Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 451: : Reward the heaven and earth level Xuanhuo! Oriental ice cream? ! !

The soul gathers and is housed in a transparent jade box.

It is a white energy glow, condensing a head without a face, and is surging.

The so-called soul gathering is usually accompanied by the thousand years of the devil. Every thousand years of the demon, do not know how to shred, refining and devouring how many lives, how many souls. So thousands of years later, these tragic souls converge around it and follow it closely. These souls are human, some are other creatures, so there is no clear face.

Of course, this soul gathering is just following the devil, nothing can be done.

It is a powerful soul energy, but it is ownerless.

Therefore, the weaker gods and souls can enter this soul to gather and instantly make their souls stronger.

Therefore, this soul gathering is the most suitable for the East. Moreover, this thing is simply impossible to buy, because when killing a demon, the soul around it gathers and instantly dissipates.

Yangdingtian took the box and was about to open it.

"Do not open it, open it and dissipate it directly." The little princess said.

"Then how should I take it to save people?" Yangding Tiandao: "How to resurrect a person?"

"Of course you can't do it yourself. You need a wizard, or a spiritist, to bring the soul of that person into and out of the soul. You can only open the box after you have the soul." It will not dissipate. It is also necessary for the Witch Master or the Spiritual Master to introduce this reborn soul into the body again." Little Princess.

"You are a celestial teacher, have you done this thing?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Of course, I don't see who this girl is." The little princess is proud and arrogant: "Yes, what level of warrior are you going to resurrect?"

"Master class, if there is no accident, he was originally the world's first master." Yangding Tiandao.

"Hey!" The little princess was a glimpse. Hurry back.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Yangdingtian with disbelief.

"Xiandi, do you want to resurrect the Eastern lord?"

Song Chunhua was pleasantly surprised: "Yangcheng Lord, you can resurrect the Eastern Sovereign."

It is no wonder that Song Chunhua is excited because the power of Tiandao League is too weak.

There are only three or five of the big divisions. But no one really stands on the side of Heaven. Not already relying on the demon road, or riding a wall. As the world's first master, the Tianniu League's flag, if he can stand up, it is an uplifting to the entire Tiandao League.

Yangding Tiandao: "My master's soul is still there, but it is extremely weak. I have to sleep all the time. His body has already vanished. I have only the body of Leng Qingshi Shi Bo, and he is also a master. But Soon after I was promoted to the Grand Master, it was still a lot worse than my master."

Then, Yangdingtian looked to the Lingbi Road: "Shantou, in this case, have you operated?"

The little princess coffin quickly waved her hand and said: "I can't do it, I can't do it. I couldn't do it at the original Grand Master class. Now he has lost his body. I can't do it anymore. And, I only listened to it before. Said to be able to resurrect the soul who was smashed. But I have not heard of the resurrection of people who have no body."

"Who did this thing?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I don't know who did it. The only thing in the world that can do this, except that my grandfather should have no other people." The little princess said: "But I don't know if my grandfather can resurrect your master. I have never tried before. This is the case."

"Then try." Yangding Tiandao.

"My grandfather is definitely not willing, his character is very strange." The little princess said.

For the innocent son of more than two hundred years old, Yangdingtian had heard about it. Although he is not a demon person. But the character is more quirky, and the reputation is not much better than the devil. Moreover, the character of the entire Lingbi Palace is eccentric and conservative.

"Things are artificial." Yangding Tiandao, then he put the soul into the space ring.

Resurrection of the master is a top priority. It is also directly related to the survival of Tiandao League. However, it must also wait for the mystery to say that the most important thing in front of us is the trial of the fifth layer.

However, before the fifth layer of trials, there is still a treasure that has not yet been assigned.

Guardian Ring!

This is a ring that shines with black and red light, mysterious and honest.

"This ring should be forged from the dark magic gold extracted from the claws of the devil." Yangding Tiandao.

"Definitely." The little princess said: "The dark magic gold in the claws of the devil, the most remarkable is not its invulnerability, but it can resist any energy damage."

"Does the characteristic of resisting energy damage in the dark magic gold, is it from the energy cover of the devil?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Definitely yes." The little princess said: "But after its energy cover is blown up, the dark magic gold in the limbs of the demon will resist a lot of damage. So even kill four or five. The dark magic armor created by the ten thousand magic spirits has no energy cover effect, and can't compare with a 200-year-old demon. This ring is so small, I don't know how effective the energy protection effect is."

"Try it and you will know." Yangding Tiandao, and then put it on the finger, toward Qin Huaiyu said: "Qin brother, you release the mysterious skills to attack me."

Qin Huaiyu nodded and violently released a flame.

A sharp knife made up of terrible flames, fiercely stabbed, and pierced Yangdingtian in an instant.

At this point, the finger on the Yangdingtian finger is bright.

Suddenly, this powerful flame smashed away, becoming smaller and smaller, disappearing instantly.

"Chunhua, you come with Qin brother." Yangding Tiandao.

Song Chunhua nodded and pulled out the sword.

Then, Qin Huaiyu and Song Chunhua, both of them, tried their best to release powerful magical skills.

The two released, are eight products.

Qin Huaiyu released, stacked!

Song Chunhua released, Phoenix blood!

The combination of Qin Huaiyu instantly ignites all the energy in the surrounding air, as if it were an air bomb, and instantly absorbs all the energy within a few hundred meters.

"Booming and banging..." Then after countless energies were ignited, they were pressed one by one.

Energy squeezes energy and creates a violent explosion.

This set of mysterious techniques is quite amazing. Using the explosion of all the energy around it, the agglomeration becomes a center.

It can be said that a master who is two levels higher than Qin Huaiyu can't bear it.

And Song Chunhua's Phoenix blood.

There are countless terrible fire energy, which is inextricably linked. After drilling into the human body, directly ignite all the blood in the opponent's body.

Once hit, the only result is that the living is burned to death by its own blood. The blood of the whole body blasted and turned into a raging flame.

Song Chunhua rarely used this mystery because it was too cruel and overbearing.

Of course, the reason why she used it on Yangdingtian is because she can take it back at any time.

Time, a gorgeous scene happened.

All the air around Yangdingtian. All the energy is ignited, then squeezing toward him fiercely.

His body is getting brighter and brighter and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

And Song Chunhua's phoenix blood mystery, countless gorgeous flames, crazy entanglement, they have to rush into the body of Yangdingtian.

Despite knowing that this is a fake attack, everyone is still scared. The little princess’s coffin couldn’t even look at her eyes.

But then, a scene of surprise everyone appeared.

The guardian's ring slammed. A mask shrouded the whole body in an instant.

When the energy is struck in the reticle, it will fly away.

Song Chunhua, Qin Huaiyu's mysterious skill, quickly disappeared without a trace.

And Yangdingtian is completely safe and sound.

Look at the ring on your hand, just a little dim.

Everyone. Suddenly looking at this ring.

Yangdingtian faintly said: "The treasures in these four layers of mystery are the most amazing in this ring."

Yes, it’s too bad, to resist all damage.

Both Song Chunhua and Qin Huaiyu are close to the master class, but they can't help but the energy cover of this ring.

really do not know. Where is the limit of this ring?

Compared to the previous hidden mystery, the Qiang Kun ring, and the electric system Thunder Rune, this guardian ring can be said to be directly overbearing.

But who should this ring be? Yangdingtian has fallen into a deep dilemma.

Song Chunhua had a power system Lei Yi Rune, Qin Huaiyu had a Qiang Kun ring, although it was used for marriage, and his goal was a mysterious fire.

It is said that Yang Dingtian is owed to the little princess, and said that the invisible black magic scroll was given to her, but after all, she did not give it to her, and she was learned by Yang Dingtian.

This guardian ring should be given to her.

However, the second layer of the two thousand-year-old demon, the limbs that fell down, Yang Dingtian directly gave the coffin. After extracting the soul of the demon spirit, Yang Dingtian took out the eyes of the devil and the heart of the devil. These two things are not wanted, how much she wants. However, the fog of the devil is invaluable.

Moreover, this is a two thousand-year-old demon, plus her one thousand eight hundred years old demon. After returning to the Lingbi Palace, the innocent son injected the mist of the two devils into her magical fog coat, and the distance she flashed could be multiplied.

The dark magic gold contained in the limbs of the two thousand-year-old demon is almost comparable to the four or five ordinary millennium devils.

Therefore, the little princess is not worth the trip.

But after all, she is a child, her mind is simple, she feels that she has not got a treasure, and she must be annoyed. And to resurrect the Eastern Nirvana, she still needs her grandfather to help.

"Ling, this guardian ring is first given to you." Yangding Tiandao: "But I don't know if it is right for you. It is said that I have said that it is not good for our cultivation. This guardian ring Even more so. You take this ring to ask your grandfather, if she says you can, you will. If he says he can't, you don't want it."

"Well, um!" The little princess gave her head and nodded her head. She quickly took over the guardian ring and put it on her thumb. Then she went to Song Chunhua: "Chunhua sister, you hit me, hit me!"

Song Chunhua looked cold and shook his hand to the Lingbi: "Take the ring back, this ring you want it to do, Yangcheng Lord has other uses."

The little princess coffin hurryed and said: "No, Yang Dingtian has already said it to me first."

"No, Yangcheng has other uses." Song Chunhua said.

"What use?" asked the little princess.

Yangdingtian waved his hand: "I don't get in the way, let her play with it first. I was going to give it to the landlord, let him hand over the fourth stage of the killing sword, and join our battle group. But This is still early."

"Yeah. Yeah, it’s still early." The little princess shouted, and then quickly hid behind Yangdingtian, lest Song Chunhua ask her again.

Song Chunhua was so angry that he took a look at the little girl and said coldly: "Wait out. I will settle with you."

"Well, everyone went into the fifth layer of trials, and it was the last trial of the desperate city secret." Yangding Tiandao.


Yang Dingtian and others came to the fifth layer of the secret, and then was surprised by the sight.

The fifth floor trial room is not the same as the front four floors.

The previous trial room was completely filled with the futuristic atmosphere, full of unreality and magic, and even some places have a sense of science and technology.

But the fifth floor trial room is just a small stone cave.

inside. There is only one stone table and two stone benches.

On the desktop, it seems that there is a game of chess, and it is a game of chess down to the middle.

At this point, the voice of the stone giant sounded again.

"The desperate city secret, the fifth-level trial mission is opened. Trial characters, eliminate fire-fighting, trial rewards. Xuanhuo!"

When the words came out, everyone was shocked. Very surprised to look at Qin Huaiyu.

Xuanhuo, the reward turned out to be Xuanhuo!

This time, the purpose of their coming to the magic domain is to find Xuanhuo for Qin Huaiyu.

Therefore, they were deceived by Qin Weaving with a fake Xuanhuo map to the desperate city. This is a surprise. It can also be regarded as a mountain and a waterless road. But for the search for Xuanhuo, I have not dared to hold much hope.

I did not expect that the reward for this fifth-level trial turned out to be a mysterious fire.

Of course, the trial mission is to kill Vulcan.

It sounds like it. The name is amazing. Vulcan, the ultimate in the fifth-level trial room, should be stronger than the previous four.

For example, the two thousand-year-old demon on the fourth floor is actually more amazing than the first three. If there is not the existence of Qin Weaving, I am afraid that even if the Grand Master leads the team, they must be killed in an instant.

Then, the fifth Vulcan, how powerful it is, can be imagined.

“Do you open the fifth-level trial mission?” The stone giant slowly said.

Everyone held their breath, and the mood was tense. I really don't know what the horror of this Vulcan is.

"Open." Yangding Heaven Road, anyway, if you see a particularly terrible monster, you can't leave it first.

"Trial is on!" The stone giant slowly said.

Suddenly, the light inside the cave gradually lighted up.

Then, a door inlaid on the stone wall slowly opened, and a woman's money came out from the inside. Yang Dingtian and others are faintly seen, there is a delicate and elegant mortuary.

The woman holds an oil lamp in her hand, walks to the stone table, puts the oil lamp on the table, and then sits down on the stone bench on the right.

Everyone stared at this scene.

Especially Yangdingtian, as if by electric shock.

Because, this woman is beautiful to the extreme, her body is like Liu, really the most beautiful woman who has ever seen her.

This woman is like ice and snow, and white jade is bone. It’s beautiful.

The most important thing is that she is really like the East Ice Ling.

The moment she came out, Yang Dingtian’s brain was white, and there was a blank moment. The name of the Oriental Ice Ling almost blurted out.

It’s too much like it, and it’s the nine-day fairy oriental ice icing before the magic.

The same cold, exactly the same ice and jade, the same as the ethereal.

Moreover, it is the ice after the emotional, not so high, no longer so cold.

In the cold, it is kind and gentle.

"You come in." She waved toward Yangdingtian, and the sound sounded exactly the same as the ice, like a cold ice, clear water. However, it is also soft in the cold.

Everyone, looking at each other, went in with a confused look.

The little princess was very admired and looked at her indulgingly.

"My name is Ice Spirit." The woman softly said: "Ice ice, Aura spirit, I am very glad to meet you."

Even the name is the same.

"Who will play chess? Come over with me next time."

Yang Dingtian sat down opposite her, still staring at her, her face still stiff.

“Why do you see me like this?” asked Bing Ling.

Yang Dingtian shook his head gently and said: "Because you look a lot like a person."

"Is it really like?" Ice Ling sideways, her eyes, really like a gem, full of aura. Looking at her face in the near future, it is more pure and innocent, and it is beautiful to breathe.

"After watching, the five senses are different. But I don't know why, I still feel very similar, and even have the same feeling." Yangding Tiandao: "Maybe, because the same woman on the tip of the pyramid, plus The same ice muscle jade bones, the same high clean and dust-free, so even if the faces are different, it gives people the same feeling."

"It seems that you love that woman very much." Bing Ling smiled and said: "Will you play chess?"

Yang Dingtian looks at the chess game on the table, it is Go, and it is a mess!

This endgame, Yangdingtian is faintly seen. But some memories are still unclear.

"I will go down." Yangding Tiandao.

"That's good, then we will play chess while talking."

"Good!" Yangding Then, two people will play chess face to face.

"The reward for the fifth layer trial is Xuanhuo, you know it." Ice Lingdao.

Yangdingtian nodded.

"Then you know these mysterious fires, where did you come from?" asked the ice spirit.

Yangding Tiandao: "It should be the secret opening of time and space cracks, coming from tens of thousands of miles away. It is not from the secret."

"Right!" Bing Ling said: "In fact, in the recent period, there is only one Xuanhuo. It is the tens of thousands of miles of the magic field. The name is called the demon spirit. It will bloom in about thirteen days. So, you have a total of thirteen days to pass this pass. After this pass, you can get this world-class Xuanhuo, the demon spirit!"

Suddenly, everyone was shocked.

Knowing that there is a mysterious fire, I did not expect it to be a heavenly and orderly fire. However, it is normal, this magic domain looks so strange, the birth of the mysterious fire is not worse than the Yiling demon fire is normal. (To be continued.)

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