Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 480: :war machine! Long live the sun!

Next, Yang Dingtian led tens of thousands of people back to Yunxiao City, and no longer encountered any obstacles.

However, the cold situation encountered was more serious than it was a few days ago. Although a few days ago, although none of these big characters in the Qincheng territory appeared, at least some people appeared, and even some people came to the team and nodded. This time, the place where the Yangdingtian team passed was completely without any figure. Even if everyone saw the figure of the Yangdingtian team separated by a few kilometers, they would all disappear.

However, of course, no one is blocking the way to Yangdingtian, because everyone is afraid of death.

In this way, Yangding Tianhao Haohao, led more than 10,000 people, continued to walk for nearly two days, and finally returned to the Yunxiao City territory.

In just a few days, the traces of war within the Yunxiao City territory were even stronger.

At this time, the entire Yunxiao City has thousands of miles of territory, and all the opponents have been thoroughly swept up and uprooted. Every inch of land directly belongs to Yunxiao City.

Therefore, the Presbyterian Church in Yunxiao City can use every place in the Qianli territory as a battlefield.

At least, within two hundred miles around Yunxiao City, it has been completely changed to the battlefield. In just a few days, countless small castles have been built.

Although this small castle is simple, it is very strong.

Between the castle and the castle, there is a line of defense, and there are traps everywhere.

It is of course not enough to rely solely on the manpower of Yunxiao City. Therefore, Yunxiao City is a strong-skinned city, and almost all the young and strong people in the territory are concentrated to carry out crazy battlefield construction.

Therefore, at this time, the entire Yunxiao City within 200 miles, a total of hundreds of thousands of people.

Among them, the simple army is full. Nearly 100,000 people!

Yes, there are 100,000 troops in the city. Before being placed, more than 3,000 black blood cavalry is the largest military force in Yunxiao City. All the armed forces in Yunxiao City will not add up to more than Ivando. The remaining territorial princes military forces. Yunxiao City is not directly commanding power.

This time, Yangdingtian swept all the rebels directly.

Tang Bozhao’s performance was not beyond the expectations of Yang Dingtian. On the contrary, he was more active than the imagination and even better.

On the same day, Yang Dingtian ordered him to stay and wait for Ximen Lie to integrate those rebels. Then, before the arrival of Ximeng, more than 30,000 rebel forces had been integrated. As soon as Ximen Lie arrived, the 30,000 rebel forces had order, quickly self-managed, and then returned to Yunxiao City with Ximen.

Therefore, Ximen Lie could not help but marvel at Tang Bozhao’s talents and means.

Tang Bozhao’s ability is far less than that of fish. Next, with the thousands of elites selected from the rebels, he took the initiative to invite the snake tail as the chief officer, and then added a part of the black blood riding army. He took this army and almost swept the thousands of miles of Yunxiao City. There are three main things to do.

The first one is to completely uproot the rebellious princes and kill them.

the second one. The remaining armed forces of those princes will be completely reduced, and a few will be killed.

In the third case, with a relatively high amount of money, all the working people within the Qianli City Thousand Miles territory will be attracted to Yunxiao City to participate in the battlefield construction.

It was only a few days before Tang Bozhao presided over this matter. At this time, he still carried out these three things outside with the army. Therefore, there is still an army. There is manpower that goes far into the center of Yunxiao City.

Therefore, after sweeping all the rebellious, the overall power of Yunxiao City has increased several times in an instant. The military forces have grown by three or five times and built their forces. Increased by a dozen times.

When the people in Yunxiaocheng saw Yangtoutian coming back and carrying a huge army behind them, everyone cheered loudly.

Where the Yangdingtian passed, the crowds on both sides were like the wind blowing the wheat fields, and the pieces were falling down.

Then everyone is whispering in excitement.

"Tianna, Yangcheng, this is where the army was found, it looks very powerful!"

"Day, what is such a big beast? Is it as big as two horses? I don’t know how powerful it is."

"What do you know? This is called the Dragon Dragon Beast. This is the most elite army in the world. It is the first cavalry on the land of the whole world. It is the hegemon on land. One thousand people, the top ten thousand."

"Really? This black pressure can't be seen, I'm afraid there are not two or three thousand?"

"No, there will be less than 10,000 in total in the world. At least there are more than four or five thousand that our city owners bring. It seems that the world will be ironic to support us and hand over all of our own homes." ”

"That proves that the world will be very optimistic about our city owners, I think we will win, only to stand on our side."

"Of course! See how many big forces are standing on our side. Qin Qiqi is only a rebellion in the northwest Qincheng."

"Right, I heard that after this war, we must divide the fields. The city lords have wiped out those traitors and got a lot of fields. I heard that they must be sealed to us."

"Right, the more work, the more points. Everyone is working hard, I can't wait for those grandchildren to come over and let me do my best!"

This voice constantly entered the ears of Yangdingtian.

I came to accompany Ximen Lie Dao: "After Tang Bozhao returned to Yunxiao City, he wrote a plan for the people of Yunxiao City. To put it bluntly, it was brainwashing. After the wife and the elders of Mu Liancheng saw it, they all agreed and appreciated. Then, Mu The elders organized a team of thousands of people. After a brief training by Tang Bozhao, they mixed into the crowd and carried out a lot of brainwashing work. I used to dismiss it. I didn’t expect the result to be so good. This Tang Bozhao is really a talent. ""

"Yeah, it's a talent!" Yangding Tiandao: "It's a pity that it is very smart. It is very difficult to make him completely loyal to one person."


When the Dragon Dragon Rider entered the Yunxiao City, it immediately attracted a huge sensation. The morale of Yunxiao City instantly reached its peak.

First of all, I feel that the forces that are so big in the world really stand on the side of Yunxiao City.

Of course, more is still because of the combat power of the Dragon Dragon. Unlike the ordinary people on the roadside just now, the disciples of Yunxiao City have heard of the landlord of the Dragon Dragon.

With this cavalry, it can be said that even facing the 100,000 army. Can also be invincible. What's more, now Yunxiao City is also full of 100,000 troops.

After returning to Yunxiao City, Yangding Tian said that he was intimate with Yan Yan, and even did not see the baby's time. He directly issued an order.

Yunxiao City. The officers of thousands of people at all levels met in the same hall. The first 100 people meeting in Yunxiao City was also the first meeting before the war!

At the conference, the first thing started with the Tianbo City War.

After hearing more than a thousand Demon Dragon Legion, the 20,000-strong army of the Qiushui Jianpai was slaughtered and built into a Beijing view. On the field, hundreds of officers burst into an unbelievable cheer. The morale is even higher.

Next, Yang Dingtian made an announcement about the specific situation of the enemy, which is not specific. With regard to the Temple of Destruction, it needs a little disclosure and cannot be said at once. Otherwise, it will be too much impact on ordinary people.

Of course, the identity of the Lord, including the Emperor Yangzong, will be greatly announced to outsiders. However, for the military and civilians in Yunxiao City, they must be revealed a little bit, with mystery and initiative guidance, let them imagine. Go guessing, debunk.

Because, at this time, the strength of Yangdingtian is still too weak, and it is not worthy of the identity of the lord of the patriarch. So, letting them guess the results is much better than saying it.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian describes this as an enemy to be committed.

The evil spirit of the northwest Qincheng headed by Qin Qiqi, and the Nanhai Ningzu, Baiyuncheng. Qiu Shui Jianpai, a mixed force led by the rebellious forces of Tianfengge.

Because Tianfengge was cold and glamorous, he stole the position of Tianfengge, and then stole the position of the leader of the Northwest Branch of Tiandaomeng. Therefore, in the name of the Tiandao League, the coalition forces were formed. Crusade against Yunxiao City.

Then, the fact that the Nanhai Ningzu Ning Wuming is a demon-like force to walk the dog is pointed out.

Finally, it is determined that this enemy is infiltrated by the demon road, armed with the Tiandao League, supplemented by the Nanhai Ningzu armed forces, a small number of conspirators and the evil army of the ambitious family.

Can not directly say that this is a demon army, which will greatly reduce morale. Only when the ace army that defeated the first demon road was defeated can it be said that this is a corps of the annihilation temple, and that time will not let people fear.

Now, the name of the Temple of Destruction is too much to cause fear for everyone.

Finally, Yang Dingtian officially announced the most important Yangdingtian Declaration.

In fact, this is the most important part. In the following time, this declaration must be thoroughly engraved in the hearts of everyone in Yunxiao City.

It takes a lot of preaching and finally makes this declaration a part of them. In this way, they will clearly know that they are standing on the noble side, the right side.

Perhaps the first time I heard it, this declaration is still somewhat empty, but it will become a truth when it is repeated a thousand times and 10,000 times.

Of course, for ordinary people who do not have ideals, they will use the post-war victory to subdue the fields to attract them.

Therefore, the current situation is divided into two directions to unite people and morale. One is the spiritual declaration of the sun. One is the field after the war.

I believe that in a short period of one month, it is not difficult to gather strong people's hearts and morale.

Next, if you can continue, it depends on how the outcome of the war is going.

If you lose, then everything will be closed.

If you win, morale and people's hearts will once again condense and rise again.

Of course, at the same time, there is a lot of money and a lot of food.

The distribution of resources in this world is extremely extreme imbalance. Although Yang Dingtian does not have deliberate luxury, but inadvertently he eats a meal, it is enough for ordinary people to live for a few years. He wears a piece of clothing, which is enough for hundreds of ordinary soldiers for more than a year.

Yang Dingtian carefully understood the chaotic world. If it is a system, this should be a combination of a slave society and a feudal society.

Most people are old slaves. Without any property, life is a slave. I will always work, but I can't get anything, I can only get the worst food to sustain my life.

There is no landlord here, and there is no farmer. All land, minerals, and forests are all lords.

The great lord divides the small lord, and the small lord gives a confession to the great lord, following the diplomatic direction of the great lord, and fighting for the great lord when necessary.

As for the real mainstream of the world, there is no doubt that it is a warrior.

Warriors are divided into two types. The first is a soldier. These people, who are practicing shallow and shallow, are suitable for the practice of collective combat. These people are only slightly better than slaves and can have military sergeants. But it also survives at the bottom.

There is also one, of course, the absolute person.

This is the majority of martial artists, such as all the disciples in Yunxiao City.

These people have almost everything. Needless to say, a lot of living resources, a lot of money, a lot of cultivation resources. The best house. You can walk freely in the world and be free to kill slaves and sergeants at the bottom.

Everything that the famous scholars of ancient China enjoyed, these martial artists have all.

Therefore, cultivation has become the most mainstream of the entire chaotic world.

And now Yangdingtian is almost silently subverting this.

Yunxiao City doesn't have much money, but Qin Meng is rich. In the first few months, she was almost crazy about transferring property.

Astronomical money, astronomical weapons, astronomical resources, and various sources continue to enter Yunxiao City.

However, this transfer was after Qin Qiqi completely defeated Tianfeng Pavilion. It stopped completely. Therefore, Yangdingtian has begun to care about the safety of Qin Meng. However, Qin Wanqiu loves this sister so much, and it is a big ban.

With Qin Meng’s money and resources from this astronomical figure, Yunxiao City can easily support these hundreds of thousands of people.

Therefore, when a large amount of meat is distributed in the bowl, most of the slaves in the brain have abandoned everything, and they will stay in Yunxiao City.

When Yunxiaocheng announced that there would be a large amount of land after the war, everyone was completely crazy and wanted to die for Yangdingtian! of course. The so-called sub-fields do not mean that the fields are given directly to these slaves, but to them, and 50% of them are handed over to Yunxiao City.

This rumor came out. The effect is shocking, like the same storm, sweeping hundreds of thousands of people.

Suddenly, the work efficiency of hundreds of thousands of people has doubled.

As for the nearly 100,000 troops gathered in Yunxiao City, it is even simpler.

Directly five times the military squad, once issued for half a year.

Then announced that there are meritorious people, you can choose the free women in the territory to marry, and divided into ordinary people double the field, the mainstream harvest of the field, only need to hand over to the Yuncheng City 30%.

Moreover, whether it is an injury or a retirement, a meritorious person can directly teach in the territory and manage all the free people within the territory.

If the war is dead, the parents get a three-year military squad and distribute it to the parents five times the field.

After these policies came out, nearly 100,000 troops in Yunxiao City directly entered the most insane state, and morale rose to the extreme. ,

Next, there was some tired surrender of the army and immediately entered the most insane training.

Then, the people of Mu Liancheng immediately settled in and officially promoted the image of Yang Dingtian.

All the deeds of Yangdingtian, all the miracles of battle, all the miracles of cultivation, almost talents of heaven and earth. All were made into cars and sent to everyone's hands.

Tang Bozhao’s brainwashing team brainwashed all soldiers and warriors day and night.

Directly holding Yangdingtian for the ages, almost God.

Despite this brainwashing, it is only a few days. But the soldiers who have never been brainwashed in this world have accepted this in an instant.

When talking about Yang Dingtian, it is completely a look of a god.

So, it’s only less than ten days of effort. The war machine of Yunxiao City can actually run to this point, which is really a mistake that makes Yangdingtian extremely incomparable.

Of course, this is like the use of antibiotics. There was no resistance at the beginning, and the antibiotic was completely a **** medicine.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Yunxiao City are the ones that are not resistant. And it is also the poorest and most despicable group. Ximen has no talents, but never thought about changing this.

Therefore, under the multiple stimuli of money, material and spiritual, and the future, it is completely immediate.

Of course, before the advent of Yangdingtian, the so-called free-people policy and military policy were only circulated and there was no word program.

When Mu Liancheng specifically reported to Yang Dingtian, Yang Dingtian directly made a slogan: "Put all the policies into words, become a program, and stick them to every place in Yunxiao City. Go to everyone's ears. Go to everyone's heart."

"Yes!" Mu Liancheng Road.

At this time, Song Lihua suddenly said: "Uncle Mu, I heard that there is still a booklet in the army about the main deeds of Yangding Tiancheng."

"Yes, Miss Song." Mu Liancheng said: "This booklet. It was written by Tang Bozhao overnight. Although there are some lyrics and exaggerations in the speech, it is basically a fact."

Song Lihua smiled and said: "Then, you can add something to the booklet. Especially about the identity of the main character of Yangding Tiancheng, the owner of Yunxiao, the heir of the yin and yang lord. Also faintly point out the identity of the lord of the patriarch. Don't say too clearly As long as it is said that the main character of Yangding Tiancheng has the crystal sword of the emptiness of the lord, and relying on this to convince the world leader Song Yi. Moreover, the main body of the Yangding Tiancheng will be the mysterious power, and the mother-in-law will rob the sword. He and the Emperor Zhongzong have nothing to do with the nameless. I believe in the talent of Uncle Mu. You should know how to write."

"Miss Song saw it." Mu Liancheng Road.

Then, Song Lihua Chaoyang Top Heaven: "The sovereign, my martial arts repair is bad, let me follow the uncle Mu to learn how to deal with internal affairs, and also contribute to the city."

Mu Liancheng hurryed: "The old slaves are willing to assist Miss Song in handling internal affairs."

"No, you are still long." Yangding Tiandao: "Let Miss Lihua and Tang Bozhao assist you."

At this time, there was a voice coming from Tang Bozhao with a cry.

"Bei Tang Tang Zhao. I met my great Yunzhucheng."

When Tang Bozhao heard that Yangdingtian returned to Yunxiao City, he immediately rushed back with the fastest speed. Although Yangdingtian could not see it, but outside the door, he used the most exaggerated gesture and rushed straight over. Several steps.

"Come in." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Tang Bozhao did not get up, and he was completely crawling in.

When I came in, I completely invested in the land. Do not dare to look up, respectful humble to the extreme, and the clothes are messy, hair is messy, face full of embarrassment. It can be seen that in these few days and nights, he has been continually sleeping, running around the city and carrying out the work of scribbling, roots, brainwashing and Jianye Qingye.

This person, living in this chaotic world is a huge waste, he has the highest traitor talent in ancient China.

"Tang Bozhao, you come in with me." Yangding Tiandao, then walked into the side of the temple.


After Tang Bozhao climbed in, Yang Dingtian closed the door, and there were only two of them in the entire hall.

Suddenly, Tang Bozhao’s body began to tremble slightly. In these few days, he almost madly performed and desperately exerted all his talents in order to save his life.

Now, facing the final moment, he still can't suppress his inner uneasiness.

Yangding kills him, really like a pig and a dog.

"Tang Bozhao, I heard that you still secretly hide an illegitimate child?" Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, Tang Bozhao changed his face. First, he was happy. He knew that his life was saved. Then he looked at him a little. He himself castrated himself. The son is his only hope.

"Yes, the slave has a son, which makes people send Yunxiao City to serve the nobles." Tang Bozhao said, immediately decided to let the illegitimate child take hostage and express his determination.

"I don't mean this." Yangdingtian faint.

Then, Yangdingtian fell into silence and thought about how to start talking.

"First, I tell you, I have not touched your wife." Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, Tang Bozhao trembled and put his body on the ground.

"Secondly, you should have heard of the identity of my lord. Yes, that is true, I am the lord of the patriarchal." Yangding Tiandao: "With your ingenuity, you should know that I am not lying. But I still have a secret to tell you that the original owner of the new patriarch was Oriental Ice Ling, but she was demonized and became the demon princess peony. So I only have one name of the patriarch, and our power is still very Weak and weak. Compared to the demon road, it is completely weak."

After listening to Yang Dingtian’s words, Tang Bozhao’s body trembled fiercely, and he looked at the top of the sun and looked incredulous.

This is an absolute secret. Why does Yangdingtian say to him? He is just a mean dog! Moreover, it has been repeatedly betrayed Yangdingtian twice.

"Then, you must be very strange, why should I tell you these secret things." Yangding Tiandao: "Because I saw your talent, a top warrior, even if it is a great master, it is only a thousand enemy, 10,000 people. Enemy, and your talent is 100,000 enemies, even millions of enemies. You are in the process of dragon slaughter, of course, there is no such thing in the world to reward you, including the West Gate Lord. Because this is a force-oriented The world. Your martial arts repair has already ended here, but your career on the other hand has just begun. Others do not appreciate your talent, I am willing to appreciate."

"Finally, I don't know what the future is. If this battle is lost, then everything will be taken. If this battle wins, then I can tell you how big my future career is, how big your achievements will be. If one day I rule the whole world, then you may become my right arm. You don't need a little force, just use your brain, you can get more than Qin Wanqiu's status, hundreds of millions of people, the right to the world. Even if one order, I don’t know how many masters are going to die for you.” Yangdingtian said faintly: “If you can win with the demon road, I want to build a new world. A world of construction and power, a world that thoroughly cleans the martial arts civilization, and if you want, your role in this world is indispensable."

"Of course, if you don't want to, it doesn't matter. After the war with Qin Qi, if you win, I will kill you. If you lose, I will let you go. Of course, no one in the world will really appreciate your talent. In addition to me." Yang Dingtian extended his hand: "Is it willing to follow me?"

Tang Bozhao was not flattering, and there was no reaction. He squatted on the ground and did not move.

Yang Dingtian’s words, like the Thunder, instantly defeated all the disguise in his mind, all the embarrassment. Straight in his heart.

Even, like the same beacon, it completely pointed out the future direction of Tang Bozhao.

Let him suddenly lose all the reactions! I only felt that there was a shudder in my body, and there was a burst of heat and numbness!

Note: The first six thousand five hundred words are sent, and there is a second one today. (Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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