter, I can understand." Yangding Tiandao: "The decidua of humans and semi-humans was formed in the past millennium, and it is difficult to resolve it."

"You want to see the elders of Barbie, are you?" asked Xiang Xiang.

"Yes, this thing is also asking for your help." Yangding Tiandao.

"It is very coincidental, Barbie. The temple of the elders is in the mountains of a dozen or so miles away." Xiang Xiangdao.

Then, the incense is not the same: "However, now the entire guesthouse is full of hundreds of people guarding, the father ordered not to allow anyone of you to leave."

Yangding Tiandao: "Is this group of guards high?"

"It's not very high, but they are my people after all. They can't rush out with force. We don't want anyone to be hurt." Xiang Xiangdao.

"We will not use force." Yangding Tiandao: "But next, we may have some contact on our limbs."

Xiang Xiang’s face is red: “It doesn’t matter.”

Yangdingtian walked to the window and opened.

The room on Yangdingtian is on the third floor. Because this building is very tall, it is about 20 meters away from the ground.

In the dark night, the ground is densely guarded.

Yangding Tiandao: "Miss Xiangxiang, I am very sorry, please ask you to wrap me from behind."

The fragrant face is redder and the voice is fine: "Okay."

Then, she came to the back of Yangdingtian, and stretched out the jade arm around the Yangdingtian, full of soft and tender body, attached to the back of Yangdingtian, full of slender legs, gently wrapped around the waist of Yangdingtian between.

Suddenly, a burst of aroma, Yang Dingtian felt a thrilling stretch and softness, it was really fascinating.

Yangdingtian couldn't help but sway, but soon he was quiet and calm, and went to the window with his fragrance. He took a deep breath and ran his temper.

A gust of wind, in the scent of fragrant incense, a pair of beautiful transparent wings grow from the back of Yangdingtian.

This is the empty wing, the wings of an energy monster. It was at the auction that Qin Meng was bought for the fun because of the high price, and later gave Yang Dingtian.

After summoning the empty spirits, Yangdingtian continued to run the dragon dance for nine days.

The dragon dance nine-day flying reel, the extremely rare things in the whole world, after learning this mystery, you can fly in the air. After Yang Dingtian studied, he has hardly tried it.

At this time, in order to insure, Yangdingtian used the empty spirit and the dragon dance for nine days together.

"Get up!" Yang Dingtian made a sound.

"Hey..." Yangding Tianhua made a residual image and flew directly into the air for a few hundred meters, which was incorporated into the night.

"Yeah..." The incense was completely shocked. I knew that I shouldn't, I couldn't help but whisper, and then instinctively, the jade arm and the legs were tight, and the Yangdingtian was wrapped tighter.

Not only the fragrance, but even Yangdingtian was shocked. I didn't think that the ethereal wing and the dragon dance were used together. The power was so amazing and the flight speed was so fast.

Although the guards on the ground heard the sound of the wind breaking, but they did not see anything when they looked up at the sky, they thought it was a bird passing by.

In the air of a few hundred meters, Yangdingtian flew to the mountains of ten or more miles in accordance with the direction of the incense. However, at this time, he can not use the dragon dance nine days of mystery, because it is too expensive, just empty spirits can be.

The fragrance may be the first time to look down at the scenery from the sky, and any intelligent race is full of inner desire for flying and freedom.

The ethnicity of the Semi-human beings who can tame the flying monsters is still very few, and the Fox people are no longer among them. Because you want to tame the flying monsters, you must have the animal language. Although the half-humans are closer to the monsters, they tamed the monsters on the spiritual level, but no humans go far.

However, there are also several races in the semi-human race, which have a terrible talent, not to mention controlling the flying beast, or to command the monster to fight. Therefore, although the number of Zhizhan is very small, but in the east from the grassland, no one dares to provoke, completely in a state of detachment.

"Mr. Shen, there will be a lot of powerful human beings like you?" Xiang Xiang asked.

Yangding Tiandao: "I am not strong, there will be many people who are stronger than me. The three men around me are much stronger than me."

"But they have to obey your orders, you can see that you are still very amazing." Xiang Xiang said: "Many people who want you to fly like this, there will be a lot?"

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "There are not many people who will really fly."

"I think so too, there are not many people like you who are so great." Xiang Xiangdao.

Hearing the tone that she admired so much, Yang Dingtian couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He quickly shifted the topic: "Miss Xiangxiang, I have always heard that the Fox people are full of goodwill to human beings. Many of you feel that you are not The barbaric half-human, but the human race that is closer to the wisdom and civilization. But why is your father so cold to me today?"

Xiang Xiang shook his head and said: "I don't know. My father used to be full of expectation and affection for the human race. He also knows very well about your human territory. He is also well aware of the famous leaders of your So if there is a huge force to make friends with us, he should be very happy, I don't know why he is so indifferent."

In this case, Yang Dingtian, who was not too concerned about it, could not help but be puzzled.

"Mr. Shen, it’s here." Suddenly, Xiang Xiang pointed to a fire in the mountains in front: "The temple of Barbie Elder is there."

Yangdingtian fixed his eyes and saw a temple made of pure wood in the mountains.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian quickly flew in the direction of the temple.

"Where is it?"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was directly set in the air, and an incomparably powerful energy directly locked Yangdingtian in the air, unable to move half a minute.

Yang Dingtian was shocked. The Barbie elders in this temple were very high. They even locked the Yangding Tianmao across the kilometer. This person should be no less than a master.

"Human waves, see Barbie." Yangding Tiandao.

What made Yang Dingtian a little surprised was that this Barbie elder was actually a woman. Before it was fragrant. Bella did not make it clear, so Yangdingtian instinctively thought that this elder is a man.

She was accompanied by a cough, and it sounded very weak, but the distance was thousands of meters, but the sound seemed to sound directly in the Yangdingtian ear, which shows how unpredictable it is. (To be continued [This text is provided by the Dawning Update Group @得罪人的纸纸]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "First" vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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