Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 327: :success! Crazy to swallow Naga energy!

The salt-free elders on the island have been waiting anxiously, and their expressions are full of fear and uneasiness.

After Yangdingtian and Yanyan went to the salt-free island, the salt-free elder immediately whispered, "Is it taken?"

Yangding nodded.

Suddenly, the salt-free elders were horrified and horrified. To be honest, she really did not think that Yangding could really get the golden demon of the Naga royal family.

Next, Yangdingtian only has one day to devour the powerful mysterious energy in the Naga king's demon nucleus!

After returning to the salt-free island, Yangdingtian directly drilled into the room. The flames had to be drilled in, but they were stopped by the salt-free elders: "Shengyan, you are waiting outside, I am watching in the yard, don't I am bothering him."

Therefore, only Yang Dingtian was in the room.

At this time, the water in the jade barrel is still there, and there is a full amount of holy water inside. It was originally used for the flame, and she did not use it. Now, it will be used for Yangding.

Because the mysterious energy in the Golden Demon nucleus is extremely amazing, what kind of damage it will bring to Yangdingtian is completely unknown, but in general it will be terrible.

Yangdingtian is naked and sits in the dilute holy water.

Take a deep breath and then slowly close your eyes.

Wait, maybe it will be very painful!

Close your eyes for a few minutes, let your brain calm down completely, and pass the entire plan in your head.

Yangding Tianyi opened his eyes and took out the golden demon nucleus of the Naga royal family from the space ring.

Suddenly, the water in the entire jade barrel is completely golden, completely gold-like.

Even the body of Yangdingtian has turned into a beautiful golden color.

This golden demon nucleus is completely sturdy to the extreme. The original Naga tribe's nucleus is already stronger than the purple Naga sacred vein, not to mention the golden demon nucleus of the Naga royal family. Therefore, the degree of solidity and the purple Naga Xuanmai are not the same.

Therefore, although the Nether Sea is coveted by the energy and soul of this demon nucleus, it is always unable to open and gain the mysterious and soul memories inside.

If Yangdingtian relies on the Yiling demon fire, it is completely unable to open this demon nuclear. Even if the Xuanhuo is condensed to the extreme, it will not break the demon nuclear.

Because, Naga is the highest creature in the world, with a semi-god status.

But at this time, Yangdingtian not only wants to devour the energy inside, but also the whole demon nuclear is intact. This is too difficult and completely impossible.

However, the reason why Yangdingtian dared to promise to destroy the head is because he has a dark mysterious fire, a dark fire that devours all energy.

Ordinary Xuanhuo may not be comparable to the level of the Naga royal family, but the energy black hole should be possible, perhaps the energy black hole is already the world's top energy material.

Yangdingtian only needs to summon the dark mysterious fire, and it will immediately devour the energy inside the demon nucleus, which will directly create an invisible gap to the demon nucleus that is invisible to the naked eye.

At that time, the mysterious energy will continue to rush out from this exit, all infiltrated into this holy water. Yangdingtian runs the refining sputum, refining and engulfing the mysterious gas inside it and swallowing it into its own sea of ​​gas.

"Call...", Yang Dingtian summoned the dark mysterious fire from the ring of the soul.

At this time, the dark black fire is still very fragile, can not stay outside for a long time, otherwise the energy will dissipate.

"You are the Dark King, the Xuan Fire Overlord, go and don't let me down." Yang Dingtian heart secretly.

Then, raise the golden demon nucleus in the hand and approach the dark mysterious fire.

"Oh...", the dark Xuanhuo felt an extremely pure, extremely powerful energy, suddenly leaping violently, as if becoming extremely excited.

Without waiting for the control of Yangdingtian, the dark Xuanhuo condensed fiercely, becoming as sharp as a needle, and slammed into the golden demon nucleus.

As long as it is pierced by the house, there will be a gap in the golden demon nucleus, and the mysterious energy will continue to flow out.

Although this dark winter is still very young, but after the condensed to the extreme, this naked eye can hardly see the black thorn completely giving a feeling of destroying everything, piercing everything, even the world supreme, the golden demon of the Naga royal family nuclear.

Seeing the dark Xuan Huo slammed into the golden demon nucleus, Yang Dingtian heart jerked, holding his breath and waiting for the moment of mysterious turbulence.


However, the result disappointed Yang Dingtian.

The dark mysterious fire thorn was not directly pierced after the golden demon nucleus, but was directly reflected back.

Extremely powerful, omnipotent, swallowing all the darkness of the Xuanhuo, even the Naga king's demon nuclear can not help. The dark energy that penetrated was reflected directly back.

Yangdingtian does not believe in evil, personally controls the dark Xuanhuo, and carefully put together the Yiling demon fire and the dark Xuanhuo, and then slams into the golden demon nucleus.

"Call..." still has no effect, and is directly reflected back by the golden shell of the demon nucleus.

Suddenly, Yangding Tianxin is in a cold!

The shell of this demon nucleus is also too bad, even the dark Xuan fire is helpless. Between the next day, what else can open it?

Moreover, the killer of Yangdingtian is this dark mysterious fire. But at this time, the killer has failed, and the Yangding innocence has nothing to do.

It seems that this time I really can't make a shortcut. I really want to use the six-star Wu Zong to fight Song Yu.

It’s no wonder that the extermination of the head is said that this golden demon nucleus is taken away and is useless. And if it can be opened, it is estimated that the extermination of the head is already open.

Yang Dingtian re-calls the Dark Xuan Fire into the ring of the soul, and stays outside for a while, it is already a little weak.

Yang Dingtian sighed for a long time, then lay in the jade barrel, holding the golden demon nucleus in his hand, staring helplessly.

Perhaps, this world is the best, can you just enjoy it in your hands and enjoy it for a day?

At this point, the flames outside were really burning, and there was no movement in the room. I couldn’t help it anymore. Jiao said: "Frather, can I come in?"

"Come in...", Yangding Tiandao.

Yan Yan came in and looked at the sun and looked at the sky. His face showed a sweet smile: "Brother, this thing is so beautiful, you have been playing, haven't you begun to devour its energy?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I have tried twice and can't pierce his shell and can't devour its energy."

Yan Yandao: "You don't worry, there are definitely other ways. Your Xuan Huo is so powerful."

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "I tried it with the combination of Yiling demon fire and dark Xuanhuo. It is still useless."

The flames are beautiful, revealing a sweeter smile: "Then we can find another way, we go to find a mother-in-law to find a way. If there is no way, our husband and wife will fight with Song Yu."

Yangding Tiandeng smiled softly toward the flames, then opened his arms.

The flames of the birds generally rushed over and bent together and embraced the sky. At this time, Yang Dingtian suddenly felt that the golden demon nucleus in his hand jumped slightly and was hot.

Yang Dingtian was also shocked, and could not help but hurry to the golden demon in his hand.

Nothing happens, is it just an illusion?

Yang Dingtian eyes stared at the golden demon nucleus and finally found that it did move. There are countless veins inside, countless stars, as if shining lightly, gradually lighting up, and then gradually darkening. The range is very weak and almost negligible.

How is this going? The demon nucleus has not changed since then. Is there a movement at this time?

What happened at this time, the flames rushed over and embraced Yang Tiantian.

Is this change in the demon nucleus related to the flames?

Yangding Tianchao Flame Road: "Baby, you go back a dozen steps, give it a try."

The flames are incomprehensible, but in accordance with the words of Yangdingtian, they have retreated a dozen steps.

Sure enough, the movement of the demon nucleus became weaker and weaker until it completely disappeared.

"Baby, come over again." Yangding Tiandao.

Flame flame came forward.

Sure enough, the demon nucleus had a movement again, although it was still very weak.

Is the movement of this demon nucleus really related to the flames? This is too strange, Yang Dingtian can't understand.

No matter how the flames are, it is not related to the Naga people. She is not Ningning after all.

Then Yang Dingtian suddenly thought of one thing. Before the flames, there was no relationship with the Naga, but now it has a relationship, because the Xuanmai of the flames has been transformed by the Naga Xuanmai. At this time, her mysterious veins are brand new and filled with the genes of the Naga.

Perhaps this is the reason!

This thought together, Yang Dingtian brain suddenly slammed inside.

Perhaps, he has a way to have his way to open the shell of the demon nucleus. In the face of such a powerful and supreme Naga race, it cannot be strong enough to conform.

"Baby, I suddenly thought of a way." Yangdingtian surprised.

The flames shine brightly, saying: "Would I go outside waiting for you?"

Yangding nodded.

Flame flames left the room and then closed the door.

Yang Dingtian took out a foot of Naga purple mysterious vein from the space ring.

"Call..." Then, summoned a billion spirits.

Cohesion, cohesion, cohesion...

The eternal fire of the Yiling enchanted to the extreme, and slammed into the foot of a purple Naga.

Suddenly, this mysterious vein illuminates violently, emitting a dazzling purple light, and the brilliance of the golden demon nucleus is fascinating.

It is getting brighter and brighter.

The Naga mysterious veins burned by the mysterious fire are illuminated to the extreme.

"Boom..." Suddenly, Xuanmai violently turned into a myriad of purple photons, spread over the entire jade barrel, and covered the whole body.

Yangding Tianxuanhuo condensed countless Nazi Xuanmai photons in the flame, and suddenly the red Xuanhuo became a gorgeous purple.

Yang Dingtian palms a pack, suddenly filled with Naga Xuanmai photon Xuanhuo violently wrapped the golden demon nuclear, tightly wrapped.

Then, countless Naga Xuanmai photons began to spin rapidly and swiftly.


Then, countless photons desperately drilled into the golden demon nucleus.

Originally extremely strong, even the dark demon fire can not be pierced by the golden demon nuclear shell, at this time fully unfolded embrace, let the innumerable Naga Xuanmai photon influx. In just a few seconds, all the purple photons of Naga Xuanmai, mixed with the sacred fire of Yangdingtian, all plunged into the golden Naxi kings, and disappeared cleanly.

Yes, it is sturdy and can't be pierced even by the dark fire. However, it is willing to absorb and put in its own kind. The purple Naga family has a lower grade, but it is the same. Therefore, the golden Naga demon checkout purple mysterious veins completely released the embrace These purple Xuanmai photons all poured in, the golden demon nuclear quiet for a few seconds.

Suddenly, a golden light burst into flames.

Then, countless golden rays burst out from the demon nucleus, like the real sun, bursting with dazzling light.

Most of this golden light penetrates directly into the body of Yangdingtian.

During the time, Yangdingtian felt an extremely domineering, extremely pure, extremely powerful mysterious energy, which almost made Yangdingtian unable to breathe.

"Hey..." I couldn't keep up with it. Yangding spurted a spurt of blood, and the whole body's mysterious veins shattered.

The energy inside this golden demon nucleus is too overbearing.

And Yang Dingtian clearly feels that it also contains the energy of the purple Naga Xuanmai. Only after entering the demon nucleus, the purple ray vein photon is completely engulfed by the golden energy, and then spurted out and penetrated into the body of Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian endured the incomparable pain, and quickly put the golden nucleus of this shining light into the holy water, then closed his eyes and released the entrance of the mysterious veins of the whole body, desperately consuming the mysterious energy of this incomparable king.

He succeeded!

Countless hegemony, through the holy water, the endless stream, into the Yangdingtian body surge.

He succeeded! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @swds all the way]] If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please Read to m.)

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