Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 257: : Find the place of mysterious fire!

Yangding Tiandao: "Because Xuanhuo is desperately consuming heat, so the whole lake begins to condense into ice?"

Oriental Bingling turned his face and looked at Yangdingtian and said: "Yes, and according to my estimation, when the whole lake is condensed into ice, it is the moment when the heavenly-level Xuanhuo officially blooms."

Yang Ding Tianxin suddenly jumped, this oriental ice Ling really got it, things really do as she said.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian couldn't help but ask: "Oriental ice, how long do you think it will take, all the water in this lake will condense into ice?"

Oriental Ice Ling was silent for a moment: "There should be twenty-nine hours and a half."

When this was said, the Yangding innocence was shocked.

This oriental ice cream is accurate to the minute, and the most important thing is that her answer is completely correct.

From the bloom of the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, there are indeed fifty-eight hours and eight minutes.

"How do you figure out this number?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Oriental Bingling said: "According to the increased thickness of the ice layer per unit time, you can get a reply."

This calculation is undoubtedly very, very complicated. Because the increase in this ice layer is not uniform, but it is constantly accelerating.

"Oriental ice, you are really a genius." Yangdingtian could not help but say.

The Oriental Ice Ling opened the United States and looked at Yang Dingtian. He said, "This is nothing? But Shen Lang, you call me Oriental Ice?"

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao: "Otherwise, what should I call you? Oriental fairy?"

Oriental Ice Ling shook his head and said: "No, it was only for a long time and no one ever called me Oriental Ice."

Yangding Tiandao: "Now, what are you going to do? Just wait for twenty-nine hours, is the bloom of Xuanhuo?"

"Of course not." Oriental Ice Ling said: "The world-class black fire is a very small flame, and the time of bloom is very very short."

“How short is it?” Yang Dingtian asked: “Is there a quarter of an hour?”


"Oriental Ice Lingdao said: "The best fire will have a quarter of an hour, but the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo may be only a quarter of an hour or so shorter. So when it blooms, look again, it's too late, be sure to find the place where the flame is, and then wait for it to bloom on the side. ”

Half an hour? Is it just seven or eight minutes? That time is really too short. It is exactly like the Oriental Ice Ling said that it is already too late to find the black fire when it blooms.

Originally, Yangdingtian wanted to get out of the way immediately, and got rid of the claws of the oriental ice. It seems that it is really impossible to leave the side of the Oriental Ice Ling. Otherwise, it is very difficult to find the world-class Xuanhu under this huge lake by Yangdingtian.

"Is this Xuanhuo just under this ice?" Yangding Tiandao: "Does it have a candlestick?"

"It's not a fire, so there won't be a flame table." Oriental Bingling said: "It's a flame that devours infinite energy, and the soul blooms randomly. It is possible to bloom in any inch of the lake out of thin air, because Xuanhuo There are souls and lives."

"Live?" Yang Dingtian asked in surprise.

"Living." Oriental Ice Lingdao.

Yangding Tiandao: "So how are you going to look for this black fire? Will all the ice below it be smashed?"

"No," said Oriental Bingling. "There was no way to destroy the ice."

Then, the Oriental Ice Ling no longer pays attention to Yang Dingtian, and suddenly gently stretched the body.

Yang Dingtian’s heart jerked because he had never seen the Oriental Ice Ling. This woman has always been cold and high above the ice, and now it seems a bit lazy when stretching the body. At this time, the delicate curves of the Oriental Ice Ling appear to be particularly bumpy and undulating.

Then, something that made Yangdingtian even more surprised happened. Her delicate body lay down slowly and her face fell down on the ice. Her entire body, sitting in the closest contact with the ice.

Then her delicate body suddenly lit up a blue light.

For a time, this woman's figure is more mysterious and moving as if it were a fairy, and it seems to be a witch.

Then, from the body of the Oriental Ice Ling, there is also a blue ray pattern, a dozen, dozens, hundreds, thousands of...

In the end, countless rays of light spread from the eastern ice stalks, growing longer and longer, and finally spread deep into every inch of the ice.

At the same time, Yangdingtian clearly felt a strong energy.

This blue light pattern is undoubtedly the spiritual energy released by the Oriental Ice. In this way, she used to explore every corner of the ice layer. It really made Yang Tiantian stunned and shocked.

This way, it is completely comparable to ultrasound, or radar waves.

At this time, the Oriental Ice Ling is like a myriad of eyes. You can see every corner of the ice layer and look for traces of the black fire.

Suddenly, Yangding Tianping lived in the breath, watching the oriental ice swaying on the ice and showing off the magical power.

A few minutes have passed.

Ten minutes have passed.

Half an hour passed.

An hour has passed.

Yangdingtian waited for nearly a hundred minutes on the side.

Suddenly, all the light lines disappeared without a trace, and the blue light on the oriental ice Ling body gradually faded. Then, she was so beautiful that she floated gently.

I don't know if it is a yang illusion. He thinks that the face of the Oriental Ice Ling is a bit pale at this time. But she was very white before, as white as white snow.

"Found?" Yang Dingtian asked, the heart is slightly nervous ~ ~ ah. "Oriental Ice Ling nodded.

"Where?" Yang Dingtian blurted out and asked, and then breathed a stagnation, instinctively became nervous, because that is the orientation of the heaven and earth.

However, Yangdingtian does not expect to get a reply, and the world-class Xuanhuo is so precious that no one will ever say it after learning it. And since the Oriental Ice Ling has found the specific position of the heaven-level Xuanhuo, then Yangdingtian is of no use, and the Oriental Ice Ling is likely to kill Yangdingtian directly and kill people.

"In that..." The Oriental Ice Ling pointed to the northeast corner, then grabbed the hands of Yangdingtian and drilled directly into the thick ice.

Suddenly, the ice layer melted directly into a cave two meters in diameter. With the rapid advancement of the two, the ice in front of them all melted silently and silently. In an instant, like a cold tunnel, straight through somewhere.

Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling are flying fast in the ice, and the depth of the ice is deeper and deeper.

After a few minutes, the two stopped.

At this time, Yangdingtian is already more than 200 meters below the ice, in the direction of one o'clock, 19 kilometers away from the lake.

In front, it is a layer of thin, transparent ice.

The other side of the ice layer is a beautifully shaped ice room with a flame-shaped ice room. The entire ice room is about ten meters high and three or four meters wide.

(To be continued, "This text is provided by Dawning Update Group @人修修罗6". If you like this work, you are welcome to (m) vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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