Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 307: : The death of Yin Tianchong! Leave the East!

"Shen Lang, are you dare?" Lonely and no screaming, "I want to break you down!"

Yang Dingtian slammed the big sword from the chestnut of Du Gufeng dance, and suddenly the blood spurted out, pouring all the faces of Yangdingtian.

Immediately afterwards, Yangdingtian directly caught the life-and-death singular phoenix dance on the chest, and the big sword crossed her jade neck. The cold voice said: "Lonely, no joy, let us leave immediately, otherwise I will immediately kneel down. The head of the phoenix dance."

Lonely and no joy, and every day. Bella fights, while saying: "Shen Lang, you let go of the phoenix dance, I let you leave alone."

"No!" Yangding Tiandao: "Let us all go."

"Let the phoenix dance, I let you live, and never pursue you." Lonely nostalgic screams, then ready to leave the battle group, rushing to the sun.

"No, let us all go." Yangding Tiandao.

"You dream..." At this time, Yin Tianchong in the air suddenly laughed and said: "Do you think that I will let go of the meat in my mouth? You are alone in the hands of your father, that is his life, I can do nothing. ""

At this time, the Oriental Ice Ling, the face has no trace of blood, the Jiao body trembles in the air, and may fall at any time.

Yin Tianchong continued to stare at the lower body position of the Oriental Ice Ling: "I suddenly thought that it is a pity to pierce your sea with a sword. I am a man who pity the jade, so I decided to crush your sea with your hands, and it is good. Feel the lower abdomen of the oriental fairy snow jade, haha..."

"Lonely and no joy, you are entangled every day. Bella, after I solved the oriental fairy, immediately come down to kill him." Yin Tianchong laughed.

Then he took off a layer of gloves like a flap and opened his hand. I touched the lower abdomen of the Oriental Ice.

At this time, the Oriental Ice Ling has reached the extreme, and may be withered at any time, without any help. Therefore, Yin Tianchong can completely feel the beauty of the Oriental Ice Ling.

His speed is very slow and his fingers are dancing. Squatting toward the lower part of the Oriental Ice Ling, grabbed it.

At this time, he was completely smoked and left everything behind.

"Call..." His big hand grabbed it.

However, what is touched is not the beauty of the oriental ice, but a hard ice.

I saw only a group of blue ice slammed the oriental ice.

Yin Tianchong’s big hand just touched the ice, and the beauty of the ice in the east suddenly slammed, and the incomparably bright and deep.

"Oh..." Then. The delicate body of the Oriental Ice Ling slammed out from the ice.

At the same time, the hard ice suddenly turned into a blue light and shadow, and suddenly plunged into the body of Yin Tianchong from the palm of his hand.

"Ah..." Yin Tianchong yelled.

For a time, his body instantly turned into a terrible blue, and the surface of the body quickly covered with a layer of frost.

This is a deadly cold poison, mixed with the cold poison of the eternal fire.

Suddenly, Yin Tianchong hurriedly transported all the flamboyant air in the sea and frantically expelled the cold poison in the body.

at the same time. The Oriental Ice Ling floats in the air, and the beautiful shot shines. The whole body is up and down, and it blooms blue.

At this point, the Oriental Ice Ling does not seem to be injured, but feels stronger than before.


Then, a blue flame slammed into her body.

This is her mysterious fire!

She used the mysterious fire to ignite her own body.

At first glance, a beautiful blue flame burned in the air.

When the flame burns to the extreme.

The body of the Oriental Ice Ling is bent sharply.

"Old thief. My cultivation is not as good as you, but it is not as big as you think. I am so weak, just to kill you, now your death is here!"

The Oriental Ice Ling is cold and cold.


The oriental ice Ling Jiao body suddenly slammed. The blue flame of her whole body slammed out, condensing into a slap-sized smoldering fire in the air, and violently shot at Yin Tianchong.

Yin Tianchong was shocked and quickly stopped the action of expelling the cold poison, madly avoiding escape.

"Boom..." But the smoldering fire burst open when he was still a dozen meters away from him.

Suddenly, the air burst into a dazzling array of light, like a micro-nuclear bomb.

Everything on the ground below the kilometer, whether it is a boulder or a number, is turned into a powder.

The eagle family flying in the air is directly distorted and instantly turned into coke.

And Yin Tianchong’s body was completely swallowed up by the flames and disappeared instantly.


After a full ten seconds, the eye-catching blue light faded away.

Yin Tianchong still didn't die, but he was very embarrassed. His robe was burnt into coke, including hair and beard, all turned into nothing.

Yin Tianchong, who was originally a sacred bone, was covered with blood, bloody, scarred, and a mess. However, he took up the mystery and stubbornly stopped falling and floated in midair.

Oriental Ice Ling saw the ugly Yin Tianchong, a cold smile. Instantly turned into a blue meteor, and the sword rushed toward him.

"Miss Dongfang, don't kill me, don't kill me, let's make a deal, I use nine products to change my life." Yin Tianchong was shocked and shouted.

"Dream, no one can save you, you can't change your life with the world. You dare to insult me, I will not only kill you, but also kill your whole family."

Then, rushed forward.

"Brushing brush..." Oriental ice Ling's sword in the hands of the sword danced fiercely on Yin Tianchong's body.

Suddenly, a **** fog emerged, and Yin Tianchong’s horror was terrible.


The Eastern Ice Ling lightning usually has a sword.

After a while, Yin Tianchong’s misery stopped.

His entire body was directly smashed into dozens of segments in the air, completely dead without a whole body!

Suddenly, the people on the ground were completely shocked.

The one just happened is happening too fast. Just now, Yin Tianchong still has the upper hand. The Oriental Ice Ling is completely dying.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, the situation was completely transferred. In the twinkling of an eye, Yin Tianchong was smashed.

After killing Yin Tianchong, the Oriental Ice Lingmei slammed into Qin Huaiyu and others.

Suddenly. Qin Huaiyu was shocked.


Looking at each other with loneliness, the two smacked their tongues and squirted a **** fog, turning them into a group of blood-red light, fleeing quickly, and completely throwing Yan’s love here.

Time. Yan is not alone in a single battle. Bella, he changed his face, spelled on the other side of the palm, the body suddenly blew a few tens of meters away from the battle group.

But every day. Bella did not take the opportunity to kill him, but looked at him faintly, and quickly turned to kill the group of eagle people to save their own people.

At this time, there are only five of the top fox men.

Yang Dingtian also rushed to the fox men.

Since the Eastern Ice Ling killed Yin Tianchong, the battle has completely changed. He can safely save the fox men.

Yan’s eyes look at the oriental ice complex intricately, and then tear off the mask on his face to reveal the face of the prosperous prodigal son.

"Oriental fairy, the real Yiling demon fire is still in your hands, congratulations." Yan does not care: "I am willing to gamble and lose, now I want to kill you, listen to respect!"

Oriental Bing Ling looked at her, cold channel: "At the Central Lake. You have already captured the Mirage Fire from them, which is cheap. Why do you want to come in today?"

Yan did not smile and said: "Because the other party has opened a price that I can't refuse, I will take the road, you can do it."

After all, Yan did not close his eyes and stretched his neck.

Oriental Ice Ling sneered: "Although you are pretending to be a pretense. But in the Central Lake, you have no killer for me. Today I will spare you a life, let's go!"

Yan’s body was slightly trembled and he said, “Thank you.”

then. He turned and took up his sigh and left quickly.


On the other side, the violent day by day. Bella killed the remaining twenty hawks, and all of them were corpses.

And Yang Dingtian, with holy water to save the land of the fox people master.

Although the holy water can be brought back to life, the people who really die are still not saved.

Therefore, more than twenty fox men who are lying on the ground have only saved a large part of their lives, and seven fox men have died.

"Da En does not say thank you." Day by day. Bella came up, the sun was shining on the top of the sun, then flew up, flew to the island of Huxin, and took the incense.


Yangding Tianwang looked at the eastern ice, and felt a little strange. She clearly hated Qin Huaiyu’s bones, why not chase it up.

She is so powerful that she is so arrogant that killing Qin Huaiyu and being alone is not hard, why not catch up and kill.

Seeing Yangding Tianmuguang, the Oriental Ice Road said: "Shenlang, hurry, let's go."

"Now?" Yang Dingtian was surprised.

“Yes, now!” Oriental Ice Lingdao.

Yangding Tianchao day by day. Bella looked away, he just arrived at Huxin Island, is comforting his daughter. Suddenly, Yangding Tianchao Oriental Ice Road said: "I will go and say goodbye to the Japanese leader."

"No, hurry, go now." Oriental Ice Lingdao.

After all, the East Ice Ling came forward, directly holding Yangdingtian, leaving quickly and flew south.

Yangding Tianda: "The patriarch of the day, the fragrance, there will be a period!"

Every day. Bella saw that Yangdingtian went so fast, could not help but be astonished, holding Xiangxiang flying in the air to catch up.

The Oriental Ice Ling is still flying fast Road: "The patriarch of the day, you immediately go to the Red Sea in the sky, bring enough food and water, see the saints after the collapse, tell her everything, otherwise Your fox family will have a disaster!"

"Thanks to Miss Oriental for pointing me, I will send you to the sea." Every day. Bella.

"No, you have to rush to the Red Sea in the sky with the fastest speed. Go now."

Every day, Bella changed his face and said: "Okay. Remember, on the red beach in the south, we have hidden a few boats. We have enough sailors and food, and they are all human sailors. I used them. If you communicate with China, you can take the boat back."

"Thank you, patriarch!" Yangding Tiandao.

Xiang Xiang shouted in the back: "Shenlang brother, I am waiting for you to come back!"


The Oriental Ice Ling holds Yangdingtian and flies southward quickly. The people behind him, Bella, etc., are getting farther and farther and farther and farther, until they are completely invisible. (To be continued.)

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