Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 266: : The pursuit of the demon girl!

"A person named Shen Lang, who risked his life to go to the northwest Qincheng to defraud the map of Xuanhuo, is really unreasonable. But if this person is a deep wave, then everything is very reasonable, isn't it?" Lonely and no joy: "Mr. Yang Dingtian, although we have never really seen each other, but I am completely stunned to you and you. Uncle Dou’s uncle has never praised anyone, but I am full of praise for you, saying that you are It is the first day of the world's young people. I didn't believe it, but I really believe it now. Because you are just a strong Wushu, you can cross the unfrozen water of the kilometer. It is totally incredible. ”

Yangdingtian still has no answer.

"Don't be like this? Open your mouth and say something." Suddenly, Qin Huaiyu said: "Yangdingtian, you are really a kind of love. Oriental ice is so against you, you are still so deep in love with him. You are not afraid of my aunt. Sad? Say the real Yangdingtian, when you were in Qincheng, I really didn't recognize you. If it wasn't for the loneliness and the bold speculation, I really don't know that Shenlang is Yangdingtian."

Yang Dingtian was deeply attracted to the breath. It turned out that they could not be completely sure that they were Yangdingtian. They only made a series of speculations because they interrupted the sacrifice of the Oriental Ice.

"Yangdingtian, don't try to hide it." Qin Huaiyu said: "This window paper is broken. I remember some things before I understood it very well. I now know why you know that the other half of the Xuanhuo map is in my hands. Because when you were in Yunxiaocheng, you were faked by the Emperor, when I was chatting with you, I once showed you the characters of several Fox people. These words happened to be on my map of Xuanhuo. At that time, you just had the other half of the map of Xuanhuo, so I decided that there was a general map of Xuanhuo in my hands. So you went to Xizhou City and seduce my aunt Qin Meng to sneak into the northwest Qincheng and seek my half. The map of Xuanhuo. I have to say that your courage is really big, and your plan is really ingenious."

"Yangdingtian, I have never put you in my eyes before. Today I really want to look at you with amazement. Whether you are a talent or a singer, it is extremely amazing. Unfortunately, it is too naive, so after all, I was beaten by my father and son in the applause. Although you got a complete map of Xuanhuo, but we used it back, let us succeed in getting Xuanhuo, and we have to die." Qin Huaiyu said: "But I think Asking you a question, you are Yangdingtian, then how do you have another half of the map of Xuanhuo? I really can't think of it."

Yang Dingtian still did not answer him. If the map of Xuanhuo was obtained from Ningrouer, then she was in danger.

Originally, Yang Dingtian thought that Qin Huaiyu loved Ningrou, but now Qin Huaiyu is far more insidious than imagined.

"Yangdingtian, if you can confuse me, I will repay you. I will bury you and the oriental ice in a coffin. You can't be together before you die, but you can be together forever after you die." Qin Huaiyu said: "But if you don't tell me, then I am very sorry. Oriental Ice Ling is the first beauty of genius, and it is a nine-day mysterious woman. I am totally coveted to her. After killing her, I don't mind enjoying her again. The body of the body that can break the oriental fairy is completely what I dreamed of, then it is already a dead oriental fairy."

When the words came out, Yang Tiantian was filled with endless anger.

He really can't imagine that Qin Huaiyu can go to the devil so there is no bottom line.

"Do you think you are hiding under the non-freezing pool, can you be safe?" Qin Huaiyu sneered: "Yes, it is really difficult for us to pass through the non-freezing pool, but do you know that there is something The release of extremely powerful heat in a short period of time can help us through the non-freezing pool, that is, the fire system of the millenium or more, it releases enough heat to pass through this non-freezing water. Now the oriental ice should be full body I am still dead, but if any one of us passes through the non-freezing pool, it will be easy to kill you."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian’s heart jerked.

Yes, the fire nucleus of the fire system of more than a thousand years is not as good as the ugly sword of Yangdingtian. However, after using a special method, it can release very powerful fiery energy in a short period of time, which can really help Qin Huaiyu to pass through the kilometer non-freezing pool.

Of course, the space in the Yangdingtian space also has a unicorn of the fire unicorn, and the energy released is enough for a person to pass through the non-freezing pool. Only this thing Qin Huaiyu can be used, Yang Dingtian can not use. The reason is very simple. The energy released by a thousand-year-old demon nucleus is very amazing. It can be tolerated by Qin Huaiyu's cultivation, while Yangdingtian can't bear it completely. The result is almost the same as that of the brutal sword spirit in Yunxiao City.

The Millennium Fire Department is certainly precious, but whether it is for Qincheng or Wanxue Palace, Wuhuan Palace definitely does not lack this thing. However, no matter whether it is Qin Huaiyu, or the solitary phoenix dance, lonely and no joy, the Millennium Monster will not be brought to the body.

"Yes, no one will have nothing to do with the Millennium Fire Department demon nuclear." Qin Huaiyu said: "So, the solitary phoenix dance little sister left here to go to the Fox family trading, the big fox family should not lack a The millennium fire system is demonized, and the value of the baby she used to trade is far more than a thousand years of fire, so the Fox family should not reject the truth. Soon, she can take a thousand years of fire before the demon Come, it is the death of you and the Oriental Ice Ling."

At this time, Yang Dingtian understood why he had never heard the sound of the solitary phoenix dance, because she went to the Fox race to trade the Millennium Fire Department.

During this period, Yangdingtian has not been thinking about the unicorn dance. For example, why did she want to put Yang Dingtian to be a secret ancestor? He told Qin Huaiyu? Did she recognize that Shen Lang is Yangdingtian? and many more.

However, according to the present view, the solitary phoenix dance is far more imaginative than the imagination.

Not to mention that in the territory of the Five Elements Palace, the solitary phoenix dance to kill Yang Dingtian itself is heart and soul.

Now even Qin Huaiyu has guessed that Shen Lang is Yangdingtian, and of course, the solitary phoenix dance also knows. She went to the Fox family to trade the Millennium Fire Department, and the purpose was to kill Yangdingtian and Oriental Ice Ling through the non-freezing pool.

This woman is indeed a cold and decisive to the extreme.

"It’s coming to this time, you still don’t want to talk?? Is it still holding hope?” Qin Huaiyu sneered: "Well, now there are still 13 hours from the Xuanhuo bloom. And I believe that the solitary little sister is very fast." I will come back with the Millennium Fire Department, and then we will see you again, then let's talk about it."

Then, Qin Huaiyu and Lonely No Joy have never spoken.

There are still about twenty-five hours to the Xuanhuo bloom, and the solitary phoenix dance can come back with the Millennium Fire Department.

At this time, Yangdingtian certainly did not have any thoughts on repairing and refining. He must immediately find a solution to this crisis.

At this time, there was a sudden sound from the above frozen pool, and then the pool swayed as if someone had jumped.

Yangding Tiandeng condensed his eyes and passed through the thick non-freezing water, desperately trying to look up.

Of course, the non-freezing water is crystal clear, and it has a faint fluorescence. However, it is full of kilometers and the visibility is at most 200 meters. It is completely invisible.

However, the sound can be heard clearly.

It is a voice of a person dive, getting closer and closer to Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian heartbeat is getting faster and faster, and suddenly grasps the sword in his hand, ready to face the battle, although this battle is likely to be a stone.

The sound is getting closer and closer to Yangdingtian.

Eight hundred meters...

Soon, this person passed through the limits of the Yangdingtian flesh.

Seven hundred meters...

Six hundred meters...

Five hundred meters...

Finally, when it was five hundred meters away from Yangdingtian, the sound stopped.

Then, the sound of swimming continues to sound, but it is getting farther and farther. Obviously, for the person who tried to pass through the non-freezing water, the depth of 500 meters is already his limit, so he dare not go down again, only to go up.

Yang Dingtian does not know who this person is, but he is able to dive 500 meters, which is far more than Yangdingtian.

Not long after, another person jumped out of the frozen pool.

Although Yang Dingtian knows that there is no millennium fire system, they can't pass through the kilometers without freezing water, but they still can't help but feel nervous.

Sure enough, is still at a depth of 500 meters, and that person has stopped dive and started to float.

Obviously, Qin Huaiyu and Lonely Huanhua both tried it again. The two men were almost the same, and they all stopped at about 500 meters.

Yangdingtian is deeply attracted to breath.

Can't do this, can't sit still like this.

Once the demon girl of the solitary phoenix dance came with the Millennium Fire Department, the death of Yang Dingtian arrived. They were not ready to let go when they were still in the past. Now that I know that it is Yangdingtian, I have to put him to death.

Regardless of whether it is Qin Huaiyu or Lonely Huanhuan, in the list of murders, Yangdingtian may be second only to the Oriental Ice Ling, or even comparable.

Therefore, Yangdingtian must save himself.

Yang Dingtian told the story of the Eastern Nirvana, and then said: "Master, the solitary phoenix dance trade should only have a thousand years of fire demon nucleus, which means that only one person can pass through the non-freezing water. But they are three No matter which person comes down, people can easily kill me. The only way now is to let the Eastern Ice Lingre recover in advance. In this way, Qin Huaiyu and other three people, no matter who they are down, can not kill us, but will die in the East. Under the sword."

Yes, Qin Huaiyu, the solitary phoenix dance, lonely and no joy, no matter which one is not the opponent of the Oriental Ice Ling. (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.) "This text is updated by the breaking of the group @ 87453198 offers ")

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