Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 268: : The body of the Oriental Ice Ling

However, this blood flow was quickly blocked because the blood of the Oriental Ice was completely frozen. Therefore, the blood of Yangdingtian directly infiltrates from the fleshy gap between the jade tube and the oriental ice.

Yangding Tian suddenly pressed, and suddenly blocked the gap tightly, and then used Xuanqi, forcing his own blood into the blood of the Oriental Ice Ling.

The blood of Jiuyang of Yangdingtian is really overbearing, and even the blood of the frozen ice from the East is thawed. He used energy to detect it. Yangding’s blood of one inch and nine yang can unfreeze the ice of the three inches of oriental ice.

This is good news and bad news.

The good news is that Yangdingtian can completely thaw the blood of the body of the Oriental Ice. As long as her blood is thawed, she should be able to wake up.

The bad news is that Yang Dingtian has to pay at least one-third of the blood to completely deflate the blood of the oriental ice. Of course, this amount is still not dead, but it can also make Yangdingtian weak, and the consequences may be very serious.

Of course, there is still a problem, that is, blood transfusion is also in line with blood type. Yangdingtian is ab blood type, so unless the oriental ice is also ab blood type, otherwise the blood type does not match, forcible blood transfusion will cause incomparably serious consequences, when the Oriental ice Ling can not live directly.

The probability that the oriental ice is a blood type of ab should be less than 10%.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian’s gambling is a true nine-death life.

The blood transfusion is still going on, and the blood of Yangdingtian enters the body of Oriental Ice Ling little by little.

Of course, there is still a trouble, that is, the vascular capacity of the Oriental Ice Ling is limited, but she has not lost too much blood before, once one third of the blood forcibly enters her body, the consequences are very serious.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian’s approach is. How much blood goes into the body of the oriental ice, just open a hole in her blood vessels and let her flow out a small part of the blood.


In this way, the blood of Yangdingtian entered the body of the Oriental Ice Ling little by little, and thawed her blood one inch and one inch.

Fifty milliliters.

One hundred milliliters.

Two hundred milliliters.

Three hundred milliliters.

Four hundred milliliters.

When entering four hundred milliliters, the arm of the Oriental Ice Ling. There is also a part of the upper body, and it is slightly thawed.

However, the four hundred milliliters took a full two hours.

And after losing four hundred milliliters of blood, Yangdingtian felt weak.

Ordinary blood, usually only 200 ml, now Yang Dingtian directly contributed twice.

Moreover, with the loss of blood, Yangdingtian clearly felt that the energy on his body seemed to be like water. A little bit passed.

According to calculations, Yangdingtian spent about one-third of the blood, which is about 1200 ml, and now only one-third.


Yangdingtian continued to transfuse blood, and his blood of Jiuyang hardly and strongly dissolved the frozen blood of the oriental ice.

When I waited for nine hundred milliliters, I never felt the cold Yangding Day actually feel cold.

Moreover, the whole body flutters as if it has lost strength. Breathing has also become difficult. The heartbeat also accelerated a lot, and the whole body felt a weakness.

And at this time on the ground. It has been completely reddened by bright red blood.

Eighty percent of the body of the Oriental Ice Ling has been faintly thawed.

An hour later, Yangdingtian injected blood into the body of the Oriental Ice, which was already a full thousand milliliters.

Soon, the blood of the body of the Oriental Ice Ling will be completely thawed.

The entire blood transfusion has been completed more than 90%.

By the time. After the body ice of the Oriental Ice Ling is thawed, the result will come out.

At that time, will the Oriental Ice Ling wake up and whether the Xuanmai will recover, what will happen. All will come out.


1050 ml.

1080 ml.

1100 ml.

At this point, Yang Dingtian’s body had already burst into cold sweat, and there was a black burst in front of him. He really couldn’t stand it.

In fact, when it was a few hundred milliliters, his blood could not be injected into the body of the Oriental Ice Ling. It was Yang Dingtian’s forcible injection.

Finally, the blood of the body of the Oriental Ice Ling was thawed.

But it's just thawing, no flow, no heartbeat, no wake up.

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath, pulled out the jade tube, and sealed the wrist wound.

The entire blood transfusion process lasted for more than five hours, and it was only ten hours from the bloom of Xuanhuo.

After pulling out the jade tube, Yang Dingtian immediately took out two medicinal herbs from the space ring.

One is a six-pronged spirit, which is used to heal blood and energy.

One is the six-color Judan Dan, which is used to supplement the mysterious gas.

Ximen Ningning refining the medicinal herbs really got it, and soon the cold sweat of Yangdingtian stopped, and a warmth spread from Dantian to the whole body.

The terrible weakness gradually faded away.

His luck is really good. In the past five hours, the solitary phoenix dance that went to trade the millennium fire demon nucleus has not returned.

Originally, Yangdingtian should continue to refine the potency of the drug, but the time is tight, he must let the blood of the Oriental Ice Ling flow immediately.

Put the oriental ice on the warm spar, then directly untie her top and tear off her apron.

Suddenly, two crystal clear exhibitions were exposed in front of Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian is certainly not for lasciviousness. In order to restore her breathing and heartbeat, she must fully liberate her body. In fact, he should have stripped off her whole body, but after considering it, Yang Dingtian still did not do that.

Although Yangdingtian is to wake her up, there is no **** meaning, and she does not intend to hang around.

But after the exposure of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian still stayed. Her may not be as rich as the flames, but on the shape, there is no doubt that Yangdingtian has seen the most perfect.

That kind of straight, that round, that kind of sharp, every inch, every arc is perfect. It's not like the human body, it seems to be the artist's carving.

Moreover, her size is not too small, even larger than the average size of women. In this respect, Yangdingtian is not considered an expert, but the bust of the Oriental Ice Ling is placed on the earth and should be the most perfect 36d for the Eastern woman.

Also, this is the whitest and most delicate skin that Yangdingtian has seen. The real blown bomb can be broken, and the real crystal clear.

Baby Flame has a pair of amazing size, but it is very petite and cute. However, after Yang Dingtian played, it will be congested and swelled, and there will be half the size of the finger.

The **** of the Oriental Ice Ling, pink and delicate, seem to be transparent, like a red pearl, and like a small cherry inlaid on it.

This pair of beautiful beauty itself is already beautiful and tempted to the extreme, and with the beautiful face of the oriental ice, Yang Ding Tianxin God swayed for a moment.

Just at this time.

"Oh..." Above, suddenly there was a sound of the human body jumping into the water.

In an instant, Yangding suddenly woke up.

Some people jumped out of the non-freezing pool. Of course, this time it was definitely not to jump down and play. It must have been that after the solitary phoenix dance got the millennium fire system, one of them took the demon nucleus and jumped off the non-freezing pool.

This time, they are sure to pass through the non-freezing pool. This time, they are sure to cause Yangding to die.

However, I don’t know who the person who passed through the non-freezing pool to kill Yang Tiantian is Qin Huaiyu, or lonely and no joy, or is the solitary phoenix dance.

However, it doesn't matter anymore. Now it is necessary to let the Oriental Ice Ling wake up immediately, otherwise his Yangdingtian will die.

The most direct way to want a person's heartbeat to recover is the electric shock.

Switching to other people may be completely unthinkable, but Yangdingtian is OK.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian quickly put aside the person who sneaked into the unfrozen pool, and transported the electric system to the mysterious mountains and rivers, and aimed at the chest of the oriental ice, and released it.

"Hey..." Two lightning bolts hit the chest of the Oriental Ice.

Suddenly, there were two red marks on the white chest.

Then, Yang Dingtian quickly hovered his ear and put it on her chest, listening to the heartbeat.

The heart has not recovered.

At this time, the person has sneaked into the three-hundred meters of non-freezing pool. The speed is very, very fast, because with the millennium fire system, the following submergence is completely unscrupulous.

Yangdingtian continued to brew and then released.

This time, two thicker lightnings hit the chest of the oriental ice. Her delicate body was hit hard and bounced. Snow white delicate chest, two clear red scars.

Then, Yangdingtian posted on her chest and began to listen to the heartbeat.

The heart still did not resume beating.

At this time, the man has sneaked into the 500-meter non-freezing water.

Yangding Tiandeng was in a hurry.

Taking a deep breath, he has two chances. After two times, the man will go straight through the non-freezing pool.

Even after the third electric shock, he could see through the two or three hundred meters of unfrozen water. The chest of the oriental ice will be seen by him, but this critical moment, Yangdingtian I can't manage that much.

The third electric shock, Yangdingtian once again brewed mountains and rivers.

This time Yangdingtian used a larger mysterious energy, and the power of lightning is also greater.

"Mountain cracks, out!"

Two lightning bolts slammed out from the palm of the palm of the sky, and they were as thick as an arm, directly hitting the chest of the oriental ice.

"Oh..." In an instant, two bright blood marks.

The delicate body of the Oriental Ice Ling suddenly slammed more than a foot, and the small mouth even slammed a blood.

Yang Dingtian quickly squatted down and put his ear in her heart.

At this point, the man has dive to 750 meters.

Now, Yangdingtian is 100% sure that they have a millennium fire system, otherwise they will not be able to sneak 500 meters.

Next time, the person can directly rush out of the frozen water and appear directly in front of Yangdingtian.

"Plop..." posted on the chest of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian heard the heartbeat. (To be continued.)

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