Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 410: : The method of saving ice and phoenix dance! relief!

This illusion mask on the face of Yang Dingtian is very interesting. At the same time, it is also the most precious mask in the world. Because this is a real face and a living face. No one, even an intimate person, can see that this face is fake, because it is so full of eyes and pupils that it is completely alive.

Its production is also extremely accidental and difficult.

First, you need a magical beast.

The phantom beast is almost one of the rarest monsters in the world. Its combat talent is not very powerful, but it has a near-inferior ability, that is, illusion. It can change almost anything it wants to become, even people!

Not that, this light, it makes people a little creepy. Because maybe, the woman who is lying in your bed one day is actually not the woman, but the illusionary beast. Of course, this situation will not happen, because the magical beast will not speak first, and then it will be shorter.

To make a magical mask, you need to catch a phantom beast and then peel off its dough. (This kind of monster is very against the sky, every place in the body can be peeled off but will not hurt his life) After sowing its dough, then find a person who will die, put the dough on his face.

Why is it a dead person? Because the face of the phantom beast is attached to the face, it will grow into the face of this person and blend into the face of this person. If this person is alive for a long time, then this facial skin will completely disappear into the body of this person. And if this person dies in a short time, then this phantom animal skin will take the initiative to leave the person's face and find a new host. Even the application of the phantom animal skin to the death of this person has strict time requirements, and the time is long. Time is short.

Therefore, it is very difficult to satisfy these two conditions.

As for the simple phantom beast, there is no way to catch it. First of all, its speed is almost as fast as it is. Second, even if you encounter it, you don't know that it is a fantasy beast. Because it can be arbitrarily transformed into any appearance, not only monsters, but also stones, dirt and so on.

It is purely accidental that Ximen Ningning got this illusion mask.

At that time, Ximen Ningning met with the floating spirit, which is a very rare beautiful mount, Ningning wants to tame it. So, after chasing her, she ran for thousands of miles and came to the depths of the Indigo Mountains. There she met a dying man, the owner of this face, and in front of him there was a phantom beast that had died.

The man told Ning Ning that he was Ning Yu, the young master of the Nanhai Ning. Because he has been killed for a long time, but reality requires him to be alive, so he wants to live in another way. Therefore, he is going to make a magical mask that is exactly the same as his face. Then put this mask on the face of another man and let the man live instead of him. Go to the business that should be completed and take care of the people who should be taken care of.

It took him three years to find a phantom beast and chased tens of thousands of miles to catch up with the indigo mountains. When he grabbed the illusionary beast, he also approached the oil. Life is not long.

Ximen Ningning spent a lot of effort and failed to save him.

Ning Yu asked Ximen Ningning, after he died, peeled off the illusion mask on his face and handed it to a person named Sha.

of course. Ningning has been looking for a long time, and has not heard of a person named Sha. I even listened to the Nanhai Ning people and I have never heard of this person. Therefore, Ning Ning put the mask on the side, and when Yang Dingtian needed it, she temporarily loaned the mask to Yangdingtian.

I didn't think of what happened in the future. Many things in Yangdingtian were too late to return to Ningning. Among them, this illusion mask is included.


After the beautiful woman finished the punisher of the annihilation temple, she kneeled directly in front of Yangdingtian and kissed Yangdingtian’s toes: “Sin’s Ningbi, seeing the Lord.”

Then, this beautiful woman suddenly fell silent.

And the woman who shouted Yangding Tianninglang, after throwing into the arms of Yangdingtian, cried to the sound of not being able to make a sound, and clung to Yangdingtian, and even fainted directly.

There is no doubt that there is absolutely a sad story behind this.

The punisher of the Temple of Dim Sum, looking at the face of Yang Dingtian, the whole body began to tremble fiercely.

After the woman was crying, she pointed to the punisher: "You are a slave, and you say that the Lord is dead, and then lurking to the snow-coat girl, what is your heart?"

After all, this beautiful woman directly pulled out a blue sword with energy condensation from her sleeve, and said coldly: "Today, I will kill you."

Then, the beautiful woman rushed directly to the punisher.

Yang Dingtian saw the beauty of this beautiful woman, about Wu Zun, not the opponent of this punisher.

But the actual situation, this punishing person is dodging, it seems very embarrassing, and in a blink of an eye was stabbed a few swords.

Yangding Tian was shocked. I wondered if I was wrong. The Yin and Yang people of the Nanhai Ning people are not the punishing people of the Temple of Destroy.

It was only in this moment that the Yin and Yang people were stabbed in several swords, and it was already at stake.

Yang Dingtian hurryed: "Stop, I..."

When this was said, I didn’t think that the Yin and Yang people rushed straight into the sun, and sighed: "Less master, I have something to say!"

This yin and yang person seems to be unwilling to say the rest of the words.

"Ning Bi, you go out to snowsuit first, I have something to say to him." Yangding Tiandao.

That Ning Bi, obviously, is absolutely obedient to the lesser Ning.

Suddenly, after slightly bending down, she left the snowsuit.

Suddenly, within the secret room of a few hundred meters underground, there are only Yangdingtian, Dongfang Bingling, and the Nanyang Ningzu Yinyang people.


“Yangdingtian?” The Nanhai Ning people are yin and yang.

Yang Dingtian suddenly slammed, did not expect the other party to directly smash his identity.

Nodded, Yang Dingtian tried to ask: "Sha is unknown?"

At that time, Ning Wei was let Ximen Ningning hand over the illusion mask to Sha Wuming.

Sha is not a name, but it is not really a name. There are many people in the South China Sea called Sha Wu, they all have a common identity. That is the illegitimate child. So this name is completely synonymous with low-lying.

"No." The Yin Yang people shook their heads: "Are you coming to find the annihilator of the sacred temple?"

Yangding nodded.

"I am the punisher." That yin and yang humanity.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s hair was vertical and ready to fight.

"You are far from my opponent." Yin and Yang said: "The oriental ice is very strong, I am still a little bit worse, but she is in my soul hunch. It is already destined to be made by me. So I really want to fight, You can't help me, but you will die here."

Yangding Tiandao: "I am negotiating. In the northwest Qincheng, you are willing to spend such a big price, you have to get this yin and yang round crystal. Now, I am willing to give this yin and yang round crystal to you."

"What do you want to get?" The punishing person said.

"I want to solve the method of the soul of the magic." Yangding Tiandao.

"Impossible." The punisher said: "The soul-seeking magic is mysterious, there is no solution. This is the sacred law of the Lord of the Temple of the Destroyed God, which was transformed in the soul of the soul of the soul two hundred years ago. There is absolutely no solution."

"Do you really have no way?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Absolutely not." The punishing person said.

"That's good. You have no way, then you come to listen to my method." Yangding Tiandao: "If I remember correctly, I only need to force out the evil spirits in the body of the Soul Eater. solution."

"The principle is correct, but what do you use to force out the evil spirits?" The punishing sneer.

"You have planted the soul sorcerer in the body of the solitary phoenix dance and the oriental icicles. There is a parasitic parasite in your body. As long as you kill you, this evil spirit will lose its host. The oriental ice ling and the phoenix dance in the body The soul magic energy itself is weak, and then **** it out with the energy black hole. It should be cured." Yangding Heaven Road.

"Do you have an energy black hole?" The punisher was alarmed.

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao: "Do you think that my method. Can it make sense?"

"It's definitely a genius idea, but the premise is to kill me, right?" The punishing person said.

"Yes." Yangding Tiandao.

"Unfortunately, if you two of you add up, you can't kill me, but you will die in my hands." The punisher said.

"That's a try." Yangding Tiandao. Then slowly pull out the golden soul sword, and then shouted loudly to the outside: "Come, kill me this evil slave!"

When the words came out, a few figures suddenly rushed in from the outside.

Not only is there a beautiful woman, but also a girl named Snow. There are also three Wu Zun class olds.

When these people came in, they shouted in unison: "Yes, less master!"

The punisher changed his face and looked at Yang Ding's cold voice: "You are mean."

"Sorry!" Yangding Tiandao: "Up, kill him!"

Suddenly, several masters of the Nanhai Ningzu, lightning generally rushed toward the punisher.

Almost instantaneously, this punisher fell completely into the wind, as if he was a rat, especially when facing the girl's snowsuit, he was completely careful, lest she hurt her a little.

Then, the Yangding Tianjian sword rushed in.

Oriental Bingling frowned, she really didn't want to join this time. Her Oriental Ice Ling has always been single-handedly fighting. At this time, it is against her pride to be alone with others.

Looking at Yang Dingtian with a little helplessness, the Oriental Ice Ling also took the sword and rushed into the battle group.

After the Oriental Ice Ling entered the battle group, the situation suddenly changed completely.

Originally, the Nanhai Ning masters played the punisher, although they had the upper hand, but there was no actual result. It’s just a punisher, it seems that they don’t want to hurt them a little bit, so they’re squeezing.

After the entry of the Oriental Ice Ling, the sword is like a lightning, and it is like a ghost.

Almost immediately, this punishing person was immediately at stake.

The punisher changed his face and said: "It's offended."

Then, his eyes stunned and his palm jerked.

"Brush..." Suddenly, the air violently solidified and was trapped by a terrible and sinister energy.

The four masters of the Nanhai Ningzu were all set in an instant and could not move at all.

Yangding Tianlu was horrified, what kind of tricks, even so powerful, even lived to fully settle the four masters.

Then, he looked at the Oriental Ice Road: "I was worse than the original, but after the soul-seeking magic, you are destined to be very passive. You don't know. After the soul-seeking magic, even the Grand Master. The strong, will become awkward, will the caster control the applause?"

Then, the punisher's face jerked a terrible blue and strange color, a dark atmosphere. Suddenly emerged from his body.

In an instant, like a demon, he rushed out of his body and rushed toward the eastern ice, slamming into the brain of the ice.

"Well..." In an instant, the ice was stagnant.

Then weird things happened. She couldn’t control her sword completely. She couldn’t control her own hands and couldn’t control her body. The sword that had been stabbed to the punisher was actually stabbed directly in the sun.

Her speed is too fast. The cultivation of the masters of the master class, Yang Dingtian is completely unable to resist.

"Brother, you run..." Bing Ling exclaimed.

However, her sword, still completely uncontrolled, slammed into the chest of the sun.

"Oh..." In an instant, an incomparably powerful energy instantly hits the chest of Yangdingtian.

"Oh..." A blood spurted out.

then. A horrible energy of ice cold, instantly tearing all the defenses of Yangdingtian. Drilled into his mysterious veins, and plunged into his sea of ​​air, and immediately torn his sea of ​​air into pieces.

Jiuyang Xuanmai, the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo, almost completely unable to resist the encounter with the powerful energy of the Oriental Ice Ling.

moment. The gas sea of ​​Yangdingtian will be completely torn, and the whole person will instantly break the bones.

The Oriental Ice Ling only has one sword, and it directly makes Yang Dingtian's body broken.

"No..." The East Ice Ling usually screamed.

"No..." The Oriental Ice Ling body trembled fiercely, and instantly gnawed his teeth, and the beauty slammed a terrible will.

then. Her delicate body trembled, a powerful blue force, instantly oscillated from her body.

"Boom..." The ground trembled.

A few hundred meters from the ground, the earth began to tear, and the layers were layered up.

In an instant, all the trees on the ground, the pavilions, shattered in an instant,

The will of the Oriental Ice Ling is so amazing!

Just now, she has been controlled by the evil spirits of the Soul Eater, to kill Yangdingtian.

In order to save the sun, in order to stop this tragedy, she used her terrible will to instantly attack the evil spirits.

Moreover, she has succeeded.

But the consequence is that her collision and tearing of the sea, the collision and tear of the entire body energy.

This tearing allowed her to successfully stop the killing of the sun. But the consequence is that the self is destroyed.

It was as if a nuclear bomb exploded in the sea of ​​her body.

The punisher is very close to the Oriental Ice Ling, that is, he uses evil spirits to control the will of the Oriental Ice. But did not think that the will of Ice Ling is so amazing, violently resisting the control of evil spirits.

This powerful collision directly countered him.

A spurt of blood slammed out, and the body of the punisher flew straight out and slammed into the wall and fell.

The masters of the Nanhai Ning nationality, all the personnel are not saved, life and death are not clear.

"Brother, go..." Oriental Bing Ling looked at Yang Dingtian, grabbed his own belly and fell to the ground directly.

In the Yangdingtian body, it is still the terrible energy collision of the Oriental Ice Ling, almost tearing his body one inch, and blood is ejected from the ear and nose.

Seeing the fall of the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian was almost horrified, rushing wildly, lifting her up, frantically pouring holy water into her mouth.

I saw the oriental ice rim licking the lower abdomen, and the blood constantly overflowed from her fingers.

The punisher got up from the ground, gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the oriental ice bluntly. He said: "The energy of fighting evil spirits has been successful. For hundreds of years, you are the first one. I have never seen it before. It is unheard of."

"But..." The punisher continued: "Now, your anger is cracking. And, the evil spirits will devour your soul more madly. You can support a month, and now it will not last more than ten days. Ten days. After that, you will become a succubus. Unfortunately, you are hurt, you may not be a powerful succubus. But you are so beautiful, even if you can not become a powerful succubus, the Lord will be very fond of you. ”

The punisher came to the front of Yangdingtian, took out the golden soul sword of Yangdingtian, and pulled it across the neck of Yangdingtian. He said: "It is a peerless sword. If there is a soul sword in the world, then This is the case. If I dedicate it to the Lord, I don’t know what rewards I will receive."

The blade of the Golden Soul sword gently slid the neck of Yangdingtian, and the blood suddenly flowed out.

"It's a great sword. It's absolutely worth it to die under its blade." The punisher smiled faintly.

After all, his strength is getting heavier and heavier, and the flesh and blood of Yangdingtian is cut off by a millimeter and a millimeter. However, he ignored it and madly entered the oriental ice. Trying to control the terrible power of her body’s rampage,


The punisher slammed hard, and the golden sword jerked into the body, and the blood smashed.

Suddenly, Yangding Tian Meng slammed.

Because the sword did not penetrate his body, but pierced the punisher's own chest.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was completely shocked. This punishing person pierced his own heart when he took advantage of it.

Why is that? Is he crazy?

This is not counting, the punisher pulls the blade. Lively cut a huge hole in his chest.

Yang Dingtian saw that his heart was a terrible blue, exuding a strange light, which was directly pierced by a sword.

"Oriental ice, in fact, you don't have to be so determined, I will not let you kill Yangdingtian, I just want to perform the evil of the evil spirits." The punitive helplessly smiled: "Yangdingtian, in fact, the soul-soul Xuan has a solution. If you want to know, then you must promise me a condition."

"You said." Yangding trembles.

"Continue to pretend to be Ning, when you are strong enough. Go to the Nanhai Ning to save my wife, save the Nanhai Ning, kill the sand and nameless!" Punisher said.

Yang Dingtian was shocked: "Why?"

The punisher pulled off his face, it was a thin mask, and suddenly he showed his true face.

This is a beautiful and weird face.

It’s beautiful because the facial features of this face are almost perfect. Said strange. Because the muscles of this face are completely transparent, a kind of faint blue and transparent, even the blood vessels and bones inside can be seen clearly, completely like a ghost.

But the horror of Yangdingtian is not exactly the face like a ghost, but because this face looks exactly the same as this mask.

"You are rather Ning. Are you not dead?" Yang Dingtian stunned.

The punitive nodded and said: "Yes, I am already dead. Before I die, please ask Ximen Ningning to hand over the mask to Sha Wu. So when you appear, I will know that you are Yangdingtian, because Ximen Ningning will only Give the mask to you. I was dead at the time, and later came alive in another way. Do you know why?"

"Evil spirit!" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, evil spirits." The punishing person said: "You see my heart, it is transparent, how disgusting. It has stopped beating, but the evil spirits have made it resume, and let me practice. The rapid advancement made me break through the guru less than 30 years old. Otherwise, according to the original trick, I will break through the master at least forty years old."

The top of the sun was completely erected.

The horror of this evil spirit can make people die and resurrect, and it can make people rush to advance.

And this energy is already in the hands of the Temple of Destruction.

The punishing person said: "But this kind of survival is more painful than death. I am not a living person, but a living dead. If I choose, I would rather die than do this. The way to resurrection. But I have no choice, when I die and wake up again, I have become a living dead and become a walking dead."

When the punishing person did not finish talking, he coughed and blood rushed out.

"I released two soul-eating magical mysteries, and I have completely overdrafted my life. I am completely dying for a long time. Death is not terrible for me, but a kind of relief. I am only worried about it. It is Nanhai Ning. It’s my wife, my lover.” Ning Wei said: “Sha Wu is the father’s illegitimate son, I personally rescued him from the slums. At the time, I knew that my life was not long, so I wanted to put the Nanhai Ning Everything is given to him to inherit, lest his identity as an illegitimate child can not be seen, so create a magical mask, let him replace the control of the Ning. But what I don't know is that under his humble and loving face, there is a snake-like He sells himself to the devil, humiliating relatives, and the fish and meat people. Let the whole Nanhai Ningzu be placed in the abyss. He is not dead, and my Nanhai Ning will only fall into the 18th floor of Hell."

"Then why don't you kill him, you are so strong." Yangding Tiandao.

Ning Xiaoran smiled and said: "The person he is selling is my master. In front of the devil, his status is higher than mine. I am only walking dead, and he is a minion. I am repaired all from evil spirits, I kill. Not his."

"Promise me, Yangdingtian!" Ning Yu grabbed the hand of Yang Dingtian and tried his best: "Promise me. When you are strong, kill the unknown animal of Sha, and save my Ning. Continue to pretend to be me." Don't let the Ning people ruin."

Yangding Tiandao: "But I have my own mission. Do you want me to take this responsibility all the time?"

"I have a child with my wife, and then I will train him to become the heir to the Ning. Your responsibility will be finished." Ning said: "You promise, I will never tell you how to degrade the soul-splitting magic."

"Untie the way to slay the soul of the soul. Just now I have said, the key is to kill you, as long as you die, the evil spirits will be weak, I can use the energy black hole to force it out of the ice body." Yangding Tiandao .

"Useless, Yangdingtian." The punishing person said: "This evil spirit is the strongest energy in this world. Can you know the origin of the energy black hole?"

"Of course I know." Yangding Tiandao: "It is the condensation of the water in the Red Sea."

"Then you know, how did the Red Sea come from in the sky?" The punishing person said: "The water in the red sea in the sky. It was originally normal water. But one day, the world is chapped. Space overflows. Evil spirit energy, seeping into the sea." In the end, this sea of ​​heaven has become the red sea in the sky. The energy black hole is born from the energy pollution of evil spirits. You say, the energy level of the two. Who is higher?"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was completely shocked.

The energy black hole is actually the product of the evil spirit energy pollution?

In this world, what other energy can resist evil spirits?

"So, how to solve the way of the soul of the mysterious. Only I know. You just promise me, I will tell you." Ning Shudao.

"Well, I promise you." Yangding Tiandao.

"You swear." Ning Shudao.

"I swear, if Ning Yu tells me about the way to solve the soul, I will kill the namelessness of the sand, save the Nanhai Ning, and pretend to be Ning's identity, and take up the guardian of Nanhai. The heavy responsibility." Yangding Tiandao: "If you violate this oath, let me..."

"Use your master to swear, use Simon to swear nowhere." Ning Shudao.

Yang Dingtian angered him with a glance, cold voice: "If you violate this oath, let the master and Ximen Shishu underground, never for peace."

Then, Yangdingtian stared coldly at Ning Yudao: "Now, you can say it."

Ning Hao nodded and said: "Yangdingtian, I have observed you for a long time. I have thought about robbing your mask and handing it over to another person worthy of entrustment. But after watching you for so long, I Make sure you are the most worthy person. Now that you have vowed, you must fulfill your promise no matter what happens."

Yangding Tiansheng said: "What do you mean, are you not solving the law of the soul?"

Ning Weidao: "Wan Tiantian Temple Lord has been demonized to create the soul-seeking magic. But for his beloved woman, he left a flaw. Only by getting this flaw can he dissolve the soul magic. Of course, As for where the flaws are, no one in the world can know, you can never find Yang So, I told you this way, you can't save the oriental ice and the solitary phoenix."

"You are yin me?" Yangdingtian cold and cold.

"I have told you the method, I have no words, and you have already sworn." Ning said: "You will not care about a person who will die."

"What is the flaw left by Wan Tiantian?" Yangding Tiandao.

"It's useless, you can't get it, hundreds of thousands of miles between heaven and earth, you can't find it." Ning said: "You are dead this heart."

"What is it?" Yangding Tiandao.

"A tearful tear, the tears of the Lord of the Temple of God, condensed into crystal." Ning said: "This is the supreme token of the demon road, how come you?"

Tears? Yangding Tiandeng was completely shocked? The tears hanging on the neck, the tears hanging by Ningning. (To be continued.)

Ps: seven thousand words big chapter, please ask for a monthly ticket!

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