Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 323: : New, dark king Xuan fire! miracle!

"What consequences, what effect does it have on the mother-in-law?" Yang Dingtian asked.

As soon as this was said, the unsalted elders looked at Yang Dingtian’s eyes and became more gentle. He shook his head and said, “I have no influence on me, but for you, the consequences will be very serious.”

Yangding Tiandao: "If there is no other way, then the consequences are serious, I also recognize. Mother-in-law told me, what is the solution?"

The salt-free elder nodded: "Have you heard of the extinction?"

Yangding Tianyi, and then nodded, he certainly heard of the extinction. It’s been heard, even he himself pretended to be extinct.

"He is a refining pharmacist in the Netherland, a beast-speaker. You want to break through Wu Zun in two and a half days. Maybe he will have a way." The salt-free elder said: "But I can't guarantee, maybe he has no way. Maybe he doesn't want to."

"In any case, I should try. Where is the extinction of the predecessor?" Yangding Tiandao.

"In the submarine dungeon of the Nether Sea." Salt-free elders said: "And this thing also needs flames, because in the past six months, the flames are giving him food."

"Dungeon?" Yang Dingtian said with amazement: "Why is he in the dungeon?"

"Because he got a treasure, it is much more precious than your three-foot Naga sage." Salt-free elders.

Yangding Tiandeng was surprised: "What treasures are even more precious than the purple Naga Xuanmai?"

"A complete Naga demon nuclear, and the golden Naga demon nuclear." Salt-free elders.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian exclaimed! Legend has it that the extermination of the head is the result of a golden Naga oracle, and it is completely sinful, so it is completely lost in this world. Yang Dingtian had heard of this rumor before, and when he was pretending to be extinct in the east, he used this rumor in front of Yin Tianchong.

However, he always thought that this rumor was false. I didn't think so, but it wasn't a golden Naga oracle vein that was extinct, but a more precious golden Naga demon nucleus.

Naga's demon nuclear? How can it be? And still the golden Naga demon nuclear.

The preciousness of this thing is far more than the purple Naga family.

First of all, there is a terrible mysterious energy in this demon nucleus. Whether it is Naga or a beast, the mysterious energy is not in the demon nucleus, but in the sea of ​​air. However, the demon nucleus also has a small amount of mysterious energy. If it is an ordinary monster, even the mysterious energy contained in the sacred monster of the millennium beast is not very useful for Yang Dingtian.

But the mysterious energy contained in the Naga's demon nucleus is only a small part of its own mystery. But for Yangdingtian, it is also extremely amazing. It can be said that the mysterious remnants in the Naga demon nucleus may be enough for Yang Dingtian to break through the Wu Zun class.

The ordinary Naga people are already the top class in the world. The golden demon nucleus is the color that the Naga royal family will have.

So what is the amazing energy of the mysterious energy inside?

Of course, although the mystery contained in it is incredible, it is nothing to be said about the other values ​​of this demon nucleus.

The most precious thing about this demon nucleus is the soul and memory contained in it.

Yes, the demon nucleus has some memory, so the horror villa Zhao Zaoji used the best demon nuclear forging soul sword to produce a violent and cruel sword spirit. Of course, at this time, at least the Naga people have died for at least 10,000 years, so the soul memory and mysterious energy in this demon nucleus have dissipated a lot.

But the only remaining soul and memory is incredible. If an incomparably powerful soul teacher can extract the memory inside, even if it is just a word, it will bring an amazing harvest. Of course it is too difficult to do this. There should be no such powerful soul master in this world.

The most direct use of the soul in the demon nucleus is to raise the soul sword. In this world, perhaps no more suitable for feeding the swordsman than Naga's soul.

The arrogance of the king who despise the world, the pride and momentum that stand at the top of time, can completely make a qualitative leap in the cultivation of swordsman.

It can be said that if the soul of the Naga royal family is used to raise the sword spirit, the time of the birth of the sword spirit can be shortened by more than half.


"The status of extinct predecessors in the Nether Sea is extremely high. Even if they get the Naga kings, why are they imprisoned?" Yang Dingtian asked: "Is it because the innocent lord wants to **** the Naga demon nuclear?" ”

"Of course not." The salt-free elders said: "Although the Naga king's demon nucleus is extremely precious, but the innocent lord is not going to take it. And if he wants it, he can open it directly. The extermination of the head is imprisoned. It was because of some ulterior motives that he tried to escape from the Nether Sea, and he also stole more than a dozen Nether Sea treasures and killed 17 disciples. So he was seriously injured by innocent sovereigns and imprisoned in a cell under the sea. ""

"Then the demon nucleus of the Naga kings is still in the hands of the predecessors?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"In." The salt-free elders said: "So, he is the only person who can let you break through Wu Zun in two and a half days, as long as he is willing to give you the naga of the Naga king. Even though this golden demon is used It is a waste of your wife to break through Wu Zun. But at present, this is almost the only way."

"Do you think that he is willing to give me the demon nucleus?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Of course, I don't want to." The salt-free elders said: "So, this method I said is basically a white one. No matter who gets the Naga tribe's genius, it will not be handed over, let alone extinct this person. The indifference and selfishness of this person is completely famous."

After all, the salt-free elders look to Yangding Tiandao: "So, let's try it, but don't hold too much hope. We will find another way."

Yangding nodded.

"He is full of hate for anyone in the Nether Sea, but because of the flames, he once inadvertently saw him being imprisoned, and he said a lot to him. He often sent him meals later, so the flames were him. The only person with a good impression." The salt-free elders said: "After two hours, I will wake up the flames and let her take you to see the extermination."

"Without two hours, we can go now." Suddenly, the sound of flames came from behind, and her voice was completely hoarse, showing very **** and lovely.

Then there was the sound of a splash of water, and she stood out from the jade barrel.

Yangdingtian walked in and saw a beautiful body full of snow. Standing in the water is really a deceitful snow, sleek and exquisite, and tempting to the extreme.

Moreover, she is sleepy and lazy at this time, but every place is full of happiness.

"Why don't you sleep for a while?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Your things have not yet landed, can't sleep." Yan Yan said: "I will wear a shirt, then I will take you to see the extermination of the old man. But you have to be mentally prepared, he looks very scary."

After all, Yan Yan will have to wear a jade barrel to wear a shirt. However, I found that my lower body was very painful. I couldn’t even take my legs and I couldn’t do it. I suddenly screamed and then stunned Yang Dingtian’s eyes and said: “You are awkward, that thing is stupid and big. On the first day, I went to the dead, and I was careful not to get it."

This words have been extremely hooligan, and I heard the eyes of Yang Tiantian turn white, and then I will take out the flames.

Reaching out and copying, the flames will be lifted up, and the water will flow down.

Suddenly, Yangding’s eyes fell on the lower abdomen of the flames, bursting into a burst.

The flames of the flames were red, covering the beauty of the cover, and stunned him with a whisper: "Death, I have eaten and made it all day, and I haven’t seen enough."

Yang Dingtian kissed her on her little mouth: "This beautiful place will never be enough. However, I am not looking at it now, but here."

After all, Yangdingtian refers to the lower abdomen of the flame.

The beautiful lower abdomen of the flat micro-long, white and flawless. But the middle part, but another group of faint black red, faintly the shape of the flame, and will move!

"Under the madness, I almost forgot an important thing. There is still something in your stomach that has not been taken out." Yangding Tiandao.

"What?" asked the flame.

"The dark crystals wrapped in flames, the terrible thing that creates energy black holes." Yangding Tiandao: "Just now, it swallowed one-third of the purple Naga Xuanmai energy, so it is no longer destructive and stops engulfing. After we had done everything, the two of us slumbered and forgot to take this out."

"How come it out, don't you put your hand in and take it out, where should you stick in?"

"Stretch in from here." Yang Dingtian snorted under the flames.

"Then your little wife will die, you are willing." Yan Yan giggled, clamping the thighs and clamping the top of the sun.

"Although it is now the darkness of silence, but it is still difficult to force it out by your cultivation. We still need to use some kind of evil Dafa." Yangding Tiandao: "I will **** it out."

When the words came out, the flames trembled and shouted: "Brother, although doing this kind of thing is ecstasy. But, today we have done five hours, I, I have been comfortable for ten or twenty. After all, everything in the body has been exhausted. Now the mouth is very thirsty, and there is red and swollen, which is really unbearable."

"Reassured, this time I will be very careful. Just take it out, we will stop, and a moment will be fine." Yangding Tiandao.

"That, then okay..." Flames bit his teeth and endured the thigh again.

Yangdingtian hugged her and came to the bed, then put her down and pressed it up.


It is a moment of time, but it has been tossed for almost half an hour.

In the words of the flames, since they all started, it will end perfectly. So, in her hoarse and incompetent, the two men climbed to the top again.

Then, two people washed their bodies in jade barrels filled with holy water and put on their clothes.

The darkness of the silence has already been pushed to the palm of the hand by Yangdingtian.

The energy black hole, within the sea of ​​flames, is only a virtual energy body, but it is physically material. Yangdingtian needs one inch and one inch to force it out of the body.

"Out..." Yangding Tian Xuanqi slammed out suddenly, and suddenly a small to the extreme darkness flew out from the palm of his hand.

Yang Dingtian leaned closer to his eyes and said: "This is the world's first poisonous, far more than the dark crystal of deep sea mystery."

This is the tens of thousands of kilograms of seawater extracted from the center of the Red Sea. The tens of thousands of kilograms of seawater only extract such a small piece. Originally, Yangdingtian thought it was almost as big as a dust. But at this time, it seems that there is no dust, and in the era of the earth, almost no one can see the dark crystals by the naked eye.

Yangding Tianmu measured that the diameter of this thing should be less than one hundredth of a millimeter.

It is such a dark particle that is too small to be seen by the naked eye, and it will be the talent of the flame of the flame, and her cultivation for more than ten years is swallowed up.

"Sheng Yan, who is so worried, willing to give you such a poisonous hand?" Yangding Tiandao.

The flames of the flames changed, and the beauty flashed a very painful look. "Their goal is not me, but hehe. Brother, this thing is waiting for Yunxiaocheng, I will tell you, okay?"

This matter is the most painful secret in the flames. At this time, she is not completely ready to say everything. Of course, at this time, she has already cast her heart on Yangdingtian, so she has decided to tell him. Only if she needs to go back to her own home, she has the courage to say the whole secret.

"Good..." Yangding Tianrou channel.

"Brother, what about this sinful thing?" Yan Yan said: "Can you ruin it? Lest it harm the world."

"I tried to use Xuan Huo to see if I could burn it." Yangding Tiandao.

"Call..." A flame slammed out from the top of the sky.

The color of the flame is getting redder and thinner.

At this time, the Xuanhuo summoned by Yangdingtian condenses the terrible energy to the extreme, so it is almost invincible and can destroy anything in this world. In order to forge a young sword, Yang Dingtian needs to find the best fire to be able to financialize the blood of the year.

At this time, this flame of Yangding Tianshou can instantly burn a million years of blood Wujin directly into ashes.

"You may be the darkest thing in the world, and now completely destroy you." Yangding is coming.

Then, the terrible Yiling demon violently swallowed toward the dark crystal.

If the energy black hole is just a virtual energy body, then the sacred fire of Yangdingtian is still helpless. But at this time, it obviously has an entity, and that billions of spirits are absolutely invincible.

The terrible Yiling demon fire frantically burned this extremely dark thing.

I saw that this dark crystal gradually changed color. From extreme black to black and red, and finally to red, almost the same color as the mysterious fire.

When the red is at its best, the dark crystallization will be completely wiped out.

Just then, something amazing happened.

Suddenly, the dark crystal that was burnt red became extremely restless, and began to jump wildly, as if to fight for something.


Suddenly, the world around it is suddenly dark.

The house where Yangdingtian is located suddenly trembled.

The moon outside is also faint.

Then, this dark crystal not only did not destroy, but swollen violently, directly became ten times larger, and there was a dust size.

Then, Yangdingtian and Yanyan felt the whole cold and darkness.

The dusty dark crystals turned dark again and completely dark. In the palm of the palm of the sun, it directly forms an energy black hole, which is ten times more powerful than the flame.

At this time, Yangdingtian has completely felt the terrible devouring power of this energy black hole, because he has already felt the extreme uneasiness of his own sea of ​​air, the whole body of the mysterious veins are just around the corner, even his own soul and mental strength are just around the move, as if at any time. To split a hole, then rush out, completely swallowed by this energy black hole.

This thing is amazing.

At this point, the face of the flame flame has completely changed, and it is necessary to completely faint in the past. The light in the pupil is faltering and may be extinguished at any time.

The flame is dangerous.

Such a small energy black hole, it is going to devour everything.

"What happened?" The salt-free elders outside rushed in and protected the flames.

"I took the dark crystals out of the flames and burned them with the black fire. As a result, it was not destroyed, but it was ten times stronger." Yangding Tiandao.

"God..." The salt-free elders changed: "What should I do? What should I do? You quickly throw it away and destroy it, otherwise your whole body will be destroyed."

However, there is no doubt that it cannot be destroyed.

Throw it away? No matter where you throw it, the people around you will be completely finished. And if it falls in the hands of other people in the Nether, the consequences are completely unimaginable.

At this time, the black fire that was originally burning was suddenly disappeared and entered into this dark crystal.

The black fire that burned it turned out to be swallowed up. Can it even be swallowed by Xuanhuo?

Yang Dingtian is completely horrified. In the world, what else can stop this dark crystallization? Absolutely not.

Just a small dust size is so amazing. If there is a basketball size, the life and energy of the whole world will be completely swallowed up.

Yangdingtian was so anxious that he didn't know where to put it. Inside the space ring? There are a lot of energy treasures in it. Once this thing is put in, the treasures in the ring of the whole space will be completely destroyed.

Now, there is another way to make it quiet. That is to let it swallow up the energy and let it sink again.

However, at this time it has been ten times more powerful. If you want to let it sink, you need at least a dozen times the energy of the purple Naga family. Where do you want to find such energy?

But at this time, things have changed.

The dark crystals that swallowed the flame of the black fire suddenly burst open.

"Call..." Then, the air came out with a dark flame.

That's right, the black flame.

Yangdingtian has never seen a dark flame, including salt-free elders, and has never seen a dark flame.

The darkness of the crystallization, and the original Xuanhuo actually merged into a brand new thing, the dark flame.

After turning into a dark flame, the suction that devours everything disappears.

The interior was restored to light, and the moonlight outside was restored.

This black flame burned quietly. Suddenly, it licked its head and gently approached Yangdingtian. It is like a naughty child, to smell the atmosphere of Yang Tiantian.

Then, as if it sensed something, it was actually jumping and cheering.

"Mother, this, what is this?" Yangdingtian was shocked.

"Another Xuan Huo, Yang Dingtian, you have just created a brand new black fire." Salt-free elders said: "You use a part of the billion spirits, and the dark crystals, merge into a brand new The mysterious fire."

Yang Dingtian was completely shocked.

Also, can you do this?

"Of course, this is just a mysterious fire in infancy, and it is very weak." Salt-free elders said: "But, when it grows up, it will become the most powerful and scary in the world. Fire. This mysterious fire can be worth the whole hell."

Yiling demon fire, the king of the world under the Xuanhuo, the things of the sun.

Dark crystallization, the ultimate in the dark energy of the world, the overlord in the dark.

Now the two have combined to create a brand new Xuanhuo, a Xuanhuo baby that can be named the Dark King.

"And, this Xuanhuo recognizes you as the Lord." Salt-free elders.

Yang Dingtian said with amazement: "What should I do now? Take it into the sea?"

"Of course not." Salt-free elders said: "If you do that, it will swallow everything in the sea. You can't put it in the sea, you have to put it in another place. But the world. There is no such a place. So the only ending is that this sacred fire baby will dissipate and perish!"

“Is it going to perish?” Yang Dingtian said incredulously: “It is a combination of dark crystallization and Yiling demon fire. How can it perish?”

"If it is a billion spirit, because it is already with you, unless it dies, it will not perish. If it is dark, it will be invincible and never die. But after combining it into a mysterious fire, it will With life, and where there is no place to live, energy will continue to overflow until it is completely destroyed."

How could this be?

Let it enter your own sea of ​​sea, this dark mysterious baby will devour everything.

But if you don't get into the sea, it will dissipate.

"It is the king of the darkness, perhaps it should not appear in this world, let it die." Yangding Tiandao.

"No..." The salt-free elders said: "Do you know the gates of the world? You should know the border guardians, you should know the Red Sea in the sky?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Of course I know."

"In the Red Sea in the sky, anyone who enters will temporarily lose all the mystery. So you want to break this, you have to destroy the border guardian in the Red Sea in the sky, you have to cross the door of the world, perhaps the only way is through Your dark mysterious fire, when it is extremely powerful, it can destroy the dark energy of the entire Red Sea in the sky." Salt-free elders: "It appears, perhaps the destiny of the world, the destiny of the world. Now you All that is needed is to give it a place to live. Then, look for food in the future and make it strong."

“What do you think it eats?” Yangding Tiandao.

"Energy, all energy, it is best to be a mysterious fire, the more the mysterious fire, the better." Salt-free elders.

Yang Dingtian was completely horrified.

In this world, every black fire is extremely precious. Anyone who has got a mysterious fire can become a master-level powerhouse. Even the salt-free elders in front of them have no real black fire.

In front of this dark mysterious fire, it is necessary to use Xuan Huo as food.

When it was born, it was destined to be the hegemon of energy. Although it is very weak at this time.

What is needed now is to find a place to live with it.

Suddenly, what Yang Dingtian thought of, said: "Mother, can it live in the ring of soul? It is the ring of souls of evil spirits, specially used to pretend the soul of war."

"You have a ring of soul? Have you learned the evil spirits?" The salt-free elders.

"I didn't study. I was forced to force the evil spirits into my mind. I have never used it." Yangding Tiandao: "Can the soul ring let it live?"

"Of course, the soul ring is an independent energy space, completely isolated from the outside world, the dark Xuanhuo baby can just live in." Salt-free elders.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian took out the soul ring from the space ring, and then guided it with Xuanqi, injecting this dark mysterious fire into the soul ring.

This dark Xuanhuo baby, although unwilling, twisted and swayed into the soul ring. It wants to live in the sea of ​​Yangdingtian, but it is barely acceptable to enter the soul ring.

"There are many surviving evil wars in this soul ring. Don't worry about the dark mysterious fire?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Of course it matters, they will be eaten clean, just a dark tooth fire." Salt-free elders.

Yang Dingtian held the ring of the soul in his hand. Sure enough, in the moment when the dark Xuanhu entered, the terrible coldness and the tragic sound of the ear disappeared instantly. The evil spirits remaining inside are directly eaten by the dark Xuanhuo.

Although the evil sorcerer's soul is terrible but compared with the dark Xuanhuo, it is really like a small ants face the king.

"Wom, when can I introduce it into the sea?" Yangding Tiandao, because only the introduction of the sea, Xuanhuo can be with the owner, you can use it as you wish.

"I don't know..." The salt-free elders shook his head and said: "But you can definitely enter the sea when you enter it. It is still just a newborn baby. When it grows up and it is invincible, you have to Have enough patience."

Yangding nodded.

"Well, time is tight, you and Yan Yan quickly go to find the extermination head, no matter what method, you must get his Naga king's golden demon nuclear hand, and use the shortest time to break through the Wu Zun strong." Salt elders.

"Yes, mother-in-law, let's go find extinction."


More than an hour later.

Yang Dingtian and Yan Yan re-dressed their clothes, took the food box, and boarded a small boat, and went to the bottom of the Nether Sea.

Can you break through Wu Zun, can you successfully break through Song Yu, can you leave the Nether Sea with the flames and return to the Yunxiao City, and see if you can get the Naga kings who have the value of the city from the extinction .

Naga royal family, almost half-god! (To be continued, this text is provided by the breaking update group @ch8296929. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read .)

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