Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 311: : Say goodbye, ice cream kiss!

Yang Dingtian came back, and returned with the unconscious Dongbing ice.

At this time, the northwestern continent is like a behemoth in the darkness, standing at the end of the sea, about a few hundred miles.

Probably tomorrow, when the day is bright, you can set foot on the land of the northwestern continent.


The next day, the day was just bright.

The big ship gradually stopped, and Yangdingtian still sat on the bed and swallowed it.

These days, sailing in the sea, Yang Dingtian, in addition to taking care of the oriental ice, all the other time is almost used in the cultivation of Xuan Xuan.

After the mysterious fire, his normal cultivation speed has also completely advanced. Ordinary people can take up to three or four hours a day to swallow, and it is the time when everything is awake in the morning. Even so, the mystery that enters the body is still full of impurities, and only a small part of it can be purified by pure refining.

The yin and yang qi that Yang Dingtian originally possessed can be used to transform the attacking sacred gas with strong attributes into pure sinlessness without attacking, which is used to improve cultivation. But for the impurities in the mysterious gas, there is still no good way.

After the mysterious fire, it is completely different. Even if it is turbid, it will become incomparably pure after being burned and refining, and it will be able to enter the sea directly.

Therefore, if you don't want to take care of the oriental ice blast, Yangding can practice for 24 hours a day.

At the level of Yangdingtian, the warrior wants to break through the six-star Wuzong to the seven-star Wuzong. The most important thing is to look at the talent of Xuanmai, at least the talent of the seven talents. Seven talents below the Xuanmai talent, perhaps for ten years of cultivation, it is difficult to break through the seven-star Wu Zong.

And seven products Xuanmai, want to break through the first level, probably also need three or four years of normal cultivation. If you have eight talents, it will take at least two years. If it is such a temperamental talent like the Oriental Ice Ling, it may only take a year.

However, all of this is based on the absence of a mysterious fire.

Once you have a mysterious fire, the speed of cultivation can at least double. Because the time of cultivation can be at least doubled, and the purity and purity of Xuanqi can be at least doubled.

Therefore, in theory, a nine-character Xuan mai martial art, from the six-star Wu Zong breakthrough seven stars, may only take three months, or even shorter time.

Yangdingtian is a nine-yang Xuanmai, so how long it takes to break through to Qixing Wuzong, then I don’t know. But Yang Dingtian hopes that he can create a miracle.

"Mr. Naru, we have arrived in the northwestern continent. For the sake of safety, we docked to a secret coast, and then we sent a boat to take you to the shore." The leader of the fox family stepped forward.

"Okay, thank you very much." Hearing the words of the fox-man samurai leader outside, Yang Dingtian stopped swallowing Xuan, and instinctively looked toward the oriental ice on the opposite bed.

At first glance, I was shocked.

Because the ship of the Oriental Ice Ling is empty at this time. During this time, she has been in a coma, how can it suddenly disappear?

Didn't I rob the Oriental Ice Ling when I was practicing Yang Dingtian last night?

Is this impossible? Although Yang Dingtian is practicing, he is always very vigilant. In particular, it is close to the northwestern mainland. Although it is safe, the fox leader chose the principle of the northwest Qinjia territory to stop the ship, but the entire northwestern continent was almost Qin. The home's power diffracted, Yangdingtian had to be careful.

If a person wants to rob the Oriental Ice Ling from Yang Dingtian silently, then at least it should be a high-ranking master or even a master-level powerhouse.

Yang Dingtian didn't say anything, immediately got out of bed and went to the bed of Oriental Ice Ling to search for traces about her.

Soon, a piece of paper was found on Yangdingtian on the bedside. The writing on it was very beautiful and full of swords.

This is the handwriting of the Oriental Ice Ling.

"I am leaving! Thank you for your care during this time. I feel it clearly."

Seeing this, Yang Dingtian’s heart suddenly jumped. What she said in her letter is that although she was in a coma with her eyes closed during this time, everything was actually clear.

You know, during this time, Yangdingtian took care of her, but everything was done. It was truly meticulous, scrubbing the body, and even more intimate things have been done. Of course, he used to do it when the oriental ice skating stopped, but at that time the oriental ice was unconscious.

In the past few days, she knew it clearly.

The degree of intimacy of such care is even only between husband and wife. In short, at this time, the body of the Oriental Ice Ling, even the physiology, has no secret to Yang Dingtian.

"I woke up yesterday, but I don't know how to face it. So, don't say goodbye at night! Your blood has not only saved my vitality, but also made a qualitative leap for my mysterious veins and gas sea. This is I didn't think of it beforehand."

Yang Dingtian did not think that his own blood of Jiuyang did not play a big role before the body of the Oriental Ice. This time, when she burned the sea with a black fire, the blood of Jiuyang not only saved her life, but also completely integrated into her body. However, she is a negative Xuanmai, after the blood of Jiuyang is integrated, she has made her gas and Xuanmai refine, so that Yangdingtian is very unexpected.

"This farewell, I don't know what day I can meet. The ice is so confused, I only wish Shen Jun all the way!"

The last is the payment. At the beginning, it was written by the Oriental Ice Ling. Later, the word "Oriental" was removed, leaving only the word ice.

If it is the Oriental ice icing, it will be very formal. If there are only two words, it will be intimate.

She was so upset that the writing was a bit confusing.

Moreover, when she and Qin Huaiyu and others were all at the same time, Yang Dingtian had already called her to say that she was Yangdingtian. Is she already unaware at this time? Here, she called Yang Dingtian as Shen Jun!

However, the oriental ice skating, which has always been arrogant in the atmosphere, can't face herself. It is not like her original character to choose not to say goodbye.

Looking at the beautiful handwriting on the white paper, Yang Dingtian could not help but be confused.

"Hey, don't tell me, don't tell me, otherwise I don't know how to face it." Finally, Yang Dingtian heart secretly.

Then, stack the letters and put them into the space ring.

Suddenly, I don’t know whether it’s an illusion or a real one. He seems to faintly see that there is a beautiful and clever lip print on the letter, which is very light and almost invisible.

Looking at it again, it seems that it is not.

Oriental ice will leave a lip print kiss on paper? It's not like what she will do. However, this looks like a lip print and is the shape of a small mouth of the Oriental ice.

In time, Yangdingtian is even more confused.


After bidding farewell to the fox-man warrior leader on board, Yangdingtian took a boat to the beach and re-entered the land of the northwestern mainland.

After more than half a year, he returned to the northwestern continent. If it is not to leave the grassland in the east, Yangdingtian does not know that the semi-humans refer to the land inhabited by human beings as the Middle-earth.

In order to avoid the sphere of influence of the Qin family in the northwest, the smuggling fleet of the Fox people chose to stop at the south side of the northwestern mainland, about two thousand miles away from Qincheng. Moreover, going to the Netherland from here is much closer.

Although I know that the East Ice Bing must have gone far, Yang Dingtian can't help but unfold the empty spirits and search for it in the air.

Of course, he could not find any trace of the Oriental Ice Ling.

"Oh... it’s quite good to be separated. Otherwise, the East Bingling doesn’t know how to face himself. I don’t know how to face her.” Yangding Tianxin once again sighed.

In fact, neither of them knows how to face it. Because it was in the east before the grassland, almost no one knows Yangdingtian and Oriental ice. Here, it is the kingdom of mankind, and every move of the Oriental Ice Ling will have a great influence.

After setting foot on the land, Yangdingtian identified the southeast and northwest.

"Master, I should now abandon the mine to kill the abyss lord, and dig the remaining Wannian blood Wujin forged a real soul sword. Or go to the Netherland to flame the flame." Yangding Tiandao: "Distance from the cloud city It’s only a month or so.

"Go to the Netherland first..."

Ok, go to the Nether Sea first, and take the flame!

As a result, Yangding first rushed to a market town, bought the most expensive mount, and ran towards the southernmost side.

One and a half days later, Yangdingtian came to the southernmost part of the northwestern mainland.

Then he wrapped up the fastest ship to the southwestern continent between the northwestern continent and the southwestern continent, separated by more than three thousand miles of the sea. The boat under the Yangding Tianbao is not big, the speed is very fast, only one day and one night, it has already arrived in the southwestern mainland.

Then, Yangdingtian once again purchased the most expensive mount and headed for the end of the southwestern mainland.

Day and night, do not sleep, wear stars to wear the moon.

Of course, Yangdingtian on this road is not only on the road, but on the back of the mount, and continues to cultivate. Twenty-four hours a day, they are swallowing Xuan.

In addition to a few days at sea, in the past half a month, Yang Dingtian’s Xuanqi repaired, and even broke through the small half. At this point, it is already six stars, which means that according to his cultivation speed, he can break through the seven-star Wu Zong in more than a month.

This speed of cultivation is completely shocking. However, it is less than a month before the city's position, Da Yangwu, Yang Dingtian has broken through the seven-star Wu Zong, and it is quite difficult to defeat Ximen fear at that time. You must know that Ximen fear has broken through Wu Zun more than a year ago, and he certainly has not made no progress in the past year.


Five days later, Yangdingtian rushed for thousands of miles and finally appeared at the end of the southwestern mainland. Not far from the front, it was the sea. The other side of the sea was the Netherland, where the flames were.

At this time, there are still 22 days from the main battle of the Yunxiao City. (To be continued, this text is provided by Dawning Update Group @87453198. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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