Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 261: :Break the East Ice Ling (below)

"It’s all this time, you don’t even say that I am so small, do you want me to be a confused ghost?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Jier. A Shina, is the undercover that I sent to Qincheng." Oriental Ice Ling said faintly: "The lives of his parents and relatives are in my hands."

"Ah..." Yang Ding Tian suddenly realized that he finally understood why the Oriental Ice Ling would know about Sun Tang’s search for Xuan Huo, and even knew about the general orientation of Xuan Huo.

Qin Huaiyu was surprised: "The Oriental Fairy, you are sending undercover to my Qincheng. Why?"

Oriental Bingling said: "You Qincheng is secretly arresting the Fox people. I want to know what you are trying to do. I originally thought that you are going to lay out the half-human family, so I sent Jill to go undercover. But I didn't think that you are for Xuan. fire."

Yangding innocent did not think that such a naive and lovely Jill. A Shina turned out to be the undercover of the Oriental Ice Ling? Her identity is very high in her mouth, but the daughter of the fox patriarch, Berry, does not know her at all, and when she sees the fragrant fragrant Bella, she has always been very spiritual. Shi Na has been sleeping.

"Well, the old story is also finished, it should be done." Qin Huaiyu faint.

"Slow..." The loneliness that has rarely been spoken before has been looked at Yangding Tiandao: "His Shen Lang, how do we make a deal?"

"Speak to listen!" Yangding Tiandao.

Lonely and no joy: "You are standing on our side, killing the oriental ice with us, how?"

Yang Dingtian brows wrinkled: "And then? Do you not kill me?"

"Of course not." Lonely no joy: "In return, you can die in peace. Otherwise, you are a good material, I really can't bear to waste your body."

"For example?" Yangding Tiandao.

"For example, 傀儡 傀儡 soul and so on!" Lonely no joy.

Yangding Tianmuguang looked at the Du Gu Feng Dance: "What about your opinion?"

This sentence, Yang Dingtian still could not help but ask.

Du Gu Feng Wu dances faintly: "Okay. Just like this!"

Lonely and no smile: "So, make a choice, stand on our side, or stand on the side of the oriental fairy."

Yang Dingtian sighed and slowly pulled out the huge demon sword. He said: "Although I don't like Oriental Ice Ling very much. But I still stand on her side."

"No need, go to the side." The oriental ice chills, raising a beautiful and proud face.

Qin Huaiyu’s gaze shrank: “Well, the last moment has arrived. Oriental fairy, what other words do you have?”

At the same time, Qin Huaiyu, the solitary phoenix dance, lonely and unhappy three people, slowly pointed the sword to the Eastern ice.

"What do you want to say?" Oriental ice Ling was cold and disdainful. Then the sword in his hand jerked.

Suddenly, a gust of wind, the long hair and skirt of the Oriental Ice Ling suddenly swelled, making her even more beautiful, floating like a fairy, Qin Huaiyu's eyes could not help but be a little blurred.

Then, the Oriental Ice Ling stunned a burst of blue light.

"Is it with you?" The Oriental Ice Ling slammed, and suddenly the endless layers of ice slammed a blue light.

The body of the Oriental Ice Ling is spinning in the air. Like a fairy who came in nine days.

Then, Yangdingtian was extremely surprised to find out. This endless ice seems to be alive. Countless little blue mans flew out of the ice. As if the life of the elf in general, quickly flew toward the body of the oriental ice.

Someone in the place, although he did not know what happened, instinctively felt a mysterious and dangerous atmosphere.

"Done phoenix dance, lonely and no joy, Qin Huaiyu, just rely on the three of you want to kill me? Dream!" Oriental ice Ling is very popular.

Her voice is more beautiful. But it is even less like a real person.

Du Gu Feng Wu saw the oriental ice icing that had been wrapped in hundreds of thousands of small blue awns, and his face suddenly changed. He said: "I will immediately kill the oriental ice!"

With the solitary phoenix dance, the order was made.

Qin Huaiyu, the solitary phoenix dance. Lonely and unhappy three people, the body shape flashed abruptly, in a triangular shape, surrounded by Yangdingtian and Oriental ice Ling.

Then, the three people suddenly transported the whole body to the extreme, brewing the strongest deadly mystery.

This is not a battle for three hundred rounds. This is to kill, so it is necessary to kill.

In an instant, Yangdingtian has a feeling of being in the center of a nuclear explosion. Of course, the nuclear explosion has not yet begun, but is counting down.

That kind of earth-shaking energy, the kind of energy that can be turned upside down.

"Reincarnation!" Qin Huaiyu swept the black energy vortex, growing bigger and bigger, and finally completely shrouded hundreds of meters around, like a hell.

"Shu Luotian!" and the mysterious technique of the solitary phoenix dance is the bright red of the sky, as if it is the sun of the sun, but also like the blood of the sky, the amazing, and extremely terrifying. Wherever the sky is shining, the solid ice instantly turns into a powder.

"Day of the Dragon"! And lonely and no joy, it is a fierce golden dragon, surrounded by the whole body, not only completely destroy the surrounding ice, but even completely suppress the magical skills of Qin Huaiyu and Du Gufeng dance. .

Lonely and no Huan, this person has not seen before Yang Dingtian, but Qin Huaiyu and Du Gufeng dance he has seen, and even have a deep deal. However, the mysterious skills of these two people at this time, Yang Dingtian has never seen.

Obviously, this is the ability of the two to press the box. Undoubtedly, all of the three performers are nine products. And it is completely exhaustive, to absolutely put the oriental ice to death, of course, including Yangdingtian.

Even the three of these three skills do not have to aim at Yangdingtian. Under this level of attack even if there is only a result of a few hundred meters of Yangdingtian, it is a broken bone.

Yangding Tianping lived in the breath, clenched the demon sword in his hand, and condensed all the sin of the whole body on the knife, ready to meet this deadly blow.

Of course, whether he resists is completely meaningless. Because his energy is comparable to the fatal blow of the three, it is completely firefly that is generally insignificant for tomorrow. Yes, he will have a lot of exercises, especially the third-order yin and yang of the pig sword method is even more the world's first mystery.

However, all of this has no use for the moment. In the face of absolute energy, no matter what the exercises, what cheats are no good.

But let him do so without any resistance, he really does not want to.

Time passes by.

In a twinkling of an eye, the three have already condensed the mysterious energy into the extreme.

Yangdingtian has not seen the figure of the three people at all, and the ice around the kilometer has been turned into nothing, full of incomparably powerful energy hell, completely unlike the human world. (To be continued.)

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