Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 259: : Killing Oriental Ice Ling (on)

Du Gu Feng Dance said: "So, don't you even have this heavenly level?"

"Don't." Oriental Ice Ling simply said: "The world-class Xuanhu is rare in the world, but I may not find the second one, but only pay a little price."

After all, she said with a soft sword: "So now, you are leaving me to leave. Or after a war, I will get out again? You should be very clear, with both of you, you can’t leave me. I can’t kill you. I really want to fight, we only have two losses.”

Suddenly, the solitary phoenix dance and loneliness have fallen into silence.

Obviously, this Oriental Ice Ling is actually a fact.

Even if the demon singer's singular singularity join hands, she can't kill her oriental ice. How powerful is this woman?

"If you really do, I am injured and far away, but neither of you will feel good. When the black fire blooms two days later, how do you compete with other semi-human strongmen?" The Oriental Ice Ling is faint.

The solitary phoenix dance is still silent, looking at the sun and the sky, said: "What about this swell?"

Oriental Ice Ling faintly said: "He has nothing to do with me."

Duo Fengfeng said: "Then you don't care, why do we appear here, who is setting a trap for you?"

Oriental Ice Ling shook his head and said: "I don't care about conspiracy. I only care about my own strength. You should make a choice, let me leave, or let me escape after a big fight?"

The solitary phoenix dance took a deep breath and said: "You are right, we can't kill you together. You are finally going to flee, it is better to let you leave now."

Oriental Ice Ling said: "You are not stupid."

"But." Du Gu Feng said: "But we come here, getting this Xuanhuo is only a secondary goal. The main goal is to ... kill you!"

Then, the solitary phoenix dances coldly: "Pseudo-gentlemen, if you don't show up again, we really have to let go of this nine-day mysterious woman. You don't want to think about the beauty of the cranes and the fishermen."

"Haha..." Suddenly, there was another laugh in the air.

Then another shadow drifted away, this is a very familiar shadow Qin Huaiyu, the young master of the northwest Qincheng.

"I am the same as the Oriental Fairy, but it is really bad to face the face, but since the solo lady called, my Qin Huaiyu has to appear." Qin Huai Yudao: "Oriental Fairy, Princess of the Blood Palace, The happy palace and the two masters can't leave you with both hands. Then, with Qin Huaiyu, the young master of the Northwest Qincheng? It should be able to kill you."

Suddenly, the beautiful face of the Oriental Ice Ling showed an unprecedented seriousness.

"You three people join hands, I should die." Oriental Ice Ling Chao Qin Huaiyu said: "But? Why? In order to kill me, you Qin City can not even Xuanhuo? My Yin Yangzong to your Qin city in the northwest expansion, It’s all about one eye and one eye.”

Qin Huaiyu gently sighed: "Oriental fairy, heaven and earth Xuanhuo can not find another ten years, twenty years, will eventually find. But the chance to kill you, perhaps really incomparable. Especially God kills you unconsciously, maybe this is the only chance."

Oriental Ice Lingdao: "Kill me? It is really important, let you join forces with the demon road?"

"It is very important to kill you. It is the top priority of Qincheng. It is also a top priority for the demon." Qin Huaiyu said: "In the past 400 years, no one can break through the Wu Shengqiang. This is a good thing. At least the balance of the world. But your oriental fairy is the best, you can break through Wusheng in 20 or 30 years, it will be the only Wusheng in the world. Then the demon road is a disaster, and my Qincheng There is no day at all. So for the future of Qincheng, killing you is the first priority, and Xuanhuo can only be ranked second."

"As for collusion with the demon road?" Qin Huaiyu said: "Is the power in the Heavenly Alliance and the demon road colluded with less?"

Suddenly, Dongfang Bing Ling smirked a few words and never talked again, let alone ask for mercy.

"Shen Lang!" Qin Huaiyu looked at Yangding Tiandao: "You shouldn't really think that my father is important to you, and that you are a military division? You should not really think that my father was dumped by your strategic vision, really Want to form an alliance with the half-human, wait for the future? No need at all, because we Qincheng and the evil demon, is already a family."

Then, Qin Huaiyu said: "In order to succeed, Qincheng must eliminate Yinyangzong and Xuantianzong. This is true. But with the help of cultivating the power of the half-human, it is too far away. Why do we have to go far?" Isn't the blood palace and the happy palace not possible? The sect is not in the temple, but the temple of annihilation is not there. My Qin city, the happy palace, and the Wanxue Palace are listed as the supreme world, is it not good to rule the whole world?"

"Who said that the sect is not?" Yangding Tiandao: "The nameless name that has recently appeared in Yunxiao City, isn't it a hidden ancestor?"

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Qin Huaiyu suddenly smiled: "Hidden ancestor is unknown? Oriental fairy, before you die, I will send you a top secret message, this so-called hidden ancestor is unknown, is your fiancé - Yangdingtian! ”


As soon as this was said, the body of the Oriental Ice Ling trembled fiercely, and for the first time, the incredible expression was and the heart of Yangdingtian also trembled, and the instinct was about to dance toward the solitude.

Knowing that the name of the patriarch is not the name of Yang Dingtian, there is only one person in the world. Moreover, Qin Huaiyu must have known this secret after Yang Dingtian left Yunxiao City, otherwise Yang Dingtian could not live away from Yunxiao City.

But soon, Yang Dingtian stopped the action of looking at the solitary phoenix dance. Instead, I looked at the Oriental Ice.

I only saw her beautiful face full of surprises, said: "Impossible, Yang Dingtian can not be a hidden sword, Yang Dingtian is not likely to have electric power."

Qin Huaiyu smiled and said: "The Oriental Fairy, you are the ultimate talent of this world, so I have never put anyone in my eyes, even your father. You think that your talent is the best in the world for four hundred years. I can tell you that you may not be the best in the world, and the talent of Yangdingtian may be no less than you."

"Impossible." The Oriental Ice Ling angered and said: "Yangdingtian can never have such a high talent. He faked the ancestors and gave evidence."

The solitary phoenix dance faintly said: "Because I still have an identity, that is the Gongsun Sanniang of Qixiufang! Yangdingtian fakes the patriarchal is my forced, his hidden sacred sword method is taught by me, but I only I will not think of it, I will teach him the fake swordsmanship, and he can learn to be true.

"To be continued" This article is provided by the Dawning Update Group @芊羽漠漠. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the launcher to recommend tickets, monthly passes, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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