Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 432: : The magic field is shocked! Yan corpse! Gongsun 4 Niang!

In front, it is the magical domain, the forbidden zone of life.

On the left side is the endless yin and yang mirror, and on the right side is tens of thousands of miles of ice and snow. These three weird lands, together with the eastern desert, are the northernmost point of the entire Western chaotic world.

At this time, the magic field is less than a few kilometers away from the view of Yangdingtian.

The whole magical domain is completely red to black, and it is not clear about the sky and the land. Looking from afar, the black lacquered mass was completely shrouded in black and red blood.

These blood mists are highly toxic.

Wu Wu level below the warrior, after entering the magic domain, half a quarter of an hour will be poisoned and killed. Even if it is a strong man above the Wuzun level, you can't stay in the magic field for more than five hours.

Of course, there is another way to take poison-avoiding beads.

Anti-drug spirit beads are a kind of immortality. The higher the grade, the higher the toxins that can be resisted.

At this time, the space inside the ring of Yangdingtian, the possession of the anti-drug spirit beads, is calculated in hundred pieces, and the lowest grade is also six products.

These high-level anti-drug spirit beads, of course, were prepared by Ximen Ningning for him.

Yang Dingtian took out a dozen of seven products to avoid poisonous spirit beads, and distributed them to Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu, and then they included one.

"Yangdingtian, I really doubt that there is another world in your arms, otherwise how can everything come out from inside." Qin Huaiyu laughed, and then included the poisonous spirit beads.

On the edge of Song Chunhua, there is a poisonous spirit.

"Be prepared, we have to land in the magic domain." Yangding Tiandao.

The closer the flying mount is to the demon domain, the more and more the body is shaking and getting scared.

When there are kilometers from the Devil's domain, the three flying mounts are not moving forward.

"Well, you go back." Yang Dingtian touched the neck of the flying mount.

Then, three people jumped from the flying mount and flew toward the land of the demon domain.

The three flying mounts immediately turned around and fled at the fastest speed.

Flying over the magic field over the sky, Yang Dingtian three people also served a net Ling Dan. Next, within the magic domain, the three people will breathe by the net Ling Dan.


"Call..." Three people in Yangdingtian, rushed into the dark red blood of the magic field.

It was as if rushing into the devil's mouth.

After entering, although Yang Dingtian was mentally prepared, he still took a deep breath.

Is this still a chaotic world?

Yangdingtian has never seen such awkward land, and there are cracks in the abyss everywhere. There is a **** red liquid flowing inside. There is no road on the land, all of which are rugged cliffs and cracks in the mountains!

Look at the naked eye, not to mention the traces of life, not to mention the water source, even a flat ground can not be found.

Three people landed on the ground of the demon domain. Suddenly felt a **** atmosphere.

"The mysterious gas here is poisonous, and I can't swallow Xuan." Yangding Tiandao: "Of course, I have the highest grade of Ju Xuan Dan, but I can only take one, otherwise there will be huge damage to Xuanmai. So next, we must save the mystery."

"How far is we from the land where Xuanhuo blooms?" Qin Huaiyu asked.

Yangding Tianyi took out the map of Xuanhuo given by the little princess. This is a very clear map. Unlike the map of the billion spirits before Yang Dingtian, it is a verse and a secret. This map is completely clear at a glance.

Spread out the parchment map, there are two feet square!

"We are here, the source of the river. Xuanhuo is here, in the northwest direction, about 3,000 miles." Yangding Tiandao: "The sign of Xuanhuo is very clear, inside a very huge city ruin. Specifically inside the main hall of the city ruins."

Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu after reading the map. Road: "In order to save mysteriousness, we can't fly, we can only rely on our legs. But in this environment, it is very easy to get lost."

Indeed, there is no reference at all, just like a ghost field, it is easy to hit the wall here.

Yangding nodded. Then place the map in the direction of the terrain and lay it neatly.

Then, use the arm to compare the approximate direction of the city ruins.

"Here, we are in the northwest forty-two degrees!" Yangding Tiandao: "We are going in this direction. It is not wrong. No matter what happens, we must follow a straight line, even if we encounter an abyss." , Qin Huaiyu, what do they mean if they do not move forty-two degrees)

"Okay, but how to ensure that you don't walk, you have been walking along a straight line, it is very difficult." Qin Huaiyu said.

Yang Dingtian reached out to the palm of his hand and suddenly a beautiful flame floated.

Yang Dingtian’s flame of the opponent’s heart blew gently and said: “Go!”

Suddenly, the flames turned into countless small bright spots and flew out, arranged a long straight line along the direction specified by Yangdingtian.

Qin Huaiyu and Song Chunhua completely looked at each other and said: "You, how did you do this?"

"My mysterious fire is the Yiling demon fire, there are hundreds of millions of grievances. I released millions of grievances, arranged in a line of hundreds of miles." Yangding Tiandao: "After this hundred miles, Rearrange the lines so that they never go away."

Qin Huaiyu looked at Yangding for a long time and said: "Your Xuanhuo is really against the sky. For this Yiling spirit, whether it is me, or lonely, or a solitary phoenix dance, I have paid a lot. I didn't think that you could easily get it in the end. It seems that it is really destined."

Yangding Tiandao: "Reassured, this time we will do our best to help you pick this magical field."

"As long as you try your best, even if you can't get the mysterious fire, I will recognize it." Qin Huaiyu said.

"Go, start." Yangding Tiandao.


Then, the three men marched in the direction of the northwest along the line of grievances.

In the first hundred miles, three people walked very easily.

Although there is no road, despite the flat, despite the rugged terrain. But after all, I did not encounter a huge abyss of cracks.

After all, the three people are Wuzun-class powerhouses. Even if they don't use mysteriousness, they will walk like this on a rugged terrain.

After the first one hundred miles, Yang Dingtian once again commanded a million grievances and discharged the second line of miles.

"Yangdingtian you see, there are no footprints on the ground." Qin Huaiyu said.

Yangding nodded, and he had noticed it just now, and he did not see a footprint all the way.

Of course, the magic domain is the forbidden zone of life, and it is normal to have no footprints.

However, even the little princess's footprints are not normal. The little princess obviously has come to the demon domain earlier than the Yang Dingtian three. Although he can control the energy of the wind system. But every inch of energy here is poisonous, and she can only walk.

However, she has not seen her footprints all the time.

"Will her landing place be different from us." Song Chunhua said: "After all, the river is a few hundred miles wide, she does not have to fly along the middle like us."

"It is possible." Yangdingtian.

Then, the three people did not think much and moved on.


It continued to infiltrate for a hundred miles.

Yangdingtian arranged the third straight line again.

The line has just been taken. Suddenly, the sorrowful fire line of Yangdingtian suddenly swayed, and it could not be straight.

Yangdingtian’s ears are vertical and said: “Be careful, there is energy fluctuation in front.”

"Where?" Qin Huaiyu said.

"About thirty miles away." Yangding Tiandao.

“How come?” Qin Huaiyu said: “The demon domain is the forbidden zone of life, and there is no life to survive.”

"Can it be a little princess?" Song Chunhua said.

"It is possible." Yangding Tiandao: "Accelerate the speed, go to the front to see."

Suddenly. Three people speed up.


The distance of thirty miles was quickly arrived.

Yang Dingtian found a place where the spirits fluctuated.

In a big crack, Yangdingtian went to the edge to see it.

Below, it is still a blood red liquid tumbling. In addition, there is a corpse that is burning.

This is a woman's body!

This woman is very eye-catching and very beautiful. But at this time, it was all naked. The lower body is soaked in the blood-red liquid, so it is burning. The upper body is white and affixed to the red cliffs. The cause of death is a stone cone on the chest.

This stone cone, two feet long, thick like an arm, pierced her chest and nailed her to the stone wall.

Such a beautiful woman. The death is so miserable.

"Nan Gong Xiu!" Qin Huaiyu exclaimed.

"Do you know?" Yangding Tiandao.

“Nan Gong Xiu of Jinxiu Villa.” Yangding Tiandao: “The daughter of Zhuangzhu Nangong, who is twenty-nine years old this year.”

Jinxiu Villa, the power of the mainland of China, is among the 27 factions.

The owner of the Nangong Temple, an eight-star master.

Qin Huaiyu looked at this pretty face, her face was sad and her eyes began to wet.

"What? She has a relationship with you?" Yangding Tiandao.

"She looks very shy and dignified. But her heart is warm and bold. Once... I used to like me very much. Nangong Zhuangzhu once came to Qincheng to kiss him." Qin Huaiyu said: "But I thought about it in my heart. Ximen Flame. So, she refused her. Later, she married the young master of the city of Kui Ning!"

"She is the daughter-in-law of the main city of the underground city?" Yang Dingtian was shocked.

Qin Huaiyu nodded.

Things are complicated, how can this Nangong show be here.

Yangdingtian flew down gently, came to the body and gently touched her neck.

The time she dies will not exceed two hours.

At this time, her beautiful face is still full of shock and unbelievable, as if she is not psychologically prepared for her death.

"She, has she been insulted?" Qin Huaiyu asked hard.

Yang Dingtian gently opened her thighs to view, then shook her head: "Before death, no humiliation. The body, there is no trace of indecent assault."

"That's good." Qin Huaiyu said in tears: "She is very chaste, and she pursued me passionately. I also swayed, and wanted to take advantage of her. I also used manual hands. But she even had a finger. I didn't touch it. I said that although she likes me, she can't have any closeness unless she is married to her. Her body can only touch her husband."

Yang Dingtian looked at her slightly deformed face. The slender jade finger was **** at this time, and the nails were completely turned off.

"She was struggling for a while before she died." Yangding Tiandao: "I don't know who is so cruel, let her lower body be burned by blood, and the upper body is pierced by a thick stone cone. It is painful to die."

"Birds!" Song Chunhua violently pulled out the sword and smashed to the side of the boulder. He smashed the megalithic stone, and said coldly: "If I let me know who I am, I will smash him."

Yangdingtian held the body of Nangongxiu, pulled the stone cone out of the cliff, and then flew up with her body.

At this point, her legs are still burning.

This blood is really strange. Although it has been burning, Nangong Xiu’s slender legs are intact.

And the upper body, there is no flame.

"This is your old man, what about her body? You decide." Yangding Tiandao.

Qin Huaiyu looked at the beautiful face of Nangong Xiu and forbeared her grief: "Burn it, then I will take it back."

"Good!" Yangding Tiandao.

"We will try to find the murderer and ask for a fairness for you." Yangdingtian looked at the beautiful eyes of Nangong. Then gently close her eyes and let her look.

Then, Yangding’s heart beats a flame.

It is a mysterious fire, but the temperature is controlled to a certain extent.

"Boom!" Yang Dingtian palm turned over, suddenly the huge flame swallowed the beautiful body of Nangongxiu.

In a twinkling of an eye, the body of Nangong Xiu was completely burned.

A few minutes later. Nangong Xiuhua became a group of ashes.

Yangding Tianyu put out a small jade box, put the ashes into it, and then handed the jade box to Qin Huaiyu.

"Okay, let's go!" Yangding Tiandao: "We have to be careful in the next journey, and we may not have the peace we imagined."


Yangdingtian three people continue along the Xuanhuo line and continue on.

Going out of fifty miles, suddenly Yang Dingtian changed his face.

Twenty miles ahead. The Xuanhuo energy line has fluctuated again.

Yang Dingtian three people pulled out the sword, quickly and secretly forward.

Twenty miles soon arrived.

Yangdingtian looked for a crack in the abyss, but did not find anything.

"Head!" Qin Huaiyu pointed to the air, shocked.

In the air, another gorgeous woman's body!

The woman died even worse. From the top of her head to the whole body, the whole body was penetrated by a stone cone, and the whole body floated in the air. However, her body is not naked. Instead, I wore a gorgeous red dress.

Yang Dingtian three people flew into the air and finally saw the face of this female body.

In an instant, the top of the sun is back!

A few steps back, a horrified emotion slammed from the bottom of my heart.

Then, the whole heart is violently smashed and torn.

This face is much more beautiful than the previous Nangong show, and it must be more beautiful. It is completely beautiful.

Moreover, the enchanting body is almost incomprehensible to women in the world.

But what makes Yang Dingtian daring is that this woman's face is somewhat distorted. But still very familiar.

Gongsun Sanniang! Gongsun Sanniang of Qixiufang!

Who is Gongsun Sanniang? It is a solitary phoenix dance!

Although Yang Dingtian’s words have already been with her, she is the biological mother of Yang Dingtian’s son.

Yang Dingtian violently turned white in front of his eyes, his body swayed for a while, his heart hurts and he fell directly to the ground.

Qin Huaiyu stepped forward and hugged Yangdingtian, saying: "Yangdingtian, Yangdingtian. Rest assured, she is not Gongsun Sanniang, not Gongsun Sanniang, is Gongsun Si Niang!"

"Not a grandson, three mothers? Not a phoenix dance?" Yangding Tiandao.

"No!" Qin Huaiyu said: "Look at the corner of her mouth, there is a red beauty. Gongsun Sanniang and Gongsun Si Niang are sisters, so they look very much."

Yang Dingtian took a closer look, and sure enough, the female corpse had a red beauty in her mouth, which was particularly attractive.

Not a phoenix dance!

The heart of Yangdingtian's cold and severe pain gradually recovered and gradually recovered its warmth.

Yang Dingtian let himself calm down and said: "Gongsun Sanniang is obviously a phoenix dance. How can he be a sister with Gongsun Si Niang?"

Qin Huaiyu said: "There was a Gongsun Sanniang, and Gongsun Si Niang was also a sister. However, after the real Gongsun Sanniang disappeared, the solitary phoenix dance became the identity of Gongsun Sanniang."

"Then, how can the four-mother, the grandson who is a sister, not recognize it?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Because the Gongsun Sanniang disappeared, she had already fallen out with her sister, and they did not come to each other and never met." Qin Huaiyu said.

"Why?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I don't know, the rumor is that the two sisters fell in love with a man at the same time." Qin Huaiyu said: "When you faked the ancestral descendants, when you appeared in the Shenbing Villa with Gongsun Sanniang, many people suspected that both sisters were at the same time. The man you love is you, and the name is unknown."

Of course, it will not be a nameless name! What kind of man is it that can make such a brilliant, grandson and grandson, who are upside down?

However, now that Gongsun Si Niang is dead, it is clear that she has no answer.

"Gongsun Si Niang, how is it repaired?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Samsung Wuzun, 28 years old this year." Qin Huaiyu said.

Samsung Wuzun, even so terrible!

Who will the murderer be?

Yangdingtian gently touched her jade neck and found that there is still temperature, and the time of death will not exceed one hour.

"The murderer is in front of us, not more than three hundred miles." Yangding Tiandao.

"Catch up, smash his corpse!" Song Chunhua said.

Yang Dingtian opened his palm and called out Xuanhuo, covering the Jiaozuo Si Niang's delicate body.

In an instant, the beautiful body of Gongsun Si Niang, burning!

A few minutes later, Gongsun Si Niang became a pile of ashes, and Yangdingtian was put up in a box and broke into the arms, and later handed it to the grandson of Qixiufang.

"Go, catch up at full speed." Yangding Tiandao: "The next journey is destined to be restless!"

Then, Yangding Tianfei quickly used the Xuanhuo to draw a hundred miles straight line, and the three people marched at full speed.


Just eighty miles later.

Yangdingtian changed again, because the Xuanhuo line again showed dramatic energy fluctuations.

"The murderer, perhaps just in front of you." Qin Huaiyu said.

In front, it is a huge mountain of several kilometers, directly in front of it.

This is a cliff-like mountain, incredibly steep.

"Fly up." Yangding Tiandao.

At this time, it is also impossible to save the mystery.

Holding Qin Huaiyu in one hand and Song Chunhua in one hand, Yangdingtian flew directly to the top of the mountain.

A few kilometers of high mountains, Yangdingtian quickly flew to the top.

Found, the energy fluctuations were found.

At this time, a person was nailed to the boulder on the top of the mountain.

It’s just a man.

Yangding Tianfei quickly stepped the man's face.

This is a horrible face and a familiar face of Yangdingtian.

Zhao Wuji, turned out to be Zhao Wuji of the Horror Mountain Villa.

Under his body, there is still a person who is more familiar with Yangdingtian and Zhao Mu who has the grace of Yangding.

At this time, he was also pierced by a huge stone cone.

How can they appear in the magic domain? !

However, the two people have not died yet, but they are dying, only half a step away from death.

"Fast, save my nephew, fast, fast..." Zhao Wuji is incomparably weak.

"Who is the murderer?" Yang Dingtian said: "I will save, tell me who the murderer is."

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