Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 282: : Demon fire chooses the Lord! The fire of the emperor!

Moreover, unlike the flames that Yang Dingtian saw before, this flame does not feel any life, and does not feel any agility.

Before, even the phantom illusion that Yan Yan devours is completely full of vitality.

However, this flame in front of me does not seem to have the slightest vitality. Moreover, it seems that I can't feel any temperature, which is worse than the best fire of the former Yangding Day forged sword.

If there is no vitality, it is not a mysterious fire. But it is not a mysterious fire. What is the flame in front of me?

But no matter what this flame is, Yangdingtian will not give up this last hope.

Although this flame does not seem to have any vitality, it is not a mysterious fire, as long as the consciousness and mysteriousness are caught in the fire. If it is a black fire, it will respond immediately.

Suddenly, Yangding Tianping lived in the breath, mixed his consciousness into the mysterious atmosphere, and then slowly approached this Xuanhuo.

Before Yang Dingtian saw the phantom virtual fire, as long as the mysterious gas approached, the flame could not wait to get together.

However, this flame in front of me did not react at all.

The ambition and consciousness of Yangdingtian are gradually getting closer.

One foot.

Eight inches.

Five inches.

Three inches.

One inch...

Yangding innocent almost suffocated.

He really hopes that the flame in front of him is a mysterious fire, even though he knows that this possibility is completely negligible.

But this is really his last hope!

"Take everything to Heaven to decide! Whether it is a mysterious fire, I have recognized it." Yang Ding Tianxin in the dark, then sighed into the entrance.

Nothing happens.

A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

Three seconds passed.

Half a minute passed.

There is no reaction in this flame. The gods and mysteries of Yangdingtian seem to enter the ordinary flame, just like entering the wood.

The body of Yangdingtian is getting colder and colder, and his heart is getting colder.

Sure enough, the miracle did not happen.

In the end, all the coldness and disappointment made a sigh.

Why is this happening? How could this be?

Yangdingtian almost never cries, and does not want to cry. I don't even cry for setbacks, but he really wants to cry, not for emotions, but for frustration.

All of his previous things, despite all the hardships, have succeeded in achieving the goal, even more than the goal.

Now, Xuan Huo is his most important thing, but he has to fail.

Is it that his luck is exhausted?

This blow is really unprecedented for Yang Dingtian.

Yangdingtian certainly won't cry, but he wants to cry.


Suddenly, a sorrowful cry came from the top of the sun.

I didn't cry, Yang Dingtianyi.

Is it that I want to cry in my heart, so I have an illusion?

But then, the crying sounds louder and louder, more and more strange, and more and more horrible.

Then, the flame began to wander around.

The space here is not big, but this flame wanders very carefully.

Almost every inch of movement, it will stop, as if to feel the surroundings, sniff carefully, and then move a few inches.

It cried as soon as it moved.

The crying sounds louder and louder, and then it seems that there are millions of people who are crying desperately in their ears.

This feeling is completely chilling.

In the end, this kind of crying has become even more bizarre, not only to disturb people's minds, but also to rob people of the soul. There is a kind of deep penetration into the spirit, to make people fly away.

At this point, the flame floated to the side of the Oriental Ice Ling, and it cried as it approached the Oriental Ice Ling, as if to smell her breath.

When the ice was near the East, the flame suddenly jumped and danced.

Yang Ding Tianxin was shocked. Did this flame also take a fancy to the Oriental Ice Ling, but she already had a mysterious fire.

And Yang Dingtian faintly feels strange, as if this flame is actively looking for something. The attitude is very serious, but very proud.

Is it really a mysterious fire?

Just as the thought came up, this flame flew to the front of Yangdingtian, just a few inches in front of it.

Then, a flame pointed out sharply and headed out, and the sun's eyes pierced.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was shocked and almost instinctively retreated.

Because, at this time, the flame is infinitely close, and Yang Dingtian clearly sees that there are countless Taoist figures in the flame.

All the figures are struggling in pain, mourning in pain, as if they were tortured in purgatory.

This horrible cry is the mourning of countless people. Moreover, Yangdingtian was shocked to discover that although the size of this flame has not changed, the above faces are more and more dense, and more and more dense. In the end, it is completely dense, and the nine-inch flame is crowded with countless twisted faces. And more and more, thousands, countless.

In the end, these faces are really crowded. Every face begins to change. Starting a dozen people, dozens of people, hundreds of people share a face, but each face is changing rapidly.

Finally, countless faces make up a big face. The whole nine-inch flame made up a face, a sly, painful face.

Moreover, this face is constantly changing, for a while it is human, a fox family for a while, and a wolf for a while.

At this point, Yangdingtian clearly felt that perhaps this one is the real Yiling demon fire? Even this Xuanhuo is not the same as the Oriental Ice Ling. This is a real imperial fire!

However, there is no reason. The one that Yan swallows before can also be called a phantom virtual fire, but the one that the Oriental Ice Ling swallows is definitely a real demon fire. There is no reason to have two fake fires.

However, what is the strange flame in front of you, it is so similar to the Yiling demon fire.

But even if it is a billion spirits, even if it is a mysterious fire, Yangdingtian has nothing to do with it. Because after entering the mysterious and the gods, it is like a muddy sea, and there is no reaction at all.

Moreover, at this time, the crying of the Yangdingtian ear is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting more and more horrible. It was only just drilled into the ear before, but at this time it was completely deep into the soul.

It is completely incomparably powerful and powerful, and Yangding is innocent to collapse.

Countless faces of Zhang Yan, from their own eyes into the mind.

Countless crying, from the ear into the gods.

Yang Dingtian felt that his brain was about to explode, and the blood of his body was about to explode.

At this time, the flame that turned into a face is getting closer and closer to the sun.

Finally, a bang.

This flame blasted open and broke into countless faces.

In an instant, all the narrow spaces here are filled with flame faces.

Not only that, but more and more flames are coming from the explosion. Finally, this countless flame faces poured into the top of the pool.

Suddenly, the water of the depth of a thousand meters, one foot and one foot flew away, disappeared without a trace.

The entire space is completely filled with countless flame faces.

Finally, the bottom of the entire central lake, densely covered with flames. Every face is groaning, every face is painfully twisted, and every face is mourning.

This horrible picture is not seen by anyone. If you see it, then he will never forget this horrible and shocking scene.

Each face is less than two inches, but it is spread over hundreds of miles of lakes, and it is layered and endless.

Who can believe that so many flame faces, turned out to be a nine-inch flame split.

Yiling demon fire, as the name suggests, this is the Yiling demon fire.

Taking the fire system of Donglui Prairie as the energy, the soul of tens of millions of people who died in the bones of the bones is the soul. After thousands of years of birth, the incomparably powerful Yiling demon fire was finally born.

However, at this time, Yang Dingtian has not seen this scene completely. He is surrounded by flames all over his body. His mind has been completely filled with tens of thousands and even more kinds of terrible crying. He can't hold anything.

This billion-sex spirits split and swelled to the extreme, and covered the entire central lake, and finally stopped.

Then, the first resentment demonized into a streamer, slamming into the body of Yangdingtian.

Then there is the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth...

Countless grievances and sorrows, madly poured into the body of Yangdingtian.

In an instant, the body of Yangdingtian seems to be burnt in the fire, completely red and transparent, and the clothes on the body are instantly gone.

At this time, he and the Oriental Ice Ling are really naked and right. However, two people are unconscious. As if there are countless meteors, as if there are countless stars, crazy in the Yangding body and body.

In just a few minutes, the grievances of tens of millions of blouses madly poured into the body of Yangdingtian.


Now there is a problem. If it is now in the Yangding body, this one is the Yiling demon fire. What is the oriental ice entangled?

Almost no one can answer this question, because no one really swallowed the billion spirits.

Undoubtedly, this flame that flows into the celestial body of the Yangding is a real Yiling demon fire, a pure fire demon.

The one that is swallowed by the Oriental Ice Ling is also a mysterious fire, but it is not the energy of the fire from the Donglui grassland. It is a mysterious fire that is condensed by the smoldering spirit of hundreds of millions of people who died in the bones. This flame has nothing to do with the fire system. It is completely ice-based, and it is an extremely rare ice system in the world.

If you let people know that the Oriental Ice Ling got an ice fire, then the whole world will be crazy.

Therefore, the east is far from the center of the grassland, not only a mysterious fire, but two. One yin and one yang, so half of the Yinyang Mountain that grows out of the lake is a flame, and half is ice.

The Oriental Ice Ling got the yin fire, and Yang Dingtian got the supreme fire that the sorrowful spirits condensed! (To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.) "This text is updated by the breaking group @ 87453198 offers ")

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