Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 487: : Qin 77!

Note: The second one is sent, there is one more in front, don't miss it. Today, it is still an update of more than 10,000 words, and I want to support it!


"Yangdingtian, the Ninglang that appeared in Xizhou City, is you." Qin Qiqi sneered: "You want to kill the Qiu Shuijian School, in order to let my husband Junning not to come to the wedding, even so big The card was released in advance, it is really worth the loss. This card, you originally intended to kill me, use the Nanhai Ning people, now it is used, it is a pity."

Yangdingtian couldn't help but sigh a little, said: "Ning潸? Who is it? Ning Wuming came to Qiu Shuijian to participate in the wedding? You lifted Qiufeng 太 too? He is just a dog of Qin Wanqiu, Ning Li Ming, who is not represented, will he come to the wedding? It’s a joke. In fact, you have come to this wedding, which has made me very surprised. Are you very close to my dream?”

"Yangdingtian, you don't want to be crazy and stupid, and pretend to be awkward." Qin Qiqi said: "That is Ning, it is you! The real Ning Yu is dead, but it has left a magical mask, this mask falls It’s in your hands. So, the Ning Yu of Xizhou City is you. By the way, I told you that the famous name in Xizhou City and the fake spring breeze is actually our spy. She said, this Ning Yu The things are big and incredibly big. Yangdingtian, you are talented, I know."

Yang Dingtian disdainfully said: "Well, you said it is me, it is me, it doesn't matter. What is important is that you are in my hands."

Seeing the attitude of Yang Dingtian, Qin Qiqi is somewhat unpredictable.

If Ning Yu is really Yang Dingtian, then he must be very afraid that this identity will be revealed. However, he does not seem to care about it at all. It really seems that even Ning Yi does not know who.

Yang Dingtian is not afraid of the identity of Ning Yi being exposed? Of course he is afraid. This is his biggest card to eliminate the Ning.

Qin Qiqi continued to test: "What you may not know is that Wu Mozhi heard that Ning Yu appeared after the first time. Her feelings for Ning Yu are completely unforgettable. And, precisely because of her Go. My husband will go. Otherwise, it is you who are dead today."

Wu Mozhi is so affectionate to Ning Yu? That is really good news for Yang Dingtian.

Ning Wuming is obsessed with Wu Mozhi, which is even more good news. In the future, you may be able to take advantage of this and kill Ning Wuming.

However, Yang Dingtian is deeply affectionate to Wu Mozhi. The performance is not careless, but faintly said: "That is really strange, I have seen Wu Mo weaving, very beautiful, very charming. It can be said that it is almost the best in the world. But you are not bad, Ning No sound has already got you, and even shows that you are so affectionate to Wu Mozhi? He is not afraid that you are not happy? You are such a terrible woman!"

This time, the face of Yangdingtian is even more blurred. It is really impossible to tell whether he has faked or not.

In fact, in order to fear the disclosure of this card. Yang Dingtian did a lot of things and took a huge risk.

After leaving Xizhou City, he directly found Zhao Mu and handed him the mask of Ning Yu. Then, when Yang Dingtian extinct the Qiu Shuijian School today, Zhao Mu will take a mask and fake it into Ning Yi, appearing in the brothel of the chaotic land.

At that time, Yangdingtian and Ningzhen are separated by a thousand miles. Perhaps no one will doubt that the two are the same person.


"Okay. If you say that, you will finish it." Yang Dingtian said faintly: "You killed countless justice sisters in Tianfengge. You have killed the princes. You filthy I killed the ice, you let Tiandao The League is crusting me. Everything is your sin. So, I was swearing at everyone in the morning to kill you in public. I thought that I had to wait a long time this day, I didn’t think you were sent to you today. ""

Qin Qiqi sneered: "What are you going to do? Will I kill him first? Give Ning Wuming a big green hat?"

"Treasure you? You are too sinful, I am afraid of being poisoned." Yang Dingtian said faintly: "I have already said that in the face of thousands of people, you will be executed later!"

"You killed me? You can't get anything." Qin Qiqi smiled: "You killed me, and you can't change anything. It will only make my husband more angry. At that time, your Yunxiaocheng, You will not leave one person, one grass and one wood. Your wife, your lover, your glamorous mother-in-law will be the most terrible and evil insult in the world. They will suffer a terrible fate than death. On the contrary, you I can use me to make a deal with my husband."

"Sorry, I don't do any trading with the demon road." Yang Dingtian said: "At the beginning of the battle with the demon road, I have prepared the most terrible ending."

Then, Yang Dingtian put a handful of Qin Qiqi in his hand and walked toward the top of the main hall.

At this point, everyone looked at him and looked at Qin Qiqi in his hands.

Yang Dingtian lifted Qin Qiqi up high and said: "You can see clearly. This is the wife of Ning Wuming who you regard as a man of heaven. Ning Wuming, the plenipotentiary of the evil demon, you listened to him. The name will tremble. In your mind, this is an incomparably powerful person who determines the fate of countless people. You dare not be enemies with it, and when you hear the name, you will tremble."

"Qin Qiqi, this woman with a lot of sin in his hands has become the root of your nightmare. It is also a big man who makes you shudder and dare not breathe. She swept the southwestern mainland, she destroyed Tianfengge, she killed Millions of people." Yang Dingtian faintly said: "But she is in my hands today, although very beautiful, very pitiful. But, still like a dead dog, caught in my hands, you look There is nothing terrible at all."

Everyone can't help but look at Qin Qiqi.

Yes, it looks like a wolverine. This legendary witch looks nothing terrible.

"The demon road is not invincible at all." Yang Dingtian said: "The demon road is not as terrible as you think. It will raise your backbone. For your own sake, for the chaotic world, start fighting the demon road. And you can rest assured. My Yangdingtian will always be in front of you, waiting for me to die, you will not be too late!"

After all, Yangding suddenly slammed Qin Qiqi to the ground and placed the sword on the jade neck of Qin Qiqi. Dao: "Just Qin Qiqi let me not kill her, saying that this will anger Ning Wuming. Let me let her go, use her life and Ning Wuming to make a deal. I said, my Yangding Tianjian will never go to the demon Compromise, and resolutely do not trade with Ning Wuming, a demon road dog!"

"Today, it is the death of Qin Qiqi." Yangding Tian Meng suddenly slammed down!

"Stop!" Suddenly. A woman’s voice rang coldly.

Then, a wounded old man, holding Qin Meng away slowly.

A sharp sword, lying across the neck of the dream.

"Let the Qin Qiqiu lady, otherwise your woman, die!" This old man. The eyelids radiate a strange light, and the sun rises in the cold.

I don't know when, the dream is falling into her hands.

At this time, the dream is away from the top of the sun: "French, this old man was very kind, and he was very miserable in the Qiushuijian school, so I am very grateful for what you have done. I don't know why. Suddenly it becomes evil." It is."

"Hey!" The old man smiled coldly and evilly, then screamed at the top of the sun. "Put the lady of Qin Qiqi, or your woman will die immediately!"

Yangdingtian looked at the old man and his eyes narrowed.

Reaching out to the back, slamming the magical demon fire.

In an instant, all the actions of this evil old man are completely frozen! The whole body can't move at all.

"Hey!" Song Chunhua lightning forward, slamming a sword and directly smashing the head of this evil old man.

"French!" The dream of the unsettled dream. Directly Chaoyang Tiantian rushed over and directly invested in the embrace of Yangdingtian.

"French, I really thought that I will never see you again." Qin Meng is away from Jiao.

Yangding Tianyi, such a thing. It seems that only the flames will say. Qin Meng is bold and wild from this woman, and does not like to say such delicate words.

Her spoiling is completely another way. For example, Fu Jun, people's throat is swollen and painful. After a few days, they can't swallow their meals. They can only drink porridge. Either, Tianna, my tongue doesn't feel anything, and now I have nothing to eat, oh no, not without taste, but only one taste.

Her spoiled, very concealed, very evil.

Just between the surprise of Yangdingtian, Qin Meng suddenly flashed a sinister gaze, and the poisonous dagger in his hand slammed into the neck of the sun!

"Go to hell, Yangdingtian!" Qin Meng's voice suddenly changed, becoming cold and vicious.

The poisonous dagger is completely stabbed like lightning.

"Hey!" Yang Dingtian body suddenly slammed out and directly flew Qin Meng away.

At this time, Song Chunhua's eyes were angry, direct lightning, and went to Qin dream.

Song Chunhua is only loyal to Yang Dingtian. Whoever hurts Yangdingtian, no matter who the person is, she will kill directly, no matter what the reason.

"Chunhua, and slow!" Yangding Tiansheng.

Then the lightning usually rushed out, and quickly stopped between Yangdingtian and Qinmeng.

Suddenly, I saw Song Chunhuan flashed a terrible light, a fierce sword, directly stabbed the throat of Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tian was shocked!

Song Chunhua’s cultivation at this time is even higher than Yangdingtian. This sword, Yangdingtian can not stop.

And Qin Huaiyu and Zhu Hongxue, have no time to rush to help.

In an instant, Song Chunhua’s horrible energy sword instantly pierced the throat of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, Song Chunhuan burst out a fierce red mans, causing Xuanhuo and Xuanqi, and suddenly trembled in his body.

"Hey!" Chunhua spit blood, and the body flew straight out.

And her sword slammed through the chest of Yangdingtian.

"Hey!" Yang Dingtian spurted out blood and flew straight out.

Everyone is amazed! I don't know what happened at all.

This Qin Meng is away, obviously a woman in Yangdingtian, why would she suddenly turn her face and assassinate Yangdingtian.

And Song Chunhua, Ming Ming is the most loyal to Yang Dingtian's shackles, why did he seduce Yang Dingtian. However, it is clear that it is necessary to pierce the throat of Yangdingtian, and finally destroy the body and give up the killing of the sun.

At the moment when Yangdingtian flew out, he saw Qin Qiqi, who was kneeling on the ground, and Meilu released an incomparable charm and incomparably evil eyes.

Yang Ding Tian Xin Shen, almost completely lost his mind. Fortunately, he was baptized by the eyes of Wu Mozhi. The mind was restored immediately.

All this is Qin Qiqi is engaged in ghosts.

Her eyes are more terrible than Wu Mozhi. The eyes of evil spirits woven by Wu Mo are just lost and even fierce. The eyes of Qin Qiqi actually control the human mind directly.

just. It is her control of the good old man who insists on Qin Meng.

After Song Chunhua killed the old man, she controlled Qin Mengli and flew into the arms of Yangdingtian, directly assassinating.

Yang Ding Tian Bo opened his dream, Song Chunhua shot to kill the dream away. Yangdingtian quickly rescued. Qin Qiqi also controlled Song Chunhua, directly killing Yang Dingtian.

It is also Song Chunhua's will is too amazing, to do everything, to destroy the body, and to remove a sword that will kill the sun.

The result was a serious vomiting of the blood, and the Yangdingtian chest was hit by a sword. Seriously injured!

This Qin Qiqi, it is really terrible, it is amazing!

Although the hand does not have the power of the chicken, but it can directly control the human mind with the eyes, this ability is completely creepy and chilling!

"Everyone, close your eyes. Don't look at the eyes of Qin Qiqi." Yangding Tianda shouted.

Suddenly, everyone quickly closed their eyes.

Although they are not completely in the heart of the Yangdingtian, they are not willing to be controlled by Qin Qiqi and make terrible things.

Yang Dingtian did not close his eyes, as long as he did not look at this demon girl, it would be fine.

Slowly walked to the front of Qin Qiqi, cold and cold: "The demon girl, you are really terrible, it is evil!"

"Hey..." Qin Qiqi smiled lightly.

"However, now you can still play any tricks. I will not give you a chance." Yangding Tiandao: "You can die with peace of mind, under the hell, to harm other people."

Then, Yangdingtian will have a sword to stab her to death!

Suddenly, Qin Meng left to go to Yangdingtian. Whispered: "Fu Jun, she, she is not Qin Qiqi."

Yangdingtian could not help but see.

Qin Meng left: "My time with Qin Qiqi is not long, but her breath is too unique. Although it seems that this woman is the same as Qin Qiqi, she is not!"

Yangdingtian certainly believes in the words of dreams.

At this point, Qin Qiqi issued a smug smile, sneer: "Yangdingtian, you poor pity, do you think you really killed me? Do you think I will go to the Qiushui Jianpai adventure?"

Qin Qiqi just opened, Yang Dingtian immediately covered the surrounding with Xuanqi, so that her words would not be heard by others.

When Qin Qiqi talked, the whole face began to change, and the whole body began to change.

The beautiful and unparalleled face began to gradually become less beautiful. Although it is still the beauty of nothing, it is still somewhat similar to Qin Qiqi, but it is not the kind of beauty and weakness of Qin Qiqi.

The curve of Jiaojiao is still embarrassing, but it is not the kind of dream, and it is very moving like a poem.

"Yangdingtian, this is just my substitute. I don't know how many substitutes. They are similar to me. They are all extracted from the soul and become a walking dead. My spirit can enter any body at any time. Controlling their every move, there is no difference between me and the real one. Moreover, even with a beggar, I can use my eyes to control everyone around me."

"Yangdingtian, you poor pity! I have countless lives, I will never kill. You don't even know where my real body is. You have no hope, you lose."

"Yangdingtian, goodbye. After twenty days, I will lead a powerful army that you can't imagine. I will kill everyone in Yunxiaocheng. You don't want to win, there is no hope!"

"Goodbye! Giggle..."

The evil voice of Qin Qiqi’s spirit is getting smaller and keep going.

The eyes of this young girl in front of her eyes gradually lost all the brilliance and turned into a walking dead!

Yangdingtian eyes are cold.

"Hey!" Yang Dingtian even stabbed a few swords and directly destroyed this embarrassing appearance.

Then, toward all humanity: "In the place, in order to express the break with the demon road, each of you went forward and stabbed the demon girl Qin Qiqiyi sword. So the merits of killing Qin Qiqi, each of you has a share. If you dare not do this, kill all!"


After half an hour, in the incomparable fear and trembling.

"Spurs, stings, stings..."

Countless swords, in the fear of despair, stab the body of "Qin Qiqi"! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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