Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 445: : Be rude by Qin Zhi! Break through 5 stars Wu Zun.

"The third layer of trials, officially opened!"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian everyone is ready to condense the whole body of Xuanqi and Xuanhu to the extreme. As soon as the space crack opens, they will do their utmost to attack the illusory demon.

Because once it waits for it to disappear into the trial room, it is all too late.

But in the next scene, Yang Dingtian and others were completely shocked.

Yes, time and space cracks are emerging.

The space began to distort, and then a dark crack appeared. At this time, the Void Demon should come out from inside.

All, crazy offense.

The strongest mystery, the strongest black fire, all shot at the cracks in time and space.

However, in the end all the offenses were completely blocked by this energy light curtain.

These powerful offenses only make the light curtain tremble slightly, and nothing happens.

Next, everyone can only watch the time and space cracks gradually become smaller, which means that the virtual fantasy demon has come out, but Yang Dingtian and others can only watch, can not attack.

Almost the fastest response speed, when the attack was swallowed by the light curtain, Yangdingtian immediately rushed over and rushed through the light curtain.

However, this is futile.

He seemed to crash into a mass of soft cotton and then gently bounced back. Very gentle, but absolutely resolutely bounced back.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian several people looked at each other and his face showed a painful expression.

At this point, several people never hated that time was too slow, and the light curtain disappeared too slowly.

Almost every day, the light curtains that intercepted Yangdingtian and the illusory demon faded away.

At the moment when the light curtain faded, Yang Dingtian and others waited for the first time.

However, there was nothing in the trial room at this time. That's right. nothing left. The space crack has also completely disappeared.

The illusory demon has been wandering in the trial room, perhaps at the time of Yang Dingtian, but he can no longer find him.

Next, several people poured into all the ways and searched every foot of the test room for a few kilometers.

Nothing was found and no energy was found.

of course. They also know that they can't find it.

Because this is a space of several thousand square meters. Although five of them can fly quickly, for five people, this space is still too big.

"Yangcheng Lord, there are countless grievances in your Yiling demon fire. They are extremely sensitive to the energy body. Even if we can't find the small energy, we can easily find it." Song Chunhua said.

Yangding nodded.

Almost any energy, nowhere in front of the countless grievances of the billion spirits. The entrance to the Nether Sea. No one could find it hundreds of years ago, but Yangdingtian used the Yiling demon fire to find it easily.

It is impossible to search for the space of several thousand square meters with five people in Yangdingtian.

But for the Yiling demon fire, there are hundreds of millions of grievances, which means that there are thousands of grievances in each cubic meter. This density is incredibly amazing. So as long as it is an energy body, under this high-density search. It is completely devoid of shape.

Yangdingtian summoned the Yiling demon fire.

Suddenly, a white flame floated gently on the palm of Yang Dingtian.

At this time, this black fire is inside. All are composed of grievances, and there is no heat at all. So it seems that it is completely pale, and some people are chilling.

"Go." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, the billion spirits slammed into flames and turned into hundreds of millions of extremely fine white awns. Instantly spread.

This picture is really amazing to the extreme.

A flame, which spreads out instantly into hundreds of millions of white particles.

Just like a dandelion, it is blown and turned into countless white buds.

A moment of effort. Hundreds of millions of grievances are distributed in a few thousand square meters, nearly 100,000 cubic meters of space.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian is like hundreds of millions of eyes.

Then, the Yangdingtian plate sits on the ground to sense the countless grievances.

Closing your eyes, the touch of Yangdingtian is easily spread to every inch of the space in this trial room. Its knowledge can easily enter the vision of every grievance.

Yang Dingtian saw himself and saw Song Chunhua and others.

However, he did not see the illusionary demon.

Yes, except for the five people in Yangdingtian, there is no other energy body in the entire trial room, and there is no life.

Moreover, these hundreds of millions of grievances floating in space do not have any energy fluctuations, even in subtle energy fluctuations.

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and continued to sense every inch of space.

Time passed by, a few minutes passed, and a quarter of an hour passed, and half an hour passed.

An hour has passed.

Three hours have passed.

Still no discovery!

Yangding is innocent to be suspicious. In fact, there is no illusionary demon in the room. This is inexplicable and does not exist at all.


Yangdingtian slowly opened his eyes.

"How?" asked Song Chunhua.

Yangdingtian shook his head and said: "Without any discovery, this trial room has no energy, no one but five of us."

The little princess said: "I haven't found anything. Our celestial spirits can also sense all the energy in the range space. Although it is not as perverted as your Yiling demon fire, basically any energy is within a kilometer. There is nowhere to be seen. However, I have not found anything, so I also suspect that there is no illusionary demon at all."

Yangding Tiandao: "Since the secret is said to be there, there must be one."

"That's impossible." Lingbi said: "Any creature, any energy body, even if it can be completely invisible, but its instinct must have energy. Any life has energy, even if it will invisible life, it will have Energy, but we can't sense any energy fluctuations."

"So, I suspect that there is no empty magical demon at all." The little princess was smashed.

"Hey!" Her voice just fell, and her delicate body was directly hit by a huge amount of energy.

Spit blood in the air. After flying a few hundred meters, after falling to the ground, people are not saved.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked.

Almost instinct, everyone's mystery, swordsman. Crazy to stab in a certain direction.

All the offenses are all intensively hitting one place.

However, all of these attacks disappeared into the air.

The illusory demon appeared, and when it was shot, it made the spirits of the spirits die.

The time it appeared was super super short, and countless grievances responded. However, when they just passed the reaction to Yangdingtian, this empty illusion disappeared.

From it to attack the coffin, then to disappear. From beginning to end, it will not exceed zero and zero.

It's a moment, and it's almost as fast as anyone's nerve reaction.

"Everyone is careful to guard..." Yangding Tiandao.

His voice has not yet fallen.


Yang Dingtian, Qin Huaiyu, Song Chunhua, and Zhao Mu were all hit.

In an instant, all five people flew out.

There must be a sequence, but it seems to be completely simultaneous.

It appeared to hit five people. It will not exceed zero and one second from start to finish.

The speed is so fast that it can't be completely defended when you find it. Has been hit.

Five people were shot and flew out a few hundred meters, and blood was mad.

Suddenly, countless resentments instantly re-converge into a pale flame, and quickly plunged into the body of Yang Dingtian.

In the sky, the sky is full of blood and blood, and I only feel that I am slamming my eyes. He really does not faint in the past, desperately resisting this dark attack.

However, it can't resist it. If it hasn't landed yet, it will faint directly.


When Yang Dingtian woke up again, it was already under the light column.

The injury on the body. It has healed!

Moreover, Song Chunhua, Qin Huaiyu, Zhao Mu, and the little princess are now under the light column.

However, they did not wake up.

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and began to swallow Xuan. Then, I was surprised to find that there was a slight improvement in the cultivation.

After an hour, everyone opened their eyes.

Everyone was surprised to find that both Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu had a slight improvement.

The little princess, who has improved by about one-tenth, is one tenth of a star.

The fastest breakthrough is Zhao Mu, who broke through half a star.

However, these Yangding days have not paid much attention to it.

"Who are you sending me under the light beam?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Not me." Song Chunhua said.

"Not me." Qin Huaiyu said.

"Not me." The little princess said.

"Not even me." Zhao Mudao.

No one is, who is that?

Then everyone looked toward Qin.

At this time, this beautiful and unparalleled woman is lazily leaning on a pillar, holding a mirror, some rouge, is smearing her own lips, making her lips that are already fascinating, become More gorgeous as fire.

"Yeah, I will bring you over." Qin Zhidao said: "But I have not worked in white, I have already received interest. I am one of you in public, I have been intimate."

When the words came out, everyone trembled fiercely.

"However, I won't tell you who it is." Qin Weaved laughed.

Everyone is shaking more.

The woman also trembled, because Qin Zhi was once..., so it was probably terrible if she was insulted.

Yang Dingtian is more trembling as a man, because Qin Zhi is now a beautiful and enchanting beauty, but he used to...

"So, for your virginity, let's fight for something." Qin Zhidao.


After a quarter of an hour.

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian and others regrouped.

I can't find the metamorphosis of the illusory demon, and I can't stop it from attacking, let alone destroy it.

After the group was destroyed, several people were still alive and dead.

When they woke up, they woke up under the light.

Then, I saw Qin weaving gently wiping my mouth.

Suddenly a scalp numb, Yangding has a command in the world, and then not all of them go into the trial room.

Then, the little princess coffin quickly raised her hand: "I don't go in, I don't go in, I am waiting outside. After all of you are finished, I will drag you down to the main pillar of the Holy Light. Oh, Chunhua Sister, I will hold it for me."

The crowd nodded.

The little princess announced that she would not enter the trial room. It was really scared by the illusory demon. Moreover, she is a girl. I was really afraid that I was insulted by Qin Weaving, especially the secret of her chest. She was found by Yang Dingtian that she had hated to kill people. If she was discovered by a third person, then she would not have to live.

Next, the little princess waited in the third floor of the trial room.

Yang Dingtian and others went to the trial room.

After Yang Dingtian and others entered, the little princess coffin hurriedly carried his body and reached into his chest. He carefully examined whether there was any passiveness there.

Just at this time.


Yangdingtian. Song Chunhua, Qin Huaiyu, Zhao Mu flew out at the same time, blood mad, direct life and death.

The little princess stayed up.

Looking at the people who fell on the ground, they were shocked and said: "This is too fast."

Yeah, this is too fast. It seems like the distance is a few seconds. The little princess Ling Yu’s hand reached into her chest and only half of her fingers.

Then Yangding in front of heaven, wrapped his hands with silk scarves, grasping the feet of Yangdingtian in one hand, and grasping the feet of Qin Huaiyu in one hand, and dragging them to the first floor.


The fourth time I entered the trial room.

The little princess squats back and checks the chest.

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian flew out. Blood is mad, life and death are not clear.

This time, it was faster, the little princess’s hand had not yet reached, and Yang Dingtian and others were shot and flew out.

"Bastard!" The little princess snorted.

Came to the front of Yangdingtian. Knocking down the body.

"Oh..." Jade hand slaps a slap in the face of Yangdingtian.

Then, use your fingers to twist the face of Yangdingtian.

"Bastard, telling you to bully me, telling you to bully me, now it is in my hands, there is revenge, hahaha..."

Lingbi suddenly snarled in Yangdingtian.

In the end, she set her sights on Song Chunhua's body, and the beautiful eyes showed her incomparable curiosity.

Looking at Chunhua’s flat chest, the little princess said: “Chunhua’s sister, I will definitely not hit you. Although you marry me, you are a good person. Because you are smaller than me, more than me. Ping. Haha, finally a woman is smaller than me."

Then, the coffin showed his faint gaze in his eyes.

"Would you like to see Chunhua’s sister’s chest, and then compare two people?”

"No, you are a girl, how can you do such a shameless thing?"

"But, I can even do such shameless things as killing people and stealing treasures. What are the women's chests? Anyway, everyone is a woman, and I am not indecent as she is."

"Look at it, just take a look!"

Finally, the coffin whipped up all the courage and came to Song Chunhua to unlock her armor.

Suddenly, I saw a curve of high uplift, not an airport, but a very strong one.

"No, no, this is not true." The little princess was furious.

"Well, Song Chunhua is a shameless woman who is definitely like me. It is also fake. It is made out of things." The little princess said: "I must expose your despicable behavior."

Then, she untied Song Chunhua's tight-skinned snakeskin suit and pulled it to the next.

Suddenly, a swaying, stunned mountain peak appeared in front of her eyes.

Then, the little princess’s tears came out directly.

"Wang Ba Gu, Wang Ba Gu, Song Chunhua, you are not a good person." The little princess reached out and twisted on Song Chunhua.

After the deflation, she helped Song Chunhua wear her clothes.

Then, drag a few people up.


The fifth trial!

One second, only one second.

This time, the little princess has just turned around, and the Yangding Tiansi people have been directly destroyed.

The mouth spit blood, flew out, and fell on the feet of the coffin.

The little princess’s coffin, once again squatting in front of Yang Dingtian, reveals more dangerous and dangerous light in the big eyes.

"I, I have never seen a man's body. If you take a look at it, just take a look."

"No, no, you are a girl, how can you do something like this?"

"But I am a girl. Women are indecent men, men are cheap."

"I don't want to figure it out now. What if I get a cheaper person in the future?"

"A man is an enemy, knowing yourself and knowing each other!"

"Nobody saw it anyway."

After a few minutes of life and death, the little princess finally reached out to the sinful hands of Yang Dingtian, his face flushed, his hands trembled to solve the clothes of Yang Tiantian. There are also pants.

Poor Yangdingtian, there is no response.


After doing everything, the little princess felt that the whole person could not breathe, and the whole body was shaking and could not be completely controlled.

She is extremely regrettable, why should she have such a thought, why should she do such a thing.

It’s really curiosity to kill the cat.

"The bastard, the bastard, let you indecently my eyes my hand." The little princess screamed at Yangding!

then. Drag directly on the hair of Yangdingtian.


When Yang Dingtian woke up again under the light, he always felt something was wrong, but there was nothing wrong with it, but he couldn’t feel it.

In some places, there is always a little bit of pain and a little itching.

But soon, Yangdingtian left it all on one side.

Because of the atmosphere at this time. It is completely desperate. In addition to the little princess, she was completely stunned. His eyes are scattered, and it feels like a chaste woman who has been defiled by men.

Yangding is awkward, although the situation is very desperate, but you are not so responsive.

"The master of Yangcheng, there is absolutely nothing to do, it is completely desperate." Song Chunhua said.

Qin Huaiyu smiled bitterly: "I feel that it is meaningless to enter the third-level trial room."

It really doesn't make sense, it really makes people desperate.

The current situation is that a few people have just stepped in and they are instantly killed by the illusory demon.

There is no time for any reaction at all, let alone counterattack.

and so. The situation is completely desperate, even if it is a little bit, there is no hope at all.

This perverted illusionary demon is really invisible and completely undetectable. Its attack speed has exceeded any meaning, and all counterattacks, all the speed of response have no meaning. Its attack speed has exceeded the human body's neuronal response.

Therefore, this monster is really completely invincible and completely invincible.

"Yang, what should I do?" Song Chunhua said: "Don't we give up like this? Are we stuck in this perverted illusory demon?"

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and opened it after a while. He said: "I thought for a long time, I thought a lot about this illusory demon. Why is it completely invisible, why is it attacking faster than human neural response? Now, there is already a vague answer, but it still needs to be confirmed."

"In this way, you will stay on top of it, I will go to the trial room alone to deal with the illusory demon." Yangding Tiandao.

"No." Qin Huaiyu said.

"This is the order." Yangding Tiandao: "After a quarter of an hour, you send a person down. If I am blown out and the personnel are not saved, I will carry me up. Again, this is an order."

"Yes!" everyone should answer.

"Well, then I am going down." Yangding Tiandao.


After a quarter of an hour, Song Chunhua went down, and he was carried out with blood and human activities.

After three hours of treatment under the Holy Light, Yang Ding Tian Xuan Xuan, and went on again.

After a quarter of an hour, Song Chunhua went down, and then Yang Dingtian, who was covered in blood and unconscious, was lifted up. This time, Yangdingtian was injured more seriously, and the bones of the whole body had begun to break.

After five hours of treatment under the Holy Light, the Yangding genius recovered and he woke up again.

the fourth time!

the fifth time.

Song Chunhua lifted Yangdingtian again and again. He was getting more and more injured. He was completely dying, his bones were completely broken, and his internal organs began to break.

After the ninth Yang Dingtian woke up, Song Chunhua put the sword across his neck and prevented the sun from going.

"Yang, you have to go down, I will die." Song Chunhua faint.

Yangding Tiandao: "I have probably mastered it, so this is the last time. If this fails, then I will never go again."

Then, Yang Dingtian grabbed Song Chunhua’s hand and removed the sword from her neck. “The last time!”

Then, Yangdingtian went on for the tenth time.

This time, less than a quarter of an hour, Song Chunhua rushed down.

She will once again be covered in blood, and the dying Yangding Day will be up.

Everyone is desperate.

After ten hours, Yangdingtian woke up under the treatment of the Holy Light, but did not open his eyes, but continued to swallow Xuan.

In his eyes closed, his sea of ​​air began to swell and expand.

"Boom!" Then Yang Dingtian's body began to suddenly enter a emptiness ~ ~ After a full two seconds, everything will be restored to the Qingming.

Yang Dingtian broke through and he broke through the five-star Wu Zun.


Open your eyes, Yangding Tianwang looked to everyone: "Tell everyone two news. The first one is good news, I broke through and broke through the five-star Wu Zun."

Suddenly, everyone’s face barely smiled, but his eyes were still desperate.

It is a good thing that Yangdingtian breaks through the five-star Wuzun. However, in the current situation, this good news is too negligible.

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "The second one is also good news. The third layer of trials passed, and the illusory demon was wiped out by me."

Yangdingtian, Yangdingtian took a reel from the arms, officially nine products hidden in the mysterious scroll!

Everyone exclaimed! Unthinkingly looking at Yangdingtian. (To be continued.)

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