Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 318: :crazy Love! Flame red pills!

Fan Yan has fantasized about the time when Yangdingtian came to pick her up.

She imagined the most perfect script, she looked at him with affection and calmness, you are coming:

In this way, she is both tender and mature, and it shows that she is doing well in the Nethersea.

Of course, in fact, Ximen Flames really lived very well in the days of the Nether.

In the first two months, the flames were as good as the real maid. While serving the salt-free long-haired, she observed her and looked for ways to treat her.

But soon, she found that she didn't have to find any way. As long as she reveals her true color, this seemingly scary salt-free long-haired old man is just a lonely old woman.

In the next two months, Yan Yan began to make mistakes.

In the next two months, Yan Yan began to talk back and spoil.

At the beginning, she played several times. But just like a parent who is naughty and smart, it hurts once.

So, the lighter the lighter. Flames are becoming more and more arrogant and more and more spoiled.

In the end, the relationship between the two men changed from the master and the sword slave to the old woman and the little ancestors.

The ridiculous and simple salt-free long rock can't resist the savage and lovely spoiled Dafa of the flames. It was eaten to death in less than half a year.

Flame Flame became the king of the saltless island:

The salt-free long-haired old character is solitary and secluded. And the salt-free long-haired old man did not dare to provoke the flames, so the flames also became uninspired.

The salt-free long-legged old man also said that the young disciples of the Netherland are very admired by the flames, so they try their best to risk the change of the salt-free island, just to see more of the flames.

At the beginning, the flames were also perfunctory, and then they added directly to the white eyes. Later, they directly carried the unsalted soul sword of the salt-free long-necked old man to catch people. After cutting the big lame of the three younger disciples of the Netherland. Finally, except for a few people, no one dares to come and provoke flames.

Of course, these young disciples of the Nether Sea, repaired to the worst and the worst, are a hundred times better than the flames, but they are still chased by the flames. The flame sword used by the flame flame to cut people was just used by her to burn firewood, and it was used in the stove.

The salt-free long-haired old man once distressed the flames and abused her sword. Although he knew that the sword would not be damaged, he still felt distressed: therefore, he criticized the two flames of flames, and the result was that the next day, no salt, long, old, in his own pit. I found my own sword inside, so I didn’t see it when I was old without salt.

Of course, the flames of such a mischief are not ignorant: but she knows that there is no salt and long, she is too lonely, too unhappy. Therefore, she plays a mischievous bad boy, which can make the salt-free long-haired older happier.

So in general, the flames in the Nether Sea, did not leave the salt-free island step ... straight and nearly a hundred years old salt-free long-term old and old. But in the end, she is still quite good:

Therefore, in the script she envisioned, she saw the first glance of Yangdingtian, and expressed her deep affection. She also said that she was mature and that she had a good life.

She chose this and the way. Deeply and calmly said: You are coming.

In the script of Yang Dingtian, it is also very good with the flames:

Seeing the first sight of the flame, just gently and gently said: Flame, I am coming:

But in fact!

The first glimpse of the meeting, the blazing flame instantly burned two people.

The two kissed madly, kissed and couldn't breathe, kissed the tongue and hurt, still didn't let go, frantically sucked, and exchanged saliva frantically.

Yang Dingtian's big hand frantically kneaded the place of the raspberry on her body, as if to throw this wonderful pet body into his body. At first, it was completely free, and finally it hit the most attractive breasts, and there was a more attractive fat and tender buttocks.

His hands are very hard, and maybe they will catch the delicate body of the flames, and they are very painful:

But this and the pain, it seems as if a splash of water on the oil pan, directly let the flames emerge.

The flames first caught the stamina of Yangdingtian, and injured his arms, but when the pointed nails caught his back, he found that another layer of things was stopped. Then the hot little hand, blindly, without purpose, but was caught by a fiery finger, stretched out between the legs of the sun.

Feeling that Yang Dingtian’s hands were kneading her tender buttocks, she jumped directly and boldly, her legs wrapped around the waist of Yangdingtian.

Two people are madly demanding, kneading and burning.

Yangdingtian gasps like a fire, while kissing, while looking for a place where the flames can lie down.

The eyes swept and found the stone table in the yard.

Directly lean on, sweeping away the things on the stone table.

Then put the flame flame on it, and both hands violently tear the skirt of the flame flame.

The flames of the flames are also like a knife, and they are fiercely smothered.

In a short time, the flames of the nightdress were directly smashed into pounds, leaving a small apron, and a small inner.

The little apron was pulled, and suddenly the fat was overflowing, and the fragrance was coming.

Fingers were inserted into the inner pants and slammed

Suddenly, a more attractive scent came out, and the flames of the flames suddenly stood in front of Yangdingtian as a big white sheep.

Yangdingtian screamed and bit his up.

At this point, the unsalted mother-in-law who was hiding in the house finally couldn't stand it anymore. In front of her eyes, she was really shocked.

Too shameful, too shameless.

She has no salt, but she is an extremely conservative woman. How her little ancestors are so shameless. (In her consciousness, the flame-like imitation cake was born to her granddaughter:)

No, no. Her little ancestors, Zhuang Zong, who was clever and reserved, was the shameless Yang Dingtian who broke her.

So, no salt rushed forward, directly to tear the two, to separate the two two white sheep.

Yangding Tianxian was a big jump. In the moment of crazy kiss, his reason has been completely burned, forgetting that there is still another person on the island.

Just as she converges slightly, the flames of the flames are entangled, and my mouth is open and I am eager to kiss again.

"Taro, can't be like this, too shameless, can't be like this, here is the yard, here is the outside."..."The salt-free long-haired old man pulls on the side, while persuading, still dare not force, only fear of hurting Yan Yan:

Flame flame pushes no salt by hand, while pushing one side: "Mother, you are going, go..."

"No, I am here, I can't let such a bad thing happen. You must wear a good shirt and give me a good talk."

Flame flames wrapped around the sun-top waist, and then a small waist suddenly slammed.

A fiery cry.

Then Yan Yan looked at the clock without salt: "Mother, no, he has already entered..."

The salt-free long scorpion stayed for a while, then angrily said: "There is a bad war, a bad wind... a shame, a shame..."

Then, she flew directly to the surface of the sea, facing back to Yang Ding Tian and Yan Yan, and her heart was filled with anger:

"The two mixed quail eggs, in the broad daylight, directly in the yard to make such a sinister thing ~ ~ even want my old woman to send a whistle ... too mixed, too mixed eggs"... ..."

The salt-free long-legged old man squats and looks at the sea with vigilance: this picture must not be seen by anyone outside the island, otherwise the reputation of her little ancestors is finished, and the body of the ice-clear jade is taken a look. Finished: 哎"... Originally it was ice-clear and jade-clean, and now it is definitely not worth it. However, once it was taken by her husband, it should be considered as ice-clear jade...

The salt-free long-legged old man is complicated and complicated. At this time, if someone passes by, I am afraid that her old man is really killing people:

And in the yard behind her, it is the real thunder, the lightning, the thunder, the fierce battle:

The salt-free long-necked old ancestors, the ancestors of the ancestors, passed into her ears for a while, lest others couldn’t hear them, and they were so loud, I was afraid that they could be clearly seen through the three miles.

"There is a sinister sin, the wind is ruined." Six unsalted long cockroaches teared off a piece of clothing, stuffed it into the ear, and shook his head.

I don't know how long it took, in short, the salt-free long-term old is completely the same as the annual.

Maybe it's an hour, maybe two or three.

In short, the sun was just hollow and west, and now it has fallen into the sea, and it is invisible.

The salt-free long scorpion rips off the cloth inside the ear, and finally there is no such thing as a shameless and scratching heart. (To be continued [This text is provided by Dawning Update Group @毁梦n]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starting" vote, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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