Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 309: : Oriental ice ling, all the same!

The distance from the grasslands to the northwestern mainland is almost eight thousand miles.

Yangdingtian just flew five thousand miles and flew from the Sun Moon Lake to the beach. Now, flying eight thousand miles again seems to be nothing remarkable.

However, what is different is that in the past five thousand miles, Yangdingtian can rest and rest.

Now, it is the sea, Yang Dingtian has no place to settle.

When Yangdingtian took the boat to the east from the grassland, there was no island on the 8,000-mile sea route.

Of course, when Yang Dingtian contacted the spirits, he used to stay in the water for a few hours: because there are different drugs, it is not impossible at the bottom of the water. However, Yang Dingtian is not a person at this time, there are also seriously injured Duo phoenix dance, as well as the Oriental ice rink that is adjusting interest rates.

Moreover, spiritual cultivation can be done at the bottom of the water, but it is difficult to absorb the mystery of the battle.

However, Yang Dingtian couldn't manage anything at this time, because hundreds of flying rod soldiers behind him, really rushed to catch up. Yangding days can only fly forward like:

However, the speed of those flying squadrons is much worse than that of Yangdingtian, so you are getting farther and farther away from Yangdingtian, but they are always chasing after them.

In this way, Yangdingtian used the fastest speed to fly out a few hundred miles.

"Children, I want to remind you: ''Suddenly, the East Nirvana said: ' are flying at high intensity with Xuanqi, and it has reached the critical point. It will cause permanent damage to your Xuanmai: '

Yang Ding Tiandun’s heart was shocked: ‘...Huai Fu, can’t you fly with Xuanji for a long time? ”

"Of course, so even if it is a master-class powerhouse, it is also a boat when you travel thousands of miles, instead of flying in the air: you have flown five thousand miles, and you have reached the limit. This is because you are Jiuyang Xuanmai. Switching to other people, flying three thousand miles has caused great damage. 'Oriental Nirvana: '...people are not flying creatures after all.',

To the master's words, although the heart of Yangding is very worried, there is no way. The group is still chasing hundreds of people now. If you continue to fly, the only damage is the mysterious vein. If you stop, you are afraid of losing your life. Therefore, although Yangdingtian knows that it will damage the Xuanmai, there is no way to stop it.

Then, Yangdingtian discovered something even worse. ‘...because, his mystery is running out again.

This time, I did not insist on two thousand miles, and only a thousand miles of mysterious gas was completely exhausted.

Feeling more and more exhausted Xuanqi, Yangding Tianxin was shocked.

At this time, the mysteriousness is exhausted, and it is definitely a dead end. Hundreds of flying knights are afraid that any one can have their own lives.

With the exhaustion of Xuanqi, the speed of Yangdingtian flight is getting slower and slower, and the flying cavalry behind them are getting closer and closer. Yangdingtian has even been able to hear their fierce shouting sounds.

Yangding Tian looked at the Duo phoenix dance in his arms. He was chasing the flying bats of the class, so the hostage of the singer and phoenix dance was not useful.

It’s hard not to be true that you really want to die on this sea.

Ju Xuan Dan, only one or three days can be taken according to the rules. A few hours ago, Yangding Tiandao just took one. If you take the second one now, the consequences will be extremely serious and even if you take the second danger of taking the second Judan Dan, you may not be able to condense much mystery.

But at this time, Yangdingtian really chose it.

From the space ring, a Judan Dan was thrown out, and the consequences were serious again.

‘嗖嗖嗖嗖呢”’’ At this moment, suddenly there was a neat sound on the sea, and then a dense red light burst forth:

There are boats on the sea, and there are four big ships. Just now, Yang Dingtian’s heart was anxious, only shutting down the chasing troops behind him, and did not care about the sea at all: I didn’t think about it, there were actually four big ships on the sea:

The dense red awns that hit the air come from the energy of the ship. This and the strong, is the use of wind-based spar as the energy source, with the fire spar as the arrow. A large ship, there are dozens of energy arrows in a single shot. Four large ships, one full of more than one hundred energy arrows.

Yang Dingtian clearly saw that these energy arrows were like rockets on the earth. They flew from the side and flew over to the half-human flying knights behind them.

Doing a good job to avoid it, but there are still dozens of half-human samurai shots in the air, falling directly into the sea.

Not long after the first round of volley, followed by the second round of volley, the third round of volley..."

Suddenly, the remaining half-human flying sergeants cleanly changed direction, scattered around, avoiding dense energy arrows.

Yangdingtian saw it clearly, and the flag on the ship came from the Fox people. In the pretend, there are also traces of the fox people, but the vast majority of sailors and warriors are human beings.

This should be the smuggling of seafarers by Bella every day, so there are a lot of humans on it. Because of the close proximity to humans, Baya has a long-term smuggling fleet and human beings to trade and exchange.

Yangdingtian quickly landed on the big ship's posing.

Suddenly, there were two fox warriors who came forward and bowed to the ceremony. "I would like to ask you to be a famous surname."

"Naru" is also called Shen Lang.", Yangding Tiandao.

"You really are Master Naru." 'The fox warrior leader said: "I am the warrior leader of the Middle-earth fleet. I received the order of the patriarch two days ago. Let us pick you up at the coastline and send you to the meeting. The northwestern continent of the earth. Originally our fleet was going to sea yesterday, but in order to wait for you, it has been today. Who knows that a few hours ago, the fleet that we docked on the shore of the dock was devastated by a thousand people. Our four ships escaped because of daily patrols on the sea.

Yangding Tiandao: ‘...How many seafarers did you have in the Middle-earth fleet? ”

"Thirteen ships have gone," and the leader said: ‘...has been destroyed nine times and killed more than a thousand people.’’

Suddenly, the heart of Yangding is full of sorrow: it is because of the response to the self, the fox community of the Middle-earth fleet will suffer such a huge blow, more than 10 people are killed!

"You have to go back to the cabin to rest, and the above things are handed over to us. The fox-man knight leader:

"There is work", Yangding Tiandao, he did not return to the cabin, but put down the Du Gu Feng dance and the Oriental ice Ling, and then sit on the pretending to devour the battle Xuanqi:

The hundreds of half-human flying sergeants that were cut at this time were also prepared to surround four sea boats and then killed from the air.

However, this energy is too strong and sharp. In a short period of time, more than a hundred people were shot dead. These half-human flying knights were shot and stunned. When there were less than one hundred, these flying knights I was finally scared, and I was full of unwillingness to fly back.

The leader of the warrior came to the front of Yangdingtian’s ritual: "Master Naru, the enemy has already retired.",

“Thank you for the leader.’, Yangding Tiandao.

Then the top force could not help but feel a long sigh of relief.

But at this time, the two black spots came from far and near and quickly followed the four big ships:

Yangding’s back was violently cold. The sergeant’s sergeant’s gaze was condensed and ordered: “All energy is strong!”

"Shooting...", when two black spots entered the killing radius, the fox warrior's warrior leader shone.

"Oh," more than a hundred energy arrows, fiercely shot from those two black spots, and instantly shrouded them completely.

These two people did not have any evasiveness to let more than one hundred energy arrows hit.

But they are completely safe and sound. When more than one hundred energy arrows were not close to their bodies, they were directly broken.

These are two great masters.

Yang Dingtian quickly saw the two men, and they were all alone and no Huanhuai. At this time, they rode on two huge dark bats, and the speed of the raspberry was more than a thousand miles.

Just a piece of fried kungfu, Qin Huaiyu, lonely and no Huan two have already arrived a few hundred meters behind the ship.

"Mr. Shen Lang, you still haven't escaped our clutches." 'Lonely no joy: '...I was almost escaped by you. I was surprised at that time. Since the Oriental fairy is so left, why not directly chase us? Half an hour after the escape, we know why, the Oriental Fairy has exhausted all the mystery in order to kill Yin Tianchong. She does not want to kill us, but can't kill us."

Then, Lonely has no way to say: ‘...To kill you’ we sent a half-human family of 160,000 people. I did not expect that you actually ran more than 5,000 miles, but still found you at sea. But Lord Shen Lang, now you can’t run anymore:’,

The fox squad leader stared at the eyes, staring at Qin Huaiyu and loneliness, cold and cold: ‘... all the warriors of the Middle-earth fleet, ready to fight! ,

"Yes! Suddenly, more than two hundred warriors violently pulled out the swords, respectively, on each ship, discharging the battle formation.

Yangdingtian Station starts: ‘...The Warriors of the Fox People’s retreat. This is what I did with them before. Let's solve it ourselves. ,’

Then, Yangding Tianchao Qin Huaiyu said: ‘...this group of people is innocent, let them go. Anything, come to me. ’,

"Sorry, because they have helped you, they must die." Lonely and faintly said: ‘... Since we have used more than 100,000 people, we will not care about killing hundreds of fox people.

Lonely, there is no euphoria, the fox and the phoenix dance: "Sillow, hand over the phoenix dance" We can make you and the Oriental Ice Ling die comfortably: otherwise, no matter how miserable the picture will come to you. ’,

Qin Huaiyu looked at the disk and sat on the ground, always closing the oriental ice ridge: "Oriental fairy, you can kill Yin Tianchong, it really shocked me. But, after all, you still fall into my hands."

"Not necessarily..." At this moment, the Oriental Ice Ling suddenly slammed his eyes and shot a bright and eye-catching look.

Qin Huaiyu and Lonely did not feel amazed, and instinctively turned to escape.

Obviously, they are indeed somewhat scared by the Oriental Ice. The power and decisiveness of this woman is far beyond their imagination. In order to kill her, they had set up a huge silkworm twice but they did not succeed. Instead, a master-level powerhouse Yin Tianchong was killed by her.

But just after a while, 'Qin Huaiyu smiled and said: 'Don't pretend to be an oriental fairy. You have overdrafted all the mysterious spirits in order to kill Yin Tianchong. You can't recover after less than half a month. At Sun Moon Lake, your empty city counts us. Going, the same trick, you can't think about playing for the second time:,'

Then, Qin Huaiyu came to the top of the sun and looked forward to the day: "You also think about the Miss Duo to threaten us, it is useless."

After all, Qin Huaiyu and Lonely did not like to squat down, circling tens of meters at the top of Yangdingtian and Dongfang Ice, bringing tremendous pressure to the entire ship.

The Oriental Ice Ling stared at the two coldly, and then slowly pulled out his sword.

"Don't act again, Oriental Fairy, you are now completely vulnerable." Qin Huaiyu smiled and said: "When you are here, are you still on the shelf of your fairy?" ”

"Shenlang, after I die, you send my companions back to Yangyangzong. "The oriental ice is cold and cold, and then handed over something to Yang Dingtian, and then said: "Lonely Wuhuan and Qin Huaiyu if there is still In the case of the corpse, their skulls are also sent back to Yin and Yang."

After all, the Oriental Ice Ling suddenly released a strong war.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian and others also changed their face. I didn’t think of this time. The Oriental Ice Ling even said that Qin Huaiyu and the lonely and unhappy body were still killing the two in the speech.

Qin Huaiyu sneered and dismissed: "Oriental fairy, your play is enough." At this time, I still want to kill us. After we have left you, we still intend to make a decent person to make a doll, and do not intend to do anything to you. But you are so unpretentious that I am so unhappy. Don't blame us for being tarnished and humiliated by you. After all, you are the best beauty in the world. All this is what you are looking for. ’,

After all, Qin Huaiyu and Lonely pulled out the sword without joy, his face full of evil meaning:

In the speech, Qin Huaiyu and Lonely Joy not only want to catch the Eastern Ice Ling as an evil figure, but also tarnish her.

Oriental Ice Ling eyes a cold road: "I am not you, I never act. Last time, I overdraw my sea of ​​air and mysterious veins. This time, I overdraw my life enough to kill you?!"

Even when it comes to the same thing, the Oriental Ice Ling has a dull voice.

Not much generosity, but full of decisiveness.

As soon as this was said, Qin Huaiyu’s face changed dramatically. His face shook: "Do you think that I will believe?" ”

Oriental Ice Ling did not answer.

"Boom..." A terrible flame slammed out of her body and instantly burned.

A skyrocketing killing shot from her body.

The big ship under the foot trembled fiercely, and the waves around the sea trembled fiercely, picking up the huge waves of the sky.

Everyone clearly feels that the whole life of the Oriental Ice is burning.

"Shenlang, you fly, Liwei walks.", Oriental Bingling turned to the top of the sun. After returning to Yang Dingtian, I can't participate in the competition after more than three years, but he is definitely not my opponent: there is no world. People can surpass me, Yangdingtian can't even!"

"..."' Then the Oriental Ice Ling broke off and slammed the sun.

Yang Dingtian put down the solitary phoenix dance and slowly pulled out the ugly sword. He said: "I won't go, although I am very weak, just make up the number: now I don't want to go, fight with you."

"I have not been at!", the Oriental Ice Ling has completely turned into a terrible flame at this time, said coldly.

"..."' Then, the Oriental Ice Ling rushed to the sky and went to Qin Huaiyu and Lonely.

At this time, Qin Huaiyu and Lonely and Unhappy were horrified. They did not think that the Oriental Ice Ling was so decisive. Seeing the Eastern Ice Ling was so fiercely rushed to join them. Qin Huaiyu, really no soul.

"Oriental fairy, don't have to hang on, don't desperately, we just want to catch you, not to kill you, don't desperately.", Qin Huaiyu quickly retreated, loud.

"Oriental ice can die, but it must not be smashed by the ''Oriental Ice Road.

Qin Huaiyu trembled: ‘That’s good, we don’t catch you, let’s go now’, go immediately.

After all, Qin Huaiyu and Lonely have no joy to turn around and flee.

"It’s late, people who dare to insult me ​​with words, all are going to die!" The oriental ice chills, slamming the flame sword and rushing toward Qin Huaiyu.

“Boom...”’’ Qin Huaiyu tried her best to avoid it, but still did not escape.

"Oh...", his entire left arm was over the tongue, and suddenly half of his arms were cut and lived, blood squirting.

Qin Huaiyu made a terrible noise.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt a tremendous and soft force, pushing himself directly onto the deck of the ship:

"Shen Lang, live well, remember me occasionally, think about me..." 'The gentle voice that has never been seen by Oriental Ice Ling has been remembered in the top of the sun. (To be continued) This article was destroyed by the breaking update group @ Dream n offers. If you like this work, you are welcome to come and choose the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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